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April 29, 1905 RECORD AND GUIDE Status of New Buiidings. BETWEEN T2D AND lUOTH STREETS, EAST SIDU. Buildings under construciion, e.vclusive of tenements, situated north of Tl^d st and soulh of lOUth st, east side, showing the present condition of the various opei-ations, A indicates excavaling; B, foinidaticns; C, structural work half up; D, enclcsed; E, complete, or nearly so; N, S., not starled. The first name is the owner's; "ar'f iudicates architect; "b'r," builder. . T2d, st. No 4T E, 4-sty and hasement rear e.tlension. Install baths, vmt shaft, skylight, to 4-sty and basement dwelling; L,ouis Marshall. 47 E 72d st; ar't, Harry A Jacobs, 1133 Broadway; b'rs, Deisler & Sievenson, 1133 Broadway.—E. Occupied. 7-2d Et, Nos 511-519 E|9 and 11-sty loft building; G Knoche and 73d st, Nos 51(r-51S E| H Weiler. 510 E Tlid sl; ar't, G Knoche, 511; B 7'2d st; b'rs. Concrete Improvement Co, olli E T2d st.—A and B, 73d st, No 7 E, 1-sty rear e.vtension, instail elevator, firepro_of par¬ tia ns, iron steps to 5-sty dwelling; Joseph Pulitzer, 11 E i3d st; ar'ts, Foster, Gade & Graham, 281 4th av,—E. i:id st. No 35 E, u-sly front extension, install stairs, walls, parti¬ li,ns, to -L-sty dwelling; Mrs, Jobu Wagner, 03 W T2d sl; ar'l, R W Buckley, Jr, Times Building,—N, S, 7-lth st. No 44 E, o-sty dwelling; Samuel Kempner, 44 E 74lh st; ai't, Geo F Pelham, 503 5th av.—B. 75th st, Nos 411-41S E, 1-sty church; Emanuel -Baptist Church, ll'.l 1st av; ar't, R B Dusinberre, 123 B 23d st,—Foundations and Isl tier beams. 7l!th st. No 5 E.cut doors, windows, install fireplace, brickwork, partitions, lo o-sty and basement dweliing; Mrs Harold F Hadden, 5 E TtlLh st; ar'ts. Parish & Schroeder, 5 W Slst St.—Work nearing completion. Tilth st, n s, 34S e Av A, 2-sty public baths, 1-sty extension; City ot New Ycrk, City Hall; ar'ts, Stoughton & Stoughton, 96 Slh av.-D, exioiior complete, intericr finish under way. TTth St. Nos lil and G3 E, 10-sty schotl building; J W Finch, 733 ard 735 .Madison av; ar't, Charles A Rich, 35 Nassau st; b'r, J C Lyons Building & Operaling Co. Ij E 42d st,—B. Occupied. 77th st, No 114 E, 1-sty and basement rear exlensl:;u, rearrange dcois and windows, to 4-sty and basement dwelling; Josephine Laza¬ rus, 38 W 10th st; ar't, George A Freeman, 500 olh av.—N. S. House occupied. TSth st. No 5 E, 5-sty dwelling; Reginald G Barclay, 44 Stone st; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 112.S Broadway; b'r, J C Lyons Building & Oper¬ ating- Co, fj E 42d St.—E, Occupied, 7Sth st. No lUtl E, 1-sty front and rear exteDsicns, erect roof house, instail windows, pariitions, to 3-sty aud basemeni dwelling; Mildred Ccnway Sawyer, 13 W lllh sl; ar'ts. York & Sawyer, 15(5 5lh av.—N S. House vacant. Tilih st, N'S 171-173 E, 4-3ty side extension, add 1 sty, cut open¬ ings, install atairs. partitions, to 3-stv leiephone exchange and offlce buiiding; New York Telephone Co. 13-17 Dey st; ar't. Eidlitz Se Mc¬ Kenzie, 11.23 Broadway; b'rs, Jacob & Youngs, 1133 Broadway.—A. Tilth st, Nos 4U5-41o E. add 1-sty and basement to foundations aud basemeni walls, brk and ^tone church; Si Monicas Church, 413 B lOib st; ar'ts, Schickel & Eltmars, 111 oih av; b'rs, John PI Parker Co, 225 4th av.—Work begun on bii:k superstructure. Sllth st, No GD E, 2-sly rear extensicn, build wall, partiiions, toilets, reatiange floors, to 4-siy and basement dwelling; Edwin L Meyers, The Osborne, 57th sl and 7!li av; ar'ts, Harry Allen Jacobs, 1133 Broadway; b'r, Harvey Murdock, ll(j Nassau sl,—Frtni wall up, win¬ dows and doors not in, inlerior plastering under way. Slst st, s w cor East End av, add 1 sty, inslall fireproof elevator shait, skylight, toilets, doors, windows, to 3-sty stable; Fleischmann's Vienna Mcdel Bakery, Inc, on premises; ar'ts, Stein, Cohen Se Soth, 92 5lh av.