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October 6, 1906 Hortgagei RECORD AND GUTDE Btonz 591 STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL HARRIS H. URIS IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS OFFICE AND WORKS 525-535 W. 26th ST. TELEPHONE, 1035-6 CHELSEA "Smith, Geo W and Wm H Springstead, Westchester, to Mary A Keefe. Rose pl, s s. 100 e Grace av. 20x100, Sept 25, 3 yrs, 5'^'/f- Sept 28, 1966. 2.000 Sasseralh, Kaufman to Henry Hall and ano, 137th st. No 622, s s, 206,6 w Willis av, 25x100. Prior mort $14 500. Sept 28, 1906, ' 5 years, 6%. 9:2299, 6,000 Sturgis, Ninna T wife of and Danford N B in bond only to Rosine Fassiu, Private cross road leading to Riverdale av, n s, at lauds Hiram Barney, through lands T Bailey Myers to Mosholu & Spuyten Duyvil road at fence on s e boundary of Barney, runs n e 194 X s e 69 X s w 40,9 xse 200 xsw 45 to road x n w 19() to heginning, contains 784-1,000 acres. Sept 27, due Aug 1, 1907, —%. Sept 28, 1906. 13:3414. 1,500 Schaefer. Louis to Bernhard Heister. Prospect av. No 1390. e s, 76,9 s Jennings st, -50x98,9x506x91,4. P M. Sept 28, 1996, 5 years, 5^4';;-. 11:2971. 8,-500 Samelson & Rubin, a corpn, with North American Mortgage Co. Webster av, e s, 50 s Wendover av, lOOxlOi.lO to w s Mill Brook xl06x74.11. Declaration as to correction of description iu mort dated July 20, 1906., Sept 28, 1!XI6. 11:2,896. — *Spero, Sarah to Louise Herrmann. St Lawrence av, w s, 175 n Merrill st. 25x100. July 30. 3 years, 5^!%- Sept 28, 1906. 4,000 Tobias, Julius D with Geo G Dewsnap, Lots 112 and 113 map 126 lols of eslate George Faile, Subordination agreement. Sept 27, Sept 29, 1906. 11:2940, nora Thompson. Arthur M, Mt Vernon, N Y, to Kate A Hobby, Frank¬ lin av. No 1310, e s. 120,6 n 169th st, late 7th st, 25x125, Prior mort .$3,600, Sept 14, 1 year. 67 Grand st.—985. Oliver st. No 49. 1-sly brk and stone outhouse, 22x5; cost, .^1-50; Michael loria. 49 Oliver st; ar'l, T T Cramp, 27 Madison st.—988, BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. 29ih st, Nos 341-345 East, 5-sty brk and stone cold storage build¬ ing. 50.9x96; cost. $80,006; H Koehler & Co, 29th st and Isl av; ar't. J Kastner. 1133 Broadway.—99.i, 32d St. Nos 348-350 East, 3-sty hrk and stone milk laboratory, 3-j xS5,3. slate roof; cost, $30,000; Naihan Strauss, 2i W 72d st; ar't, John H Dtmcan, 208 5th av,—987. , 36th st, u s, 200 w 10th av, 6-aiy brk and stone slable, 50x83, gravel roof; cost, $35,000; Ludin Really Co, 259 W 34th sl; ar'ts, Buchman & Fox, HE 59th st,—986, 46th sl, s s, lUO \v lllh av, 6-sty brk and stoue tenement. 25x87,5; cost, $25,UII<1; J Weinsiein. 116 Nassau st; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bern-- stein, 24 E 23d st.—988. 53d st. No 421 East, 1-sty brk and frame shed, 36.6x17; cost, $600; Artificial Ice Co, 418 E 53d st; ar't, Otto L Spannhake. 200 E 79lh sl,—989, Av B. w s, bet ISth and 19th sts, three 1-sty frame storage buildings, 2-5x7.8 and 83x74; total cost, $1,000; P W^ Seagrist Jr Co, 308 Av B; ar't, Henry Regelmann, 13;, 7th st.—992. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF STH AVENUB, 73d st, n s, 213 e 1st av. 6-sly brk and stone tenement. 100x89; cost, $85,000; City & Suburban Homes Co, 281 4th av; ar't, City St. Suburban Homes Co Architeci Dept, 42 E 23d st,—091. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF STH AVENUB. 63d st, n s, 125 e West End av, four 6-sty brk and stone tenements, 50x160.5; total cosl, $28(l,OW; Phipps Houses Corporation, 787 5th av; ar'ts, Whitfield Se King, lliO 5lh av,—982, NORTH OF 125TH STREET. HOth st, n s. 105 w Sth av, 2-sly brk and_st_one post office building. 45x95; cost, $15,600; Leo I Reinhardt, r>8i Lenox av; ar't. Goo F Pelham, 503 5th av,—990. 145th sl. n s, 275 e Sth av, eight 6-sty hrk and stone stores and tenem_ents, 50x,86.11; total cost. $360,606; Northwestern Realty Co, liO Broadway; ar't, C B Bruu, 1 Madison av.~993. 181st st, n 5, IOO w Audubon av, 3-sty brk aud stone fire engine and hook and ladder house, 46iAx]00, lile and cement and felt roof; cost, $50,060; N V City Fire Dept, 1-59 E 67th st; ar't, Howard Constable, 14 E 28d st,—!W4, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Charlotte st, s s. 111 e Boston road, 1-sty frame shop. 73x90; cost, $1,200; Wra Hajek & Co, 46 Worthington st, Winfield, L I; ar't. Frank Chmelik. 1028 4th av, L 1 City,—1085- Green lane, w s, 1-50 s Lyon av, two 2-sty Irame dwellings, 21x50; total cost, $10,0(X); Samuel Slei^imetz. 2015 Fulion av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.^UiOi, Green laue, w s. 50 n Lyon av, two 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x51,6 and -"lO; lotal cosl, $9,0
