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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 77, no. 1981: March 3, 1906

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March 3, 1906 RECORD AND GUIDE ttanliattan 407 JOHN C SASH, POORS, BLINDS AND HOUSE, TRIM . ORR CO., LUMBER OF ALL KINDS FOR BUILDERS India, Java and Huron Sts. and East River City of New York, Borough o! Brookly» Telephone 23 QTeenpuini BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Fiimore st, e s, Itlll n Columbus av, 2-sty frame dweiling. 21^52: cost, .^3,500; Jos C Lnkc, 4(i3 Morris Pari: av, ow'r and ar't,—1114. Madison st, w s, 1,1U0 n Morris Park av, four 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x50; total cost. ^14,000; Jos C Luke, 403 Morris Park av, ow'r and ar't,—Ifio, 2d st, w s. 400 s 213lh st. 2-sty frame engine and boiler house, 31j; 42; cost, $2,500; J Marcus Wood Workibg Co, 210th st aud Sta¬ tion p!; ar't, J Melville Lawrence, 23yth st and While Plains road,—148. l-tStb sl, n s, lUO e Courtlandt: av. O-sty brk stores and tenenient, 25x92,3; cost, ^30,000; Wiliiam Oppenheim, 100 E lltb st; ar'is, Goldner & Goldberg, Westchester and Jackson avs,—103, lG"th st, n e eor Brook av, two 1-sty frame offices and sheds, 1S>: 10,G aud 08x18; total cost, $450; Lamb Sr Symmer, 2liS9 Marion av; ar't. J B Lamb, 2t>89 Marion av,—1.5.5, lS4tb st, s w cor Bjihgaie av, li-sty brk store and tenemenis, 35x 84,11; cost, $50,01iO; Arch Realty & Constr Co, 258 Broadway; ar't, Nathan Langer, 81 E 125th st.—lOO, lOSth st, s s, 43.21 w Grand Boulevard and Concourse, three 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x50.2; total cost. ^l.ri.UOU; Amalia Pirk, 19S0 . CroLona av; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—158. 214th st, s s, 90 w Maple av, IVj-sty frame store and dwelling, 21x55; cos^t, .^2,000; Antonio Popantonio, 33 E 214th st; ar't. L Howard, liOth st and Carter av,—lt)3, 219'th st, n s, 338.4 e 4th av. 2-sty frame dwelling. 21x4S; cost. $4,- 500; Emilo Magaldio, 2171 1st av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—151. 233d st, s s, 230 e 5th av, 1-siy frame slore and dwelling, 19.x35; cost, $1000; Frank P Dinoia, liOO E :J2llth st; ar't, J Melville Lawrence. 239th st and White Plains road.—143. 227th st, s s, 105 e 4th av, 2-sty frame dwelling. 21x42; cost. .'i;3,500; Martha M Young, 144 E 128th st; ar't, J Harold Dobbs, 222d st and White Plains av,—159. Demiit av, n w cor Pell pl, 2-sly and-attic frame dwelling, peak sTiingle roof, 25x43; cost, $4,000; H S Baker, 494 E 138th st, ow'r and ar't,—144, Elton av, e s, 50 n 155th st, two 5-sty brk lenements, 40xSS; total cost, $liO,OUO; Moorehead Realty Constr Co, 718 E 142d st; ar't, Harry T Howell, 149tb st and 3a av.—IGl. 'Gerard av, e s, 2.j0 s 144th st, 2-sty brk factory and storage build¬ ing. 50x80; cost, .i;S,O00; Cbas Vauriper, Mott av aud 144ih st; art, H S Baker. 494 E l,3Sth st,—145. Harrison av, w s, ly^ miles s Westchester av, 1-sty frame dwelling, 18x30; cost. ^500; Dominico Coppozz, 549 E 149th st; ar't. Harry Coggey, 232 E 58th st,—157, Heatb av, w s, 415 s Kingsbridge road, four 2i4-sty frame dwellings, peak shiugle roof, 19x43; total cost, .f;24,OO0; Fordham Realty Co, 2501 Sedgwick av; ar't, A Ericson, 2501 Sedgwick av,—102. Jackson av, s e cor Garfield st. 2-sty frame store and dwelling, 24x 54; cost, $7,000; Jackson av. Van Nest; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—150, Prospect av. e s. GO n Dawson st. 2-sty brk stores and dwelling, 25x 103 and lOG; cost. $12,000; Marcus Nathan, 150 W 120th st; ar't, Wm T La Velle, Southern Boulevard and Freeman st.