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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 79, no. 2045: May 25, 1907

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May 25; 1907 RECORD AND GUIDE 1023 total .number of sales reported is ll.i, of which 4:*. were bt'low 5iJlh st, ;J7 north and ■i5 in the Bronx. The tofal number of Manhattan conveyances recorded this week was 254. lo com¬ pare with 6ti0 in the corresponding week last Plans for '60 new buildings were filed in Manhattan and <'-G in lhe Bronx. Eryan L. Kennelly, auctioneer, wi.l sell at auction at the Ex¬ change Sa'esroom, 14 and in Vesey st, on Monday, May 27, 1:^:1 lots and villa plots, being a portion of the Powers estate, situated on Broadway, West liJ^d st, Fairview av, Wadsworth terrace and Broadway terrace. The property to be sold lies at about the highest point on the island of Manhattan, and over¬ looks the Dycliman tract and tlie surrounding country. Build¬ ers will find that the lots situated on Broadway will be at¬ tractive for business and apartments. That part of the prop¬ erty lying on Fairview av and Broadway terrace is particularly suitable for improvement with dwellings, for which there is a -growing demand in that section of tlie borough. The entire property is accessible by trolley and subway at a five-cent fare. Grading, curbing and flagging on Wadsworth av, Broadway terrace and West l!.).5d st have been paid for, and since the title of the land in the streets luentioned has been dedicated to the city, purchasers will not be assessed for Street opening. Tire terms of this sale admit of 70% of the purchase money to remain on bond and mortgage for 1, 2, 3 or 5 years at 5%, and the purchaser will be allowed the convenient privilege of paying off his obligation on 30 days' notice. The liberality of these terms and the splendid situation of the Powers estate will doubtless at¬ tract a large gathering of buyers to this sale. (See advertisa- ment on another'page of this week'.s Record and Guide.) ;i.TH ST.—Pocher & Co. sold the 3-sly brick building 561 West .'Jllh sl, 25xlU0 for Benjamin F. Poth. STth ST.—Whitehouse Se Porter sold for George Wcisensee to Bochiir Sr Bochiir :iud Weil & Mayer, 237 West 37lh st, old Ijuild- ings, 25x;iS.r). 3SJTII ST.—Edward C. Williams sold to a client for ex-Cougress- maii Jefferson M. Levy 224 and 22(j West 39th st, two 4-sty dwell¬ ings, 41.8x!JS.l>. ic PRIVATE SALES MARKET SOUTH OP 59TH STKEET. Buyer tor Larye Ti^iienicnt. BROOME ST.—Lowenstein, Papae & Co. sold for a Mr. Lazarus and Others 14i) to 1.51 Broome st. 7-sty tenement accommodating 38 lamilics, 37.(1x100. ■ Activity Jii Lowor Broad St, BROAD ST.—A. Hollander hought Ihrough the Albert Booth Cohn Company and the McVickar-Gaillard Really Company the block front in the east side of Broad sl. from Water lo Front st, to¬ gether with Nos. 23 and 25 Waler st and Nos. 2(i and '28 Front st, all old buildings, on a plot comprising S,300 sq. ft., with a frontage in Broad sl of 140.11, in Front o£ 07 and iu Water sl of 47' fl. The Whitehall Realty Company owned No- 28 Front st; P. E. Woolsey, No. 20 Front, No. lOi Broad aud No. 33 Water st, and .A.. Zlmsser, No. 2.J Water st. CANAL ST.—Daniel B. Frecdmau bought trom the Bunting estate of San Francisco 201) Canal st, -5-sly business Ijulldiug, '2o.'2xll0. The parcel is wesl of Canal st. subway station, and in a section which will be benefited by the new loop connecting the Easl River bridges. CHERRY ST.—Andrew Coppolo Sc Son sold for Michael Rosrano G-sly tenement 108 aud 110 Cherry st, 37.0x02. FORSYTH ST.—Samuel Mann bought the 5-sty l/rlck tenement 188 Forsylh st, 2i.>xlOO, from a Mrs. De Jonge. HENRY ST.—Krakower & Co. sold for Lena M. Davidson lo S. Steiner O-sly lenemeni 41 Henry st, 27x100- HOUSTON ST.—Joaeph Tea sold for Lowe Sc Jorrisch to Jacob Elueslein WO to lliS East Houston sl, two O-sty tenemenls, with IU slores, 7'5xlOO, LEWIS ST-—L. Stockell & Co sold for Max Gold lo S. Schoen the O-sty tenement 227 and 220 Lewis sl, 40.3x85.lOx irregular. MORTON ST.