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nm RECORD AND GUIDE Hanhattan January 21, 1905 KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT r« Plastering Walls and Ceilings J. B. king & co., No. I Broadway, Wew York Elastic in its nature, can be applied with 25 per cent, less labor and has 12^ per cent, more cov¬ ering capacity than any other similar material Wolkenberg.-R'clf and ano to S.rena Wasserman. Av A.-No 1353. u..w.c_or_72d.st, Nos 437 and 4. ! ^^^kJ-^^.-^-^-P^-t^j-rrA^- WeiU. Leonard lo Chas J Kroehl "~......^., -. - - 1..-. . ^........................... _^ "fi";iS1«°i.'5'" s! K™s5, ."Kolisii^ii: *» n, i«i|: Pauline Den- TixlWl Filed and di.cliarged 15.000 Weii Jona. and-ano loBU.belte Koiin. OSti sl, No U8 West. Jan 18,' lOOo. . . Waener Berllia to Bertha Wagner and ano trusr laid. Sth ay, »■ s, 19.11 n 144111 ........ " Jan 17, l'JO.3. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, ilc^ander. Bertha gnardlan Lillian M Alexander to Lillian M Alex¬ ander ISOth st, n s, 91.9 w Washington av, oS.'ix irreg x irteg Ss 10; interior ot. 123 n ISOth st, and 100 o VanderMit .,. runs s e 30 X n e 125 x n w oO,x s w.12.5 to beginning. Jan 1.5, 190,>^^ Asehenhrand, Karl to Elmer and Amend. 139th st, n s, 92 • Odm-!: iandl av, 30x100. Jan IS, 1905. other consid_ and 3 ioO Beoker, C Adelbert to Fannie A Dodge. Jackson av, e s, dJ.i • J-OMh Sl, 3.5.5x71.8. Jan 18, 1905. ~™" Bradiej ft Currier Co to Geo C Currier. 14,Ih st. No ,12 East.^^ Br''ad°ieyVcu°rr,er Co to Edwin A Bradley and .no. Washington av n w cor lS2d st, UIOxlOO. Jan 17, 100,.. l-,-.^o Broadway Beiiance Realty Co lo Bernhard Kimgeuste.n. t.ypress av. s e cor 139th Bl, 100,10x120. J" 13, lOOo. 100 Same to same, ISStS et, n s, 120 e Cypress av, llOxlOO.lO. Jan^^ ami \o"samnel Q Hess. ISSlh st. n s, 320 e Cypress av, 50x 100.10, Jan 13, 1005. ,.,o,,,iin t t^ Same lo same. iSSth st, n s, 220 e Cypress av, lOOxltO.lO. Jan l-.. 1905 Bialie, Margaret to Otlo Haas. Brand sl Fulton av or Arihur av e s 117.1 s liOlh st, 17.ll.xlOO. Jan 13, 190.5. 6,.'00 Balen, Peler to Victoria A Romaine, Prospect av. No 1,01, Jan 11, Eroadway Reliance Realty Co lo Samuel Green. 139th et, s s, 120 e Cypress iv,"250.xin,,.lO. J.n 10, 190.,. lo" "l^iV-:': •?,?7^=^S'L"SSr Sn ^-SJ' ""S;m Englander, Bethovrn to Hyman Hcrwitz. Prospect av, s e s, at n s Home st, 143,6xr,0.4x10ix:Hl.O; Stebhins av, n w cor Home st runs n S04 K n w lUI 4 x w 2U2.G x s 104 to Home st, x e 220.11 to teginning. Jan 14. i;jy5. , ■ , ^ "t""" *Gamache, Joseph and ano lo John F Sleeves, Louise st. w s, 1.50 n Columbus av, 25x100. Jan 14. 190d,. nom Gerhards, Victor to Joseph E Dutey. Hoe st. w s, 2.J n Jennings st. 50x100. Jan IS. 1005, ^.. ^ , ^.*"J*J Green, Samuel to Bella Hirsch, 130th st, s s. 120 e Cypress av, 2."0.-i10n,10. Jan 19, 1905. ^„ ^S™ Grodginsky, Samuel and ano to Berry B Simon?. I'^th st, s s, !