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VOL. LXXV. No. lOSl. NEm' YORK, JANUARY 7, 1905. PRICE, 15 CENTS- A.QEHT3 AUCTIONEERi GEO. R. READ & CO. Real Estate Head Office, 60 Liherty St., near Broadway Branch. 1 MadiBon Ave., 23d St. BROEEB3 APPRAISERS H H. CAMMANN & CO. Real Estate 51 LIBEBTY STEEET. NEW YOBK Telephone, Zm John piRM OF LEONARD J, CARPENTER Agents, Brokers, Appraisers No. 41 LIBEKTY STREET Branch. IIBI 3d Ave. Entire charge of property D. T. Swainson A H. Carpenter C, L Carpenter JACOB APPELL Real Estate Broker and Appraiser 271 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET Telephone Call.G43 18th St. CRUIKSHANK__ COMPANY, Ell, ITM. E. A. 0RUIK8HANK &, OO. Ino. i»3. Managers of Estates, 141 BROADWAY._______________NEW YORK. ALFRED SETON, JR. Real Estate 15Q BROADWAY, NEW YORK Telephone. 1230 Cortlandt HORACE S. ELY & GO. Real Estate Agents No. 21 LIBERTY STREET Branch Office. No. 27 West 30th Street p DE R. WISSMANN Real Estate Agent, Broker, Appraiser 55 LIBERTY STREET. Corner Nassau Street ^^^^^^ Telephone. 16.14 Cortlandt JOHN H, SHIPWAY & BRO. Arohlt«cturai Marble Workers and Importers omce. Mills and Wharl Ixicust Ave,, laeth St- and East River, New York Telephones, 9 and 10 Harlem WM. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS Real Estate 51 LIBERTY STREET. NEW YORK Qeiieral Management of Real Eatate Wm, M, Crulkshank Edward A. Crulfcahank JAMES KYLE & SONS Real Estate, Insurance r 40th Street NEW YORK 610 THIRD A7E., Telephone, 296 SSth St. ALBERT B. ASHFORTH Real Estate Broker and Manager of Estates 4 West 33d Street Tel.. 2090 Madison Branch Office, 230 Singe- Bids., 149 Broadway J, CLARENCE DAVIES Bronx Borough Real Estate A M. CUDNER REAL ESTATE CO. Real Estate Brokers and Managers 254 WEST 23d STREET WM. J. ROOME ' ' Real Estate AGENT, BEOKEB. APPBAI8EB No. 11 WEST 34th STREET. NEW YORK Opposite the Waldorf-Astoria Hotul HALL J. HOW & CO. Brokers, Agents and Appraisers 171 BROADWAY, cor. Cortlandt Street Telephone, H9D Cortlan'lt A_ W. MCLAUGHLIN & CO. D7a1:"fn MORTGAGES 128 BROADWAY, Cor. Cedar St., NEW YORK J. ROMAINE BROWN & CO. Managers of Estates. Brokers. Appraisers 53 WEST 33d ST.. NEAR BROADWAY J. Bomaino Brown A- P. W. KInnan WILLIAM R. WARE ' • West Side Real Estate Personal attention given to the economical management of property 451 00LUMBU8 AVE., near 8l8t St.. N. Y. A LEXANDER & REID CO. TILES, IMIITELS tiiil FIREPLIICES 127 EAST 23d STREET, NEW YORK JESSE C. BENNETT CO. Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers 2259 BROADWAY. Southwest Corner Slst St. Telephone Connections RANALD H. MACDONALD & CO. Real Estate SALES, RENTALS. LOANS Appraisals aad Uanagemeut of Realtr 5 WEST 3lBt STREET Tel..3330-.adlaon Ranald H. Macdnnald____________Joseph F. Egan JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS Real Estate Agents. Brokera and Appraisers 45 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK CITY Management ol Estates a Specialty Highest Heterences John P. Doyle. John. F. Doyle, Jr. Alfred L. Doyle F DE FOREST SIMMONS, Real Estate, 2 EAST 58TH STREET Telephone. 