—l;:i4. Perry av, w s, 25 n Holt St. three 2-sty frame dwellings, 21,Gx-5G; total cost. $15,000; Green & Hartung, 1011 Tinton av; ar't. Harry T Howell, 3d av and 149th st,—14G. Rosedale av. e s, 225 s Merrill st, 1-sty brk shop, 2.5x18; cost, $500; Henry S MaidhoE. IOOO E ISOth st; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—150, Washington av, e s, 100 s 172d st, 5-sty brk tenement, 50.-i97.7; cost, .^50,000; Abrahara Siegel, l(i2 E 52d st; ar't, Maximilian Zipkes, 147 4th av,—142, 2d av, w s, opposite 220th st, four 2-sty frame dwellings. 21x52; total cost, $22,0011; Johu F Kelly. Gl E 1211th st; ar't. Robt E La Velle, Prospect and Westchester avs.—147, 3d av, e s, 149 n li;7th st, 1-sty frame shed, 27,30x100; cost, $1,500; Frank B Hill, 1O02 Jackson av; ar't, M J Garvin. 3307 3d av,—149, 4th av, e s, 25 n 220th st. 3-sty. brk tenement, 25x110; cost, $12,000; Jacob Wexler. 139 E 20tb st; ar't, Geo W Yeandle, Davidson av, Fordham,—152, ALTERATIONS BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Canal st. No 75, partitions, girders p.'ists, siairs, elevator, to 4-sty brk and stone store and loft building; cost, $2,000; David Bloom, 13t0 Lexington av; ar't, Chas M Straub, 122 Bowery.—44^-.. Franklin st, Nos 51-55, toilets, alter floors, to S-sty brk and stone telephone exchange and office building; cost, $35,000; New York Telephone Co, 15 Dey st; ar^ts, Eidlitz & McKenzie, 1123 Broad¬ way,—435. Greenwich st, Nos O.'^fi and 690, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 75x22, toilets,-windows, piers, to three 5-sty brk aud stone stores and loft buildings; cost, $10,000; Thomas Farrell, (i2G IOth av; ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51st st.—451, Houston st, s w cor Goerck st, toilets, partitions, windows, to three 4-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, $1,500; Isabella Gillis, 2 W 129th st,—M4, Ludlow st. No 149, toilets, windows, skylight, to two 5-sty brk and stone stores and tenemenis; cost, $250; B L Winthrop, 242 East Houston st; ar't. Edward A Meyers. 1 Uniou sq,—1.31, Rivington st, Nos 12S-130 toilets, partitions, to two 5-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, $1,.500; H Bierman, 109 Division st; ar'l, 0 Reissmann, .30 1st st,—440. Rivington st, No 88, toilets, windows, plumbing, to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost. $1,500; Julius Zweig, 023 Gth sl; ar't, Samuel Sass, 23 Park row.—^I4G. Rutgers st. No 9, show windows, partitions, to S-sty brk aod stone store and dwelling; cost, $300; Henry M Greenberg, 125 Delancey st; ar't, Frank Straub, 10 E 14th st,—138. Rutgers st. No 11, stairs, windows, partitions, to 5-sty brlc and stone tenement; cost, .$1,000; Morris Harrison, 18 W llStb st; ar'l. M Muller, 3 Chambers st,—434, Washington st. n w cor Bankst. construct vault, lo 10-sty brk and stone office and factory building; cost, $5,000; Western Electric Co. 57 Bethune st; ar'ts, Eidlitz Sc McKenzie, 1123 Broadway,—43G, Otb st. No 035 East, partitions, store fronts, to 5-sty brk and sione store ard tcnexent; cost. $1,509; Jacob Bier, 035 E Oth st; ar't. Chas M Stra-b. 122 Bowery.—124, lltb st. No 338 East, toilels, windows, partitions, to two 4 and 5-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, l?5,O0U; Robert Marsh and S Gold¬ berg, 3 Ridge st; ari, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand St,—432. 15th Sl, No 42 West, parlilions, windows, to 8-sty brk and stone store and loft building; - cost, $2,9i Webster av.—SO. 3d av No 2iO(. 1-sty brk extension, 24,11x31. to 4-sty brk tene¬ ment; cost. $2,500; Andrew Davey, 350 Greenwich st; ar't, Chas H Richter Jr, OS Broad sl.—79, 3d av, w s, 74,53 s IGith st, 2-sly frarae extension, 0,9x2S,9. to 2-sty frame store and dwelling; cosl, $50