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June 29, 1907 RECORD AND GODE 1249 known aa the "Museum Block." Until the adverse decision respect¬ ing tbe proposed court house, property on this block was regarded as possessing considerable attraction as a speculative investment. 15th ST.—The Theodore Marks Company bought from Louis Arn¬ stein 419 EasL 15th st, a 5-sly Lenement, 25x100. IOTH ST.—Harris Se Vaughan sold for Albert Weiler 106 East 16th St. a 4-sly dwelling, 20x100. 16TH ST.—A. B. Katz sold for Jacob Hyman the 3-sty teuement 441 and 443 Wesl IOth st, 40-\92. The purchaser is an Investor. 21ST ST.—Lincoln Trust Company, as trustee for the Gardner estate, sold 50 West 21st st, a 4-sty dwelling, 25x92. The buyer has also acquired the adjoining properly. No. 48, from the Oolhout Realty Company. 25th ST.—The Sandford Realty Company soid 105 West 25th st, a 5-sty double tenement, with stores, to James E. Mitchell. Joseph Corbit Se Co. were tbe brokers in the deal. New Loft Bmlding for 38th Street. 28th ST.—Raubitschek, Roys & Blake sold for Amy H. Coleman, Valentine Schaefer, August Hink and oLhers the properties 140 to 148 West 2Sth st, three 5-sly flats and 2 stables on plot 123x98.9, The buyer, Matthew Mieolino, resold the properly to tbe Ciysmis Constructiou Co. for improvement wilh an 11-sty loft building. These parcels are situated on Ihe south side of the st, about 125 ft. west of Public School No. 48. The elevated station is at 6th av and 2Slh st. SOTH ST.—George W. McAdam sold 229 and 231 West SOth st, old buildiugs. 43x98.9. The buyer is a large publishing flrm, whicb will ereet on the site a 7-sly building for its own use. 50th ST.—A. C. & L. A. Marks sold for Mrs. M. Feig to the Plat- ,iron Realty Company (Conway & Corduke) 516 West SOth st, a 5- sty tenement, 25x100.5. AV C—Krakower & Co. sold for a Mr. Preiser to Henry Marks and Casper Levy the two 6-sty tenements, 132 to 13S Av C, near 9th av, 76x83. 1st av.—Charles Buermann & Co. sold for M, Menschel to Jacob Polatchek the southwest cor of 1st av and Sth st, a 5-sty building, 27x50. 2D AV.—The State Bank sold to Hugo Cohn 103 and 195 2d av, northwest cor of 12tb st, a O-sty elevator fiat, known as Onyx Court, 61.3x90. The property was to bavo been sold at auction during the week by Josepb P. Day. 3D AV.—Frank C. Kip & Co. sold for Abram Brand 332 3d av, a 3- sty building. 21x84. 3D AV.—The Russell estate sold the northwest cor of 3d av and SSth st, old buildings, on plot 98.9x100, to a purchaser for invest¬ ment. NORTH OP 59TH STREET. 60th ST.—Harris & Vaughan sold for Albert Weiler 106 East 60th st, a 4-sty dwelling, 20x100.5. 63d ST.—Isaac Portman resold 210 East 63d st, a 4-sty tenement, 25x100, to Jacobs Brothers, tbrougb Dessauer & Co. 67TH ST.—Kramer & Rockmore sold 206 to 212 East 67th st, two G-sty tenements, 90x100.5. 74th ST.—A. Hollander bought as an inveslment 452 East 74th st, a 6-sty and basement tenement, 25x102,2. ' 7STH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Mrs. A. Miller 304 West 7Sth st, a 5-sty American basement dwelling, 16x100. The buyer will occupy the house. SSd ST.—Arbesfeld & Gelb. as brokers, sold to a Mr. Werner the 5-sly double flat 425 East S3d st, 25x100. SSth st.—Arthur G. Muhlker sold for a client to Samuel Wenk 535 West SSth st, a 5-Ety double flat, 25x100.8. 91st ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Heilner & WoU 34 West Olst st, a 4-sty dwelling, 18x100.8 to a client for occupancy. To Build Elevator Apartraent. 93d ST.—a. L. Mordecai & Son sold for tbe Realty Morlgage Co. to the Allenel Construction Co. the plot on the south side of 93d st, 175 ft. west of West End av, 50x145, on which a 6-sty elevator apartment house will be erected from plaus by Rouse Sr Sloan. There Ja no better renting section on the wesl side for elevator apartments tban the territory west of Broadway. 93d ST.