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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 73, no. 1882: April 9, 1904

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April 9, 1904. RECORD AND GUIDE ml Brooklyn, is making plans for a 2-sty brick warehouse and stable building, 20x90, for Henry Roloifs, of 47th st and 3d av, Brooklyn, to be erected on the south side of 46th st, 100 feet west of 3d av. To cost about ,$S,0l)0. Estimates are receivable. 112TH ST.—C. C. & M. P. Thain, 4 Bast 42d st, are taking flg¬ ures on mason, carpenter, and ironwork for tbe new 87x101 apartment house, for the Trood Realty Co., 67 West 115th st, to be erected on the north side of 112th st, 100 feet west of Broadway. The estimated cost is placed at $70,000. H. Rutgers 'Marshall, 'No. 3 West 29th st. New York, is taking bids on a 2i^-sty stone and frame residence, 50x135, for Dr. M. Allen Starr, of 5 West 54th st, to be erected at Mount Kisco, N. Y. at a cost of $50,000. Plans call for hardwood floors, and trim, steam beat, electric light fixtures, best plumhing, etc., on which no contracts have been let. STH AV.—Grosvenor Atterbury, 20 West 43d st, is receiving estimates on the general contract for extensive alterations to tbe 6-sty stone residence, 728 Sth av, for Mrs. Gertrude V. Whitney, of No, 2 West 57tb st. The improvements will consist of a new frontage and general interior changes. The cost is placed at $30000. 115TH ST.—Estimates will be received by Schwartz & Gross, architects, 35 West 21st st, for various contracts for two large apartment bouses now being built on the southwest corner of 115th st and Morningside av for Paterno Bros, of 505 West lT2th st. Unlet contracts are: trim, plastering, hardware, electric wiring, gas flxtures, marble work, and tiling. 163D ST,—Harry T. Howell, southwest corner of Third av and 138th st, will take bids for six 5-sty brick flats to be built by the Gaines-Roberts Co. on tbe north side of lG3d st, from Prospect to Union avs. The corner houses will contain stores. The total cost is estimated at $110,000. Stone trim, hardwood, steam heat. 142D ST.—Harry T. Howell, Third av and 138th st, will take bids for a 5-sty brick flat, 50x88 ft., to be built for John Boy- land on the north side of 142d st, 180.8% ft. east of Alexander av, at an estimated cost of $40,000. Steam heat, hot *-ater supply. 63D ST.—James Riely Gordon, Fuller building, has completed plans and specifications and will receive estimates for a 3-sty cburch, 47x99 ft., to be built at 204-206 West 63d st for the Union Baptist Church (Rev. S. H, Sims, pastor). The building will be of light brick and ornamental terra cotta. The cost is estimated at $23,000. Contracts Airarded. STH ST.—R. E. Parsons & S. E. Gage, associate architects. No. 3 Union sq, have awarded the general contract to Reinhardt Bros., G43 Sth st, who has sub-let to John Fulton, of 451 West 32d st, the carpenter work, on a 6-sty tenement for George L. Leaird, 115 West 122dst, to be erected at 536 and 542 East Sth st. The structure will cost $60,000 Westinghouse-Church-Kerr Company. 8 and 10 Bridge st, Man¬ hattan, have received tbe contract for erecting a new building and installing macbinery for the Sheflield Scientific School, and the new Hammond laboratory, at New Haven, Conn. '■WEST END AV.^ohn Boekell Sc Son, 147 Bast 125th st, have awarded to John H. Deeves & Bro., 287 4th av, tbe general contract for extensive alterations to tbe 3-sty bakery at the northeast corner of West Bnd av and G2d st, for Frederick Egler, on premises. The improvements consist of a 2-sty rear exten¬ sion, 75x100, and a rearrangement of partitions. The work will cost $16,000. BROADWAY.—Oliver Ravekes, of 164 Mulberry st, has re¬ ceived the contract from plans by Henry Ives Cobb, 115 Broad¬ way, for $4,500 worth of improvements at 1540 and 1542 Broad¬ way, for Thomas B, Hidden. The work consists of installing new beams, stairs, girders, posts and partitions. 120th ST.—B. & J. P. Walther, 147 East 123th st, have awarded to John Regan, 181 East 119th st, the contract for alter¬ ations to the 2-sty automobile sbop, 175 East 120th st, for the estate of Geo. W. Welsh, 233 Greenwich st. The partitions, floors and waUs will be altered. The E. B. Hedden Iron Construction Co., 22 Clinton st, Newark, N. J., have received the contract for the superstructural work on the new $100,000 bank building, to be erected at 770 Broad st, Newark, N. J., by tbe Merchants' National Bank. 24TH ST.—Rettig & Jost, 215 East 28tb st. have received the contract for improvements to tbe 2-sty stable building No. 142 East 24th st, for Mrs. Catherine Johnston, of 19S Union st, Brooklyn. 'MEROER ST.—James C. Hoe's Son's, 10 Liberty place, have received tbe contract for $5,000 worth of improvements at 121 Mercer st, for the estate of John L. Riker, No. 19 West STth st. The work consists of installing beams and new stairs. A. G. Hoe, of 52 Gansevoort st, is the architect. WARBBN ST.—David Stone, 20 Bible House, is receiving estimates on the 6-sty loft and office building for the Surety Realty Co.. 135 Broadway, and Jackson & Stern, of 31 Nassau st, which will be erected at the northwest corner of iWarren and Greenwich sts. The estimated cost is $160,000. York & Sawyer, 156 Fifth avenue, New York, have just awarded to Norcross Bros., of 160 Fifth avenue, Manhattan, tbe general contract for tbe erection, in Washington, D. C, of a 1-sty fireproof granite bank building. 