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November i8, 1905 RECORD AND GUIDE Slanhattan 8x1 THE GEORGE A. JUST COMPANY WASHINGTON, D. C, "THE COLORADO" 452 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YOMl IRONWORK FOR BUILDINGS 4th St. No 193 East, Install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,000; M Zwerdling, 193 E 4tb st; ar't, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand st.—3310. Gth st, No 336 East, install toilels, windows, tank, to .5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; coat, $1,500; Louia Geissler, 439 B Gth st; ar't, Chaa Stegmayer, IGS E 91at sl,—3297. 7th st. No 189 East, toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; cost, $500; D Seylin, 100 Av B; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st St.—3364. Sth at, Nos 420-422 Bast, install toilets, windows, to four 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Louis Rosenblum, 422 E 8th st; ar't, Henry Zlot, 230 Grand st.—3289. 10th St. No 259 East, install shaft, toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $3,000; Cbas Held, 42 E 4th st; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 lal at.—3280. llth st, Noa 419-421 East, install toilets, windowa, to two 5-sty brk and atone tenementa; coat, $3,500; J laaacs & Sons, 117 Columbia sl; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.—3365. 14th at. No 602 East, install toilets, windows, to 3-sty brk and stone tenemenl; cost, $1,500; I Korlf. 19 Av D; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 lat at.—3355. 15th st. No 308 Weat, inatall toilets, windows, to 4-aty brk and atone lenement; coat. $400; eatate Laura A Delano, 51 W 42d st; ar't, John W Ingle, 109 W 42d st.—3372. 19th st, No 430 East, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; coat. $900; A Bollmeyer, 444 B 19th st; ar't, Geo Hang. 109 W 42d st.—3371. 21st st. No 319 East, install partitiona, lo 4-sty brk and stone tenement: cost, $250; B I Stewart, Ozone Park, L I; ar't, Wm S Boyd, 561 Hudaon St.—3312, 31s^ st. No 9 West, 7-sty brk and stone front and rear extenaion, 2dx7.11x30, add 2 stories, build elevator shaft, partitions, new front, to 4-sty brk and stone store and loft building; cost, $25,- 000; Alfred Nelson. 2G1 5tb av; ar't. G A Schellenger, 27 E 21st - St.—328G. 31st St, No 40S West, install loilets, windows, to 2-3ty brk and stone tenement; cost, $500: Margaret Coolc, 40S W Slst st; ar't, John H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—3331. 32d st, No 319 East, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and slone tenement: coat, $600; Jaraes Conway, 391 Pearl st; ar't, Chas E Reid, 105 E 14th st.—3336. 33d st. No 339 Eaat, inatall store fronts, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Simon Goldstein, 118 Av C; ar't, Wm C Sommerfeld. 19 Union sq.—3359. 36lh St. No 443 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; coal, $600; Christian Muller, 443 W 36th st; ar't, John H Knubel. 318 W 42d St.—3332, 39th at. No 510 Weat, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $3.50; estate John C Clegg, 141 W 92d at; ar't, A S Hedman, 371 Fulton at, Brooklyn.—3330. 42d at. No 239 Easl, instal! loilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost. $1,500; George Bhret, 235 E 92d st; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 168 E 91st st.—3290. 43d at. Nos 127-135 Weat, inatall toilets, windows, baths, to 12-sty brk and stone hotel; cost, $9,370; Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 1 Madison av; ar't, D Everett Ward, 156 Sth av,—3340. 45th st, No 229 East, install toilets, partitiona. windows, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cosl, $5,000; Irving Bachrach, 203 Broadway; ar't, Oscar Lowinaon, IS B 42d St.—3368. 4.\.h at. No 312 West, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; J Goldberg, 108 Sth av; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st st,—3339. 49tb st. No 422 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and atone tenement and store; cost, $650; Theodore L Flammer, 901 8lb av; ar'ts, Jardine, Kent Se Jardine, 1262 Broadway.—3309. 53d st, No 12 East, 4-sty brk and atone front extenaion, 37,0x8.G, add 1 sty to rear, new stairs, electric elevator, girders and col¬ urana, front, to 4-sty brk and atone dwelling; cost, $25,000; Mary L Fisk, 671 olh av; ar't, R C Gildersleeve, 150 5tb av.—3311. 