^Mary Glassford sold through Lee St Rumbough to Peter Biassetti the 4-sty dwelling 29 West 93d st, 20x100. 99th ST.—McVickar Gaillard Realty Company sold for Eugene Vallens to a Mr. Hardcastle 259 West 99th st. a S-sty dwelling, IS XlOO.ll. lOlST ST.—Maud E. Molloy sold the 7-sty elevator apartment house known as the Aekerly at 241 and 243 West 101st st, 60x103.2. 106th ST.—A. Hollander bougbt 59 East 106th st, a 5-sty tene¬ ment, 25x100.11. Arthur S. Cox was the broker. Superba Figures iu n Trade. 107th ST.—Felix Pilliehauer sold for A. Guthman & Co. 237 and 239 Wesl 107th st, a 6-sty elevator apartment house, 50x100, to Mrs. Carrie Herzig, who gives in part payment the dwelling IOS West 126th St. The Superba is convenient to Broadway, and is distant 4 blocks from the 103d st Subway station, 109TH ST.—Kells & Delaney sold for Peter Doerr the 5-sty flat 130 West 109tb st, 25x100,11. 112th ST.^Philip Wood sold 9 East 112th st, a 5-sty tenement, 25x100.11. 117TH ST.—Philip Wood sold 52 and 54 East 117th st, two 5-sty flats, 44x100.11. 117th ST.—I. Portman bought from Rosa Spiegel 438 and 440 East 117th st, a 6-sty new law bouse with stores, 37x100.10. Frankel Bros, were the brokers. IISTH ST.—Louis Freidol and Arthur Goldstein sold for Annie Leviue and Mrs. Eslher Berrent the 5-sty flat, 25x100.11, at 26 West 118th sl, to Julius Litwak and Jacob Cooperman. 122D ST.—B. & D. B. Mainger sold to a Mrs. Eke 267 West 122d st, a 5-sty flat. H. Shultbouse was the broker in tbe deal. 123D ST.—W. A. Peek sold for the Banker estate to a builder 120 West 123d st, a 4-sty dwelling, 20x100. • 124th ST.—L. j. Greenberger sold Cor John Rheln 336 East 124Lb St. and for the Church estate 338 East 124lh st, two 3-sty dwellings on plot 36x100. 126TH ST.—Shwitzer Sr Levis sold for George W. McAdam 552 West 126lh st, adjoining Broadway, a S-sty and basement building, ■with store, 25x99.11. 127TH ST.—The Acropolis Realty Company sold for a client the 5- sty tenement 229 East 127th st, near 3d av, 30x99.11. to B. Columbo. Harlem Plat Clianges Ownership. _143D ST.—Isaac Portman resold 147 West 143d st, a 6-sty flat, 3i.6x100, to A. Johnson through E. H. Ludlow & Co. 148TH ST.—Lowenstein, Papae & Co. sold for I. Saltz to a Mr. Lazarus 208 West 14Sth st, a 5-sty apartment house, 37.6x100.11. The "Bismarck" in a Trade. BROADWAY.—McVickar-Gaillard Realty Company sold for the Central Realty Company to Mrs. Juliet Morris Livingston, of Morris¬ town, N. J,, the Bismarck, an 11-sty apartment house now nearing completion at tbe nortbeast cor of Broadway and 101st st. fronting 126.10 ft. on Broadway aud 100 ft. ou tbe st. The consideration is reported Lo have been about $850,000. In part payment for the Bismarck Mrs. Livingston gave the entire block in the Bronx bound¬ ed by 367th st, Sherman av, McClellan st and Sheridan av. The store fioor is under lease for a long term to Park Sc Tilford. The housekeeping apartments in this hotel contain seven to nine rooms and bath and wiil be ready for occupancy about the first of October. On the southeast corner a row of stores and oHices are being built, and diagonally across Broadway, at tbe southwest corner ot lOlst sL, a 2-sLy business building is in process of construction. At the present time, wilh the exception of the Hotel Marseille upon which a $60,000 mortgage is about to be foreclosed, most oE the buildings in the immediate vicinity are of a temporary order. Tbe proximity of the subway station at 103d st assures the continuance of high rentals in that vicinity and it is believed tbat tbe Bismarck will be a flnancial success. MT, MORRIS PARK WEST.—Shaw Sr Co. sold for Mrs. 2. C. Price 9 Mt. Morris Park West, a 4-sty aud basement brownstone dwelling, with extension, 20x100. The buyer will occupy the premises. Another Elevator Apartment. MORNINGSIDE AV WEST.