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October 28, 1905 Mortgages RECORD AND GTJIDE Bronx 675 DYCKERHOFF is made in Germany. The superior quality amply compensates the consumer for its higher price, ^^ It is perfect. PORTLAND CEMENT E.TH.ELE.Sole Agent, Silberman. Solomon and William Sunshine to LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO. Broome st. No 99, s,s, abt 75 w Sheriff st, 25x75. Oct 20. 9 days. 5^2%. Oct 25, 1905, 2:336. 18,500 Simerman, Joseph to Isaac and Henry Mayer. 7th av, Nos 2564 and 2560, w s, 59,11 n 148lh st, 40x100, P M. Oct 24, 2 years. 5%. Oct 25, 1905. 7:2034. 4.000 Sokolski. Dora to Samuel Robert. 2d av. No 436. ses, 24.9 s w 25th st, 24.3x100. P M, Prior mort $24,000. Oct 25, due Nov 1, 1908, 6%. Oct 26, 1905. 3:930. 2.500 Sokolski. Dora to Samuel Robert. 2d av. No 434. ses, 49,5 s 25th st, 24,8x100, P M. Prior mort $18,000. Oct 25, due Nov 1, 1908, 6%. Oct 26, 1905, 3:930, 5,500 Salvation Army, incorporated to The Acme Building Co, Cherry st, Nos 92 and 94, n s, 43.1 w Oliver st, runs n 39.4 x n 60.4 x w 32,1 X s 60.3 X e 0,1 x s 39.2 to Cherry st x e 32,5, Oct 25, due Nov 25. 1905, 6%. Oct 20, 1905. 1:252. 18,000 Silverson, Joseph and Bernard London to GERMANIA LIFE INS CO of City N Y. Amsterdam av. w s. 49.11 s 139th St. 50x100, Oct 25, due. &c, as per. bond. Oct 26, 1905. 7:2070. 55,000 Silverson. Joseph and Bernard London to GERMANIA LIFE INS CO of City N Y. Amsterdam av, s w cor 139th st. 49,11x100. Oct 25, due, &c, as per bond, Oct 26. 1905, 7:2070, 75,000 Shieber, Louis H to Herman Milgrim and ano. Stanton st. No 310. s w cor Goerek St, Nos 111 lo 117, 50x75. P M. Prior o.ort $60,600. Oct 15, due June 10, 1910, 6%. Oel 21, 1905. 2:329. 4,500 Silberfield, Katie wife Sam to Adolph Galewski. Pitt st, No 94. s e s, 200 s w Stanton st, 2.5x100. P M. Prior mort $25,000. Oct 19. 3 years, 6%. Oct il, 1905. 2:339. 5,000 Schoeler, ■?lichara B with James A Margatroyd, 3d av. No 2077, e s. 25,2 s 114th st. 25.3x80, Extension mort. April 24. 1905. Oct 20. 1905. 6:1663. nom Springer. Bernat and ."^aron Segal to Arthur M Bullowa and ano. 16th st, No 610. s 5, 263 e Av B, 25x103.3. P M. Oct 19, due . Oct 24. 1910, 6%. Oct 24, 1905, 3:983. 6.500 Smith, Cornelia B to Ferdinand Steiger, Jr, 148th st. No 61S. s s, 170 w Broadway, 15x99.11. Prior mort $9,500. Demand, S::curc-s performance of contract. Oct 24, 1905. 7:20.')4. 2,3-39 Soloraon, Louis A to Moses I Siegel and ano, 123d st, Nos 440 and 442, s s, 100 w Pleasani av. 100x100,11. P M. Oct 19. 1 year. 6%. Oct 20, 1905. 6:1810, 5,200 Tietjen, Diedrich to Henry HahnenEeld. 42d st. No 344. s s. 453 e 2d av, 2Sx9S-9; 42d sl. No 342, s s. 197 w 1st av, 28x98.9, P M, Prior mort $33,000. Oct 19, 5 years, 6%. Ocl 20, 1905. 5:1334, 17.000 'iTustees of The Congregation Shearith Israel, a corporation, with Jacob Rosenberg and Emanuel Blum, 122d st, No 257, n s, 227 e Sth av, 27x100,11. Extension mort. Sept 21, Oct 24, 1905. 