—Leonard Weill bought from Nellie Atkins of Lon¬ don, 24 Morion sl, 5-sty flat, 27x00. WATER ST.—S, D. Cooper sold for A, Silverman, southeast cor¬ ner Water st and Catharine slip, plot 50.t30. 3D ST.-Gerstenfeld Sr Bernstein sold 3-i5 and 347 East 3d st, (i-sLy tenement, 42x1)0, for Barnett Cohen to Jacob Loeb. Dth ST.—Morris G. Frankel bought tor George Bruestle from the Stubenvoll estale, 4-sty teueihent 232 East Otb st, 21x7.5x irregular. IIITH ST.—Folsom Bros, sold for Henry R. Pyne, executor, 4-sty high stoop house, lUi E. 10th st, 18x50.0, to an investor. 14 ST.—George Milne sold Ior John B. Wood 152 to 100 West-14 st, five 4-sly buildings, ]00-xlO;S-3, al southeast cor. 7 av, 15th ST.—Reich & Rothenberg and Joseph Isrfac Sc Sons sold 542 and 544 East 15th st, two 4-sty tenements, 4UxS0- 21ST ST.—Tucker, Speyers & Co. sold for Charles Kaye to Edward Rap.allo 30 and 32 West 21st st, a uew 12-sty store aud loft build¬ ing, .50.'4l)2. The parcel is situated in a section rapidly undergoing changes incident lo the westward business movement. The pur¬ chase price was about ¥400,000. 25th ST.—Mrs. Nellie L. Atkln sold to the Sandford Really Co, 105 West 25lh sl, 5-sly tenement, 20.1xi8-0. 27TH ST.—Morris G. Frankel bought for Thoraas Farley, 4-sty dwelling 240 East 27th st, 20x118 0, from Mary Klingler. 20th ST.—Henry M_. Weill, in conjunction wilh Joseph Burke, sold for Wm. R. Mason 3^iO Wesl 20lh st, a 5-sty single flat, 22x100. 30th ST.—The firm of L. J. Carpenter sold for Miss G, Iselin to Dr. Heury Carey 222 East 30lh st, 3-sty dwelling, 18.9x98.t(. 33D ST.—The French Benevolent Society sold .to the Schwab Really Co. 4-15 and 447 West 33d st, two 4-sly buildings, 37.8x09. 37th ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Francis L. Wellman 123 East 37th st, 5-sty American basement dwelling, 20.10x80. The buyer will occupy the house. 37TH ST.—Fleclc Se Brown resold for Max Verschleiser 236 and 2,^8 East 37th sl. The property consists of two 4-sty buildings, 40x OS.O. The purchaser is an investor. 40th ST.—The Sandford Realty Co. sold 208 West 40lh st, 5-3ty ■nemenl, 25x1)8,9; to August Numenkamp.. 43d ST.—Herbert A. Sherman sold for Mrs. Francis G. Pardee 6 East 43d st, 4-Bty dwelling, 20.0x100.5. 51ST ST.—Annie Fried; sold lo Dr. Cbas. Meyer 307 Wesl Slst st, 4-sty dwelliug, 20.1.xlO0,5. 52 ST.—The Combined Real Estate Interests bought from Rich¬ ard M, Montgomery & Co. nve 4-sty flats, 114 to 122 East 52 st, be¬ tween Park and Lexington avs, 00x100. B. J. Devlin was the broker in tbe deal. Olher purchases have recently been effected iu this localily, and it is clear that the activity is due in no small degree to the improvements being made by the N. Y. Central Rail¬ road. 53d ST.—Schmeidler & Bachrach sold to a purchaser for invest¬ ment 3-sly dwelling 217 East .53d st, 10.8x100.5. 54TH ST.—Joseph Doelger sold 157 East o4th st, 2-sty stable 25 xl00,5, to Carl Fraucis, 54TH ST.—Bloodgood, de Saulles & Talbot sold for Park Aveuue Realty Company 3-siy dwelling. 111 East 54th sl, 10.11x100,5, to a client who will remodel the house for his own occupancy. To Jlunlicalc Successful Undertaldiig. 57th ST.—Parish, Fisher & Co. sold for Jahial Parmly 4-sty brownstone dwelling 1.34 West 57th sl, 20x100.5; for Adolph L. Gondran, the similar adjoining property, 130; for Emily B. Potts, tbe similar adjoining property 138; for Elizabeth S. C. Burke the SLmilar adjoining property 140 and for Harriet Frances Quacken¬ bush, lhe similar adjoinijig property 142 West 57th st, in all five houses, on plol lOOxlOO.o, to Robert W. Vonnoh. These properties immediately ad.ioin the 80-foot plot at 120 to l.'