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■June 2, 1906 RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan 1077 "LARGE^ST DISTF.IBUTORS OF FF.ONT BRICK IN THE WORU>- ENAMELED FRONT BRICKS GENUINE 'HARVARD NAZARETH CEMENT Portland FREDENBURG 6 LOUNSBURY R.»*sni>. 63-69, 289 FOUP.TH AVENUE, Corner 22d Street, NE,W TORR Tri-Cenlennial Really Co to RIVERHBAD SAVINGS BANK. Lot. 30 map Residence Park, New Rochelle. Certificate as to consent of stockholders to mort for $0,500. May 24. May 25, 1906. Miscl. - ■ •- *Twele, Otto to Paul Rieling and ano. Plot begins 240 e White Plains ro'ad at point along same 300 n Morris Park av, runs e ■ 100 X n 25 X w 100 x s 25 to beginning, right of way over strip to Morris Park av, P M. Prior mort .H.OOO. May 26, due Mar 1, 1908, 5yz7o. May 28, 1900, 500 *Terrett. Charles S, Asbury Park, N J, to Edward L'E Phipps. Fox av, w s, 117.4 s Kingsbridge road, 2 lots, each 25x100. Eden¬ wald. 2PM morts, each $550. May 28, 3 years, 6%. May 29. 1906. _ 1,100 Towbiu. Harry lo Wolf Greenberg. Cauldwell av. w s. 400 s InOlh st, 25x115. P M. May 28, 2 vears, 6%, May 29. 1966, 10:2624, 1,100 *Ufland, William lo Olive Russell. Pox av, w s, 125 s Jefferson av, 50x100. P M, May 24, 3 years, S'^%. May 25. 1906, 600 *Voss, Fredk to Barbara Klein. 223d st, u s, 305 w 4th av. lOOx 114, Wakefield, P M, May 28, 5 years. —%. May 29, 1906. 3,000 Werner-Knaus Realty Co to Theo W Specht, 162d st, n s, 233.9 e Melrose av, 37,6x100. May 15, 5 years, 5%. May 29, 1906. 9:2384, 30,000 Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to consent of stock¬ holders to above mort. May 28. May 29, 1906. 9:23S4. — Wright, Sarah A, White Plains, N Y, with Hermau Berkovitz et al. 179th st, s e eor Clinlon av, 100x20. Extension mort, Apr 10. May 29, 1900, 11:3093- nom Weindorf, Wendel to Louis Meyer Realty Co. 236th st (Opdyke av), u s, 425 e Keplar av, 25x100, May 28, 3 years, 6%, May 29, 1906, 12:3377. 2,000 *Watls. Marshall H to Louis Jacobi, Plol begins 240 e White Plaiijs road, al poiut along same 150 n Morris Park av, ruus e 100 X n 'hi X w 100 x s 2o, with right of way to Morris Park av. P M, May 28, 3 years, SV-^- May 29, 1906. 1,560 Weis, Charles to Arthur H Sigler and auo, Morris av, w s, 147.1 n Cameron pl, 25.^91.7x25x90.10. Mar 31, 3 years, 6%. May 28, 1906, 11:3181, 1,400 Walter, John to Bella Petersen and ano. Grand av. w s, 100 s 184th st, 2 lots, each 25x75, 2PM morts, each $1,750. 2 prior morts, $7,250 each. May 29, 3 years, —%, May 31, 1906. 11:3209, 3,500 Wiener, Louis and Davis and Harry Palevitz to Abraham Orently aud ano. Uniou av, e a, 43 n Home st, ruus e 61.7 xne 31.6 x s 12 to n s Home st, x u e 95,3 xnw 9-5,2 to av, x s 100,8 to hegin¬ niug. Building loan. Prior mort $14,750, May 24, 1 year, 6%. May 28, 1906, 10:2681, 60,000 Same lo sarae. Same property, P M, Prior mort $74,750. May 24, 1 year, 6%, May 28. 1906, 10:2681, 11,230 *Widder, Louise lo Wm Scita. SL Lawrence av, w s, 125 a Merrill st, 25x100, P M, May 29, 3 years, —%, May 31, 1906, \35(1 Yockel, Philip to Cily Mortgage Co. 156th st, n e cor Fox st. Sox 100, May 21, deraand, 6%, May 25, 1906. 10:2720. 47,500 Same to Bronx Borough Really Sc Construction Co. Same property. P M, Prior mort $47,500, May 17, 1 year, 6%. May 25, 1906. 10:2720. 10,300 Zilil, Antonio to Fredk C Hardy. Healh av (Darke st), s e s, 290.4 ue Boston av, 33,4x97,4, except part for av. May 23, 3 years. 5^^%. May 25, 1900- 12:3257. 31,500 'I'Zappaia, Alberto to Hudson P Rose Co, Lot 77 map 125 lots Ruser .'estate. P M. May 24. due June 1, 1909, 5'^%. May 25. 