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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 80, no. 2056: August 10, 1907

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228 Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDB Manhatta.. August 10, 1907 HECLA IRON WORKS North lOth, Mth and l2thSTREET$ BROOKLYN, - - - NEW YORK ArGiiíteclural Bronze AND IRON WORK Same property. Frauk Dunning and ario EXRS, &c. Benj F Dun- ning to same. May 29, 1896. Aug 8, 1907, 3:840. 43,0J0 Same property. Clara F Dunning to Etien E Olcott. Juiy 29, 1907. Aug 8, 1907. 3:840, other consid aud 100 .58th st W, No 23. n a, 381 w 5th av, 22x98.9, 4-sty stone frout dweilinE, Steriing Realty Co to Arthur Brisbane, Mort $70,- 090, Aug ti. Aug 7. 1907. 3:840-28. A $1S,ÛOO-$76.000. other consid and 100 40th st W, No 546, s s, 150 e llth av, 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tene- ment and store, Henry Nechois et ai lo Carrie Siiverson, Mort $1-5,500. Aug U. Aug 7, 1907. o;711—58. A $7.000— $12 000. other consid aud 100 41st st E, No 207, u s, 85 e 3d av, 20x98.9, 3-sty brk tencment and store. Henrietta Domroe to Juiius Hagner. Aug 2. Aug U 19117 5'131.5—6. A $8,000—$10,000. other consid and 100 nom Same property. Joseph liornbauser to Ignace Gruber. '/2 part. Mort $43.000. Ang 6. Aug 8, 1907. 4:906. other consid and 101) 44th st W, No 522, s s, 325 w lOth av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk teue- ment Meyer V Turchin to Henry Nechols and Samuel Biumen- stock. Mort .$20,000. Aug 7. Aug 8, 1997. 4:1072—46. A 47,090-$ 18,000. other consid and 109 44th st W, No 435, n s. 440 w 9th av, 20x100,4, 4-sty brk tene- ment. Wm H Caiianan to Joseuh F Gĩbbons. June 27. Aug 7, 1907, 4;1054-14ĩÊ. A $8,500-$ 10.500, other conaid and 100 45th st W, No 66, a s, 100 e 6th av, 20x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwelHng, Stcphen J Heagan to Daniel Y Bouvier, Mort $35.- 000, July 30. Aug 2. 1907. 5:1260—68, A $3o,000—$45,000. other consid and 100 46th st W. No 631; n s. 400 w llth av, 25x100.5, 1-sty brk store and 4-sty brk tonement in rear. Frauk L Roy to Cbas A Mc- Mann, Mort $5,000. Aug 5. Aug 6, 1907. 4:10LI4^16, A $7,- 0(X)-_$8Í)00 otber consid and 100 47th st E, No 336, s s, 140 w Ist av, 20x100.5, 4-sty brk tene- ment, Herman Feinberg to Pasquale and Salvatore Pati, Mort $8,000. Aug 5. Aug 6, 1907. 5:1339—32ĩé, A $7,0L10-?9,50O. other coDsid and 100 47th st W, No 412, s s, 150 w 9th av, 12.6x80, 3-aty brk tenement. Maggie McKenna to Hartiey House, a corporation. Juiy 8. Aug 3. 1907. 4:1056-39. A .$4,500-$0,000. other consid and 100 47th st W. No 414, s s, 162.0 w 9th av, 12.6x89, 3-sty brk tene- ment. Mary J Kelieher to Hartiey Houae, a corporation. July 16. Aug 3, 1907, 4:1056—39^, A $4,500—$0,000, other conaid and 100 48tb st E. No 323, n s, 300 e 2d av. 2-5x100,5, 5-sty brk tenement and store. Kaiman Rubin et al to Jozef Stcin, Harry Newman and Jakob Solonion, Mort $21,600, Apr 14, 1906, Re-recorded from Apr 16, 1906, Aug 7, 1907, 5:1341—13. A $9,000—$22,- 000. other consiû and 100 51st st W, No 246, s s ,147 e Sth av, 20x100.5. 