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January 19, 190;? Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE Bronx "9 2d av. No 2000]n e cor 103d st, 25.5x74.7, 4-sty brk tenement 103d st I and store. Jack Vigorito to Angelo Mottola, Mort $23,300 and all liens. Jan 17, 1907. 0:167.5-1, A $12,- 660—$22,000, other consid and 100 2d av. No 2091, w s, 2o n 108th st, 25x100, 4-sty stone front tene¬ ment and store, Sarah Glicksman to Frank Porco. Mort $20,- 6U0. Jan 11. Jan 12, 11)07. 6:lli58—22, A .$9,000—$16,500. other consid and 1110 2d av, No 14701s e cor 77lh st, 27,2xSS,7x27,2x.88.(l, 5-sty brk 77th st. No 300 1 tenement and store. Geo C Engel to Julia Taggart, Mort $32,000. Jan 16, 1997. 5:1451—19. A $22,000 —$40,000. other consid and 100 :id av, Nos 1S31 to 183o, e s, 25.11 n 101st st. 75.6x90, three 5-s(y hrk icnements and stores. 0:1651—2 to 4. A .$36,000-$il,500. 102d st. No 207, n s, 130 e 3d av, 25x100,11, 5-sty brk tenement and store, 6:1652—6. A $7,(100-$18,1100, Madison av, No 19J!). s e cor 124ih st, 20.(>x80j 3-sty stone front dwelling. 0:174S—74. A $17,000—$22,000. Lexington av, Nos 211,^-!) lo 2097|n e cor 120th st, 99.11x60, six 3-sty ]2(kh st, No 143 | brk dwellings, 6:1775—20 to 22, A $30,500—$42 500. Elise Boyd to Robert Boyd. All liens, Apr 20, 1904, Jau 11, 1907. other consid and 100 Sth av. No 21 i4 |s w cor 133d st, 2ox10i, o-siy brk lene- 133d St. Nos 2 and 4 | ment and store, Gustav Rheinauer et al to John Franz, Mort $40,000. Apr 2S, 1903. Rerecorded from Apr 29, 1905. Jan 11, 1907. 0:1730—40, A $22,000—$45,090. otlisr consid and 100 5lh av, No 14S9. e s, 63,2 s 120th st, Sj.SxIOO, 6-sty brk tenemeut and store, Paul Chooak lo Ahraham C Weingarten, AI! title. Mort $49,001), Jan 12, Jan 14, 1907. G;1740—70, A $22,000 —^$.53 0i:0. other eonsid and 100 Sth av. No 1493, ou map No 1491, e s. 25.3 s 120th sl, 31.9x100. (i-sty hrk tenement and store, Abraham C Weingarten to Paul Chopak. All title. Mort $49,000. Jan 12, Jan 14, 1907. 6:- 1746—72. A $22,090-$53 000. olher consid and 100 Sth av, Nos 80 and S2 |s w cor 14th st. 73,4x107, 4 and 5-sty brk 14th st, Nos 2A to 2E | office huilding and store, Henry Van Schaick to Van Schaick Realty Co. All liens, Ocl 31, Jan 12, 1907. 2:577—39 and 40. A $330,000—$365,000. nom 7th av, Nos 2100 to 2100 |n w cor 123th st, 100x123. 125ih sl, Nos 201 to 2ii9 [ 7th av, w s, adj above on north. Cornice encroachment agreement. Wendolin J Nauss with The Orpheum Company. Dec G, 190G. Jan 14. 1907. 7:1931. nom 7th av. No 428, w s, 79.7 n 33d st, 19,2x69,10, 4-sty stone frout tenement and slore, Lydia J Jenkins to Mary J McDonald, Mt .$36,060, Jan 15, Jan Iti, 1907. 3:783—^2. A $42,000—$45,- OOO. other consid aud 100 Oth av. No 458, s e s. 74.1 s w 30th st, 24,Sxl09. 4-sty brk tene¬ ment and store, Anna L Vogel el al HEIRS, &e, Quirin A Vogel by John H Vogel GUARDIAN to Meyer Alexander. All title, B&S. Jau 14, Jan 15. 1907. 3:759—80. A $16,000—$20,- 000. 