—N. S. S4th st, n s, 100 w 2d av, tiVo-sty clubhouse; Workingmen's Educa¬ tional and Home Assoc. 2U(i E SGth st; ar't, F A Minuth, 2SSI 4th av,— N, S, Old buildings standing. SOlh St. Ncs 210 and 214 B, O-sty club house; 'Musical Mulual Pro- teciive Union; 91st st and 3d av; ar'ts, Levitan & Fischer; 20 W 31st st; b'r, AnflrewjBrose, No 1 Madison av.—Structural frame and ex¬ terior walls to oth flcor level, stme fireprcofing done, _ SDth st, s s, 135 e oth ay. 5-sly dwelling; Edward Thaw, 1 West 72d st; ar'ts, Israels & Harder, 31 W 31st st,—D. Exterior com- pltle; inlerior flnish under way. l.Cth st, Nos 421-425 E, 6-sty stable and kft building; Seitz Reaity "~ B yUth si; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery,^N. S. ."ith av, No lfl2.'i, O-sty residence; James A Garland, 0 E 37Lh st; ar'ts, Snelling & Potter, 1170 Broadway.—N. S. Plot vacant. Olh av. No 1032, 3-sty rear extension, insUll sleel beams, piers, to 5-sty residence; Miss Annie Leary, lli B 7oth sl; ar'ts. Palmer Se Hornbosiel, 03 William St.—D. Inlerior work under way. 5th av. No 1034, 5-sty rear extension, rebuild front wall. Install iron beams and girders, windows, stairs, pariitions, elevator, tank on TOLt, to 5-sty dwelling; Helen C Robbins, 71 Park av; ar't, William Strom, 30 Cortlandt st; b'r, Donald Mitchell, 302 W 53d st,—D. Win¬ dows and doors not in; interior finish under way. oth av n e cor S7th st, 4-siy dweiling; Henry Phipps, Jr, 3 E oGth st; ar'is, Trowbridge Se Livingston. 424 5th av; b'rs. Marc Eidlitz & Son, 480 Slh av.—D, Exterior complete; windows in; entrance not flnished; inlerior in rough stage. oth av, s e cor y2d st. o-sty and aiiic dwelling; I Townsend Burden, 10 Washingtop sq; ar't, Horace Trumhauer, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa; b'r, Thomas J Reilly, on premises.—D. Windows and doors partly in; inlerior plastering under way. .Madiscn av, s e cor OOlh st, O-sty and cellar apartment house; Wm F Rohrig, 1123 Park av; ar't, Geo Pred Pelham, 503 5th av.— Approaching 2d story level. Madiscn av, s w cor 90th st, 6-sty apartment house; Cades Realty Co, 542 5lh av; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Liberly St.—B, 3d av, n e cor SSth st, 4-sly bauk and oflice building; Yorkville Bank, on premises; ar't, Roben Maynicke, 29S 5th av,—B. 3d av, Nos 1550-1556, 7-sty side extension, add 2 stories to No loo4, erect front walls, to two o-siy stores and loft buildings; Green¬ wald Bros, 24 B 93a si; ar't, Wm B Tuihill, 2S7 4th av.—A and B. 2d av e s, OGlh to 07th st, install floors, girders, columns, windows, 10 3-sty car hcuse shop and stable; New York City St R R Co, b2i Broadway; ar'l, A V Porter, 621 Broadway; b'rs, John T Brady & Co, 4-U E 42d st,—N. S. Av A, Nos 14C5 to 1467, 3 and 4-sty public library; New York PubUc Library, 40 Lafayeite pl; ar'ts. Babb, Ccok & Willard, 3 W 2!nh at; b'rs, J C Vreeland Building Co, 1133 Broadway.—B. Plot lllst ! E. 4-sty and basement dwelling; Mrs Jas A Burden, Jr, 0 E i9th si; ar'ts, Warren, Wetmore & Morgan, 3 E 33d st- b'r C T Wills, 156 3th av.—E. Occupied. tllst st, n s, 200 w IsL av, 4-sty brk schcol; Church of Our Lady of Gocd Counsel. 