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1214 eonveyailces RECORD AND GUIDE Manliattan June 22, 1907 Mort $16,500. June 14. June 15, 1907. 5:1359^7'^. A «(!nnn—ifiUOOO "tli^^ consid and 100 4Sth st W No 313, n s, 170 w Sth av, 18x100,5, 4-sty stone front i£^s.^?'^^o^^t\s\rufoSK^^ 20.2 X s 20 X e 20.2 to begianing, heing ia rear of No 61 Down- EIu'e Senior to Elizaheth Hatzel. All title. B & S and C a G , Mar 15. June 20, 1907. 2;52S; 4:1001-51. A^^^f f^O^*^,*^^^^^^^^^ Slst st W, No 307, n s, 120.10 w 8ib av, 20 10x100,5, 5-sty stone front teAement. Anna Wenzel to Chas F Myers. Junel-,190(. 4:1042-27. A $12,500-$18,000. other ^^"^f ^./V^,^ ^"^^ Same property. Chas F Myers to Leon T Stowe. Mort $14 000 T„ne 17 1907 41042 other consid and lOU 52d st E, Nos 114 to 122, s s, 150 w Lexington av, OOxlOO.O five 4-sly stone front tenements. Richard M Monlgomery & Co to Combined Real Eslate Interests, Mort $8d,000. June IS, WO.. 5 1306-62y2 to 65. A $60,000-$85,OOO. other cousid and 100 52d stw. No 409, n s, 125 w 9lh av, 25x100.5 5-sty^brk tetiement. Mary Lorentz to Henry N Boehack. JunelS, 190i, 4:10GJ-_ . A «q (vin—«■:>■'000 other consid and 100 52d 'st W No"57, n' s, 175 e Oth av, 20x100.4, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Josephine M Chamhcrliu to Elgin R L Gould. June 12 June 18, 1907. 5:12G8-S. A $43,000-$4S,000. olher consid aud 100 53d st B, Nos 422 Lo 432, s w s, 294 s e Isf av, 125x148.3x126 lOx 126 7 8-sty hrk loft aud store buiiding, Theo E Hergert to Theo E Hergert Inc, a eorpn. Mort $2.,000. Correct.ou deed. May 14. June 17, 1907. 5:1364-33 to 37. A $o2,00(>-$--. ^ 54tli Bt W, No 441, n s, 225 e 10th av. 25x100.5, 2-sty hrk huilding and store Rexton Really Co to Alexander Tofts. Mort $6,500. June 17. June 18, 1907.' 4:1064-10. A $8,000-$8,000. other consid and 109 54th st E, No 111, n s, 90 e Park av, 16.11x100,5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Park Avenue Realty Co to^LilHan M Righten ■Mort $23,500. June 17. June 20, 1907. 5:1309-5. A $1<,000 __'tOfi rjAT) -LUU 55th si'b, No 124, s s, 140 w Lexiugton av, 25x100.5, 4-sty stone front tenement. Edith S Graham to Mary H Cunningham Mort $30,000. June 11. June 18, 1907. 5:1309—62. A $34,000- $40000 other consid and 100 57th st W No 132, s s, 390 e Tth av, 20x100, 4-sty stone front dwelling Elverton R Chapman lo Grace L Capes, of Brooklyn. June T^' June 18, 1907. 4:1009-49. A $33,000-$46,000. other consid aud 100 Same property. Grace L wife of and Geo S Capes to 130 West STth Street a corporation. Mort $46,000. June 17, June li. Tiro 18 1907 41009 nom 57th st W Nos 126'and i28, s s, 330 w 6th av, 40x100, two 4-sty stoue front dwellings. Eoy A Rainey to t^race L Capes of Brooklyn. June S. June IS, 1907. 4:1009^16 and .8. A $06,- OOO—$9'> 000 "^"^ Same property.' Grace L wife of and Geo S Capes to 130 West 57th Street, a corporation. Mort $107,500. June li. June IS, lOOi. 4-1009 other consid and 100 57th st W No 130, s s, 410 e 7th av, 20x100.0, 4-sty stone front dweling Roht W Vonnoh to 130 West 57th Slreet, a corpora¬ tion Mort $65,000. May 28. June 18, 1907. 