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Mortgages RECOKD AND GUIDE Manhattan April 29, 1905 , 265 e 8lh ; Weill, Leonard to Katharina Eiias. 149th st, „ .., ---- - - „ ^j,~ ZlpM„"2°.Via to Join Kat.m»n. % P"l. 4th st, No 142 Eak^ =.m'!,"!o'inS"°4 part. Goerck ,t. No 131. April 24, 1905 . nom Zipmn Davia to John Katiman. ii part. 101st sl, Nos 326 and 32S East. .Iprll 24, 19€5. "">■» BOROUGH OF THE BBONX. Acker. Franklin 24 to Matilda J CanOeia^ Washington av, n e cor Quarry road, IS.S.vlOO, April 25, 190o. 2.01K) American Morteage Company to North Wostorn Realty Co. Pros¬ pect av, n w cor IGGth st, 200 to 167th st, proposed, xlOO. Aprll^ 9^ 19(15 . 3.324.. Same to. same. Prospect av, n w cor 107th st, proposed. 50xJ.^0O. Sam'e'lo"'same^'"ie7th st, proposed, 8 s, 100 w Prospect av 'l20; lUO. April 27. 1005. -,-1 . . 179 £ q; Bogart, John to Benjamin Brill and ano. lilst st, = = 1 ./ w .^, av 72x100. AprU 27. 1905. , . ot Eever Eugene 0 to Mary B Standt- Plot hegins at n e cor plot 6i on map of ViUa Kites at^iyerdaie, lOO^n w frnm R, 3,324.20 S3 i 100 and 418.7 frora n 143.0 to c 1 Babcock dale av, x s 100 x w 100 from Riverdale id of Ahraham Schermerhorn. runs 1 s 121.3 X s — X e 100 to w.s River- i 120 to beginning. April 22, 1905. . old e 3.000 1, 29S s Sam- Birkle, Anton to Marie T Birkle. Prospect j uel st, old line, 16.0x150- April 24. 190o. Bamman. Ferdinand C to Hamilton Bank of N Y. Tremont av, n s, 50 e Prospect av, 50x100. April 20. 190d. nom Brindge, Bernard to Emil W Klappert. Creston av, w s, o91^4 n 190rh st, 10-11x100.4. April 26, 190o. 2,d27.43 Decker Emma to Geo F Johnson. Assigns 3 morts, aiso decree of judgmenL Aciueduct av, e s, 5C6.11 n 190th st, 201 5x228.9 to Old Croton Aqueduct, x201.5x227.5; Aqueduct av, e s, loO n 190th st 1314x220.3 to Old Croton Aqueduct; Aqueduct av. e s, oOb.4 n'lOOth st 140.5x228 to Aqueduct, xl40.5x227,o; Aqueduct av, p s 350 4 n 190th st, 75x220.9 to Old Croton Aqueduct, x(Ox22(; Mueduct av, e s, 150 n 190th st, 131.4x2203 to Old Croton Aqueduct, xl31.4x225.9; Aqueduct av, e s, 70<,9 n 190th st oox 2'^8 9 to Old Croton Aqueduct; White Plains road, e s, 2o n 199lh st (nroiiosed) — to w s Old Boston road, x —; Aqueduct av, e s, 55 n ]90th st. 95x— to w s Old Croton Aqueduct, except part for Fencerst^fn,' Henry to^Twelfth Ward Bank. 136th st. No 502 East April 25, 1905. ,_„.^ , ,„, , „ ^-^^^ Fremont Realty Co to Henrietta Marks. l-6th st (Woodruff av), 6 e cor Arthur av (Broad st), 100x100, except part for st and av.^ Forsch, Ferdinand lo Carl Forsch. 135lh st. No 839 Bast, April — other consid and IbO __ 27, 1905. other consid and 100 Forsch, Ferdinand to Carl Forsch. 135th st, No 835 East. April ''7 1905 other consid and lOU Sam4 to same. 135th st. No 841 Eaet- April 27. 1905. other consid and 100 Garden Realty Co to State Bank- Bathgate av, n w cor lS2d st, 25x97- April 25, 1905. . , , ^°™ Herriman Susan C and ano exra John Herriman to American Mortgage Co. Land under water, Harlem River, e s, lol,J s ime bet lands of Morris and Astor, runs e 2o0.8 x n 49 x w 2bl,b x s 4S.11 to beginning, AprU 22, 1905. ,,^,'i,°™ Houghton. Frank R to J Hull Browning. Intervale av. No 1048. April 25, 1905. ^ ^ „ „1.