4.750 Same property. John H Vogel et al HEIRS, &c. Quirin Vogel to same. 5-6 parts. All tille, Jan 14, Jan 15, 1907. 3:759. other c^msid and 100 Same properly. Release dower to 5-30 parts. Lena W F Vogel widow of Quirin A Vogel to same, Q C. Jan 14. Jan 15, 1907. 3:759, _ nom 10th av, No 642. e s, 6i n 45th st, 23x73, 5-sty stone front tene¬ ment and store, George Schoenecker to Franceeco Yaccarino, Jan 10. Jan 11, 1907, 4:1055—1. A $12,000—$17,000. other eonsid and 100 llth av, Nos 367 and 5691 s w cor 43d st, runs s 50.5 x w 100 x s 43d st W, 600 and 602 1 50 x w 25 x u 100,5 to s s 43d st, x e 12o to beginning, 3-sty hrk tenement and store and vacant. Edw C Striffler to Emil Rudolph. Vz part. Jan 9. Jan 16, 1907. 4:1090-36, 36^ and 37, A $17,500—$19,500. 100 MISCELLANEOUS. Appointment of new TRUSTEES and conveyance under settle¬ ment agreement. Arthur H P Paget et al to John W Sterling et al new TRUSTEES. June Lo, 1905. Jan 16, 1907. 3:828, Covenant and trust fund agreement, &c, under will Jane Romaine deed. Chas A Winter et al to Robt T B Fasten as TRUSTEE. Nov 7, 1906. Jan 15, 1907, (Miscl). nom Same property. General release. Chas A Winter et a! to Harry B Dawes, Chas A Winter and Wm A Patterson. Nov 14. Jan 15, 1907. (Miscl). - nom Deed of appointment, Edward M Cameron INDIVID and as TRUS¬ TEE Marie L Cameron to Harris D Colt. Dec 21, 1893. Jan 12, 1907. Miscl. ■------■ Marriage settlement agreement, Isaac Cohen with Esther Masch. Jan 11, 1907. nom BOROUGH OF THE BKONX. Under this head the * denotes that the property is located In Iht new Annexed District (Act of 18951. ■'Byron st, e s, 100 s 237th st, -50x100, Louisa Hoffman to Carolino Fenninger. Mort $840, Jan 9. Jan 12, 1907. other consid and 100 ■■■Birch st, e s. 100 n Chester av, 29,6xl00,5x.38,6x1(l0,. Seneca Park. Emma L Shirmer to Amalia Chalzel. All liens, Oct 30. Jan 17, 1907. nom Burnet st. late 14Gth st, s s, 200 e Barry st, late Leggett av. 50x100, 1-sty frame school. Chas G Jorgensen lo John E Hig¬ gins. Mort .$3,000. Oct 8- Jan 17, 1907. 10:2737. other consid and 100 Bryant st, w s, 225 s 172d st, 100x100, vacant, i,ewis V La Velle to Jacob Kronenberger. Mort $6,500, Jan 16. Jan 17, 1907. 11:2995. nom "Cruger st, w s, 175 s Morris st, 2.5x109, James Anderson to Alex C Anderson. Mort $500. July 11. Jan 14, 1907. other consid and 100 "Catharine st or Carpenter av, s e s, n i^ of lot 80 map South Washingtonville, 2ijx100, except part for av. Lydia Taylor to Frank Skrivan. Jan 11. Jan 14, 1907. other eonsid and 100 Exterior st, w s, at n s land N Y & Harlem R R Co, runs s w 126.11 to.n s pier or bulkhead line x n 311,2 x n e 173,2 to st at point 395,6 s 13Sth st x s 287.7 to beginning. Exterior st, e s, 344,8 s 138th st, runs s 320,7 to n s land said R R Co X e 455,4 to Mott av x nj87.3 lo point _17S,11 s 138th st X w 70 X n ^ X n w .30 x s 12i.S x s w 1-85.-i to beginning, with all title to slrip fronting on Mott av; also to riparian rights in Harlem River in front of above, several 1. 2, 3 and 4-sty brk and frame buildings. Lucy G Barnard and Vashtl G Eaton to Edgewaler Realty Co Jau 16. Jan 17, 1907. 