5-sly brk tenement. John D Karst Jr to Libbie G Dixon. Mort $31,750. Aug 1, Aug 2, 1907, 4:1022—58, A $23.000—$33,000. other consid and 100 51st at E, No 235, n s, 376,8 e 3d av, .33,4x100,5, 5-sty brk tene- ment Rosc Bronstein to Johu H Crockett. Mort $41,150, Aug 1, Aug 2, ltKl7, 5:1325-19. A $15,000—$36,000. nom .52d st W, No 16, s a, 225 w 5tb av, 25x100.5, 5-aty stone front dweiling Maria L wĩfe Josepb Fahys to Gbriatian P Scĩimid. July 30. Aug 5, 1907. 5:1207—17. A $91,000-$ 130,000. 100 52d st W, No 16, s s, 225 w 5th av, 25x100.5, D-sty stone front dweiiing Cbristian P Schmid to Eldaen Realty & Construction Go, Mort $110,000. Aug 1. Aug 3, 1907. 5:1267—47. A .$91,- 000—$130,000. 100 52d st W, No 10, s s, 225 w 5tb av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stone front dwelling Eldaen Realty & Construction Co to Maria L Fahys, of Sag Harbor. N Y- Mort $110,000. Aug 3, 1907. p:1267— 47. A $01,00O-$130,0OO. 100 54th st E. No 17, n s, 2S7.6 e 5th av, 20.10x100.5, 5-aty stone front dwelling. Ciarence Cary to Mary M Sherman. Mort ,$50,000. Aug 5, Aug 6. 1997, 5:1290—13. A $70,0U0—$105.000. nom 54th sL E, No 17. n s, 287.6 e 5th av, 20x100,10. 1 54th st E, n s, adj above on west. | Party waii agreement. Clarence Cary witli Alice T Drexel. of Newport, R I, July 17. Aug 6. 1907. 5:1290. nora 54th st E, No 17, n s. 287.6 e 5th av, 20x100,10. 1 54th st E, n s, adj above on east. | Party waU agreement. Clarence Cary with Minnie E Young. Aug 2. Aug 6, 1907. 5:1290. nom 54th st W, No 30Ũ, s s, 125 w Sth av, 25x100, 5-sty brk tenement and atore. Myron H Oppenheim to New York & New Jersey Land & Improvement Co. Aii Íiens. Aug 2. Aug 3, 1907. 4:1044- 38. A $15,000—$32,000, ■ nom 55th st W, No 604, s s, 75 w llth av, 25x88x25.3x91,8, 4-sty brk tenement. Hyman Levin et al Lo Samuel Greenberg. 14, part, Ali tiile. All iiens. Aug 0. Aug S, 1907. 4:1102—36M:. A .$6,000—$9,OlXJ, other consid and 100 nuth st W, No 419, n s. 275 w 9th av, 25x100.5. 5-sty brk tene^- menl. David Klein to Wm C Hyde. Mort $20,000. Aug o. Aug 7, in07. 4:1060-21. A' $10,000—$18.090, otber consid and 100 57th st W, No 403, n s', 25 w 9th av, 21,8x100,5, 5-sly stone Eront tenemcnt, John Schreyer to J Frederick Cryer, Mort $19,000. Aug 6. Aug 7, 1907. 4:1067-31, A $10,000-$21,OÛO. other eousid and 100 57th st W, No 403, n s, 25 w 9th av, 21.8x100.5, 5-sty stone front tenemeDt. Reieaae judgment. Wra J Fields to John Schreyer. Aug 3. Aug S, 1907. 4:1007-31. A $10,000—$21,VJO. nom 57ih Bt E, No 247, n s, 76.S w 2d av, 16.8x100.5, 1 .-.7th sL E, No 245, n s, 93.4 w 2d av. 16.8x100.5, two"3-sty stoue front dweiiings. | Gregory Paul Lo Ona E Tumbleson. oî Roslyn. L ĩ. MorL $13,- 500, Aug 5. Aug 0, 19U7. 5:1331—20ĨÊ and 21^*. A $16,000 —$22,000. other consid aad 100 Same property. Ona B Tumbleson to Kath G FarreU. Mort $23,- 500. Aug 5. Aug 6, 190i. 5:1331. otber consid and 100 57Lh at W, No 134, a s, 370 e 7tĩi av, 20x100, witb ail tltie lo strip on s, 20x0.5, Lo c 1 of blk, 4-sty stone front dweiling. Jabiai Parmiy to RobL W Vonnob. Juiy 31. Aug 2, 1907. 4:- 1009^9y,. A $35,000—$48,000. other consid and 100 57Lh st W, No 136, s s, 'doO e 7th av, 20x100, witb ail title to strip on s, 20x0.5, to c i of bik, 4-sLy stone íront dweiling. Adolpb L Gondran to Robt W Vonnoh. May 20. Aug 2. 1907. 