-IJ0 Hutton Wm R and ano trcslees Eenj H Hutton for Chas G Hutton, &e to Annie R Hutton- llSth st, n s, lOO w St Anns av. 2oxl00, Filed and discharged April 20, 1005, 13,000 *HauBer, Geo to Pierre W Wildey and ano, Sl Laivrence av, — s 25 s Mansion st, 25x100. April 27, 1905. 3,o00 Herriott Emma to Clarence C Ferris. Broadway or_ Kingsbridge load. 48.0 s Macomb st, 40x103.6. April 27. 190o. 1,800 Kronovet, IWorris and ano to Wm W CoUer. Brook av, w s, 10 n IKilb st, 25x90. April 26, 1005. 2,200 Kahn Herman to Wm H Payne. Southern Boulevard, s e cor Av St John, 54.7x200 to n s Timpson pl. April 24, 1905. 10.-500 Kurzman Sevmour P to John Vanoni. 150th st. No (08 East. April 25. 1905. nom Kurzrok, Raphael to Alonzo G McLaughlin. Stehhins av. Home at. S0.4x60.4x irreg. April 25. 1905. Lippold, Henry F to Sophie Berls and ano. Tinton av. s w cor 109th sl 21,4x70.3x59.8x80.2, Apri! 22, lOOo. l.OJO Lochinvar Realty Co to Estates Settlement Co. Clinton pl, s s. 50 w Grand av, 25x100. April 27, 1905. 1.000 Max Clara, and DeUa to Robt L Luckey. 167th st. s s, 100 w Pros¬ pect av, —X—. April 27. 1905. 5,000 Same to same. Prospect av, n w cor 16Gth st. —x—. Aprii 2i, 1905, 19,-r^O Same to same. Prospect av, n w cor IGith st. —x—. April 2i, 1805, 3,500 Max Clara and ano to Robt L Luckey, Lowayton, Conn, Home Et,' s s, 110.2 e Union av, runs s 110,11 xne 124,10 x n 0-7 x e 53 6 X n 120.2 to st x w 153.3 to beginuing. April 24, 1905- 9,500 *Mocney. Joseph- F to Blanche M Egan. Prospect av, w s. 89 n 13th st, 25x100.5, Wiiiiamshridge. April 24, 1905. 3.000 *McHench. Caroline to Fred M Weiss. Zuiett av, e s, 375 e Mapes av, 25x100, April 24, 1905. nom *Manhattan Mortgage Co to Emily Edmonston, Lots 21, 22. 23, 41 to 43 61, 02. 70, 78. 85, 86, 108 to 110. 122, 123, 130 to 132, 140 to 148, 152, 153. 171. 172. 199, 208, 213, 244. 251, 252, 201. ''Ki to ''■'O 239 2-10, 207, 268 to 270 and 259 map of Clasons Point made'by E H Holden. April 26. 1905. 3.224 *Same to same. Lots 1, 15 to 17, 47 to 49, 56 to 58, 89, 90a, 90b, 9-' to 96. 99 to 101. 139 to 141, 162 to 104. 162a. 103a, 164a, 165 100 183, 203. 206, 225, 247. 248, 261, 263 and 204 same map. April 26, 1905- 3.022.50 *PenEold, Edmund to Wm H Penfold. Reed's Mill lane, e s, at boundary line dividing land of estate Geo Faile and John Morri¬ son 474 3x irreg, contains 41 42-1,000 acres. Filed and dis¬ charged April 25, 1905. 20,778.12. *Penroid, Wm H trustee George FaUe to Edmund Penfold, Sams property. Filed and discharged April 25, 1905. 20,778.12 Quinn, -Vlary .A McKown (McKown) exr Jane McKown to Carrie B McKown and ano. Arthur av. w s, being n lA of lot 85 map of orooerty of Nathl Jarvis Jr at Upper Morrisania, 25x100. April 24, 1905. 