,- .500; Hannah E Barnes. 1000 Home St; ar't. P II McDonough, 69 St Lawrence av,—KHIO, Station pl. s e cor 210th st, rear, 1-sty frame shed, 48x18; cost. $500; H H Vought & Co, 112 W 42d st, ow'r and ar'L-1092,_ Tacoma st, s s, 17-'i e Sl Lawrence av, 1-sly frame storage, 1-3x24; cost. $200; Wm Mueller, 262 Tacoma st; ar't, Rudolph Werner, 4192 Park av,—1667, 12th st, n s, 280 w Av B, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x54; cost, $4,000; Chas Laumeister, 148th st and 8d av; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and 8d av,—11(14. 177th st, n s, 175 e Bronx Park av, 2'^-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 2]x.50; cost, $;:>,000; Jacob Cohn. Columbus* av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road,—1098. 179th st, s s, 256 w Bronx Park av, 2i^-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 2Jx.52; cost, .$6,000; Jacob Cohen, Columbus av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road,—llOi. 205th St. s s, 1S3 e Grand Concourse, 5-sty brk tenemenl, 25x7r>; cost, $20,600; Fred Pistone, 3170 Jerome av; ar't, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremonl av.—1091. 214lh sl. n s, 96 w 4th st. 2-sty frame dwelling, 22x26; cost, $2,000; Andrew Bilolto. 110 E 215th st; ar't, L Howard. 176th st and Carter av,—1102, 223d st, n s, 280 e Barnes av, 2-sly frame dweUing, 21,4x51; cost, $4,000; James Ceburre, 228d st near Barnes av; ar't, J Melville Lawrence, 289th st and White Plains road,-—1078. 228d st, n s, 100 e Paulding av, 1-sty and attic frame stable, peak shingle roof, 22x1li; cost, .?2.-iO; Wm Callahan, 2498 Valeutine av; ar't, Geo Hoffman, 236th st and White Plains av,—1083, _ Boston road. No 1191, 2-sty brk slore and office building, S2,30'x;;iO; cost. $15.0(W; Annie V Taylor, on premises; ar't, Arthur Arctander Co, 523 Bergen av.—1088. Briggs av, s w cor 201st st. 2i^-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 21x54; cost. $7,000; Geo D Kingston, 3884 E 200th st; ar't, Chas S Clark, 70!) Tremcnt av,—1086, College av, e s. 4-59.9 s IjOlh st, six 2-sty frame dwellings. 16.8 x60; total cost, $24000; I Guyer, Classon av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—1105. College av, e s, 5o9-Sl s 176th st, nine 2-sty frame dwellings, 16,8 xOO; total cost, $.36,060; I Guyer, ,Classon av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road,—1108, Daly av, w s, 81.9 n li9lh st, 2-sly frame dwelling, 21x:-)3; cost, $4800; Wm Steinmetz, 176 Van Buren st; ar't. H G Steinmetz. 1343 Tremout av.—1093. Hughes av, e s, 20 n 188th sl, 6-sty hrk tenement, 24,10x74.6; cost, .■^SO.OdO; Pasquale D'Auria, 2086 Hughes av; ar't, Chas S Clark. 7(11) Tremonl av,—1094, Kinsella av, s s, 100 e Rose st, 2-sly frame dwelling, 20x48; cost, $4,'200: Edw J CahoU, Morris Park av; ar'l, Timothy J Kelly, Mor¬ ris Paik av.—10S2, Matilda av, e s, 150 s 240th st. 1-sty frarae workshop, 12x14; cost, $150: Karl Seiferth, on premises; ar't, John S Williaras, Matilda Old road, s s, 150 e Starrow st, 1-sty brk store, 25x60; cosl, $1060; Gidoly Leon, 47 Lewis sl; ar't, Henry Zlot, 230 Grand st,—1080, Parker av, n s, 32-i w Rose pl, 2-Ety frame store and dwelling, 21x-50; cost, $0,51 lO; Antonio Coseia. Castle Hill av; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—1166, Saxe av, n e cor Old road. 1-sty frame storage, 3ix46.0; cost, $1:60;' Patrick Monahan, 4415 3d av; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—10S9. Tbe text ol these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given tljat Infringement will lead to Brosee.ution.