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June I, 1907 Mortgages RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan 1095 GEORCE A. JUST COIVIPANY 239 Vernon Ave., Boro. of QueenSi New York City IRONWORK FOR BUILDINCS *Walker, Allen to Fraucis Dinsmore. Tryon row, s w s, 58 s 5lh st, Westchester, 130x74,3x150x77 n w s. P M, May 20, 3 years, —%, May 29 ,1907, 1,875 •Washburn, Morgan to Amelia B Paff, Green av, s s, 107 e Old Roatl, 125x100, Westchester. P M. May 25. 3 years. 0%, May 27, 1907, 3,000 *Washburn, Morgan to Frank Gass. Madison av, w s, 100 n 3d st, 7.5xlOU, Weslchesler. May 2:i, 3 years, 6%. May 27, 1907, 850 •Same to sarae. Madison av, w s, 17-5 u 3d st, 30x100, West¬ chester, May 23, 3 years, 6%- May 27, 1907, 500 Wiener. Louis, and Davis and Harry Palevitz lo Joseph Hyman. Union av, Nos 116S and 117(', e s, 93 u Home st, 30.8x9-5,2x 48-1x95-2, May 24, demand, 6'/, May 27, 1007, ,10:2681, 3.500 Winston, Moses W to Wilbur Larremore ref. Lind av, e s, 413.4 n 169th sl, 50x100, P M, May 28, 2 years. 5%. May 29, 1907. 9:2532. . 2,100 Walther, Oscar to Peter Bauer. Canldwell av. No 890, e s, 240 u 101st st, 20x123. P M. May 28, 3 years, 3%. May 20, 1907, 10:2031. 7,000 Wolf, Pauline Lo Jacob Schmitt. 150th sl, Nos 5(i3 and 365, n s, 248,5 w Courtlandt av, old line, 51,9xl00.5x4,.,!lxl00.4, P M, Prior mon $32,000. May 27, 5 years. 5%, May 28, 1907, 9:2410, 12,500 *Younkin, Helen B to Wm McKinny trustee, Robin av, e s, li5 n Tremont road, 25x100, Tremont Terrace, May 21, due May 1, 1909, 5VJ%, May 25, lil07. 410 *Sarae Lo same. Pilgrim av, w s, 125 s Emily st, 25x95, May 21, .due May 1, 1000, 5^2%, May 25, 1907. 425 *Sarae to same. Dauiel sl, u s, 103 e Waldo pl, 25xl04.2x25x—. May 21, due May 1, 1909, 5y2%. May 25, 1907. 390 PROJECTED BUILDINGS The flrst name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; b'r for builder. All roofing malarial is lin, unless otherwise specified, BOKOUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14th STREET. Barrow sl, n s, 7-5 e Bleecker st, 2-sty brk and stone stahle, 23x90; cosl, $3,500; John J Bogert, 277 Bleecker st; art, Wm S Boyd, 561 Hudson St.—395. Bleecker sl, Nos 20-24 |l-sty brk and slone outhouse, Lix23.10, Blizabeth st, Nos 309-311 | cost, $1,2{I0; John E Pye, Lakewood, N J; arts, B W Berger Sr Sou, Bible House,—103, Elizabeth st, s e cor Hester st, two O-sty brk and stone tenements, 39x66,3 and 30,Sx(;0,10; tolal cosl, $75,000; Max Weinslein, 19S0 7th av: art, Chas M Straub, 122 Bowery,—394, Mangin st. No 10, 7-sty brk aud stoue loft building, 23x49, plastic slale roof; cost, $20,000; Julius Meyers, 2!) Mangin st; art, Thomas W Lamb, 224 5th av,—307. Washingion sl. No 739, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 6.6x23; cosl, .^^1,000; Collins & Rowe, 283 Elizabeth st; art, 0 Reissmann, 30 Isl st,—301, Washington st. No 761, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 6.6x23; cosl, .^1,1100; Collins & Rowe, 283 Elizabeth st; art, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st st,—392. Washington sl. No 7-57, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 6,6x23: cost, $1,000; Collius Se Rowe, 283 Elizabeth sl; art, O Reissmann, 30 1st St.—390- 5lh st. No 315 E, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 9,8x13-4; cost, $1,000; H Horowitz, 243 E 3d st; art, O Reissmann, 30 1st st,— 308. Oth st. No 303 East, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 0x10.11; cosl, $500; J Oberloskamp, 503 Oth st; art, O Reissmann, 30 1st st. ^05, 7th st, n s, 221.11 w ;\v A, 6-sly brlv and stoue tenement, 42,Ix 84,6; cosl, $40,000; Harbater & Silk, 110 St Mark's pl; arts. Bern¬ slein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d st.