1.000 *Quinn Mary A McK extrx Jane McKown to Carrie B McKown and Mary A McK Quinn- 3d st, s s, 50 w Oth av, 25x109, Laconia Park. April 24 1905. l.SOO *Same to same. Lots 409 and 470 blk P amended map Mapes es¬ tate. Aprii 24, 1905. 1,500 *Same to same. Public road dividing land of Andrew Arnow from Wm \dee, 466.2 w road from Westchester Landing to Bos¬ ton road, 88.2x34x104x86. April 24, 1905. 6,000 *Saine to same Lots 197 and 198 hlk E amended map Mapes es- | late. April 24, 1905. 2,000 i *San-e to same. Same property. April 24. 1905, 200 I Rolh Ignatz to Leonora R Lowenthal. Willis av, w s, 75 s ISoth st 25x81.6. April 25, 1905. com S'terling Sterling to Jennie E Kopp. Beach av. No 198. Aprll 25, 1905 5,000 Schafer, Mary to August Schieek. Rae st, s w cor Sl Anns av, 97.10x25x90.5x25,1. Aprii 21. 1905. 3,500 Stein Louisa to Louise Stein. 133d st, n s, 433,4 e Cypress av, 10.8x103.7. April 22, 1905. 3,000 Schieffelin & Co, W H, in irust for Laura G Cusbing and ano to Wm S Mesereau and ano trustees Laura G Gushing and ano. Let 53 map of 272 lots Kemp estate. 23d Ward. Aprii 24. 1905. nom S'lcnebridge, Margaret lo The Twelfth Ward Bank. Kingsbridge and West Farms road, n s, 131.2 e Holfman st, runs n 95 x'e 2.3 X s 110 X w 14.0 and 13 to beginning. April 24, 1905. 1,500 Title Guarantee & Trust Co to Bankers Trust Co. Jerome av, w s, £0 s Evelyn pl, —x—. April 24, 1905. 6,000 Wiswell Horatio D and ano to Imogene U Steeves. Elsmere pl, n s. 475 w Marmicn av. 25x100. April 24, 1905. nom Wynne, John and ano to Clara and Delia Max. All title. Hime st. s s. 110.2 e Union av. —x—. April 24; 1905. nom Wenigmann, Ernest lo Geo A Lerch and ano exrs Wm H Poggen¬ burg. Clay av. No 1067. April 25. 190a. 2.500 Woolf, Edw L to Etta L Woolf. Mapes or Johnson av, n w e, lot 115 map East Tremont, 132x150. except part for Mapes av. Aprii 27. 1905. 8,500 Wynne, John and ano to Clara and Delia Max. All title. Pros¬ pect av, n w cor 107lh st. —x—. April 27, JOOo. nom Same to same. AU title. lOTth st. s s, IOO w Prospect av. —x—. April 27, 1905, nom San.e to tame. Prospecl av, n w cor 100th st, —x—, AprU 27, 10t)5. nom 8,000 PROJECTED BUILDINGS. The first name is that of the owner; ar'l stands for architect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder. When character of roof is not mentioned, it is to be understood thai Ihe roof is lo be of tin. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET. Etd.'ord st, No 10, 1-sty hrk and stone outhouse, 9x5 Domenico Lagvatta, 03 Carmine st; ar't, Michael Bleeeker st.—470. Division st. No 203. 1-sty brk and $900; Mrs, E Cheever, 214 E Broat bers St.—453. Chrysiie sl, No 21. 1-sty brk and stone water closet- compartment, 5.4x16.4; cost. $1,000; Estate of Wm A Marlin, 57 W 73d st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.—452, Crosby st, No 59, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 9.4x10,8; cost. $1,000; Daniel Bailey Estate, 318 W 42d st; ar'l, John H Knubel, 31S W , $200; ithouse, 13.10x4.8; cost, ■'t. Max Muller, 3 Cham- 42d ;.