-.< w Washington av, old lines. 7.5x108. Jan 10. lOOo. nom Hillebrand, He^nry to Christian F Schieck. K.lst sl, No SSO East.^^ Haber. Mary and ano to Adolph Pawel. 148th st. No 710 East Jsn 10 101.15 l.ivu Hall, Henry E*to Susan A Tier, 17;ith st. s s. 1110 s e Bryant st 44,SxlHix42xl40, except part for sl. Jan li, ISCi, 2.^-2.)- Stilwell. Nelson D lo Thos 5 Walker. Wadsworth av, w s, 24.11 n 170lh st, 75x100. Jan 14, 1005. 14,013.bl Kiniber Annie A to Arthur C Kimber, Soulhern Boulevard, e s. 175 n lG7th st, 25x100. Jan 14, lOO-i. nom Kendall, Daniel R and ano trustees John L Rogers to Sarah R Smith 1S3d St. n s. 150 e Park av. 25x100, Jan IG, lOO-i. l.tiOO Kellv. .Murtha J to Columban J.Kelly. Alexander av. No 211, Jan lO; 1905, • ^, , ''f^O Levey. Edgar J to Frank JI Levey, Jerome av, s w cor Clarke pL 50t2C0 to Inwocd av. Jan 13. lOOo. _ O.oOO Lafirav. Sanford M lo Ella K Murphy, 1ll,-ith st, n s, 2..i,0 w Ke ly El, 7.^x87,5.x75xS2,2. Jan 17, IOO-".. 3 003 McCaddin, Isabella tc Emma B Levin- ISlst st, n s, lUJ.Il w dd av 35,7x131.0. Jan 10. 191 5. 3,000 *Mace, Malinda G et al trustees, &c. to Mary E Fairhrolher, Gra^e av w s aht 128 s St Raymond av, 32.l.x13:Jx2.->xl2S, Jan I'- 1905. 2,OOJ Moser,'Lena to Katie Donnelly, Mohegan av, e s. 199 s 180th st. 110x150, Jan 17. 1905, ^ nom McCarthy, Jeremiah J to John J Barry. Home St. n e car Hoe ay. 17lixli 9.3x—x94,2. FiUd and discharged Jan 19, 19. •■. _ 10,1 0 > Nathan Marcus to Alhert Mamloch. Fultcn av, s w cor lilth st, 18 11x87 7x18.10x88.3. Filed and dischargeil Jan 10, lOi.i.j, ;..,ili Olin Stephen H guardian Alice T and Ju-lia L Olin to Harry 0 Dum¬ mer Sedgwick av and Bailey av. s w cor Fordham Landing road, —X— to Harlem River, 21 400-10,000 acres. Jan 19. 19_l).:i, 4,000 Pelty John P to Wm C Demorest. Jackson av, w s, 22S. i s lObth st, 17,4x87,0. Jan in,'1905 "-"'' Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Alletta P Albertiou. Briggs av, ___s e's^ats s 20.2d st late Summit st, runs e 28,4 xse 53.9 to w s'Williamsbridge road, x s 23.2 x w 92.2 x n 15,1 lo Briggs av, X n e 41.5. Jan 19, 1905. 1,500 '^United States Title Guaranty and Indemnity Co to John I Gold- frank. Southern Westchester Turnpike, adj land Margt J Mc- N'.:lly, runs s 7U x e 33 to Geo Blakes land, x s 140.9 x w 90 x n 208 to road, x e 04,2 to heginning, Unionport. Jan 19, 1905. 1,500 Whitlock, Edgar to David Frank. 147th ist, s s, 165 w Brook av, 25x 100. Jan IS, 1905. 3.000 Wienecke, Anna to Lewis E Draper. Anthcny av, n w s, 108,2 n e UXilh Et, 25x100, Jan 10, 1905, 2,500 Powell, Hattie lo Albei We .