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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 74, no. 1897: July 23, 1904

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178 ^Record and guide July 23, 190^ may he doubted whether a singjp : ■" has been built either cw^^ FOT PolicC Hcadquartcrs. tion of the jyYor the new headquarters building for the police, ^^ ^fech" is to be constructed on Centre 'St, between Broome and Grand sts, were opened at the office of the Commissioner of Police at 2 o'clock on Wednesday of this week, and were as fol¬ lows: Starrett Co:; |ii--l'J'.000; T. B. Leahy, $935,544; The Thon^^sj^- SiS19,450; J. H. ParK^; ,;M:urphy Bros., $939,00Q,l,^^iX); Murphy Construction Co., $849,000; P. Sullivan, $873,000; Herman Probst $874,700; Water & O'Connell, $775,000 (low bid). The architects, Messrs. Hoppin. Koen and Huntington, hope to see cons'truction work begun in September. The estimated cost is $750,000. The materials to he used for the exterior walls have not been definitely decided upon. This will depend upon the amount of money available. The building will cover the entire block, and will, therefore, be shaped like a fiatiron. It wili 'be 308 fe&t in length with an average width of 05 feet. The apex 1 symnaslum. The taBS and lockers for the police are to he on "Therfwrn he