54th sl, No 430 West, install toilets, windows, show windows, sky¬ lights, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement: coat, $2,000; Heury Erd¬ man, 60 E SOth st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.—3302. 54lh St. No 353 West, add 1 sly lo 4-sty brk and stone factory; cost, $500; J & J W Williams, 3-53 W 54th st; ar't, H P Knowles, 317 W 93d St.—3341. 54th st. No 331 East, install shaft, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone Store and tenement; coat. $1,500; David Rieser. 343 E 50th st; ar'ts. Goldner & Goldberg, Westchester and Jackson avs.—3357. 55th st, n a, 175 w llth av. inatall beams, alter posts, piers, to 2-aty brk and frame storage building; coat. $250; Sarah J Brooks, 349 W 56th st; ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51at st.—3327. 55tb st. No 241 East, install toilets, windows, partiiions, lo 5-sty brk and atone tenement; cost, $1,^00; Henry Hochmeiater, 203 E 92d st; ar't, Anton Reitmayer, 168 E 91at at.-3281. 56th st, No 403 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone teneraent; cost, $1,000; Peter Doelger. 407 E 55lh sl; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 108 E 91at St.—3295, &9th st, Nos 200-210 East, install toilets, windows, to three 5-sty brk and stone stores and teneraents; cost, $1,500; Jacob Vander¬ poel etate, 108 E 59th st; ar't, Dunham Wheeler. 115 E 23d st. —3342. OOth at. No 223 Weat, install toilets, windows, to 4-aty brk and stone teneraent; cost, $1,500; Goldberg Se Greenberg, 140 Nassau st; ar't. Max Muller, 3 Chambers at.—3319. 53d st. No 37 West, 5-aty brk and stone rear extension, 159l^x 19.1%, build roof house, plurabing, to 5-sty brk and atone resi¬ dence; cost, $1,000; W M Rodewald, 37 W 53d st; ar'ta, Barney & Chapman. 520 5th av.—3346. 65tb st, No 248 East, inatall toilets, windows, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost. $1,000; Jacob Jablons, 131 Orchard st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambera st.—3370. 65th st. No 250 Eaat, install toileta, windowa, skyligbta, to 5-aty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,200; Jacob Jablows, 131 Orchard st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambers at,—3277. "71st st, Nos 303-305 East, install toilets, windowa. store fronts, to two 5-aty brk and stone atorea and tenements; cot, $4,000; Adolph Schleainger. 7 Stanton st; ar't. Nathan Langer, 81 E 125th at. —3307. 72d at. Noa 153-155 Baat. install balcony, stairs, to 1-sty and base¬ ment brk and stone church; cost, $5,.500; Hellenic Orthodox Churcb, on premises; ar't, Nathan Langer, 81 E 125tb st.—3329. Slst st. No 311 East .inatal! partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone ten- f.Hient; cost, $.500; Gordon Sc Levy, 230 Grand st; ar't, C Dunne 330 W 26th at,—331G. SGth st. No 451 East, install partitiona. columns, to 4-sly brk and stone teneraent; cost, $1,500; Rubin & Kommel. 19 Oliver st; ar't James F Slevin, 12 Chambers St.—3306. Jod st, Nos 4-6 W, install toilets, windows, to 7-aty brk and atone tenement; cost. $1,200; M A Hoffman, 418 W 145th st; ar't, James R Dardis, 5.55 W 140th St.—3321. 94tli st. No lOi East. 2-sly brk and stone rear extension. 17.8x13 toilets, vestibule, to 3-sly brk and stone residence; cost, $7 000- '^';s Frank Gulden, care ar'ts; ar'ta. Thain & Thain. 4 E 42d aL lOOth at. Nos 54-56 East, inatall toileta, windows, to 5-sty brk- and stone tenement; cost, $1,500; A Gutterman, 49 Orchard st; ar't, O Reissmann. 30 1st st.—333S. IOOlh St. No 88 East, install toileta, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Barney Coben, 88 B 109th al; ar't, Henry J Feiser. 150 Nassau St.—3283. 109th st, Nos 230-242 East, install toilets, windows, ovens, parti¬ tions, to four 5-sty brk and atone slores and tenementa; cost, $b,;:iOO; Harry Abram, 123 W lloth at; ar'ts. Horenburger Se Straub. 122 Bowery—3293. 110th st, Noa 342-340 East, toilets, windows, skylight, to three 4-sty hrk and stone tenemenl and store; cost, $1,000; Concetta Marrone, 414 B llOih at; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d St.-3360. lloth st, Nos 229-231 West, ins.tail toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and slone tenement; oost, $1,000; H Levy, 229 W 115th st; ar't. Otto L Spannhake, 200 E 79th st,—3318. 115lh St. No 73 Eaat, instal! show windows, to 5-aty brk and stone tenement; cosl, $5,000; Bernard Yeamana, 345 Manhattan av; ar't, Maximilian Zipkea, 147 4lh av.—3349. 144lb st. No 307 West, toilels, windows, stairs, atore fronts, to 5-sty brk and atone store and lenement; cot, $3,-500; Alfred J Mad¬ den, 957 Cauldwell av; ar't, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery. -^366. 