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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 79, no. 2039: April 13, 1907

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April 13, 1907 RECORD AND GUIDE 727 Contracts Awarded. FT. TOTTEN.—Greenlie, Wyalt & Co., 499 Water st, were recently awarded the contract for tbe construction of a store¬ house at Ft. Totten. U. T. Hungerford Brasis & Copper Co., Pearl and Park sis, Manliattan, has obtained the contract for rooflng the new House of Representatives Office Building, Washington, D. C. Ambrose B. Stannard, 1133 Broadway, Manhattan, has re¬ ceived the general contract, at $25,953, to erect a power bouse for the Agricultural Department at Washinglou, D. C. WILLIAM ST.—Chas. Andruss, 1238 Broadway, has the con¬ tract for alterations to the 6-sty storehouse No. 235 William st for Sherman B. Townsend, 327 West TTth st. Howard Con¬ stable, 14 East 23d st, architect. MADISON AV.—Russell Sage estate, 31 Nassau st, has awarded to Alexander Brown, 156 Sth av, the general contract for remodeling the 4-sty residence No. T91 Madison av, from plans by James B. Baker, 156 5tli av. Frauk B. Gilbreth, 34 West 26tb st, Manhattan, has obtained the general contract to erect a manufacturing plant, flve stories, reinforced concrete construction, for the S. L. Allen Co. at Sth st and Glenwood av, Philadelphia, Pa., to cost $140,000. 124TH ST.—D. "W. Davin, T4 Irving Place, has obtained the carpenter work, and 1. S. Rossell, 1 Madison av, the masonry, for improvemenis to the 4-sty telephone exchange, Nos. 220- 224 West 124Ih st, for tbe New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey st. BEEKMAN ST.—Horsfall Conslruetion Co.. 20 East 42d sl. has the contract for improvements to the 5-sty store No. 45 Beekman st for tbe Union Card & Paper Co., 27 Beekman st. W. Y. Jack Co., OlS Lexington av, will do tbe plumbing work. BROADWAY.—General contract has been awarded to P. W. Finn, 163 Columbus av, for extensive alterations lo the store ■ and office structure southeast corner of Broadway and 62d st for the Wendel estate. ITS Broadway, to cost about $20,000. Arthur M. Duncan, 15 William st, is architect. TTH AV.—Contracts for switches and signals for the Penn¬ sylvania terminals were awarded on Thursday to the Union Switch & Signal Co., of Pittsburgh. The contracts 'are the largest of the kind ever let by a railroad company. They will cover the electric tracivs from the Passaic River to a point on tbe Long Island Railroad, east of what is known as lhe Sunny¬ side Yard. The following awards have been made for the construction of buildings at Fort Hamillon, N. Y.: Double coast artillery barracks construction, R. J. F, Gerstle, 25 West 42d st, Man¬ hattan, $(>6,40T; plumbing, Nicholas Plumbing Co., Columbus, Ohio. $T,409; one S-set bachelor officers' quarters construction, R. J. F. Gerstle, $29,702; plumbing. Earl & Cook Co., 150 Nassau st, Manhattan, $3,492; post exchange and gymnasium, con¬ struction, R. J. F. Gerstle, $24,550; plumbing. Nicholas Plumb¬ ing Co., $1,777; heating, Earl & Cook Co., ,$2,067; wiring, R. F. Fletcher, $580; bowling alley, Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., 227 4lh av, Manhattan, $1,2,50. BUILDING NOTES Bids Opened. Bids submitted for the coiisti uction of a section of the sub¬ way loop between the East River bridges, and in Centre st between Pearl and Canal sts, were opened by the Rapid Tran¬ sit Commis'sion on Thursday as follows: Degnon Co., 60 Wall st, tunnel, $2,952,000; pipe galleries, $83,000; Cranford Contract¬ ing Co., Brooklyn, tunnel, $3,775,000; pipe galleries, $50,000. The Degnon Co. is now building the Belmont tunnel under the East River. The builder must furnish a bond of $300,000 and complete the contract in twenty months. It is expected that the Board will award tbe contract next Thursday. Bids were opened by lhe Board of Education on Monday. April 8: (No. 1.) For installing flre alarm telegraph system in the Truant School and Public School 17, annex, 19. annex, 55, 56. 59, 61, 62. 63, 64, GS, 73, 7G, S4, 87, 108, 115, 125, 126, 129, 137, 141, 143, 144 and 145, Brooklyn. Commercial Const. Co., $9,127 (low bid). Otber bidders were: Griffin & Co., Gore-Duggan En¬ gineering Co., L. F. Benn. (No. 2.) For installing heating and ventilating apparatus for addition and alterations in Public School 51, Manhattan. Gillis & Geoghegan, $26,000 (low bid). Other bidders were: Evans, Almirall & Co.. Frank Dobson, Blake & Williams, William J. Olvany, E. Rutzler Co., John Hankin & Brother. (No. 3.) For erecting iron gates and railings at Public School 109, Manhattan. Eagle Iron Works submitted lhe low-cst bid. Niagai'a Power Prices. Mr, J. M. Shepard, of Hamilton, transmits the following Cana¬ dian newspaper information, relative to the saving in power prices in Western Ontario: At a meeting of the executive of the Western Ontario Municipali¬ ties Niagara Falls Power Union, at Gajt. the prices formulated by the commission were accepted', which, taking Gait as au illustra¬ tion were as follows: Five horsepower, used ten hours per day, will' cost the consumer, delivered at his factory, all charges, of whatever nature, included. $31.50 per horsepower per annum; 10 horsepower $-30; 50 horsepower. -$24; 100 horsepower. $22.50; 200 horsepower $21, It is also figured that in the case of Gait the electric lighting will carry GO lights all night every night io the year, for $42 to $45 per light, as against $/0 now paid, and in.