61x132, for the American Se¬ curity & Trust Company, of which Charles J. Bell, 1405 G street, N. w., Washington, D, C, is president. The structure will be erected at tbe northw-est corner of 15th street and Pennsylvania avenue, N. W., Wasbington, at a cost of $200,000. The Board of Education has awarded the following contracta for work in public schools; To Frank Dobson at $14,270, and Thos. McKeon, at $48,700, work in Manual Training High School, Brooklyn. CHRISTOPHER ST.—Geo. D. Keeper & Bros,, 595 and 599 Washington st, have awarded to Stephen Cavinato, 21 East 18th st, from plans by F. Steigieiter, 599 Washington st, the general contract for tbe erection a S-sty offlce building, 21.3x63, at No. 157 Christopher st. To cost $9,000. 44TH ST.—A. 6. Koenig, 333 East 66th st, has awarded to R. Se S. Sollitt, Hartford Bldg., Chicago, the general contract for the erection of a 4-sty and basement brick and stone stable building, 125x98 feet, for the United Dressed Beef Co., of 44th st and 1st av, to be erected at 330 and 33S East 44th st, and to cost $7S.00O. Miscellaneons. The Department of Health of the city of New" York has pre¬ pared plans for a temporary disinfecting plant on tbe 16-acre plot on tbe Flushing road, just outside tbe limits of Jamaica. As soon as the necessary funds can be obtained from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment permanent buildings for use as a pest house or contagious diseases hospital will be built. SubnrboiL. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y.—George Watson, of New Rochelle, has secured tbe contract for building a $25,000 edifice for the North Avenue Presbyterian Church. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.—Building loan contracts have been filed as follows; Jaraes McKeand, with Mamaroneck Co-op. Savings & Loan Asss'n, Yonkers, $3,400; Fannie J. and Francis J. Moultrie, with Peoples' Savings Bank of the Town of Yonkers, Yonkers, $12,000; Henry B. Welsh, with Westchester & Bronx Title & Mortgage Guaranty Co., New Rochelle, .?13,2S0. UNION TERRACE, L. I.—Frank Straub, architect, 24 John¬ son av. Union Course, bas finished plans and is ready for esti¬ mates for frame cottage to be erected at Union Terrace, L. L Speciflcations call for hot-air heat, mantels, tile, open plumbing, HEMPSTBAD.—E. H. Harriman has promised St. George's Episcopal Church of Hempstead $5,000 towards remodeling the edifice, as a memorial to his father, provided the congregation will contribute the balance of about $4,000. GLEN COVE.-Tbe Nassau Union Bank is to erect a new of¬ fice building at Glen Cove. Net7 Jer Key. GREEN CREEK, N. J,—Plans are being made for a new public school bere, CAMDEN, N. J.—R. L. Warren, of Camden, has obtained permits at tbe city clerk's office for the erection of nine 2-sty brick dwellings, 12x36 ft., on Maple st, east of lltb st, here. BAYONNE, N. J.—The Bayonne Building Company have pur¬ chased a dozen desirable building lots on Av E, near East 32d st, Bayonne, for the immediate erection of 2-sty frame dwellings. PASSAIC, N. J,—Passaic Lodge of Elks have purchased prop¬ erty in Prospect st, Passaic, N. J., 50x127 ft., and will erect a bu'dding. NEWARK, N. J.—Charles Knopf, 590 South llth st, Newark, has completed plans for a 4-sty brick building, to contain apart¬ ments for eight families. It will be erected at 73 Bruce st, and Albert Stuna will be the owner. Cost, about $12,000. WICKATUNK, N. J.—P. F. Collier, of Bastontown, N. J., has bought the Carmen farm at Wickatuck, N. J., and wfll erect a clubhouse on a high piece of ground on his new farra; he will also build some new outbuildings. OCEANPORT, N. J.—Tbe Riverview Council, O. U. A. M., of Oceanport. N. J., have purchased a plot and will build a public hall. The officers of the association are: President, Whitney F. Ccniow; Vice-President, Henry Van Brunt; Secretary, Arthur L'ppincott; Treasurer, Fred Wemple. OCEAN GROVE, N. J.—Directors of the New Jersey Confer¬ ence Camp Meeting Association, Ocean Grove, N. J., have ap¬ proved plans of tbe Summer Cottagers' Association for leasing of ground and erection of a building for entertainments and in¬ door games, to cost $10,000. JERSEY CITY, N. J.—Edward Schoch, of New York, has con¬ tracted with Norman Christie, of Central av, Jersey City, for the erection of flve 2-sty houses at Charles st and Milton av, Jersey City Heights. Mr. Christie is also to erect nine houses of the same type on Sherman av, near Bowers st, here. NEWARK, N. J.—Plans have been prepared by Wm. E. Leh¬ man, 142 Market st, for a 4-sty apartment house to be erected by D. H. Morris and others on Broad and South ste, at a cost of $90,000.-----S. Scheuer & Sons are contemplating the erection of a 10-sty oflice building on Broad and Commerce sts, at a cost of about $140,000. NEWARK, N. J,—Plans are being drawn at tbe office of William K. Schoenig & Son, 418 Springfield av, for a 4-sty brick structure, 30x71 feet, to contain apartraents for eight famiiies. The front of tbe building will be faced with pressed brick, with ■bluestone trimraing. Tt will be erected on Beacon street, for Joseph Liebermann, and will cost about $13,000.