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March 31, 1906 Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan 583 24th st, No 140. s a, 281.3 e 7lh av. 18,9x98.9, 3-sty brk tenement. Margt L Constable to Irving S Charig, Mar 26. Mar 27, 1900. 3:799-63. A $10,.500—$12,500, 100 24th st, No 49, n s, 174.6 e Glh av, runs n 98,9 x e 25,6 x s 39,5 x e 0,6 X s 54,4 x w 0,6 x s 5 to st, x w 25.6 to beginning ,5-sty stone front building and store, Ellicott D and Ronald E Curtis BXRS Chas B Curtis to Belle A l^u.ay. Mar 27. Mar 28, 1906. 3:S2G—i2. A $40,000—$48,000, nom Same property, Isabel B Curtis to same. Q C, Mar 23. Mar 28, 1906, 3:826, nom Same property. Belle A Quay lo Euphemia S Coffin, Mort $40,- 000. Mar 27, Mar 28, 1906, 3:826. other consid and 100 26th st, No 23, u s, GO w Madison av, 30x—, 4-sty stone front dwelling, Madison av, Nos 56 and 58, w s, 30 s 27th st ,68.9x60, 2-sty stone , front building aud vacant. Adrian Iselin Jr et al EXRS Adrian Iselin to Wm A Alcock, Brooklyn, N Y. Feb 23. Mar 26, 1906, 2:856—15, A $130,- 000—$145,000. 300,000 Same property. Adrian Iselin Jr et al lo same. C a G. All title. Feh 23. Mar 26, 190.6. 3:S5G. nom Same property. Wm A Alcock to Neptune Realty Co. Mar 26, 1906. 3:856. 300,000 27th st, No 438, s s, 500 w 9th av, 25x y, blk. Mort $14,000, 27th st, No 436, s s, 475 w Oth av, 25x98,9. Mort $8,000. two 4-aty hrk tenemenis and stores. Frank J Sullivan to Chas J Liebniann. Mar 29, 1906. 3:724- 56 and 57. A $18,000—$22,000. other consid and 100 27th St. No 453, n s, 175 e 10th av, 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tenement. Julius J Lyons to The City of New York. Mar 22. Mar 24, 1906, 3:725—10, A $9,000—$21,000. 31,000 2Sth st, Nos 321 and 323, n s, 243.4 e 2d av, 40.10x98,9, 6-sty brk tenement and store, Saml Kadin to Jack Berger and Adolph Holland. Mort $57,575. Mar 20. Mar 28, 1906. 3:934—14. A $16.500—P $35,000. nom 29th st, Nos 308 to 314, s s. 141.8 e 2d av, 83.4x98,9, two 6-sty brk tenemenis and stores. Israel Appell to John Meller and David Podolsky. Mort $109,750. Mar 28. Mar 29, 1906, 3:934 —46 and 47. A $34,000— P $60,000. other consid and 100 Same propertv, John Meller et al lo Nathan Horwitz, Mort $113,- 100, Mar 29, 1906, 3:934. 100 29th st, Nos 308 to 314, s s, 141.8 e 2d av, 83.4x98,9, two G-sty brk tenements and stores. Arnold Diamond to Israel Appell. Mort $110,000, Mar 20. Mar 27, 1906. 3:934—47 aod 49. A $34,000—P $60,000. other consid and 100 30th st, No 258, s s, 60 e Sth av, 20x63.4, 4-sty brk tenement and store. Oscar Oestreicher to Arthur Wolfe. 'A part. Mort $16,- 000. Mar 22. Mar 23, 1906. 3:779—74. A $12,000—$14,000. other consid and 100 30th st, Nos 225 and 227, n s, 254 w 7th av, 43x98.9, 4-sty brk tenement and 3-sty frame and brk tenement and store. Joshua L Barton to N Y Colored Mission, a corporation. Mar 1. Mar 28, 1906. 3:7.80-24 and 25, A $20,000—exempt, 100 30th st. No 443, n s, 275 e 30th av. 25x102.9x25.1x100.8, with all title to old lane in rear, 5-sly brk tenement. Annie M Goudey to Wm F Loughlin. Mort $18,000. Mar 29, 1906. 3:728—12. A ,$9,000—$20,000. other consid and 100 35th st, No 241, n s, 150 w 2d av, 16.8x98.9. 