4:1009^8. A ijQQ 000__$4S 000 nonj 57th st E, Nos 339 to 35T| n w cor 1st av, 200x100.4, five 6-sty hrk 1st av No 1045 | tenements and stores. Samuel Fleck Jr to Henrietta Weiss. H part. B & S and C a G. All liens. Feb 13, June IS, 1907. 5:1350—19 to 25. A$-----■$------. other consid and 100 5Tth st W, No 321, n s, 275 w Sth av, 25x100.5, 4-sty sto^e front dwelling Almira M wife of Julius Bien to Gussie T Parmelee. Mort ,$19,000. June 15. June 17, 1907. 4:1048-21, , A $20- 000-$30,000. ^^ otber consid and 100 57th st W, No 319, n s, 250 w Sth av, 2axl00,o, 4-sly stone front dwelling Kate B Van Wyck to Gussie T Parmelee. Mort $21,- 000 Jan ^ June 17, 1907, 4:1048-22. A $20,000-$30,000 other consid and 100 STth st W Nos 322 to 328, s s, 275 w Sth av, 100x100.5, two 7 aud S-sty hrk tenements. Fannie Hamlin to Hungerford Real Estate Co of N Y. Mort $260,600. June 13. June 19. 1907. 4:- 10^7^44 and 46. A $90,000—$260,0(X). other consid and 100 59th st E No 344, s s, 100 w 1st av, 2;ixl00.5, 4-sly hrk tenemeut and store and 3-sty brk tenement in rear. Michael Naftal to Anna Plumacher. Mort $1T,000. June 18. June 19, 1907. 5;- 1351—31 A $10000—$15,000. other consid and 100 59th st W, No 515, n s, 200 w Amsterdam av, 25x100,5, 5-sly hrk tenement and store and 2-sty brk extensiou. Ahraham R Har¬ nash to Barnet Berman. ^ part. All title. Mort $18,750. June 19. June 20. 1907, 4:1151-24. A $6,000-$15,000. other consid and 100 OOth st E No 138 |s w cor Lexington fi<. 22.6x100.5, 5- Lexington av, Nos T52 to T62 [ sty stone front tenement and store. Chas A Stein to Ahraham Siegel. Mort $oo,000. May 29. Re¬ recorded from May 29, 1907. ■ June 14, 1907. 5:1-394—5i. A $60,000—$75,000. other cousid and 160 61st st W, No 135, n s, 355 w Columbus av, IG.10x100.o, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Mary B Scanlan to Edward H Proudman. June 15. June 18, 1907. 4:1133—18. A $6,SO0-$lO,000. other consid and 100 64th st E No 127, n s, 140 w Lexington av, 20x100.5, 3-sty stone front dwelling. Peter A Peterson lo Roht J Turnbull. Mort $30,000. June 10. June 14, 1907. 5:1399-11. A $25,000— fe"* 000 other consid and 100 OSth'st B, No 41, n s, 206 w 4th av, 19x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling Sarah M Reed to Mahel C wife James A MeCrea, oE Lawrence, L I, June 10. June 14, 1907. 5:1380-28, A $38,- 000—$43,000, other consid and 100 GSth st W, No 134, s s, 47S e Amsterdam av, 18.5x100.5, 3-sty stone front dwelling. Levi L Pelt et al to J Ida L Hurlliut. June 14. June 17, 1907. 4:1130-45. A $11,500-$ 16,500. 23,000 OGth st E, No 440, s s, 75 w Av A, 26x100.5, 5-sty hrk tenement, Martha Weber lo Helen Weber. Mort $10,500. May 28. June 15 1907. 5:1460-30. A $9,000—$17,500. other consid and 100 66th' st E, No 318, s s, 212.6 e 2d av, 18.9x100,5, 4-sty hrk tene¬ ment and store. Martha Weber to Helen Weher. May 28. Jnne 15, 1907. 5:1440—44. A $6,500—$10,000. other consid and 100 66th'st E, No 42, s s, 50 e Madison av, 30x100,5, 5-sty stone fro_nt dwelling Solomon .\ Cohn to Jackson Realty Co. Mort $7a,- 000 Apr 28 1905. Juue 15, 1907. 