—380, - BETWEEN 14th AND 59TH STREETS, 16th st, s s, 270,0 e Av A, two O-sty brk aud stone stores and tene¬ ments, 37,0x90,3; cosl, .'i^0,000; Liehenthal Const Co, 67 W 125th sl; arl, Geo Fred Pelham, 303 3lh av. Corrects error in last issue, when location was e Av C,—302. 23d sl,'No 402 E, 1-sty hrk aud stone outhouse, 0.4x13,4; cost, $500; A M Robinson, 204 W S3d st; art, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st st,— 393 29th st. No 407 East. 1-sly hrk and stoue outhouse, 13.4x10.4; cost, .fOOO; Pasquale Pati, 23S-240 Elizabeth st; art, Chas E Reid, 103 E lllh St.—106, 46lh st, s s, 27.3 e lllh av, 3-sty brk and slone stable, 12i3x9;j, tar and gravel roof; cost, $12.3,OO0; Chas P Hickey, 153 Division av, Brooklyn; arts, Buchman & Fox, 11 E 59lh st.—399, 3th av. No Ii28, (i-sty brk and stone office building, 22x110 and 121, tile roof; cost. $,30,000; Thomas R A Hall, 30 E 42d st; art, Alex McMillan Welch, 11 E 42d st,—388^ BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF 5TH AVENUE. 65lh sl, No 10!l East, 4-sly brk and slone resideuce, 2(1x70.5; copper, tin and gravel roof; cost, $40,(109; Katharine B Duane, 02 E 55lh st; art, Wm Strom, 30 Cortlaudt sl,—404, BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8TH AVENUE. 63d sl, Nos in7-171 W, 1-sty brk aud stone parish house, 41x95; cost, $30,000; The Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, 38 Bleecker st; arts, Hoppin, Koen & Huntington, 244 5lh av,—390, 03Lh st. No 202 West, 1-sly frame shed, 2;..x.30; cost, $200; Daniel McCoy, 2H1 W 115th st; art, E Rossbach, 1047 Broadway,^OS, OSth St. No 46 W, 5-siy brk and stone stable and carriage building, 23x100.11, slag roof; eost, $18,000; Joseph Levine, 407 New Jersey av, Brooklyn; art, F W Herter, .503 Manhallan av.—401, NORTH OF 125TH STREET. St Nicholas terrace, n w cor 12lllh st, Ii-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment, 99,11x1.30, plastic slate roof; cosl, $223,(X)0; Central BIdg & Improvemeut & Inveslmenl Co, 149 Church st; arts. Rouse & Sloan, 11 E 43d st,—402. 12Sth sl, n s, '200 e Amsterdam av, 4-sty brk and slone boiler house and coal storage, 45x99, slag roof; cost, $50,900; Bernheimer Sr Schwarlz Pilsener Brewing Co, W 12Slh sl, near Amslerdam av; arl, L Oberlein, 19 Whitehall st,—iOO. 131st st, s s, 33.3 e Old Broadway, 1-sty brk and stone slable, 36.8 x44,7 and 39, plastic slate roof; cost, $1,5(10; T I O'Connell, Broad¬ way near lS7th st; art, F E Glasser, 70 Manhatlan st.—±07, Broadway, s w cor 133tb st, 6-sty brk aud stone tenemenl, lOOx 139.11, plastic slate roof; eost, $223,0
(I0; John J Boylau, 1412 Madison av; art. S A Dennis, 2-3-5 Broadway.—310. Hoe st, e s, 73 s Aldus st, l-sly frame storage building, 25x52; cost, $700; American Real Est Co, Westchester av and So Boule¬ vard; art, Frank J Schcfcik, Westchester av aud So Boulevard.— r.'Ji •J.iL. Moulgomery pi, n s, 100 w Maclay av, 2-sly hrk dwelling, 20x50; cost, $5,000; The Broux Mortgage Co, John M Cantwell, 3023 3d av; art, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—523. Overing st, s s, 90 e West Farms road, four 2-sty brk dwellings, 2OX.55 each; tolal eost, $24,000; The Bronx Mortgage Co, John M Cantwell, 3025 3d av; arl, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av,—326. Tiffany st, w s, H'-O s Dongar. st. flve 4-sty brk tenemenls, .33x75 each; tolal eost, $100,000; Jas F Meehan, 1044 Westchester av, owr and art.—329, Tiffany st, e s, 100 s Dongan st, five 4-sty hrk tenements, 33x75 each; total cost, $100,(K>0; Jas F Meehan, 1044 Westchester av. owr and art,—:.i28. 13lh st, s s. 200 e Av C, four 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x32 each; total cost, $20,000; T P Flood, 2006 Creston av, owr and art,— 550, 164th st, n s, '200 e Brook av, 1-sty hrk shop, 17x43; cosl, $800; Bodge Bunke, 410 E 141st st; arl, Louis Falk, 278;> 3d av,—;j45, 169th st, n w cor College av, 3-sty frame tenement, 22,6x60; cost, $7,0(.I0; Thoruton Bros Co, 1320 Clay av; art, Hugo H Avolin, 961 Stebbins av,—-539, lOOth st, u e cor Morris av, 3-sty frame tenement, 22,6xfi0; cost, $7,0110; Thornton Bros Co, 1320 Ciay av; art, Hugo H Avolin, IKil Stebbins av.