7:192S. nora Weeks, Charles M to TITLE GUARANTEE Se TRUST CO. Green¬ wich st, Nos 360 and 362, w s, abt 20 s Franklin st, 32.6x60. Oct 23, 1905, demand, —%. 1:183, 10,000 Waldo. Gertrude R to Anna M Schmitt-Baier. 72d sl, No 26. s e cor Madison av, runs s 102,2 x e 58.3 x n 22.2 x w ]S,3 x n 8U to s s 72d St. X w 40 to beginning; 72d st. No 28. s s, 40 e Madison av, lS,3xS0: 2d av. No 1716. n e cor SOth st. No 301, lOO.SxlOO. Prior mort J241,164.43. Oct 21, dne Sept 30. 1907, 6%. Oct 23, 1905. 5-]3Sfi and 1552. 50,009 Wolkenberg, Joseph lo Augustus W Warner, 105th st, No 70, s s, 53.6 w Park av. 26.6x75.11. Frior morl $12,000. Oct 23, 19D5. 3 yi'srs, 5^%. 6:1610, 5,500 Wood, Fernando, of Englewood, N J, to Rocco M Marasco and ano. Mulberry st. No 190, e s, 177 n Broome st, 25,4x99x24.9x99,1; Mulberry st. No 192, 25x100. P M, Oct 19. 1 year, 6%. Oct 20, 1905, 2:480. 9,7-50 Weiss, Frank G with Mary M Berge.'jcr. .1st st. No 93, s w s, 350 n w Av A, 25x83.6x25x80.4. Exte'nsion morl. July 22, 1904. Oct 20, 1905. 2:428. * nora Weed, Edith B to Wost Snde Construction Co. 93d st. No 316. s a, 275 w West E, d av. -50xl41,S.x50xl43 2. P M. Prior mort $95,- 000. Oct 20. 1905, 3 years, 6%. 4:1252. 23,000 ■ Weinstein, Julius to Isidore Jackson and ano, 104th st, Nos 115 to 121, n s, 135 e Park av, 65x100,11. Building loan. Oct 23. 1 year. 6%. Oot 25, 1905. 6:1632. 36,600 Weinstein. Julius to Isidore Jackson and ano, 104th st, Nos 115 to 121, n s, 135 e Park av, 65x100,11. P M. Oct 23, dne April 23, 1906, 6%. Oct 25, 1905. 6:1632. 14.000 Weil, Henriette to Margarelha Gotthold, 42d st. No 455, n s 220 e 10th av, 20x100,5. P M. Prior mort $9,000. Oct 19, 10 days, 51/2%, Oct 25, 1905. 4:1052. 3 000 Wykes, Hunter to METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO, 47th st Nt I06, s s, 200 e 7th av, 10,8x100,5. Oct 25, due Nov 30. 1905 5'A%. 0(1 25, 1905. 4:999. 22,000 Weinstein, Louis lo Corporate Realty Assoc. Sth av, a e cor 149th st, 74.11x100. Building loao. Prior mort $58,000. Oct 25 de¬ mand, 6%, Oct 26, 1905. 7:2034. 45.009 Weinberg. Moritz and Mayer Kimmel to Anchel Hochberger Orchard st. No 133. Leasehold. All title. Oct 23, secures performence of lease. Oct 26. 1905. 2:415. 7.50 Wexler, Isidor and Herman Posner to Henry Hackman, 76th st No 311, n 3 200 e 2d av, 25x102,2, P M. Prior mort $21 650' Oct 20, Jue July 6, 1909, 6%. Oct 24, 1905. 5:1451, 3,000 Wollheimer, Isidor A lo Frederick Holtermann. 102d st No 105 n s, 52 e Pirk av, 25x100. Prior mort $13,000. Oct 24, 1905, :'. year-, 6%. 6:1630. Zodikow, Ludwig to STATE BANK. 15th st. Nos 507 to 511, n s A, 7oxl03,3. Oct 23. Secures notes. Oct 24, ii]05. 4,000 120.6 e Av G%. 3'973. io,oo;j BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Arrigoni, Arrigo, Stamford, Conn, and Roger and Angelina Arri¬ goni, N Y, to Julius R Hochrein trustee Ann Hanlon, West¬ chesier av. No 730, s s. 253 e Bergen av, runs s 72,8 x n e 33.7 X n 54.2 to Westchester av x w 28 to beginning, P M. Sept 14, duo July 1, lOftS, Ocl 25, 1905, 9:2294. 