9:2339. 100 "Flower st (1st st), n w cor 2d av (1st av), 100x100, Olinville. Henrietta A Relph to Filomena Capolla. Mort $1,000. Jan 12. Jan 14, 1907- nom German pl, s e cor Rae st, 50x92.3, vacant. Frederick Schultz to Mary A Schuessler. Mort .$4,509. Nov 6, 1905. Jan 17 19U7, 9:2358. nom Lorillard pl.'No 2398, s e cor 187th st, 24,4x100x22.4x100, 5-sty brk tenement. Joseph Paiella to Concetta Faiella, y^ part. B & S and C a G, Mort $20,000. Jan 11, 1907, 11:3054. olher consid and 160 "Liberty St, n e cor Edison av, 75.x93x73,\—, Nellie J Jones to Thos P Farley. Jan 9. Jan 16, 19()7, nom Same property. Release mort, Frank Gass to Nettie J Jones, Jan 9, Jau 16, 191)7, (j30 *Lee st, s s. 190 e Pelham road, runs s lOO x e 6.8 x — to st, x w 35.1 to beginning. Hughes av, e s, 75 s Libby st, 225x100, Hughes av, s e cor James st. 12.5x10(1, Arnold av, w s, 73 s James st, 75x1011- Mulford av, w s, 17-5 s James st, 25x160, Throggs Neck, Release mort. The Duchess Land Co lo John D Karst, Jr. Oct 22, 1904, Jan 16, 1907, nom -Mary st, s s. 125 w Blondell av, 25x100. I Blondell av, e s, 25 n Evadua st. 25x100. | John Kingston to Sarah A Gallagher, All liens, Jan 16. Jan 17, 1907, 100 ■*Oak st, e s, 200 s Kingston av, 100x100, Westchester. FORE¬ CLOS (Nov 14. 1906). Cromwell G Macy. Jr, (ref) to E Daniel Minor, Nov 14. Jan 16, 1907. 1,700 '^Toplar St. n s, 176,6 e Forest st, 50.4x102,6x50,10x97. Edward Tlerney lo Marcus Nathan- Mort $2.9.50. Jan 10. Jan 11, 1907. other consid and 100 Spencer pl, n w s, bet 144th st aud 149th st, and being lots 246 and 247 amended map Central Mott Haven, .50x60,6x-50.3xG5 s w s. Agnes Nobis lo N V State Realty & Terminal Co, Jan 15. Jan 16, 1!)07, 9:2343. other consid and 1,000 Station pl, e s. 100 n 210th st. .50x200 to Lowmede st, 5flx200, ex¬ cept strip 14 ft wide taken for Station pl, frame building of coal, yard, Margt Crawford to Eliza E Morrison. Jan 8. Jan 11, 1907. 12:.3359. nom *Taylor st, e s, 275 s Columbus av, 25x93, Van Nest Park, Char¬ lotte Rehbock to Max Petrovics. Mort $4,000. Jan 15, Jan 16, 1907, nom *Van Buren st, w s, 100 s Columbus av, 25x100, Regent Realty Co ti John Caruso and Ernesto Fllomarino, Jan 7, Jan 15, 1907, other consid and 100 ^Washington st, e s, 160 n Westchester av, lOOxlOS. Partition (Dee 12. 1906), Benj L Fairehild (ref) to Leslie Acker. Jan 10, Jau 15, 1907, 4,100 Weigand pl | w s, — n 180th st, at n line land con- Andrews av I veyed by Chrystie to Schwab, runs n w 130,11 and 156,9 to Andrews av x n e 24,9 and 26 and 96,4 xse 42,3 and 22.5,.3 to st x s 123,3 to heginning, except part for Andrews ■ av and Weigand pl, vacant, Mary Maloney to Fredk W Fieder Jr, Mort $S,.500. Jan 13. Jan 10. 1907. 11:3210, olher consid and 1,000 Same property. Fredk W Fieder Jr to City Real Eslate Co, Mort _$18,000, Jan 15. Jan 16, 1907, 11:.32I6. other consid and 100 ^oth st, n s, ISO w Av B, 25x83, Unionport. Robt W Diusdale lo Martha Loehr. __Jan 12, Jan 14. 