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RECORD AND GUIDE Hanhattan March iS, 1905 KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT »• Plastering Walls and Ceilings J. B. kings co., No. I Broadway, New York Elastic in its nature, can be applied with 25 per cent, less labor and has 1254 per cent, more cov¬ ering capacity than any other similar material PROJECTED BUILDINGS. rae is that of the own er; ar't stands for architect, m'n arpenter, and b' for builder. When character of roof is not n entloned. It is to understood that the roo la tc be of tin. BOEOtTGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET, Cherry st. No 33. 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 14x4.6; coat ^300; Harriette A Miner. 401 Grand sl; ar't, Jas F Mahoney. 62 E 94lh st. __226. , Forsyth st No 103 two 1-sty brk and stone outhouses. 21.10x4,9; cost $2,000; K 'B Coles, 24 Montgomery pl, Brooklyn; ar't. 0 Reiss¬ mann, 30 1st St.—233. Franklin st. a e cor Greenwich at, 5-sty brk aud stone store and office huildiui- 23x03; cost. $32,500; Charles J Degerhardt, 3(1 Greenwich st; ar't, Joseph Wolf, 1 W Slth st.—243. Houston at. No 346 E. 1-sty hrk and stone outhouse, 21.4x21.6; cost, $1,000; Isaac Frey. 41 Canal st; ar't. Max Muller, 3 Chambera St.— M'o'tt St. N0II9 I l-stv hrk and stone outhouse. 13.8xS.2; coet, Hester sf. No 172 | $1,200; W H Chapman, 109_Laurel Hill av. Nor¬ wich, Conn; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.—231. Mulberry st. No 58, 1-sty brk and stone water closet compartments, 10x12; cost, $1,500; Concordio Conforti, on premises; ar't, Fred¬ erick Musty. 912 2d av.—254, 2d st. No 247, 1-sty brk and stone water closet compartments, 21.4x 5.2; cost, $1,000; Isaac Frey. 41 Canal st; ar'l, Max Muller. 3 Chambers st,—232, ,^ ^ ^^ ^ 3d St. Nob 179-181 E. 6-sty hrk and stone tenement, 49.6x83,i; cost. $50,000; George Winthrop Folsom, Lenox, Mass; ar't. Charles C Haight. 452 5th av,—253. Av C Nos 9S-100, 6-sty brk and stone store and tenement, 4a.ux 70; cos^, .$4S,OO0; A Danziger, 14 E lllth sl; ar't, Geo Fred Pel¬ ham. 503 5th av.—259. \v D N'os 44-40. 6-aty and cellar brk and atone stores and tene¬ ments, 48x87; cost, §32,000; Adolph Danziger, 14 E lllth st; ar't, Geo Fred Pelham, 503 3th av.—250, Bowery, s w eor Prince st, 6-sty brk and stone store and tenement, 27.8x90,1; cost, $45,000; Chas J W_einstein, 1531 Madison av; ar't, Geo Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av.—2d7. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS, ■"'9th al Nos 211-213 West, 1-sty hrk and stone waler _closet com¬ partments, 8.10.^8; cost, $800; Frank McCoy. 43 W Soth sl; ar'l. J Boekell Se Son, 147 B 125th st.—245. SOth st No 144 Wesl, 1-sty brk and stone water closet compart¬ ments' l{r^x6l- cost, $375; Ellen McDonough, 330 W 44th st; ar't Wm H Ash, 411 W 42d st.—250. SOth st No 337 West, 3-sty brk and stone stable, 25x9'o. tar and cravei roof' cost. $5,000; Seligman Manheimer, 212 E OOth st; ar-t John H Knubfl, SIS W 42d st.—248. 