3-sty brk tenement. Wiliiam Varley et al to Joseph Allen, 3-5 parts. Mar 1. Mar 24, 1906. 3:916—25, A $6,500—$8,000. 100 Same property, Frances Varley by Rosanna Varley GUARDIAN to same. 2-5 parls. All title. Mar 1, Mar 24, 1906, 3:916. 9,500 Same property. Release dower, Q C, &c. Rosanna Varley widow to same. AU title. Mar 1. Mar 24, 1906. 3:916. nom 36th st. No 150, s s, 200 e 7th av, 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tenement, Joseph H Wright lo Henry L Byrnes. Mort $20,000. Mar 23, 190G, 3:811—60. A $32,000—$52,000, other consid and 1(X) 37th st, No 222, s s, 275 w 7th av. 18,9x98,9, 4-sty brk tenement. Mary K Mathewson to Bernard Crystal. Mort $11,000. Mar 21, Mar 24, 1906, 3:786—62, A $10,000—$13,000, other consid and 100 37th st, Nos 542 and 544, s s, 225 e Ilth av, 50.x98,9, two 5-sty brk teuements, Jacob Goldstein to Joseph Solomon, Mort $28,- 625. Mar 26, 1906, 3:708—58 and 59. A $14,000—$28,000. otber consid and 100 37th St. Nos 530 and 532, s s, 400 w 10th av. 25x98.9, lwo 4-sty brk tenements. Jonathan W Hull to Howard C Taylor. Mar 5, Mar 26, 1906, 3:708-.52 and 53. A $7,000—$10,000. other consid and 100 37lh st. No 331, n s, 400 e Oth av, 25x98.9, 3-sty brk building and store. Chas S Slreet to Benj F Poth. Mort $13,500. Mar 15. Mar 29, 1906. 3:761—17. A $10,500—$12,500. nom 37lh st, No 17, n s, 345 w 5th av, 21.6x98,9, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Sth av. No S31 |n w cor 50th st, 23.5x80, 4-sty brk tenement and 50lh st, No301| store. Also land in Suffolk county. Helen D wife of Lewis A Laupber to Louis S Tainter. Mort $46,- 000. Q C. 2-25 part. All title. Mar 26, Mar 28, 1906, 3:839 —30, A ,$45,000—$52,000, and 4:1041—29. A $33,(XI0—$37,- 000. nom 37tb st, Nos 530 and 532, s s, 400 w 10th av, 25x98.9, two 4-sty brk tenements. Howard C Taylor to Annie M Rohe Vz part, An¬ nie R Mauerdorf 1-S part, Charles Rohe 1-S part and Louise R Maron 1-8 part and Olga A Kranich 1-8 part, B & S. Mar 29, 190G. 3:708—52 and 53. A $7,000—$10,000, 100 3Sth st. No 439, n s, 500 w Oth av. 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tenement and store, Mary E Donvan to Chas A Held and Hermine C his wife tenants hy enlirety, Mort $16,500. Mar 10. Mar 23, 1906. 3:736—13. A $9,000—$14,000, nom 40th st, No 339, n s, 275 e 9th av, 25x98,9, 4-sty brk tenement and store and 3-sty frame tenement on rear, Renee Brunei widow to Helen C Candee, ot Washington, D C. Mort $8,500. Mar 1. Mar 29, 1906, 4:1031—12. A $10,500—$13,000, 100 43d st, No 321, n s, 275 w Slh av, 25x100,4, 4-sty brk lyceum. Richard J Keeffe to Charles McCready. B & S. Mar 20. Mar 23, 1906. 4:1034—21. A $12,000—exempt. nom 44th st, No 329, n s, 400 e Oth av, 25x100.4, 5-aty brk tenement. James McDermott et al to Frances L Jersey. Mort $18,000. Mar 14. Mar 23, 1906. 4:1035—17. A $12,500—$25,000. other consid and 100 44th st. No 433, n s, 360 e 10th av, 20x100,4, 4-Ety brk dwelling. Geo P Busch EXR, &c, Andrew Busch to Frederick and Henry Doscher. Mar 24. Mar 20, 190G. 4:1054—15. A .$8,000—$9,- 500. 12,300 44tb st, No 528. s a, 375 e lltb av, 25x100.5, 3-sty buiiding and slore and 2-sty frame building on rear. Margt B Hocrsch lo James P Gould. Mar 28, 1906. 4:1072—49. A .