1006, ' ' ■ 550 PROJECTED BUILDINGS. The first name is that of the ow'r; ar't stands for architect, m't for mason, c'r for carpenter, aud h'r for builder. When character of roof is not meutioned, it is to be understood that the roof is to he of tin. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TII STREET. East sl, w s, .50,2 n Broome st, 1 and 2-sty brk and steel machine shop and foundry, 14S.4x200,7V2; cost, $75,000; R Hoe, & Co. 504 Grand st; ar't, R Hoe & Co, 504 Grand st.—612, Essex st. No 136, 3-sly brk and stone outhouse, 6.6x8,0; cost, .$.300; -Max Diamondstone, 101 Bowery; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st, —606. Rivington st. s s, 22 w Tompkins st, 6-sty brk and stone store and teuement, 66.1x62; cost, .$42,000; Hauben Realty Co, 192 Bowery; ar'ts, Berustein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d st,—598. Olh st, n s, 105,5',^ e Av C, 6-sty hrk store and tenement, 44.1 Ix 77,10V.; cost, $45,000: J Wolkenherg, 96 Av C; ar'ts, Bernstein 'Sc Bernstein, 24 E 2.3d st,—609, Olh st, Nos 712-714 E, 6-sty brk and stone store and tenement, 39.5 x84; cost, .'^■35.000; Jos Wolkenherg, 69 Av C; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d sl.^610, 10th st. No 2S E, 12-sty brk and stone loft building. 46x86, plastic ■slate roof;'cost, 1325.000; E J Galway Building Co. ISO Sth av; jar't, Geo H Anderson, 156 Sth av.—008. 12th st, Nos 10-14 East. 12-sty brk and stone Ioft building, 61-\05, cost";'$350,000; Master Builders Realty Co, 99 Nassau st; ar't, .[Samuel Sass. 23 Park row.—604. Aiv A, Nos 103-10SI7-sly brk and stone store aud loft building, 45,4 7th st. No 128 E I xl25; cost, $75,000; Wolf & Abraham, 65 bleecker st; ar't, Chas M Straub, 122 Bowery.—605. Av B, s w cor 14lh st, two U-sly brk store and teuement. 39x85,6; to¬ tal cost, $70,000; The Terra Firma Building Co, 35 Nassau sl; ar''t, Chas M Siraub, 122 Bnwery,—614. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. Slst st, s s, 73 e 1st av, two O-sly brk tenement and stores 36x875- total cost, .$84,000; Joseph Suartner, 67-69 W 125th st; ar't,EA" Meyers, 1 Union sq,.—Oil. S3d St. Nos 422-430 E, 8-sty br!c_and slone lofl buildiug, 125x118.7 aud 140,3, slag roof; cost, $l7o,000; Theodore E Hergert, 382 2d av; ar't, Frank H Quinby, 99 Nassau st,—613, BETWEEN SOth AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF 5TH AVENUE, 119th st, Nos 341-343 East, 6-sly brk and slone teuement aud stores, 50x87.11; cost, $40,000; Laziusk & Co, 59 W 35th st; ar'ts Bernslein Sc Beruslein,-24 E 23d sL^liOD, BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF STH AVENUH. Amsterdam av, s e cor 67lh st, 6-sly brk and stoue tenement, 50.2x 90; cost, $50,000; Geo A Branigan, Kent, Ohio; ar't, Geo Keister II W 29lh St.—607, NORTH OF 125TH STREET. Hamilton pl, s w cor 144th st, 6-sly brk and sloue tenement, 125x 89,11: cost. $200,000; J V Signell Co, .302 Central Park West; ar'is, Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125th sl,—602. Hamilton pl. n w cor 143(1 st, 6-sty brk and stone tenemeut, 99 2x 89.11; cost. .^200,000; J V Signell Co. 302 Central Park West"; a_r'ts, Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125lh st.—603. . , . ,. 12ab St. n s, 118,11 w Convent av. 6-stv hrk and stone tenement 50x86.11; cost, .fOO.OOO: Arnold Realty Co, .535 W 133d st; ar'ts * Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 148th sl.—597. Amsterdam av, n w cor 167th st, two 6-sty brk and stone teneinents, 39.1x90; total cost, $77,000; Louis Weinstein, 216-218 E llSth str ar't, Samuel Sass, 23 Park row.—599- Lenox av, n e cor 143d st. two 6-sly hrk and stone lenemenls, 7411 x96.2; tolal cost, ,$80,000; Morris Feldberg, 280 Broadway; ar'ts Stein & Morris. 