12,500 Same to Addie A Sullivan. Same property. P M. Prior mort J12,.jOO. Sept 14, demand, 6%. Oct 25, 1905. 500 99 John St., New York. Ahenante, Miche'e to Theodore J Chabot, 152d st. s s, 125 w Mor¬ ris av, 25x118,1x25x117.11, Oct 21. 3 years, 5V.%. Oct 25. 1905. 9:2441. 3,500 Same lo Jch-x Di Blasco. Same property. Prior mort $3,500, Oct 21. 3 years. 5i/t.%. Oct 25, 1905. 9:2441. 1.200 Same to Pia Pizzi, Same property. Prior mort $4,700, Oct 21, 3 ytars, 51/0%. Oct 25. 1905. 9:2441. 1,009 Aschenhrand, Karl, of Montague, Sussex Co. N J, to TITLE GJJARANTEE Se TRUST CO. 3d av. No 3021, w s, — n 155th st. 2*1.9x00x25x55, except part for 155th st. Oct 19, demand, —%. Oct 25. 1905. 9:2377. 10.500 Armeny. Gyulo to Mosholu Parkway Realty Co, Van Cortlandt av, n e cor Rochambeau av. 85x124.9x75x166. P M. Oct 23. 1 year. 5%. Oct 26. 1905. 12:3336. 3,20w Same to same. Rochambeau av, e s, 150 s 208Lh st, 83,3x104.4 X—xlOO. Oct 23, 1 year, 5%. Oct 26. 1905, 12:3336. 1,800 Breen, Kate to Wm B Wright. Briggs av, e s, 2S3 n l[t4th st, 22.2 x77,Sx22.1x76.0, P M. Oct 20, 3 years, 6%. Oct 26, 1905. 12:3294. is,O0O ^Erisnihan, Johanna and Ellen heirs, &c, Hugh Brisnihan to Wm H Sage trustee Wm W Raynolds. 219th st, s s, 80 e White Plains av. 100x114, Waltefield. Oct 20, 3 years, 5yo%. Oct 25. 1S05. 5.223.81 *Same lo Mattie C Raynolds guardian Chas A Walton. Same proEcrly. Prior mort $5,223.81. Oct 20, 3 years, 5l^%. Oct 25, 1905. 1.206.74 Beller. Wm F lo Mosholu Parkway ReaUy Co. Van Cortlandt av. n s, 25,4 w Woodlawn road. 104xl24.9x—x95. P M, Oct 23, 3 years. 5%, Oct 25, 1905. 12:3336. 3,900 Ettsse, Morris to Mosholu Parkway Realty Co. Rochambeau av, w E, 250 n 20Sth st, 50x100. P M, Oct ,23. 1 year, 5%. Oct 25, 1905. 12:-3337. 1,200 ■^Batier. Frederick E lo Rudolph A Hofmann, Birch st, w s, 250 n Old Boston road, 50x100, Seneca Park. Oct 25, 3 years, —X. Oct 26. 1905. 3(10 Euhleier. Matthew to Catherine Norz, 159th sl. No 658, s s, ,325 w Elton av, 25x100, except part for st. PM. Prior mort $3,5(10. Oct 23, 1905, 3 years, 6%. 9:2380. 1,500 Burger, John to Magdena Frees. 153d st, s s. 450 w Courl¬ landt av. 25x100, Juiy 20. due Jan 1. 1906. 6%. Oct 20, 1903. 9:2412, 250 *'Bochdam, Hugo_with the E S Prince Co, Merrill st, s s, 97 vr Classon av. 2--)xl00. Subordination mort. Oct 14. Oct 20 1905. nom 'Same with same. Merrill st, s s, 100 e St Lawrence av. 25x100 Subordination mort, Oct 14. Oct 20, 1905. nom Berrian, Minor and Nicholas Presulty lo Amelia Coolt. Hull av w s, 204.6 n 205th st, 25x100. Prior mort $5,000. Oct 23, due Nov 1, 1906, 6%. Oct 24, 1905. 12:3346. 1,000 Belmont Realty & Construction Co to Michl Brennan and ano. 13ih st or p.v, s e cor ,3d st, or White Plains av, 10.JxH4, Wake¬ field, <>xccpt part for av. P M, Sept 1, 10 vears, 4Vz%. 9.50') Burko, Richd H to Joseph H Mahan. 19Sth st. No 64,8, s s 59'e Briggs av, 25x98, P M. Prior mort ,1;5,500. Oct 20, 1905. dtie Ji-n 22, 1906. 