49th st No 141 W, 1-aty hrk and stone store, 19.8x50, tar and gravel roof-'coal $2,500; estaie of Edward A Morrison, 903 Oth av; ar't, P f'Brogan. 119 E 23d st.—232. EETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS. EAST OF 5TH AVENUE. 67th fit s a 75 w lat av, two 6-aty brk and stone store and tenements, 37 6x'S7 5'; total cost, $70,000; B & H Maran. 233 Henry st; ar'ts. . Sasa & Smallheiser, 23 Park row.—229. 07th st s s 75 w 1st av, two 6-sty hrk and stone stores and tenem'ts, S7,5;'cost. $40,000; Geo L Panzer. 103 E 72d at; ar't. Edwin C Gecrge. OOS'B SSd st.—247. IGOth at n a, 95 e Lexington av, two 6-sty hrk and stone tenements. 50x101, grave! rcof; cost, $110,000; Samuel T Slater,. 736 Broad¬ way ar'l Benj Steckler. 320 Broadway.-236, lO'^'d sl. s s, 100 w 1st av, two 6-sty and cellar brk and stone tene¬ ments, 37,6x87.11; lotal cost, $70,000; M Romm, SOS Grand sl; ar'ts, Bernst-sin & Bernsiein, 72 Trinity pL—227, 102d at, s s, 17o w 1st av. two 6-sly and cellar brk and stone tene¬ ments. 37,6x87.11; total coat, $70,000; D G Tudlns, 1057 Jennings St. Bronx; ar'ta, Bernatein & Bernstein, 72 Trinily pi.—239. 105th st. n s. SO w Park av, 6-sty brk and stone store and tenement, 50xS7.ll; cost, $84,000; Schlesinger & Fenichel. 65 B lOSd st; ar't, Ed A Meyers, 1 Union, sq.—264. 112th st, Nos 111-113 E. 6-3ty brk and stone store and tenement, .38,9x87.11; cost, $42,000; Abraham Perelman, 745 5th st; ar't, Geo Fred Pelham. 503 5th av,—260. 121st st, Nos 321-323 E, 6-sty brk and stone stores and tenements, 50x87.11; cost, $50,000; W^illiam Soltz, SSO Grand sl; ar'ts, Horen^ burger & Straub. 122 Bowery.—234, 1st av. s w cor 101 sl sl, three 6-sty and cellar brk and stone tene¬ ments, 37.6x87, 50x56.11 and 50x50.6; total cast, $125,000; Nathan Navasky, 3 W llllh at; ar'ta, Bernstein fi: Bernatein. 72 Trinity pi, —22s. lat av. n w cor ICOth st, three 6-sty and cellar hrk and stone tene¬ ments. 37.6x87 and 50x50.11; total cost, $125,000; Rod Greenberg & Berliner, 54 Rivington st; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernatein, 72 Trinity pl.—2^9. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS. WEST OF STH AVENUE. SSd St. n a, 166.8 w West End av, 6-8ty brk and stone tenement, S3,4x 89.2; coal, $160,000; Samuel Mandel, 302 Broadway; ar'ta, Rouse Se Sloan, 11 B 43d st.—231. llSth st, Nos 615-617 West, 6-sty hrk and stone tenement, 50x S7 11; cost. $60,000; Wm J Taylor, 5 and 7 E 42d st; ar'ts. Pol¬ lard Se Steinam; b'r, Wm J Taylor. 5 and 7 E 42d st.—244. 115lh st, s s, 225 w Broadway, S-sly brk and stone tenement, 50x36,11; cost. $175,000; Frank Woytisek, 1311 3d av; ar'ts, Neville fi; Bagge. 2_17 W 123lh aL-238, 11/lh st, s s, 22o V! 5th av, two 6-aty brk and stone tenements, .55x87.11; total cost, $70,000; Falk & Fine, 230 E 10th at; ar'ts, House Se Sloan, 11 E 4Sd st.—246. 122d st, s s, 200 w Amsterdam av, 6-sty brk and stone tenement, 50x S2.S; cost. $70,000: Weet Side Construction Co, 840 West End av; ar't, Geo Fred Pelhara, 303 5th av.—258. Weat End av, No 106, 1-sty brk and slone ahed. 24.6x85; cost, $700; ow'r and ar't, Thomas J Devine. 