1133 Broadway,—-601. St Nicholas av, u e cor JS3d st, two 5-sty brk lenements, 49.11x96- tolal cost, $80,000: Donald Roberlson, 246 W 108th st; ar'ts Moore Se Landsiedel, 3d av and 14Sth st.—596, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Chestnut St. e s, 4.50 u Cornell av, 2-sly frame dwelling, 21x40- cost' $2,800; Jane J Hannan, 278 W 117lh sl; ar't, Geo P Crosier' 223d st and White Plains av.—556. Green lane, w s, 75 n Lyon av, 2-sty frarae store aud dwelling, 2Qx 46; cost, $4,800: Minuie Schrader, 2d and Washinglon sis; ar't, B Eheling, West Farms road,—568. Longfellow st, s s, 350 w Jennings st, 2-sly frame dwelling, 21x55;' cost, $li,O0O; Chas Webber, Merrill st; ar't, B Eheling, West Farms road,—566, Madisou st. w s, 125 s Morris Park av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x55; cost, $6,000: Frank Vradenhurgh, 2264 Hughes av; ar't, B Eheling,' West Farms road,—569, Shiel St. s e eor 6th av, rear, 1-sly frame stable, 20x16; cost, .$200; Mrs Wm Bernhardt, on premises; ar't, L Howard, 126lh st and Carter av.—;3i9, 132d st, n s. (5 e Willis av, 2-siy brk stable and dwelling, 25x45; cost. $2,500; Grossman & Rosenhaum, 540 W SSth st- ar't Geo Fred Pelham. 503 Slh av.—574. I39^h st, n s. 182,S w Walnut av, 2-sly brk stable and loft building 3(,4xll28; cost. $20,000; Cenlrai Union Gas Co, I.38lh st and Locust av; ar't. Chas W Heine, 138th st and Loeust av.—570. 142d st, n s, 231,6 e Alexander av, two 6-sty brk tenemeuts, 37,5x 87: lotal cost, $90,000; Haase Sc Lippman, 074 E lllst sl; ar't Lorenz F J Weiher, 103 E 125lh St.—572. 219th st, n s, 155 w Barnes av. two 2-sty frame dwellings, 22x54; total cost, .$7,600; Wm J Gordon & Son, 44 E 217th st; ar't, J' Melville Lawrence. 239ih st and While Plains road.—-578, 234lb st, n s. 231 e Carpenter av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 24x60; cost, $5,600; Henry Hellmers, 2051 Vaientiue av; ar't, Gustav Schwarz- _554 E ISSth st,—558. 254th st, n s, from Independence lo Palisade av, 4-sty frame garage' and dwelling, 66x30; cost, $20,000: Henry W Boettger, 125 Prince st; ar'ts, Reiley Sc Steiuback, 481 Sth av.^57]. \ Boyd av, e s, 125 n Jefferson av. 2-sty and attic frame dwelling, peafc- shingle roof, 20.V45; cost, $4,000; Wm Uflaud, 16 E 42d st; ar't, Carl P Johnson, 8 E 42d st.—562, . Elliott av, w s, 550.11 n Elizabeth st, 2-sty and attic frame dwelling, peak slale roof. 21x31; cost, .$3,-500; Marie Hughes, White Plains av and 209th st; ar't, Geo P Crosier, 223d st and White Plains' av,—563. Furman av, w s, ISO s 2.39th st, I'/t-sty frame stable, peak shingle' roof, 24x26,8: cost, $500; Jas Forbes, 4447 Furman av; ar't, Jas' X Cahill, 4448 Furman av.—SSO. Main av, e s, 10 Os Central av. 2-st-y"'-frame dwelling, 20x43; cost, .$3,600; Jobn Hoeter, West Farms Toad; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farras road,—567,. j . . Ryer av. w s, 470 n Burnside av, 2'^A-aty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 26.1x46; cost, $4-,000;. Mr and Mrs Bolaban, 2049 Ryer av; -ar't, L Koenig, 608 E 150th st,—564. - - ■ Willis av, e s, 132d to. 133d st. 2-sty brk shop. 210x60; cost, .'P12,- 600; Grossman Sc RoseuhauLQ, 540 W 58lh st; ar't. Geo Fred Pel¬ ham, 503 5tli av,^573. ^..... ,.,... 3d av. e s, 78 u 135t')i st, 6-sty brk stable and lofls,- Sl,l"!xll7.4 and 128,7; cost, .$55,000; Seidman, Adler Sc Rosh, 105 E 116lb st; ar'l, Naihan Langer, 81 E J25th st,—565, Bronx Park R R yard, w s, N Y & H R R tracks, 285 s 200th st, 2-sly brk signal cabin, 22x12; cost, $1,500; NYC&HRRR Co, The text ,or thcFe pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement will lead to proseoutlon.