837-838 Plaza New Yorfc ADRIAN G. HEGEMAN & CO. ^ Real Estate MORTGAGE LOANS APPRAISERS 170 BROADWAY 'Phone, 7-10 Cortlandt EBtahliBhed 18S0 POCHER & CO. EstahllBhed 1878 Real Estate and Insurance 40 WEST 34tli ST., near Fifth Ave. MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES SOLICITED Commissioner of Deeds for the Slates w ILLIAM H.JACKSON COMPANY 29 EAST 17rH STREET, N. Y. Mantels, Tiles and Open Fireplaces Metal Gates. Grilles. Bank Railings. Etc. Establlahe'i OvpfTO Ye.ira SAYLOR'S AND X-L-N-T PORTLAND cements CopLAY Cement M Sales Agent, WALTER F. VERNON, 1123 'f'g Co., II23 Broadway, New York Broadway, New York piCHARDV. HARNETT&CO. INC. ' ' Auctioneers, Real Estate Brokers Hdgnlar Auction Sale's — Stocks and Sends 73 LIBERTY STREET Heary W. Donald, President K. I, D. Harnett, TT-Jfeurer John C. Prenaergagt, Secretary THOMAS & eckerson Real Estate and Insurance Brokera Entire Charge Taken of Estates 35 W. SOth St.. New York, Wallac&'s Theatre Bldg. Wm. M. Thomas Jno. C. R Eckerson Commlealoner for the States Notary Publlo pORTER & CO, Real Estate 2727 Broadway 159 West 125th Street at 104th Street Telephone conneotions J_ EDGAR LEAYCRAFT& COMPANY Agents, Brokers, Appraisers 10 WEST 42D ST.. NEAR FIFTH ATE, Renting and Col!eGting a Specialty CYRILLE CARREAU Manager of Estates Apfbaiseb and Bbokeb Grand St. and Bowery Under Oriental Bank JOHN P. KIRWAN Real Estate and Mortgage Loans 1505 BROADWAY. S. W. Cor. «th St. . Telephone 951-38th St. p C. ECKHARDT ' • Real Estate 603 NINTH AVE., Bet, 47th and 48th Streets Renting and Collecting a Specialty Established 1858 Telephone. 1050 38th St, S GOLDSTICKER ^' Real Estate Broker, Appraiser and Auctioneer No. 163 BROADWAY Telephone. 1215 Cortlandt p. S. TREACY Manager ot Estates 1929 BROADWAY, NEAR 65th STREET Telephone, 441 CoInnibu9 P S. WILLARD & CO. Real Estate 21 NASSAU STREET Equitable Bldg., ground Soor Telephone Connection AGENTS-BROKERS—APPRAISERS CHARLES F. NOYES CO. ^^ {Sole Succeeaor to Loybjot * Notes Co.) BentFing a Specialty Real Estate 92 WILUAM ST., near Ualden Lane Tel.. 50 and 51 John Branch Office at ARVEBNB, L. L IOHN KENSETT KELLOGG ^ Real Estate and Insurance 80-82 WILLIAM STREET Brooklyn Branch 549 NOSTRAND AVENUE________ CHAS. S. KOHLER ^^"I's^^'"^ Real Estate 906 COLUMBUS AVE., at 104th St. Sale and Management of Property. Highest References. . Telephone, sm Riverside ILCOX & SHELTON Managers of Property 245 West 125th St.________Tel., 87 Momingald* I JORDAN HOPKINS Tsi..aaa^iit* O . Real Estate 481 FIFTH AVENUF., near 41wt Street PROTWINGHAM & MOORE r Real Estate Te"l.. 8650 John_________61 LIBEBTY BTBEET "THE ROBERT C, FISHER CO. ■ Marble, Oraalte, Etc. 13&th to I40th StB., LoDUsi Ave. and Eait Blvar