108 West End av.—242. IIOTH TO 125TH STREET, BETWEEN 5TH AND STH AVENUES. 117th St. n s, 205.7 w 3th av, two 6-sty hrk and stone tenements, 34.Sx 87.11; total ccst, $70,000; Falk Se Fine, 230 E IOth at; ar'ts, House & Sloan. 11 E 4Sd st.—230. NORTH OF 12oTH STRHBT. 13Sd at, n s, 225 w Amsterdam ay, two O-sly brk and atone stores and tenements, 37,6x87: total cost, $100,000: Brody, Adler & Koch, 13 Nassau at; ar'ts, Saaa Sc Smallheiser, 23 Park row.— 255.' 134th st, 3 s, 100 w Amsterdam av, 3-sty brk and stone tenement, SOx S7.ll; cost, $40,000; Rosenthal & Levy, 206 W 143d sl; ar'ts, Glasse & Ebert, 70 Manhatlan av.—240. 134th st, a a, 350 w Amslerdam av, 5-sty hrk and stone tenement, 43x 87.11; cost, .$40,000; Rosenthal & Levy. 206 W 143d at; ar'ts. Glasaer Se Ebert, 70 Manhattan av.—241. 135th st, n s, 580 w Amaterdam av. two 3-aty brk and stone tene¬ ments. 37.6x87.11; total cost. $76,000; Cohen. Cohen & Evans, 25 St Nicholas av; ar't, Geo Fred Pelham, 303 5th av,—261. 141st at. n a. 100 e Sth av. 6-&ty brk and sione tenemeni, 50x86.11, plastic slate roof; ccst, $40,000; Samuel Mandel; ar'ta. Rouse & Sloan, 11 E 43d St.—235. Amsterdam av, w a, 831 n 190lh st, 1-sty stone gate and entrance, 40x7; cost, $250; Fort George Amusement Co, Fort George, N Y. —262. Audubon av, e s. 831 n 190th at, 1-aty frame amusement house, 40x ■ 40; coat, $350; Fort George Amusement Co. Fort George, N Y; ar't, J L Caaey, 129 E 13th at.-263. Broadway, n e cor 139th at, 6-sty and cellar brk and stone storea and tenement, 99.11x87 and 90; cost, $17o,000; Geo L Walker Co. 156 5ih av; ar't, Geo F Pelham. 503 5th av.—2S7. BOBOTJGH OF THE BRONX. Adams st, n s, 120 e Morris Park av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x50; cost, $4,500; John Dosso, Adams st, Van Nest; Ar't. B Bbeling, Weat Farms road.—184, Jennings st, n s. 33 w Longfellow st. 3-sly frame store and dwell¬ ing, 23,16x52; cost, $6,000; Chas and Rosa Geissinger, IOS W 115lh -st; ar'l, Hugo H Avolin, 961 Stehhins av.—202. Johns st, s s, 100 w Grant av. 2-sty frame dwelling, 20x30; cost. $2,.-]00; Geo J Barter, Middletown road; ar'l, Chas R Barter, Middle- own road.-189. Seward pl, e s. 525 n 240th st. 2]^-sty frame dwelling. 86.6x20.4. mansard shingle roof; cost, $12,000; Edward C Delafield, 20 B S5th st; ar't, Francis S Stewart, 76 William st,—199. Victcr at, w a, 550 n Mcrris Park av, three 2-sty frame dwellinga, 21x 48; total cost, $13,500; .Andrew Anderson. Hancock st. Van Nest; ■ ar'l, B Ebeling. West Farms road.—182. 140th st, n a. 120 e Soulhern Boulevard, 1-aty frame shed, 96x28; cost, $6C0; ow'ra and ar'ls. Norcroaa Bros Co, 100 5th av.—206. lllst sl. No 117S, 1-sty frame shed. 100x18: cost, $800; Michael & _Alhert Lehman, 117 El 04th at, ow'r and ar't,-19i. lo9th Sl, 5 w cor Elton av, 2-sty and basement club house, 48x100; cost, $40,000; Jefferson Construction Co. 685 E 13Sth at; ar't, M J Garvin, 3307 3d av.—201. 160th st, s e cor Forest av, 5-sty brk tenement. 