$0,50O~$9,000. other consid and 100 46th st, No 23S, s s, 175 w 2d av, 25x100,5, 4-sty brk tenement and 4-sty brk tenement on rear, Ralph E Kempner to Joseph Newmark and Harry Jacobs. Mort $7,500, Mar 28, 1900, 5:1319 —33, A $10.000—$12,000. other cousid and 100 46th st, No ,327, n s, 321,2 w Sth av, 16.8x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Chas T Jaeger to Annie M Jaeger. Mort $10,000. Feb 3. Mar 29, 1906. 4:1037—lOVs. A $9,000—$12,000. other consid and 100 47tb st. No 353, n s, 127 e Oth av, 27x100,5, 5-sty brk tenement. Arthur McConnell to Solomon and Babette Loewensohn and Sel¬ ma Byk. Mort $27,000. Mar 29, 1906. 4:1038-0, A $14,000 —$25,000, other consid and 100 47lh st, Nos 544 to 548, s s, 200 e Ilth av, 75x100,4, three 5-sty brk tenements and stores, Samuel Cohen et al to George Latour. Mort $73,500, Mar 16, Mar 26, 1906. 4:1075—54 to 56. A $19,500—$60,000. other consid and 100 48th st, No 54, s s, 635,6 w Sth av, 18,9x100,5, 4-sly stone front dwelling. TRUSTEES of Columbia College to Edwin S Robinson, Mar 12, Mar 23, 1906. 5:1263—63i^. A $37,000—$40,000. nom 48th st. No 147. n s, 220 w 3d av, 25x100,5, 5-sty brk tenement. Minna wife Julius Franke LEGATEE Anna Fahronholz to Anna S Finck, Q C, All lieus. Mar 22, Mar 23, 1906. 5:1303—27. A $15,000—$30,000, nom 48th St. n s,-450 w 10th av, 75x100.5. vacant. William Oppenheim et al to The Acme Building Co, Mort $29,500, Mar 7. Mar 27, 1906, 4:1077—12 to 14. A $19,500—$19,500. other consid and 100 49th st. No 338, s s, 200 w 1st av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stone front tenement and store. Madeleine E Webster to Julius and Henry Tishman. V- part. Mort $14,000, Mar 23, Mar 24, 190G, 5:1341—35, A $7,500—$16,000. 10,500 Same property. Henry J Nauss by Madeleine B Webster to same. V. part. Ail title, Mort $14,000. Mar 23. Mar '24, 1906. 5I134I, 10,500 49th st. No 523, n s, 326.5 w 10th av, 24.8x100.5, 5-sty stone front tenement. William Muller to Hannah Abraham. Mort $16,000. Mar 29, 1906. 4:1078-19. A $6,500—$14,500. -ther cousid and 100 50th st, Nos 21s to 222, s s, 167,10 w Broadway. 60x100,5. two 3-sty brk lenements and 3-sty brk tenement and atore. Eugene C Potter to Stephen H Mason, Mort $62,000, Mar 8. Mar 29, 1906. 4:1021^91^ to 51, A $57,000—$63,000. 100 50th st. No 333. n s, 2S9 w 1st av, 16x100,5, 4-sty atone front tenement. Fannie M Moses to George Kilian. Mort $7,000, Mar 26, 1906, 5:1343—141/2, A $5,500—$8,000, other conaid and 100 53d st, No 332, s s, 275 w Ist av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stone front len¬ emenl. Lena Goldmann widow to Julius Levy and Isidore Sil¬ verman. Mort $13,500. Mar 29, 1906. 5:1345-38. A $9,000 $13,500, other consid and 100 54th st. No 137, n s, 70 w Lexington av, 20x100.5, 3-sty slone front dwelling. Daniel E Moran to Maud E K Cocks. Mort $15,- 000. Mar 28. Mar 29, 190G. 5:1309—ISVa. A $16,000—$22,- 000. other consid and 100 54th st, No 13 West, all land whereon east wall'of dwelling now stands. William Murray to Jessie L Neilson. Q C. Mar 22. Mar 28. 1906. 