{2 West 57th st, sold by the same brokers lo Mr, Vonnoh about 0 weeks ago. Mr. Vonnoh will erect upou plol 12-sly duplex apartment bouse similar lo lhe one designed for first plot purchased. All tbe aDartments tliat were for sale in lhe structure originally projected have been disposed of. and subscriptions have already been received for niauy of those salable in the new building. Information is at hand which warrants the sUilemenl that several large undertakings along similar lines are now under consideration. AV C—Max Fabricanl and Max Kershenbhitt sold to Abraham Levenstein norlheast cor Av C and Oth st, 5-sty tenement, 23x58. BROADWAY.—Jacob Le Roy and others sold 343 Broadway, O-sly building, 30.8x107, wilh an "L" to 00 Leonard st. Mary B. Brande¬ gee is lhe buyer. LEXINGTON AV,—The Henry Morgenthau Company resold to a client of M. Morgenthau, Jr., & Co., southeast cor 57th st aud Lex¬ ington av. 5-sly flat, with slores. The selliug company pur¬ chased the properly a few weeks ago and has not yet taken title. MADISON AV.—Horace S. Ely & Co. sold for Ida C. Bracher to a client 1)12 Madison av, northwest cor 53d st, 4-sly brownstone dwelling, lot 20.5x95. 1ST AV.—L. Stockell &. Co. sold for M. Dlugasch the soulhwest eor of 1st av and lOtb sl, O-sty teuement. with stores, plot 4(ix72. 2d av.—R. J. Jacobs & Co. sold to Fred Picker southwest cor of 23d st and 2d av. known as .30o and 397 2d av, and 24S East 2.3d st, 5-sty brick building, with three stores. The property has not changed hands in 511 years. 2 AV.—Weintraub & Weslintzer sold to S. Kirschbaum 7-sly tene¬ ment .55 2 av, 24x100. 2 AV.—James Kyle & Sons sold for Lottie Deutsch 900 and 962 2 av. northeast cor. 51 st, two 4-sty flats with stores, 40.5x70. Deal for Third Avenue Corner. 3 AV.—S. L. Cooper sold lo New Amslerdam Really Co. north¬ east cor. 35 sl aud 3 av, 10xO2, and the immediate adjoining parcels, 203 and 20.j 38 st, 38x74. The site is at present covered with 4-sty brick store buildings. .\ Xota ble Invasiou. ,5TH AV.—Through the combined efforts of Parish, Fisher & Co. and Albert B. .Ashforth, the holdings ol Harry J, Luce. President Acker, Merrall & Gondii Co., al southeast cor 5lh av and 53d st. iu- cludnig 007 to 071 5th av. 00x109, and the adjoining property, 2 ..i3d st, 25x100.5, were sold to a syndicate of artists during the week. The parcel contains about S,.500 sq. ft. It is the intention of the purchaser to erect upou the site a co-operative studio apartment, and since the parcel acquired is one of the few in that locality un¬ affected by restrictions the new owner is enabled to proceed al once with the undertaking. It will be remembered that Mr. Luce purchased the property in September, 1300. from Robert Seoville at a figure approaching $850,000. The plot is diagonally opposite the mansions of the Vanderbilts and close lo the site recently ac¬ quired by E. H. Harriman at northeast cor 5lh av and 52d st. It is conceded by those who have made an intelligent study of the studio or co-operative apartment idea that no raore suitable loca¬ tion for such an undertaking could be found. The structure planned is of tbe duplex type aud will contain 12 stories wilh stores ou ground floor and is estimated to cosl $1,000,000. The announce¬ ment coraes in lhe nature of a disappointment lo the owners of really in the immediate vicmily who have for so long a period suc¬ cessfully thwarted the invasion of business and apartment build¬ ings by purchasing all similar unrestricted parcels. No definite price in the present Iransaclion is slated, but it is known Ihat tbe holding price was -I!!,2.50,0(10. NORTH OF 59TH STREET. fil ST.—The New Amsterdam Realty Company bought, through John P. Kirwin, southeast cor. .Amsterdam av and 01 St, 5-sty triple flat with slores, 25.5x75. OOTH ST.—L. Stockell & Co. sold, in conjunction witb L. Rice, for Kramer & Rockmore, the two new O-sty fiats on norlh side of Giith st, 100 ft, east -'id av, together wilh two similar abultiug houses on south side 07th st¬ ill Leno.v Tjibrary Block. 70tH ST-—The Trustees of Lenox Library sold, through Henry D. Winans Sr May, plot ,3-3x102.2, on north side 70th sl. 175 feet east 5th av, and plot 05x102.2, on the soulh side of ilst st, 175 feci east