- candescent 5 cents to 7 cents per Ki.lpwatt. as against the present rate of 12 to 14 cents. Ail to the bad—the weallier of the first half of the week. An advertiser offers lo fake first and second mortgages. See Wants and Offers. Fifty-five building plans were filed in the Bronx this week and 71 last week. A really good newspaper is largely the product of friendly co¬ operation between the readers and the publishei-s. Civil engineer, 26, wants position with general builder to estimate and superintend. See Wants and Offers. A real estate firm can offer advantageous arrangement to reai estate broker of experience and proved ability. See advertise¬ ment in Wants and Offers. Since April 1 the Bruce & Banning Company, advertising agents, known in the building material trade, has become "The Banning Company." Offices will be in the Brunswick Building after May 1. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, work on the Hendrik Hudson apartments, now in course of construction at northeast corner of Riverside Drive and Cathedral Park\vay, is progress¬ ing rapidly. The brick and stone facing is nearly completed and the structure will soon be completely enclosed. Easterman, of Chicago, has tlie plastering of our U. S. Custom House neariy finished. He used Rockland-Rockport lime for the scratch, brown and finishing coats, all hand-made and mixed on the job. Tbe new police headquarters is nearly ready for the plasterers, but so far this contract has not yet been awarded. The work of excavating for the new building to be erected at 30 to 34 West 32d st and 29 to 35 West 33d st, by Chas. T. Wills for the jankers' Construction Co., 10 'WaM st, Manbattan, is practically finished. The building will be 32 stories in height, containing lofts and offices and will be the largest of its kind in the immediate neighborhood. The buildings in coui-se of construction on the lower West Side represent the highest type of offlce structures in the world; they are not only large, well planned, splendidly equipped and fin¬ ished, but several of Ihem are considered by competent author¬ ities to be tbe most architecturally beautiful commercial struc¬ tures ever erected in this country.—Robert E. Dowling. The offices of tbe Estate of William H. Nolte, manufacturers of interior trim, have been moved to the firm's new 4-sty build¬ ing at Seigel, Bogart and Moore sts. Brooklyn, where they w-ill be able to handle with promptness anything in the woodworking line. This move was caused by the large increase in the busi¬ ness, which is conducted by William C, Edward A. and Frederick J. Nolte. W. "W. Smith, of the Rockland-Rockport Lime Company, died at his home in Ossining recently, aged 63. Until six years ago Mr. Smith was connected with the plaster trade, in which he was almost a pioneer, as he started out with the old Hudson River house of W. R. Brown & Co., and was for many years in the employ of its successor, tbe Higginson Plaster Co.. and latterly of J. B. King & Co. The Automobile Club of America will open its new building in West 54th st, Nos. 247-259, near Broadway, on April IS. Work on the interior has been progressing rapidly for two months. Messrs. Dawson & Archer, 150 Sth av, performed the mason contract,; C. W. Klappert's Sons, 328 East 25th st, the carpenter work; M. B. Foster & Co.. 949 Broadway, electric wir¬ ing and switchboards. Ernest Flagg. 35 Wall st, architect. A card index will be found an invaluable thing in tbe ofiice of a builder, architect or material dealer. In the oflices of real estate brokers, appraisers and operators the card system has been in general use for years. It is the greatest "life-pre¬ server" ever invented for a business offlce. Editors of papers, technical and otherwise, are frequently in receipt of letters asking when an article or information of some sort was pub¬ lished, and it may mean a search of hours to follow the indis¬ tinct clew. The subscriber who does not keep a, card indsx does not get full value out of his paper. Additional indication tiiat the business centers of San Fran¬ cisco will be located in the same districts as they were before the fire is offered by the decision of the Mutual Life Insurance Company to repair and occupy tbeir building at the corner of Sansome and California ists. The lower stories will be occupied by tbe Canadian Bank of Commerce and the upper stories will be occupied by the Mutual Life Insurance Company. The arch¬ itect for the alterations and repairs is Mr. Nathaniel Blaisdell. The contract for tliis work was recently awarded to the Frank Gilbreth Company on the cost-plus-a-fixed sum basis. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, will hold an examination May 8 and 9 for tbe position of assistant en¬ gineers, Board of Waler Supply. The salary is $2,400 per year and over. There will probably be a number of appointments. On June 4 an examination will be held for the position of as¬ sistant engineer (designer) at $1,800. The State Civil Service Commission of New York will hold examinations April 27, for the following civil engineering positions: Assistant civil engineer; bridge designer; ?ivil engineering draughtsman; inspector Of