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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 79, no. 2031: February 16, 1907

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388 RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan February 16, 1907 We Rent a Qas Range $3 Per Year GAS COOKERS ^ GAS HEATERS I SOLVE THR FUEL PROBLEM tx CLEANLY, CmCIZNT, LCO^0■^■UCAL | A handsome up-to-date line ot appliances may be seen at our offices We Rent s Gas Rang^ $3 ________________________________________________________________ .Per Yeai C0N30LIDATE-D GAS COMPANY OF NEW YORK BOROUGH OP THE BRONX. Catherine sl, e s, 150 s 240th st, 3-sty and basement brk school, 100x87: cosl, $170,000; City of New York; ar't, C B J Snyder, 500 Park av.—109, Green lane, w s, 154 s Castie Hill av, 3-sty frame store and dwell¬ ing; cost, $9,000; Guiseppe Napolitano, 38 Parker av; ar't, Henry Nordham, Boston road and Tremont av.—112. Hoffman st, w s, 208,6 n lS4th sl, 5-sly brk tenement, 37.6x82,10; cost. $30,000; Jas Faiella, Lorillard pl and lS7th st; ar't, Chas 5 Clark, 709 Tremont av.—9-8, 148th St. n s, 249.8 e Bergen av, 6-sly hrk factory, 90.4x99.10; cost, $75,000; Mrs M T Darrell, 106 W OOlh st; ar'ls, Pfluger 6 Tomaselli. 32 Union sd.—106, 201st sl, s e cor Briggs av, 2y.-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 21x54; cost. .$7,000; Geo D Kingston, 200lh st and Decatur av; ar't, Chas S Clark. 709 Tremont av.—101. 237lh st, s s, 240 e Keppler av, 2i4-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 18x34; cost. $5,000; Mary Cleland, on premises; ar'l, Chas S Clark. 709 Tremont av.—100. Brook av. w s, 190,3 n Rose st. 6-sly brk cold storage warehouse, 52<^xl-59.10 and *175.10i4; cost, $100,000; Couron Bros Co, lOlh av, 13th to lllh st; ar't, Jas S Maher. 1267 Broadway.—103. Cromwell av, e s, 545 s 170tb st, five 2-sty brk dwellings, 20x.55; total cost, .$25,000; August Kampfner, 33 Inwood av; ar't, John C W Ruhl, 400 E 203d st.—110. Doon av, e s, .3-'30 n Jefferson av, 2-sly and allic frame dwelling. peak shingle roof, 21x45.3; cost, $4,500; Lipowsky & Rosenberg, 99 East Broadway; ar't, Carl P Johnson, S E 42d St.—107. Grace av, w s. 81.82 s Glebe av. 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x49; cost, $5,000; Marlin Pletcher, 964 E lOlst st; ar't, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—102. Hull av, e s, 100 n 209th st, 214-sty frame dwelling, flat and peak tin and shingle roof. 21x57; «ost, $0,000; Luder Hankeu. 1819 Prospect av; ar't. Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—09. Marmion av. n o cor Fairmount pl. 3-sly hrk dwelling, 22x21.6, extension 2 stories 22x30.0: cost, $S,000; B H White, flighwood av; ar't. J J Vreeland, 2010 Jerome av.—IOS. Olmstead av. s w cor Ellis av. 2-sty frame storage, 54.0x45; cost, $3,000; Unionport Lumber Mfg Co, Av D and 13th st, Unionport; ar'l, B Ebeling, West Farms road.—113. West Farms road, w s. 150 s 174tb st, 1-sty frame shed, 22x18; cosl. $200; Joseph Taylor, 1731 West Farms road; ar't. Henry Nordheim, Boston road and Tremonl av.—111. ALTERATIONS BOROUGH OP >L1NHATTAN. Atlorney st. s w cor Houston st, toilets, windows, partitions, to 4-st-v brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $300: Mrs Regina Kauer. 153 E llSth st: ar'ts, Dunne & Schulz, 214 E llth st.—328, Broome sl, Nos 323-323V2. partitions, toilets, windows, lo two 3 and 5-sty brk and stone stores and tenements: cost. -$1,000; Peter Doelger, 417 E 55th st; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 168 E 91st St.—31S. Broome st. No 217, shaft, steel beams, stairs, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone slore aud tenement; cost, $5,000; A C Weingarten, 5 Beekman st; ar't. Otto L Spannhake, 2.33 E 7Sth sl.—292. Cornelia st. No 7. fireproof bake shop, to 5-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; cost, $600; John Brummer, on premises; ar't, Adolph E Nast. SIO Tinton av.—301. Easl Broadway. No 144, parlilions. toilets, windows, to -5-sty brk and stone store and tenemeut; cost, $2,000: Julian A L Diaz, 158 Grand st: ar't Herman Horenburger, 122 Bowery,—-321. Essex st. No 137, partitions, light shaft, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone tenemenl; cost. $3,000; Bernard Frasch, 58 Clinton st; ar't. Max Muller. 