1907. other consid and 100 133th st, s s, 2(o w Trinity av or Cypress av. 25x100, vacanl. Esther Tepper to Kate Montague, Mort $4,600, Jan 10, Jan 15, 1907, 10:2547, nom 136th st, s s, 100 e Brook av. 262,5x160. with all title to slrip on east, 0.2x100. vacant, Samuel Grossman et al to Grossman- Rosenbaum Building Co. Mort $46,000. Jan 12. Jan 17, 1907. 9:2203, nom 137th st, n s, 240,S e Soulhern Boulevard. 50x100. vacant, Henry J Grupe to Columbia Wax Works. B&S. Mort $4,090, Dec 29. Jan IS, 1907, 10:2566. nom 137th st, n s, 4o2 w Cypress av, 23x101,7x25,2x101, vacant, Robert Arnstein to William Cohen. Jan 10, Jan 12. 1907. 10:2330, other consid and 100 138th st, s s laud being plot bounded w by U S pier and Mott av, w s 1 bulkhead line in Harlem River, n by 138th Gerard av. e and w s| st, e by Mott av, s hy lands N Y & Harlem R R Co. several 1, 2, 3 and 4-sty brk and frame buildings. Eph¬ raim G Barnard et al to Lucy G Barnard. All title. Q C, Jan 13. Jan 17, 1907, 9:23.39^ 100 Same property, Jane V E Cotton et al to Vashtl G Eaton, All title. Q C, Jan 15. Jan 17, 1907, 9:2339. 100 139th st, s s, 153 e Southern Boulevard, 300x100, vacant. Bern- hard Klingenstein to the Junction Really Co, 1-3 part. Mort .$25,000, Jan 14. Jan 16, 1907. 10:2590. other ccfnEid and 100 Same property. The Junction Realty Co to Arthur R Parsons and Ralph M HolKman, all of Mort $25,000, Jan 13, Jan 16, 1907. 10:2590, other consid and 100 140th st, Nos 842 lo 846, s s. 95 e Robbins av. 75x100.10, three 4-stv brk tenements. Henry Goidstone et a! to Pincus Lowenfeld and Wm Prager, Mort $5,-500. Jan 10, Jan 14, 1907. 10:2569. 100 141st st I n s, 4,4 e Rider av, runs n 75 x w 43.10 Rider av, Nos .366 to 3701 to Rider av, x s e S4.9 lo sl. x e 4,4 lo beginning. 2-sty frame dwelling and store and two 2-sty brk dwellings. Kale Montague to Isak Tepper. Mort $7,250, Dec 13, Jau lo. 1907. 9:2335, other consid and 100 142d st. No .545, n s, 200,6 e College av. 2o.4x101, 3-sty frame dwelling. Release dower. Margaret Stanley widow to John J. Edward, Adelia and Julia Stanley, Jan 5- Jan 12, 1907. 9:2323. nom 148th st. No 664, s s, 70,11 e Bergen av, 27x100x26.3x100, o-sly brk tenement. Anlonia Seekamp lo John Tonyes. Mort $20,01X1. Jan 14. Jan 15. 1907. 9:2292. other consid and 100 14Sth St. Nos 575 and 577. ri s, 150 w Courllandt av. ,50x106.6, 6-sly brk tenement and slrore. Maurice Muller to Genaro Caroz- za. Mort $37,000. Jan 15. Jan IG, 1907. 9:2.330. other consid and 100 1.54th St. No 038, s s, 37o e Courtlandt av, 25x100, 3-sty frame dwelling. Agatha Malzaker to Geo J Shapiro. Jan 14. Jan 15, 1907, 9:24011, other consid and 100 156th St. No 921, n s. 45.10 e Jackson av, 41,8x100. 6-stv brk tenemenl. Release 2 morts. N Y Trust Co lo Katz-Polacek Realty & Construction Co. Jan 9. Jan 12. 1907. 10:2646, other consid aud lOt), also other consid and 1,000 156lh st, n w cor Fox st. 100x100. vacant. Abraham H Lyon to Wm Klein. Mort $15,2.50. Jan 11. Jan 10, 1907. 10:2707. 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.