—-340. 172d st, e s, 123 s Westchester av, two 2-sty frame dweliiugs, 21x 48 each; total cost, ,'^11,000; Josephiue McOwen, 172d st and Westchester av; art, Henry Nordheim, Boston road and Tremont av.—546. 224th st, n s, 80 w White Plains av, flve 2-sty frame dwellings, 25x 55 each; total cost, $25,000; Mayerson Brill Const Co, 194 Brown pl; art, B Bbeling, West Farms road.—^44. Brook av, w s, 1-30 n lli3d st, 2-sty brk grain elevator, .^3x38; cost, $15,000; Geo N Reinhardt, on premises; art, M J Garvin, .3-307 3d av,—.551. Cliulon av, e s, 104 n 17;.>th st, three 3-sty brk dweliiugs, 23x02 each; total cost, $.30,000; M Silvermau, 2 WesL 120Lh sL; arts, Stevenson, Raldiris & Co, 2lil Broadway.—068. Commouwealt^h av, w s, 2(>0 n Merrill st, 2-sty frame dwelling, 22x .54; cost, $i>,000; Walter Anapol, Commonwealth av; art, B Ebel¬ ing, West Farms road,—543, Crotoua av, e s, lio n 177th st, 1-sty frame slable, 15x23; cost. $2(K); Johu Boll, on premises; art, Franz Wolfgang, 787 E 177th st,—549, Decatur av, w s, 113 s 205lh st, two 2-sly frame dwellings, 21x3l! each; total cost, $12,000; Susie Johuson, 32S4 Hull av; art, Jas Johnstone, 3284 Hull av,—..>48- Decatur av. e s, 300 s Woodlawn road, two 3-sty frame tenements, 21x(l7 each; total cost, $10,000; Henrietta Schroeder, 1005 Fair- mount pl; art, Chas H Schroeder, KXIo Fairmount pl.—;.)27, Hull av. w s, 27.4 u 205th st, 2-sty and attic frame dwelling, peak slate roof, 21x00; cost, $7,-500; Sophie'Muller, 396 Filmore st; art. Franz Wolfgang, 787 E 177th st,—.3:50, Lyon av, s s, 55 e Grace av. three 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x50 each; total cost, $15,000; Amelia Sleinmeta, West Farms and Bear Swamp roads; arl, B Bbeling, West Farms road,—542. Maclay av, s w cor Montgomery pl, 2-sly brk dweiling, 2()x35; cost, .^(^OOO; The Bronx Mor(gage Co, John M Cantwell, 3025 3d av, sec aud treas; art. J J Vreeland, 2010 Jerome av.—525, Maclay av, w s, 25 u Montgomery pl, 2-sty brk dwelling, 20x50; cost, -$5,000; The Broux Mortgage Co. Johu M Cantwell, 3025 3d av, sec and treas; arl, J J Vreeland, 2010 Jerome av,—,321. Maclay av, n w cor Monlgomery pl, 2-sty brk dwelling, 20x55; cost, $6,000; The Broux Mortgage Co, John M Cantwell, treas and sec; art, J J Vreeland, 201M Jerome av,—-524. Montgomery av, s s, 100 w Maclay av, 2-sty brk dwelling, 20x30; cost, $0,000; The Bronx Mortgage Co, John M CaoLwell, '60'2o 3d av, treas and sec; art, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av,—.522. Perry av, w s, 101,98 s 201st st, 2'/^-sty frame dwelling, mausard shingle roof, .3(ix2S,6; cost, .$5,300; C B Fox, Perry av and 200lh st; art, Wm P Schwanemede, 1020 Lind av,-—5:.!7, Palisade av, u e cor 231st st, 2-sly aud attic frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 42,0x37; eost, $10,000; Henry Von Bremen, 38 W 9.5lh st; art, Henri Fouchaux, 107 Hudson st,—317, Perry av, e s, 250 s Woodlawn road, '2yi-sty frame dwelling, peak shingle roof, 18.8x54; cost, $5,730; John Otlo, 2111 Mapes av; art, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av,—-535, Perry av, e s, 2.30 s Woodlawn road, H^-sty frame stable, 23x19; cost, $l,O0O;_Johu OLLo, 2111 Mapes av; arl, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av,—;j36. So Boulevard, w s, 76.10 s 145th st, 1-sLy brk shop, .30x07; cost, .$0 000; Louis Brown, 45 Tinton av; art, Neville Se Bagge, 27 W 12.3th sl,—320, Vyse av, w s, 75 u Jeuuings st, 2-sty frame storage buildiug, 25x30; cost, $1,000; Carmine Croffi. 1110 Intervale av; art, Wm T La Velle, 1145 Freeman st,^33. 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