33xl0i.3; cost, $(3,000; Anstey Const Co, 475 Monroe st. Brooklyn; ar't, Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and 3d av.—192. ISlst st, a e cor Jerome av. three 5-sty brk tenementa. one 45x100. two 52.b"xl00; total cost, $175,000; John McGovern, 2627 3d av; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, HSth at and 3d av.—195. Brock ay, w a, 200 n St Pauls Place, 6-sty brk tenement. 100x26,3; ccst, $45,000; M Bernstein, 149 Broadway; ar't, Edwin Wilbur, 120 Liberty st,—191. Cedar nv, e a. ri2S.7 n Sedgwick av, 2-sty frame store and ofSce huilding, 24x34' cost. $2,000; N O Fosberg, Cedar av and 177th sl: ar'l, J J Vreeland, 2016 Jerome av.—203. Columbus av. s s, 25 e Garfleld at, 2-aty frame dwelling, 22x54; cost. $4,500; Joa Gamache, Van Buren st; ar't. B Ebeling, West Farms road,—183. Decatur av. s s, S52.S e So Boulevard, two 2i4-sty frame dwellings, peak slate roof. 20x51; total cost. $12,000; Carolina W Rauh. 731 E ISOlh at. and Augustus Gareiss. Jr. 1386 Prospect av; ar't, B Ebeling. Weat Farms road.—ISl. Elton av, s w cor 156th at, 6-sty hrk tenement, 50x90; cost, $60,000; James Harris, 10 E 116lh st; ar't, Harry T Howell, 149th st and Sd av.—185. Hce av, w s, 247 s Home st, two 5-sty hrk stores and tenements, 25x 88; tolal cost, $56,000; Eastern Crown Realty Co, Jacoh Rohinowitz, 63 Park row. President; Ar't, Rudolph Werner. 4207 3d av.—187. Honeywell av. w s, 70y2 n 179th st, 2-sty frame dwelling, 19x58; cost, $4,-5011; Wm W Eagan, on premises; ar't, Chaa S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—19S. Kingsbridge rd, n s, 330.S e Sedgwick av, Isty frame stable. 141x110; coat, $1,500: H J McEvoy, Kingsbridge; ar't, C Abbott French, 406 W 42d St.-ISS. Legget av, n e cor Beck st, 1-sty frame, church peak, gal iron roof, 25x45; cost, $2,230; Rev J W Beck, IS Beck st; ar't, Ducker Co, 277 Broadway.—196. Nell.on av,_e s, 108 a 167th at, 2-sty frame meeting rooms. 25x100; cost, $5,jOO; Harlem River Realtv Co, Highbridge. Wm Boyd, Highbridge, Pres; ar't, F E Albrecht. Fordham.-204. Perry av, w s, 24S.S a Gun Hill road, 2-aty frame dwelling, 20x56; cost, $3..^n0: Richard H Jamison, 220th st and Sth av; ar't, Chas . S Clark. 709 Tremont av.—203, Perry av, w s, Slj s Gun Hill road, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x34; cost, $4,^j^!0: Mrs. Dora Subeck. Webater av and 203d st; ar'l, P D Miller. ; Dec -1S6. Washington av. e s, 200 n Westchester av. three 2-sty frame dwell¬ ings, 20x45; tctal cost, $12;000; Lcngin P Fries, Eastchester road, ow'r and ar't.—193. Washington av, e s, 133 s 174th st, four 5-sty brk tenements, 41.Sx 9i.l; lotal cost, $lliO,iiOO: Leader & Bloom, 755 Wendover av; ar'la. Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery.—200. White Plains av, w s, S9 s Oth at, 3-sty frame tenement, 25x55; cost, $6,500; I E Dickert, llth st, Wiliiam&bridge; ar't, John Davldaon ISth St. Williamsbridge.—190. 3d av, e s. 87 n St Pauls place, 5-Bty brk tenement, 40x88- cost $42,000; Reliance Const Co, 203 Broadway; Jas W Taylor, 33 w 90th at, Pres,; ar't. Geo Fred Pelham, 50S 5th av.—194,