5:1270. nom .55th st. No 532, s s, 325 e Ilth av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk tenement and store. Abrara Bachrach to Karl Ledermann and Rose Kllz- inger. Mort $16,500. Mar 27, Mar 29, 1906, 4:1083—51. A $6,000—$12,000. other consid and 100 56th st, No 53, n s, 711.4 w 5lh av, 19.4x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Wm E Lauer et al EXRS Nannie Lauer to Cornelius G Coakley. Mar 3, Mar 26, 1906. 5:1272—9. A $44,000— $56,000, 67,500 56th st, No 433, n s, 325 e 10th av, 25x100,5. 5Gth st. No 439, n s, 2.50 e lOtb av, 23x100,5. lwo 5-sty stone front tenements and stores, Geo F Gantz to Leopold Kaufmann. Mar 23. Mar 26, 190G. 4:100G—n and 14. A $18,000-$28,000, uom 5Gth st, No 433, n s, 325 e 10th av. 25x100.5. 5Gth st. No 439, n s, 250 e 10th av, 25x100,5. two .5-sty stone front tenemeuts and stores. Leopold Kaufman to Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer, Morta $32,000. Mar 26, 1906. 4:1066—11 and 14, A $18,000—$28,- 000, other consld aud 100 57th sl. No 113, n s, 110 e Park av, 20x100.5. 4-sty stone front dwelling. Eugene C Potter et al to Henry D Morrison. Mort $40,000. Mar 2, Mar 26, 1906, 5:1312, 100 57lh st, No 453, n s, 241,8 e 10th av, 16,8x100,5, 4-sty stone frout dwelling. Rosa Nahon to Ramon Velez. Mort $10,000. Mar 29. 1906. 4:1067-lOVo. A $7,500—$11,000. _ other consid and 100 59th sl. No 545, n s, 225 e West End av, 2oxl00, 4-sty brk teue¬ ment and store, Hyman Greenstone to Fredk Stichweh, Mort $11,300. Mar 22, Mar 23, 1906. 4:1151—10. A $6,000—$10,- 000. other consid and 100 59th st, No 543, n s, 250 e West End av, 25x100, 4-sty brk tene¬ ment and store. Peter A Welch to Tobia Tedesco. Mort $11,- 000. Mar 22. Mar 26, 1906. 4:1151—11. A $6,000—$10,000. other consid and 100 Gist st. No 415, n s, 220 e 1st av, 20^:90.1x20.2x93.3. Gist at, No 417, n s, 240 e 1st av, 25x86x25.3x90.10, 3-sty brk tenement aud 2-aty frame tenement. David Levy et al to Max Kessler aud Samuel Solomon. Mort $12,500, Mar 20, Mar 23, 1906. 5:1450—10 and 11. A $7,500 -—$9,000, other consid and 100 Olst st. No 239, n s, 195 w 2d av, 20x100,5, 3-sty alone front dwell¬ ing Sigmund Cohn et al to Fannie Cohn, B & S, Mar 21, Mar 23, 1906, 5:1416—I6V2. A ,$9,000—$12,000, other consid and 100 62d Bt, No 347, n a, 439 e 2d av, 17x100-5, 3-sty stoue frout dwell¬ ing. Pauline Chanvin to John Bozzuffi. Mort $7,000. Mar 24. Mar 26, 190G. 5:1437-18^. A $4,500—$6,000. other consid and 100 64th st, Nos 249 and 251, n s, 175 e West Eud av, 50x100,5, two 1-sly frame stables. James C Mack to Thos F Devine. Mort $12.(100. Feb 14. Mar 29, 1906. 4:1156—8 and 9. A $8,000 —$9,000. nom 64th sl. No 105, n s, 20,10 e 4th av, 20,10x100,5, 4-sty slone front dwelling. Charles Norris to Dorothea C and Fanny Norris. All title. B & S. Mar 23, 1900. 5:1399—ly-. A $25,000—$37,- 000. nom 64th st. No 152, s s, 220 e Amsterdam av, 30x100.5, 5-sty stone front tenemeut. Jacob Danielson to Jos Dorf and Mark L Abra¬ hams. Mort $26,500. Mar 26. Mar 27, 1906. 4:1135—55. A .■flS/lOO—$.32,000. other cousid aud 100 70th st, Nos 220 to 234, a s, SO w 2d av, 206x100,4, eight 4-sty slone front tenemenis, Isaac Sakolski to Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine. Mort $125,000. Mar 15. Mar 23, 1906. 5:1424—28^ to 36. A $75,000—$120,000. nom The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. 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