147lh st, Noa 303-305 West, install plumbing fixtures, bath, lo two 5-5ty brk and stone tenementa; cost, $1,200; Harris Beaver. 27 W 114th st; ar't, Andrew Dunlap, Jr. 1978 Lexington av.—3275. Av A, No 09, install toilets, windowa, to two 4-3ty brk and slone tenements; cost, $2,000; Gustav Rheinauer, 145 B 92d sl; ar't, David Stone. 127 Bible House.—3358. Av 0. No 202, install toilets, windows, lo 4-sty brli and stoue teneraent; cost, $1,000; Amelia Seidner, 1395 Dean st, Brooklyn; ar't, Nathan Langer, 81 B 125th st.—3344. Broadway, No 1G30, erect sign to 2-sly frame store building; cost, $100; John McGuire, 202 W 50th at; ar'l, Wm T Totten, 608 6th av.—3326, Broadway, s e cor 64th st, install elevator shaft, to 3-sty brk and stone loft building; cost, $250; M Heilman, care architects; ar'ts, G H Riley Se Co, 136 Liberty st.-3315. Broadway, n w cor 46th st, 3-sty brk and stone aide extension. 23.11 x94xl00,3, bldg will be lowered 1 story, install toilets, baths, par¬ titions, to 4-sty brk and stone hotel and restaurant; cost, $40,009; John B Mantel. 22 William st. and Mrs Emily Wood. 39 Gram¬ ercy Park; ar't, H C Pittraan, 156 5lh av.—32S4. Lenox av, s w cor 127lh st, install store fronts, to 2-sty brk and atone store and dwelling; coat, $1,500; Rachel M Hustace, 413 Madison av; ar't, Richard R Davia, 247 W 125th st.—3347. Park av, s w cor 59th sl, add 1 sty. stairs, to S-aty brk and slone offiee buiiding; cost, $20,009; City of New York. City Hall; ar't, OBJ Snyder, 500 Park av,—3334. 1st av. No 857, inslail toilela, windows, lo 5-aty brk and atone tenemenl; cost, $2,500: M Dlamondston. 101 Bowery; ar't, O Reiss- raanu, 30 1st st.~3325. ' 1st av, No 58, iustall toilets, windows, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone lenement and store; coat, $1,,500; Louis Geissler, 439 E Oth st; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 168 E Olst al,-----3298. lal av. No 74. install toilets, windowa, to o-aty brk and stone tenement and atore; cost, $1,000; Frederick Jantzen, 854 B 14l3t st; ar't, Richard Rohi, 12S Bible House.-3300. 2d av, Nos 422-430|instalI toilets, windows, to five 4-sty brk and 24th sl. No 301 E | stone tenemenis and atores; cost. $1,625; Dauiel S McElroy. 1489 Broadway; ar't, Geo H Van Auken, 30 E llth at.—3291. 2d av. No 490, inatall toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; coat, $1,000; W C Ronner, 1278 Fulton av, Bronx; ar'ta. Rettig St Jost. 215 E 28lh sl,—3337. 3d av. No 1760, install toilets, windows, stairs, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; coat. $5,000; Sophie Mayer, 1956 3d av; ar't, Max¬ imilian Zipkes, 147 4lh av.—3350. 7th av, s w cor 122d at, 1-aty brk and slone side extension. 16.4x 7,10, baths, toilets, to S-sty brk and atone teneraent; cosl, $4,500; eatate of R C Browning, 99 Chambera at; ar'ls. Hill Se Stout, 1123 Broadway.—333,3. 7th av, No 297, install toilels, windowa, plumbing ,to 4-sty brk and stone store and teneraent; cost, $2,500; estate Meiser Mann¬ heimer, 212 E GOth st; ar't, Jobn H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—3322, Oth av. No 549, build chimney to 3-sty brk and slone store and teneraent; cost, $500; Adolph Vollter, 549 9Lh av; ar't, J P Casey Co, 345 W 48th St.—3308. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Fairmount pl, n s, 95 e Crotona av, 1-sly frame extension, 12.2x 12, and raise to new grade 2-aty frarae dwelling; cost, $500; Mary and Frank Krezek, on premiaes; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—60)1. 1.34th at, n s, 60,3 e St Anns av, l-aly brk extension, 35x25. lo 3-sty brk store and dwelling; cost, $3,000; Caroliue Gareias. 29136 Marion av; ar't, Harry T Howell, 3d av and 149tb st.—610. Bronx Terrace, w a, 798 a 224ih st, move lY^-aty frame dwelling; cost, $;jOO; Mrs Frank McGarry, Morris and Elliott avs, ow'r and ar't.-615. Concourse, w s, 93 s 183d st, 1-sty frame dwelling, 5.3^^x10,6, and raove 2-sty and attic Erame dwelling; cost, $250; John J O'Grady, 277 Broadway; ar'l, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—614. Decalur av, No 2958, 2-aty frame exlension, 25x21.2, to 2-sly Irame dwelling; coat, $2,000; Augusta Schirmer, 769 Union av; ar't, Pranz Wolfgang, 787 B 177th st.-*07. Eagle av, e a, 180 n 156th st, 1-sty brk extension, 62x11.S, to 1-aty brk boiler and coal bouse; cost, $800; Ebliug Brewing Co, 156lh st and St Anns av; ar't, Juliua Kastner. 113 SBroadway.-616.