5:1380—50. A $75,000- $90,000. ' 100 OGlh st E, No 326. Trust agreement. Joseph Gies with Franciska E Nicholas. Rosalie B Stein and Anna M Schneider. Mort $6,- 000. Apr 27. June IS, 1907, 5:1440. ------ G7tb st E, No 22, s s, 44 w Madison av, 24x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Virginia Siegel to R Fulton Cutting. June 18, 1907. 5:1381—58. A $95,000—$105,000. other cousid and 100 67th st W, No 202. s s, 100 w Amsterdam av, 2rjxl00.5, 5-sty stone front tenement. Emauuel Kapelsohn to B Kapelsohn Co. Mort $21,500. June 14. Juue 15, 1907. 4:1158—37. A $5,000—$14,- 000. other consid and 100 70th st W, No 114, s s, 120 w Columbus av, 18.6x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Wm L Hall to Thomas McMahon. Mort $18,000. June 19. 1907. 4:1141—38. A $13,000—$20,000. other consid and 100 Same property. Thomas McMahon to Wm L Hall and Cath L his wife, tenants hy entirety. Mort $18,000. June 19, 1907. 4:- 1141. other consid and 100 70th st W, No 114, s s, 120 w Columhus av, 18.6x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Thomas MuiboUand to Wm L HaU. Mort $18,- 000. Juue 13. June 14, 1907. 4:1141—38, A $13,000—$20,- 000. other consid and 100 73d st E, Nos 227 and 229, n s, 200 w 2d av, 50x102.2, 5-sty stone front tenement. Cbaries Lapman to Harry Marx. All liens. Juue 15. June 18, 1907. 5:1428-15 and 16. A $22,000—$40,- 000. other consid aud 100 75th st B, No 172, s s, 311 w 3d av, 18x102,2. 4-sty hrk tene¬ ment. Edmund C Stout to Rohert Schnaier. Mort $12,000. June 10. June 19, 1907. 5:1409—49^. A $11,000—$20,600. 100 75lh st E, No 170, s s, 329 w 3d av, 18x102.2, 4-sty hrk huilding. Edmund C Stout to Edmund Coffin. Mort $12,000. June 10. June 20, 1907. 5:1409—50. A $11,000—$18,000. 100 76th st E, No 38, s s, 120 e Madison av, 20x102.2, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Lion Gardiner to Isabella L Beekman. June 14. June IS, 1907. 5:1390-^7. A $29,000—$36,000. nom 77th st B, No 403, n s, 94 e 1st av, 25x102.2, 5-sty hrk tenement. Benj M Gruenstein and ano to Harry Throu. Mort $29,500. June 10. Juae 14, 1907. 5:1472—5. A $7,000-$19.00O, other consid and 100 77th st W, No 301, n s, 25 w West Eud av, runs n 30 x w 12 x n 35 X w IS X s 65 to st, x e 30 to heginning, 5-sty brk dwelling. New Rochelle Trust Co TRUSTEE for and Helen L G Stapler to Edw B Whitney. Mort $25,000. June 14. June 17, 1907. 4:- 1186—22. A $16,00O-^$32,00O. other consid and 100 7Sth st E, No 7, n s, ISo w Madisou av, 25x102.2, 5-sty hrick and stone dwelling. Koekee M Perin to Grace H Smith. B&S. Mort $120,000. May 15. June IS, 1907. 5:1393—9. A $100,- 000—$160,000. nom 7Sth st B, No 217, n s, 205 e 3d av, 25x102.2. 7Sth st E. No 219, n s, 230 e 3d av, 25x102.2. 7Sth st E, No 221, n s, 255 e 3d av, 25x102.2. three 4-sty hrk tenements. Paul Hellinger to Harry Hellinger. All Hens. June 11. June 19, 1907. 5:1433—9 to 11. A $33,000—$45,000, nom Same property. Harry Hellinger to Aaron Neuberger. Morts $54,450. June 17. June 19, 1907. 5:1433. other consid and 100 SOth st E, No 140, s s, 19.2 w Lexington av, 18.4x102.2, 3-sty slone front dwelling. Jacoh Asiel to Samuel Kraus. B&S. May 15. June 14, 1907. 5:150S—57^,4. A $9,500—$16,000. nom Slst st W, s s, 99.11 w Amsterdam av, strip 0.1x27.4. Mary M Piatt widow to Charles Cahn. Q C. April 16. June 19, 1907. 