—447. Delancey st, n s, 51,9 w Tompkins et, 1-sty hrk and concrete factory, 100x80; cost, $10,01.0; Marks & Jacobson, 54 Sl Marks pl; ar't, Samuel Sass, 23 Park row.—464, Duane st, Xo 59, 9-5ty and hasement hrk and stone power house and ofi-ce building; cost, $250,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, The New York Edison Co. 55 Duane st.—461. Greenwich st. No 484, 4-sty hrk and stone Ioft building, 29,4x27,6 and 48; cost, $10,000; Robert I Brown, 156 W SOth st; ar't, J Charles Hankinson, 93 Watts st,—473. Hester st. No 29, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 5x11,S and 14.4; cott, .i;800; Charles Jacobson, 2 E 113th st; ar't, Nathan Langer, Sl E 125th st; b'r. John J Dowling, 244 E 106th st,-^71. Mangin st, Nos 9 and 11 | 5-sty brk and stone stable building, 50x94; Broomest, No 23 | cott, $50,000; Mary Connolly, 355 Riv¬ ingtcn st; ar't, Thomas W Lamb. 3 E 2Sth st,—134, Uni\e,eity pl. w s, IS.VA a 12th st, 11-sty brk and stone loft build- inR, 31,9 and 46x110,10, gravel roof; cost, $325,000; Middiehoro Realty Co, 16 E 12th st; ar't, Samuel Sass. 23 Park row,—438. 3d SL, No 1S5 E, l-sty brk and stone nuthouse, 13.4x6; cost, $800; Napvestek Se Barth, 1S3 E 3d st; ar't, Henry Klein, 191 E 3d st. —0.0. 4;h st. No 166 E, l-.^ty brk and atone oulhouse, 21.2x7; cost, $1,000; F ^:■n-'r-v-t^ nn 1-n-ii.-,-,; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st,—±62. ll'-. ■ "~ I '7 I I " 1:, 2-sty brk and concrete power plant. 35x .'i-'" ' ' • .'I 1: mge W Quintard, Portchester, Conn; ar'ts, I'.. .- .^ -' -.. : _ I .^'oadway.—407- 12ii, .-.;, .\uo l.M tl, ;;j-t E, 7-sty brk and stone warehouse, 45x94, concrete, tar aud Lile roof; cost, $65,000; Ida S Bruch. 289 4th av; ar'ts, Renwi';k. Aspinwall & Tucker. 367 5th av,—435. 13th St. No 200 W, O-sty brk and stone tenement, 25x90^3. plastic slate roof; cost, $20,000; Mrs Pauline Giatz, 209 W 13tb st; ar't, Wm C Sommerfeld, 19 Union sq.—433. Av B, No 201, 1-sty hrk and stone outhouse, 8.3x12.3; cost, $600; Susan H Gei?enhainer. OS Wiiiiam st; ar't. Warren H Conover, 116 W SSd st,-4C3. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. 10th st, s s, 362.6 e Av C. concrete cn pUes, lank foundations fcr gas tank, 198 feet in diameter; cost, $65,000; New Amsterdam Gas Co, 131 W 23d_st; ar't. Bartlett Hayward Se Co, Baltimore, Md.—456. 4lith it. Nos 548 lo 550 W, two 3-sty brk and stone stable buiidings, 2-1x95, tp.r and gravel roofs; cost, $10,000; Hannah Schorn, 3S _ Di.er pi, Weehawken, N J; ar't. John H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—439- 5ih av, s e ccr 4-Hh st, 11-sty and basement brk and stone bank and oihce budding. 115x105, lile roof; cost, $350,000; Forty-Fourth St and 5th Av Building Co. 135 Broadway; ar't, Henry Ives Cobb, 115 ■ Broadway.—4i2, EETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF STH AVBNUE. 67th _st, E s, 310 E 3d av, two 6-sty brk aud stone tenements, 40x Sl.o; total cost, $80,000; Sagovitz Se Shapiro, 35 E 110th st; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 72 Trinily pi.—409.