^d > , No 3nri4. Jan 19, 1905. PROJECTED BUILDINGS. The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect, i [or mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for huildei When character of roof is that the roof is to be ol tin. ntioned, it Is to be understood Peterson, John R to Emma A Hamilton and aco Prospect av_, _s e s lot 96 map East Tremont, 22x1.jO, Jan 14, lOOti. o,oO0 Riverside Bank to ArvUla P Kieler, Mapes av, e s, laS n ISOth st 00x150. Jan 19, 1905, ^.OOO ='rellbich John J to Ju.stiu Wohlfarth. 199lh jt, n e cor Grand Eolilevard and Concourse, 40.11x125x43,11x12.1.1; 19Dth sl n s, 4i;ll e Grand Boulevard and Concourse, ij0xi2o, Jan ii), I'JUo, other consid and 100 =lenhens Anna C extrx and trustee Thcs L Conckiin lo Thomas C Stephens, Bathgate av, w s, 02.0 n 181st Et, 18,9x100, Jan 13, Selieman Selig to The Jefferson Bank, 3d av, n e cor 174th sl, 89 lOTlOOxOS.OxlOO. Jan 13, lf:05. 6.000 ^elieman Seligto W^olf MePis, 3d av, e s, 289.10 n 1.74th st, 99,11 x100^!l9x!00- Jan 13. 1905, nom cineh! Henrv U to Park Mortgasie Co. Park av, w s, 201.4 n li9lh "st 70 7x127 4x58x120. Jan 17. 1905. nom Sull'van -Vdclie A to James Bain. Lot 31 map 112 lets, estate Moses Devoe' at Fordham Heights, Jan 17, li:0.), .0.) THio nnarantee and Trust Co to W Morten Garden exr and trustee GeoWKidd. Trinity av, n wcor inith st, 100x100, Jai 18, 1905, BOROtTGH OF MAMHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREEn". ElizabeLh st. No 3,8, 1-sty hrk and stone outhouse, 11.4x13,10; cost. ^l.OOO; A L Gross and Mary E Beekman, 159 W 70th st; ar'l, Chas H Richter, OS Broad st,—o7, 12th st. No 378 W, l-sty brk and stone outhouse, 13.8x8,2; cost, $l,00it; M Collins, on premises; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st St.—48. BETWEEN UTH AND 59TH STREETS. 25ih st, Nos 502-504 W, .5-sly brk and stone office and stable build¬ ing, 5(1x25. nlaslic slate roof; cost, .1;7.000; Dartl & Co, 527 W 2:v,h st; ar't, Predk Jacobsen, 128 W 18th st,—o9. lllst St. s s 122,0 e 2d av, 6-sty brk and stone stores and tenements, 4.')x85,y; cost, ifl.'i.OlO; Thomas Larkin, 208 E Kth s.t; ar t, Edward A Meyers, 1 Union sq,—4(S. 40th st, Nos 32-34 W, 13-sty brk and stone club house, o0..98,9, Oh"o tile rcof; cost, $50n.(lUO; The Engineers Club, .374 5th av; ar'ts, Whitfield £ King. 1I)
' 7iii iiv tvvn 5-.=;ty lrk and stone tenements, 37 61 ■ , I |. : ,i ■. ,,■ I _' I 'i I ■ I [k and stone lenement. 95x ,"i ; ,1- Liiiii -• )\r' iiiii. niM .slT.'i Mill; CbI Vf rt Conslructiou Co, 137 Broadway; :ir'i, 1- A GokUlone, 110 W 34th st,—50. av n w cor 12(ith st. 2-sty stone and frame dancing pavilion, ■| 10x105' cost $25,000; Peter A H Jackson fstats, 106 Lexing- m av; ar'ts, F R fi A L MacLennan, 63 E 122d St.—58. av s e cor 14Sth st, 6-sty and cellar hrk and stone stores and -nements. 4911x90; cost, if'OO.OOO; Abraham Silverson. 236 E st ist st; ar'l. Geo Frsd Pelham, 503 5th av.^1. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. imorc sl, w s, 300 n Columbus av, 1x50; lotal cost. $9,000; Adelissa G r't, B Ebeling. West Farms road.—40,