-A. L. Mordecai & Son and Samuel H. Stoue sold for Samuel Mandel to Jacob Aselrod^the plot at the northwest cor o£ Morningside av West and llSth st, 100,11 feet on the av aud 150 feet on the st. Two 6-sty elevator apartment houses will be erected on the site. The plot is considered well adapted to the improvement planned. The subway station is at 116th st and Broadway. PARK AV.—Fleck & Brown, in conjuDotion with William H. Rosenblatt, sold for Samuel Strasbourger to Hyman Horwitz and Levy Sr Weinslein th^ 7-sty elevator apartment house at the south¬ east cor of Park av and 96th st, 100x90. PARK AV.—Louis Seifred sold 1S41 and 1843 Park av, old build¬ ings, 26.3x74, at the northeast cor of 101st st. PARK AV.—A. B. Katz sold for Schoenstein & Wellish to Jacob Hyman the 6-sty flat 1668 and 1670 Park av, 50,6x89. The parcel purchased is on the block between 117th and 118th sts. St, Paul's Church and school is on the next hlock east. Eidarg'ing' Pi-escnt Holdings. PARK AV.—Horace S. Ely & Co. sold for Harry M, Austin 583 and 5S3 Park av, northeast cor of 63d st, a 4-sty brick garage, 50.5x100, 10 Abrabam B. Cox and another. The buyers also own 5S7 and 589 Park av, and uow control a plot 100.5x100. WEST END AV,—Thomas McGown sold SOI West End av, north¬ west cor of 104th St. a 4-sty and basement dwelling. 20.11x100. 3D AV.—Arnold & Byrne sold for Jacob Wolf 2156 3d av, a 5-sty double flat, 25x100. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. 136th ST.—Edward C. H. Vogler sold for George Schmitt to Caro¬ line Ross 486 West 136th st, a 6-sty apartment house, 36.2x99.11. New DwclUug Plnds Purchaser. 141st ST.—The Picken Realty Co. sold 471 West 141st st, a 4-sty Americau basement dwelliug, 18x100, to Dr. Wm. C. Steffens. for occupancy. Louis Becker & Co, were the brokers in the deal, 145th ST.—a. B. Mosher & Co. sold to an investor 507 and 509 West 145lh st, a 2-sty business building. 40x100. 145TH ST.—Henry and Jetferson Seligman bought, through L. J. Phillips Sc Co.. from Max Marx tbe 2--sty business building and garage at 510 to 518 West 145th st, 100x100. The purchase is made as an investment. 160th ST.—Louis Becker & Co. have sold for James Flood the 2-sty frame dwelling 516 West ICOth st, 25x99.11, to Eugene L. Louis. BRADHURST AV.—A. B. Mosher & Co. sold for A. Scheibel to Moses Solomon the southeast cor of Bradhurst av and 149th st, a 6-sty apartment house. 50x100. BRADHURST AV.—Fleck & Brown, in conjunction with William H. Rosenblatt, sold for Hyman Horowitz to a builder, for im¬ provement with four 6-sty elevator apartment houses, the plot at the northeast cor of Bradhurst av and 151st st, 167x125. FORT WASHINGTON AV.—Mayer S. Auerbach sold to John H. Springer the plot 75x107 on the west side of Fort Washington av, 100 ft. south of 170th st. A 6-sly elevator apartment house will be erected on the site. BRONX. BOOND ST.—Duross Company- sold the 2-family house, 36 Boone St. 2yxl00. for Mrs. Meta Smith to Jacob Timble. BECK ST.—John Peterson sold to Henry Goldsmith the 3-sty brick house. 757 Beck st. 146th ST.—Erust-Oabn Realty Co. sold for a client the 4-sty flat, with stores and basement stores, known as 733 East 146th st. 25x 100. 152D ST.—Theodore Marks Company sold for Ludwig Saner 759 East 152d st. a 4-sty double flat, 25x100 and Irregular. 206TH ST.—Zinzer Sc Claussen sold for a Mr. Roach the new house, 25x100, at tbe northwest cor of 20Gth st and Perry av. DAWSON ST.—L. Dober bought from Frank J. Muhlfeld for a Mrs, Saft 777 Dawson st, a S-sty 2-family brick and stone house, 25x100. BROOK AV, ETC.—Chas. A. Weber sold for a Mr. Messener 545 Brook av, a 4-sty tenemeut witb two stores, 25x135, to a Mr, Hoff¬ mann; also, the 5-sLy triple flat on the west side of St. Ann's av. about ISO ft. south of Westchester av, to a Mrs, Menkhoff; also, in conjunction with Smith & Phelps, the plot 100x114, on tho south side of 234th st, 105 ft. east of Carpenter av. Wakefleld.