3 Chambers st.—277. Essex St. Nos 159-]59l^, partitions, toilets, windows, tank, lo two 5-stv brk and slone stores aud tenemenls; cost, $1,500; Gescba Fischer. 159 Essex st; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 108 E 91st St.-.320, Forsylh st. No 1,87. windows, parlilions. toilets, to -5-sly hrk and slone tenoment; cost. $3,000; estate Geo Fennell, 1.07 Av A; ar't, Henry Regelmarn, 133 7lh St.—281. Forsyth sl. No ^il. cellar side extension, -5x3.2. flreproof ceiling, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost. .'fSOO; Morris Cohen. 1.32 Henry st: ar't. Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.—.320. Grand st. No 401, air shaft, toilets, partitions, windows, to 5-sly brk and stone lenemeni: cosl, $3,000: Alfred T Leward, 401 Grand st; ar'l. O Reissmann, 30 Ist st.—315. Grand st, No -^00, toilets, parlilions, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement: cost, $1,500; Alfred T Leward. 401 Grand st: ar't. 0 Reissmann. 30 1st st,—314, Houston st. No 121 West, toilets, partitions, stairs, windows, to 4-sly brk and slone tenement; cost, $500; Joseph Tassi, 121 West Houston st; ar't. Chas H Richter, 08 Broad st.—283. Jay St. Nos S-12, partitions, stairs, girders, toilets, windows, to 6-sty brk and stone store and life building; cost, -S20,000: Wood¬ bury G Langdon, 31 Liberty st; ar't. P F Brogan, 119 E 23d St.—307. Mulberry sl. No 248, partitions, toilets, to 5-sty hrk and stone tenement: cost, .$.500; Salvatore Rizzo, on premises; ar't, Fredk Musty, 177 Cherry st.—313, Spring st, Nos 139-141. stairs to 7-sty brk and stone shop and of¬ flce; cost. .$100; A Lewis, 139 Spring st; ar't, O Reissmann. 30 1st St.—316. Spring st. No 23, elevator shaft, stalls, to 5-sty hrk and stone stable; cost, $10,000; Benjamin F Graley, 13 Marion st; ar't, Geo M McCabe. 2 W llth st.—303. Stanton st. No 21f!. windows, partitions, to 5-sly brk and stone tene¬ ment: cost, $2,500; Fleischman & Frank, 218 Stanton st; ar't, 0 Reissmann. 30 1st St.—298. West sl. No 250. erect sicn. to 6-sty brk and stone storehouse and office huilding; cost. $1,040: Morris Herrman, 61 North Moore st; ar't. J A Prencer, 354 Clifton av,—289. 9lh sl. No 74O Easl, partitions, windows, skvligbts. toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone slore and teneinent; cost, $2,000; Falk Rhonheimer 2S9 E 3d st; ar't, Richard Rohl, 128 Bible House.—2S4. lath st, No 435 East, air shaft, toilets, partitions, windows, tank, lo 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $3,000; John Rupp, 435 E 15th sl; ar't^ 0 Reissmann, 30 1st st.—296. lOlh st. No 54o East, toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; cost, $5,000; Bernard Springer, 114 Sl Marks pl; ar't, M Zipkes, 147 4lh av.—2S5. 16lh St. No 402 East, partitions, windows, toilets, to 5-sly brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,000; Franz Rennert, 34S E SOth st; ar't, Thos W Lamb. 224 5th av.—311. ISth' sl. No 419 Bast, partitions, windows, stairs, toilets, to S-sty brk and stone store and lenement; cost. $2,000; Orlansky & Hur- owitz. 2169 1st av; ar't, H Horenburger. 122 Bowery.—295. 25lh sl. No 444 West, toilets, windows, skylights, to 3-sty brk and slone tenement; cost, .$400; Celia Cohen, 411 W 24th st; ar'ts, J B Snooks _Sons. 73 Nassau sl.—299. 32d sl. No 3-il East, toilets, windows, skylights, chimney, vent shaft, lo 5-stybrk and stone tenement; cost. $5,000; Frankel & Werner, 343-.345 E 101st sl; ar't, Ed A Meyers, 1 Union sq,—326. SOth st, s s, 100 w Lexington av, 4-sty brk and slone rear exten¬ sion, 8.10x20, partitions, light shaft, stairs, to 4-sty brk and slone dwelling; cost, $10,000; W E Studdeford. 122 E 34tli st; ar't, Chas Volz, 160 5th av.—305. 39th sl No 14 Easl, 1-sly brk and stone rear extension, 25x31. partitions, show windows, lo 2-sty brk and stone store and shop; cost. $5,000; Jennie C Thompson, South Orange, N J; ar'ls, Koeh¬ ler & Farnsworth, 489 5lh av.—27S. 43d st, s s, SO w 7th av, 3 and 4-sty brk and stone front and rear extension. 20x4x14.9, partitions, stairs, steel girders, lo 4-sty brk and stone store and apartment; cosl, $12,000; Daniel F McEl¬ roy, 70 W 40th sl; ar'ts, Westervelt & Austin, 7 Wall st,—304. 116lh sl, s s. 175 e Sth av, erect sign, to two 2-sly brk and slone store and office buildings; cost, $150; J McCann, 101 W OOth st; ar't, J Schroth. 