4:1228. nom Slst st W, No 202, s s, 100 w Arasterdara av, 37.6x102.2, 5-sty hrk teuement. Sidney M Teeter to Charles Cahn and Frank Block. Mort $32,500. May 2. June 15, 1907, 4:1228—37. A $22,- 000—$47,000. other consid and 100 83d st W, No 64, s s, 138 e Columhus av, 18x102.2, 4-sty and hase¬ meut hrk dwelling. Louise A Koenig to Morris A Magner. Mort $10,000. June 17. June IS, 1907. 4:1196-58^. A $12,000- $19,000. other consid and 100 84th st W, No 315, n s, 167 w West End av, 16x102,2, 5-sty stone front dwelling. Josephine S wife F W Drury to Beatrice, Amelia and Carinnc Roche. Mort $20,000. Juno 18, 1907. 4:1246— 2514. A $10,000—$23,000. other consid and 100 85th st E, No T5, n s, 89.G w Park av,-26xl02.2, 5-sty stone front tenemeut. Southeru Boulevard, s e s, 40.5 s 138th st, 74.7x133x65x95.3, vacant. Siraon E and Max E Bernheimer to Simax Realty Co. June 12. Juue 14, 1907. 5:1497—3214. A $18,500—$26,000; 10:2566. nom 85th st W, No 111, n s, 192 w Columhus av, 18x97,6, 4-sty and basement brk and stone dwelling. Henry A James as TRUS¬ TEE and ano to Rohert Wachenheim. May 27. June 20, 1907. 4:1216—24'^. A $9,500—$20,000. other eonsid and 100 Solh st W, No 165, n s, 105 e Amsterdam av, 17x102.2-, 4-sty and basement brk dwelling. Henry A James as TRUSTEE to Lewis V Ransom, of Garden Cily, L I. May 29. June 18, 1907. 4:1216 —5. A $9,000—$19,000. other consid and 100 S7th st W, No 110, s s. 110 w Columhus av, 17.6x100.8. 3 and 4- sty and basement stone front dwelling, Arthnr W Watson ADMR Julia M Seeligraann to Thoraas Fay, May 22. Jnne 19, 1907. 4:1217-38. A $9,500—$19,500. 25,T50 OOth st E, No 320, s s, 325 e 2d av, 25x100.8, 5-sty stone front tenement and store. JuHa Aichele to Pauliue Flesch. June 17, 1907. 5:1552—39. A $8,000-$20,000. other consid and 100 92d st W, No 62, s s, 224.8 e Columhus"av, 22x100.8, vacant, Sarah A Slillwell to Joseph M Brodv. Mort $9,000. June 15. June 18, 1907. 4:1205-55. A $13,000—$13,000 other consid and 100 93d st W, No 54, s s, 248.4 e Columhus av, 26.8x100.8, 5-sty brk tenement, Adolph Borchardt et al to Anna Wenzel. Mort $17,- OOa June 17. June 18, 1907. 4:1206—54. A $16,000—$27,000 other cousid and 100 95th st E, Nos 324 and 326, s s, 250 w 1st av, 50x100.8, 1-sty hrk aud frame huildings. Jacob Glick et al to Samuel Lorher and Nathan Liehson. Mort $16,000. June 17, June 18, 1907. 5:1557—38. A $12,000—$12,500. other consid and 100 OGth st W, No IT, n s, 260 w Central Park West, 20x100.11, 4-3ty and hasemeut stoue front dwelliug. The Union Theological Seminary in City N Y to Eliza C B wife Alphonse Montant. June 11. June 14, 190T. T:1S32—22. A $12,000—$28,000. other consid and 100 9Sth st E, No 287. n s. 125 w 2d av, 25x100.5, 5-sty hrk tenement. Marcus Chargin to Morris H Feder. Mort $28,000. June 14, 1907. 6:1648-19. A $7,000—$13,000. other consid and 100 IOOth st W. No 256, s s, 57.6 e West End av, runs s 9.10 x e 8 X s 41.1 X e 21 X u 50,11 to st, x w 29 to heginning, 3-sty brk dwelling. Harrison B Hodges to Percy and Wra Sage, B&S. June 13. June 19. 1907. T:18T1—61B. A $9,000—$15,000. nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. N»tice is herehy given that infringement will lead to prosecution.