230 E OOth st; ar't, F A de Meuren, 87 Main st, Yonkers N Y; b'rs, Gillespie Bros. 1136 Broad'way,—D, Windows in; entrance not finished; interior plastering under way. lioth stln s, 173 w 1st av, 4-sty school; City of New York; ar'l, !:6lh st I C B J Snyder, 500 Park av; b'r, Geo Hildebrand, 38 Park rcw,—D, Exterior practically finished; interi:r work under way. . f:rtth st, Nos 112 and 114 E, 3-sty public library; New York Public Library, 40 Lafayette pl; ar'ts, _Babb, Cook & Willard, 3 W 29ih st; b'rs, Isa.ac A Hopper & Son, lliO Broadway,—D, Exterior c:mplete; wihdC'Ws anC di.ors in; interior finish imder way, 5th av, No 972. 6-sty dwelling; Payne Whitney; ar'ts, McKim, Mead Se Wliile, I'lO .D'th av.—D. Exterior connp'ete; windoT\-s' in; entrance not finished; interior work under way, olh av. No 973, e s, 32,2 s 79th st, 6-sty dwelling; J C Lyons, 4-6 E 42d st; ar'ts, McKim, Mead & White, 160 oth av,—D. Exterior com- piete; entrance not finished; interior finish going on. 5th av, Nos 984-985. two 6-sfy dwellings; Isaac V Brokaw, 1 E 79th st; ar't, C F Rose, 1 Madison av.-B. Building Operations. CuntravtH i'ur Itictiiuond IIor<»ugli IQall. ST. GEOEGE, S. I.—Louis Wechsler. 1133 Broadway, has ob¬ tained by Hon. George Cromwell, President of the Borough of Richmond, the contracts amounting to $186,500 for the interior work, including partitions, of Richmond Borough HaU, St. George, Staten Island. Carrere Se Hastings, 28 East 41st st, are the architects. -Weeks & Sou Will Enlarge Teleplione Exciiange. SSTH ST.—D. C. Weelvs & Son, 289 4th av, have obtained the general contract for extensive improvements to the 3-sty Tele¬ phone Exchange and office building, Nos. 424 to 430 West 58th St. for the New Y'ork Telephone Company, 13 Dey st, at an estimated cost of about $125,000. A 5-sty side extension, 45x 1)4.7, will be erected, and 2 stories will be added over the main structure. Messrs. Eidlitz & McKenzie, 1123 Broadway, are the architects. More Higli-Class Flats for AmBterdain Areiiue. Plans are being prepared in the offlce of Neville & Bagge, 217 West 125th st, for the erection of five 6-sty high-class 23-family flat buildings, 40xS7, and 39.11x90, to be situated on the west side of Amsterdam av, between 135th and ISCth sts, to cost in the neighborhood of $250,000. All modern improvements and conveniences will be installed. Moses Crystal, 101 West 126th , st, is the owner. WorR Soon to Begin on Fiftb Avenue Structure. The Thompson-Starrett Co., 49 Wall st, has obtained from C. P. . H. Gilbert, architect, 1123 Broadway, the contract for the gen¬ eral construction of the proposed new "Raimon" Building, south- east corner of Fifth av and 39th st, on the plot 50x125 .ft., 11 stories in height. The contract for the steel work was awarded several months ago to Milliken Bros., of 11 Broadway. The pres¬ ent building wiil be torn down on the 1st of May, and the new structure completed May 1st, 1306. The owner of the property, Horace A. Hutchins, of the Standard Oil Co., will lease the build¬ ing for a long term of years to "Raimon" of New York and Paris. The building wiil be thoroughly equipped as a modern ofiice building, up-to-date in every particular, including electric ligtit- ing and power plant. The front will be constructed of limestone, gray brick and terra cotta. Old Bloouiingale Reformed to Kebuild Its Ediiice. The old Bloomingdale Reformed Church, situated at the north¬ east corner of Broadway and 6Sth st, will take down and rebuild stone upon stone its historic 100-year old edifice, on new ground in the west side of West End av, 25 ft north of 106th st, facing Schuyler square. Gilbert Ray Hawes, of 120 Broadway, a well- known attorney, and leader of the church, w^as appointed chair¬ man of negotiations in the selection of the new site, and when interviewed by a Record and Guide representative, he stated For plans filed see Page 97S.