113 Wesl Broadway.—325. llOtb st, Nos 310-314 East, partitions, dumb waiters, to three 5-sty brk and slone lenements; cost, $3,000; Malzman & Siris, 288 East Broadway; ar'l, H Horenburger, 122 Bowery.—322. 120lb st, No 121 East. 1 and 2-sty brk and slone rear extension, 20.\24.G, partitions, stairs, to 2-sty brk and stone shop and dwell¬ ing; cost, $1,-500; Patrick Murphy, 79 E llOth sl; ar't, J C Cocker, 103 E 125th st.—312. 123d St. Nos 418-420 East, toilets, windows, partilious, skylights, to two 4-sty brk and slone tenements; cost, $6,000; David Lion, 2040 3d av; ar't, Olto L Spannhake, 233 E 78th st.—302. 125th sl. No 27 East, erect sign to 2-sty brk and stone office build¬ ing; cost, $1,000; M F Ives, 117 E 30th st; ar't. Metropolitan Engineering Co, 124 W 42d st.—290. Av A, Nos 27'2-2j llplumbing. windows, toilets, lo three 4-sty hrk 17th st. No 502 E | and stone tenements; cosl, $4,500; estate Wm Klumpf. 242 East Houslon st; ar't. Henry Regelmann, 133 7th St.—2S0. Av A, No 251. toilets, windows, skylights, to 4-sty brk and stone lenement and store: cost. $1,000; L A Wielage, 251 Av A; ar't, Otlo L Spannhake, 233 E 7Sth st,—282. Av B, No 284, fireproof doors, to D-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $200; Philip Held, 284 Av B; ar't, Henry Regelmann. 133 71 h St.—279. Av B, No 186. skylights, windows, partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; estate Adam Scheyp, 11 Av A; ar't. Heury Regelmann, 133 7lh st.—327. Av C, No 148. toilets, partitions, tank, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,500; S Grossman, 59 W 115th st; ar't, O Reissmann. 30 1st st.—297. Broadway, No 793, show windows, dumb waiter, to 4-sty brk and stone slore and office; cost, $1,200; Mary L Barbey, 100 Broad¬ way; ar'l, JosfDh Wolf, 320 5tb av.—293. Broadway, s e cor 48th sl, store fronts, wiudows, lo 3-sly hrk and stone store and dwelling; cost, $5,000; Louis N Labes, 1588-1590 Broadway: ai-'t, Fred Ebeling, 420 E Oth st.—SOS. Broadway, No 2S5, add 1-sty partitions, to 5-sty brk and slone store aud loft buildiug; cost. $5,000; estate Edward N White- house, 1 Madison av; ar'ts, Westervelt & Austin, 7 Wall st.—323. Broadway, No 351, add 1 sty, vent shaft, partilions, to 5-sty brk and stone store and lofl building; cost, $5,000; American Insti¬ tute, City of New York, 19 W 44th st; ar'ts, Westervelt & Austin, 7 Wall St.—324. Park row. No 103, show windows, to 2-sly brk and stone store; cost. $1,500: Wm Goidstone, 87 Park row; ar't, M Zipkes, 147 4th av.—310. Isl av, n e cor 70th st, partitions, windows. 4-sty brk and stone side extension, 22.-3x23, to 4-sty brk and slone store and tene¬ ment; cost, .$4,000; Herman Mandelbaum, 1429 Madison av; ar't, Charles Stegmayer, 108 E 91st st.—317. 1st av, n w cor 54lh st, 1-sty brk and slone rear extension, 20x 21.8, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $2,500; Wm Pollak, 973 1st av; ar't, Henry J Peiser, 150 Nassau St.—300. 1st av. No 395, partitions, toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone lenement; cost, $1,200; Louise Langbein, 4272 Park av; ar't, Jolin J Devoe, 310 E ISth sl.—291: 1st av. No 144S, toilets, windows, to 5-sly hrk and slone lenement; cosl, $5,000; John Bacso, 253 E 3d st; ar'ts, Sommerfeld & Steck¬ ler, 19 Union sd.—287. 1st av , No 1547, toilets, windows, partitions, to 4-sty brk and stone lenemeni; cost, $5,000; John Bacso, 253 E 3d st; ar'ts, Sommerfeld Sc Steckler. 10 Union sq.—288. 2d av, No 177, electric elevator, lo 4-sty brk and stone dispen¬ sary; cost, $2,7.50; St Marks Hospital, on premises; ar'ts, Kafka & LiDdenmeyr. 34 W 26th St.—306, 3d av. No 809, flreproof ceiling, lo 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $500; Eliza Leckerliug, ou premises; ar't, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand st,—331. Gth av. No 881, shaft, toilets, partitions, to 5-sty hrk and stone store and tenement; cost. $2,500; Wm S Devery, 236 W 13th st; ar't, Chas H Richter, OS Broad sl.—330. Oth av. No 49, add 3 stories to extension, partitions, to 4-sty brk and stone factory and storage building; cost, $S,0OO; Victor L Mason, on premises; ar't, C E Samenfeld, 338 Pennsylvania av, Brooklyn.—309. The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.