5%, 12:3295. 1,000 Cohn. Henrietta to EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK Marion av, n w s, 366,9 e 200lh st, 65x220 lo Perry av. P M Ocl 23, due Jnne .30. 190S, 4V.%, Oct 24, 1905. 12:3292." lO.OOD *Cowden, Frederic H to Bankers Realty and Security Co. Robin av, e s, 150 s Tremonl road, 50x100, Tremont terrace. P M Oct 23, 3 years, 5%. Oct 24. 1905. 1,260 Coulter, Elmer D to Diedrich Eggers. 146lh st, No 717, n s, 290 w Brook av, 25x99.9, P M, Prior mort $14,000, Oct 19 3 vears. 5Vo%. Oct 23, 1905. 9:2291. 7,090 Cech Realty Co to Mosholu Parkway Realty Co, Rochambeaii av, s w cor 20Sth st, 225x9,8.4x225x100. P M. Oct 23, 3 years 5%. Oct 25. 1905. 12:3336. 5,900 Cunningham, John and Peter to Jacob Ruppert. Brook av. No 142. Saloon lease. Aug 31. demand, 6%. Oct 26. 1005. 9:22(i2. 1,20'J Diamond, Mary wife of and Charles to DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK ot N Y. Crotona av, e s, 336,7 n ISlst st. 81.6x19-5.6 to w s Clinton av x62.4x210.3. Oct 26, 1905, due June 29, 1906, 5V>?;. 11;309S. jj;ooo Donahay, Mary A to Clement Wyss. Franklin av, w s, 60.10 n liOth sl, 16,7x100, except part for av. P M. Oct 25, 3 years 5%%. Oct 26, 1905, 11:2032. (i,400 Dalrymple, Mayme _to Katie V Dalryi.iple. Macy pl. s s, 20S 11 e Prospect av, 2;ix94.9. P M. Prior mort $4,000, Oct 24. 3 years, 4%. Oct 26, 1905. 10:2fiSS and 2695. 3 000 Dauth, Kate to Thos D Malcolm. 156th st, n s, 250,3 w Elton av 49.9x99.1x49,9x98.11. P M, Oct 23, 1905, 2 years. —%. 9:237S. 4,uoo Damaine, Ernest to Tbe Board of Education of The Reformed Cliurch in America. Hughes av, Nos 2460 and 2462, e s, Ul.S n ISSth st, 2 lots, each 16.8x87,f). 2 raorts. each $2,990. Oct 19 due June 30, 1910, —7- Oct 20, 1905, 11:3076. 5 800 Ehrenhardt, Olto to August E A Schramm, St Anns av. No 598 e s, 402.10 s Westchester av, 25xl21,.Sx25xll7,11, P M Occ 24, due Jan 24, 1906, —%. Oct 25. 1965. 10:2616. 500 Froehlich, Paul lo Henry Froehlich. 152d st. No 560. s s '>75 w Courtlandt av, 25x116.2. P M. Prior mort $3,000 Oct "^4 3 years, 5%. Oct 26, 1905. 9:2411, 3 q'oO Same to Wilheimina Haffen, Same property, P M Oct ''4 3 years. 6%. Oct 26, 1905, 9:2411, ~ 3 (jnO Fahrenwaid. Bridget to Harrv B Linton. Clay av a s 5309'n 169ih st, 16.8x80,2x16,8x80,4. P M. Prior mort $2 600 'oct 24. 2 years. 6%, Oct 26, 1905. 11:27S2. eOO Fitzgerald. Wm G to Mosholu Parkway Realty Co, Van Cortlandt av. c s. 32,6 e Rochambeau av, 30.6x119.10x25x102 3 p M Oct 23. 3 years. 5%. Oct 25, 1905. 12:3335, 870 Florio, Ida to Julia Vaine, Slebbins av. No 1251 s w cor 169(h St. ^3.}^^-- SOxlO. P M, Oct 23. 5 years. 6%, Oct 24. 1905, 10:2694. 5,500 Farrmgton. John W to Catharine C Hill. Katonah av late 'M St. w s, 2o n 235th st, late Willard av. 25x100; 235th st, late Willard av, n s. 100 w Katonah av, iate 2d st, 25x100. except part for 235th st and Kalonah av, P M. Oct 12, dne Jan l** 1906. 6%. Oct 24, 1905. 12:3376. i,5(