4:1009-50, A $35,000—$48,000, otber consid and 100 57tb st W, No 138, s s. 330 e 7th av, 20x100, witb all titie to strĩp on s. 20.x0.5, to c 1 o£ block, 5-aty stone front dweiiing. Emíiy B wife Wm R Potts to Robert W Vonnoh. Aug 1. Aug 2, 1907, 4:1009—51, A $35,000—$50,000, 80,000 57th st W, No 140, a s, 310 e 7th av, 20x100, witb ali title to strip on s, 20x0.5, to c i of bik, 4-sty stone front dweliing. Elia S G wife Chas C Burke to Robt W Vonnob. June 7. Aug 2, 11J07. 4:1009—52 A. $35,000—$45,000. otber consid and 100 57Lh st W, No 142. s s, 290 e 7th av, 20x100, ivith ail title to strip on s, 20.'í0-5. to c I o£ bik, 4-sty atone front dweliing. HarrieLt F wife Schuyier Quackenbush to Robt W Vonnoh. Juiy 26. Aug 2, 1907. 4:1009—52^. A $35,000-$48,000, other conaid and 100 Same property. Robt W Vounoh to The Go-Operative Buiiding .Conatruction Go. 'Mort $50,000, Aug 1, Aug 2. 1907, 4:1009. nom 57th st W, Nos 134 to 140. s s, 310 e 7lh av. 80x100, wilh all title Lo atrip on s, 80x0,5, to c 1 of blk, 3, 4 and 1 5-sty stone front dwellings. Robert W Vonnob to 136 West 57th Street, a corporĩition. Mort $200,000. Aug 1. Aug 2, 1907. 4:1009— 4914 Lo 52:- A $140.000-$191,000, nom 57th at W. No 331, n s, 4U0 w SLh av, 24,6x100,5. 4-sty stone front dweliing. Marie N Hoguet to Geo A Hampton. Mort $15,000. May 31. Aug 2. 1007. 4:1048—16, A $21,000-$32,000. 100 57th st E, No 327, n s, 300 w Ist av, 22x100,4, 3-sty atone front dwelling, Morris Levy lo Augusta Sorgan, Mort $12.000, Juiy 29. Aug 2, 1907, 5:1350-14, A $10,000—$14,500, nom 57tĩi st E, Nos 347 aud 349, n s, 81.6 w Ist av. 39.6x100.4. 5Tth st E, Nos 343 and 345. n s, 121 w Ist av. 39.6x100,4, 57tb st E, Noa 339 and 341, n s, 160,6 w Ist av, 39,6-xl00,5, Tbree U-sty brl; tenements and atores, Samuei Fleck Jr ct ai to Samuei Fieck, Morts $174,000. Aug 1. Aug 3. 1907. 5:1350—19 to 22. A $80,000—P $136.000. other consid and 100 60tb st E, Nos 403 and 405, n s, 100 e Ist av, 50x100.5, two 6-sty brk tenements, Rosie Goldblatt to Marcus Schiff. Mort $63,000. July 31. Aug 3, 1907. 5:1455—5 and 6. A $16,000—$56,000. other conaid and 100 63d st B, No 100, s s, 186 w 3d av, 16x103.5x10x102.7. 3-sty stone front dweliing, Wra A Edwards to Henry Meyers, Aug 6. Aug 8, 1907. 5:1397—44ĩé. A $11,000—$13.000, 100 6Uth st W, No 151, u s, 275 e Amsterdam av, 27.6x100.5, 5-sLy stone front teuement. Robert Wigger to Mary Wigger. AU liens. Sept 20, 1906. Aug 2, 1907. 4:1138-12. A $18,000— $31,000. 100 67tb st W, Nos 39 aud 41. n s, 150 e Columbus av. 50x100,5, 15- sty brk and stone sLuûio buĩiding. Waiter F Daboii to Wm J Taylor. Mort $18S.;")U0. Oct 4, 1906. Aug 6. 1007. 4:1120—7. A $40,000—P $70,000. nom 67th sL W, Nos 39 and 41, n s, 150 e Coiurabus av, 50x100.5, 15- aty brk and stone studío buiiding. Wm J Taylor to Coionial Studios. Mort $188.500. Juiy 17. Aug 6. 1907. 4:1120—7. A . $40,000—P $70,009, nom 70th st W, No 134. s s, 306 w Coiumbua av, lS.6slO0.5, 4-sty stone frout dweliing. Camiiia Clark EXTRX CamiUa G A L Gay- lord to Margt C Dougan. Juiy 18. Aug 2. 1907. 4:1141-45. A $13.000^$22,000. 28,000 70tb st E, Nos 507 and 509, n s, 173 e Av A, 50x100.5, two 1-sty frame buĩidings. Harry Abrams and ano to Raohei Futterraan. • Mort $15,000 aud ail liens. Aug 1. Aug 8, 1907. 5:1482—8 and 9. A $J2.000—$12.000. oLher consid and 100 71sL st E, No 317. n s, 2o0 ô 2d av, 25x102.2, 5-sty brk teuement and store. John Bacso to Bohumil Kiuaaeek. Mort $20,000. Aug 1. Aug 2, 19U7. 5:1446-11, A $9,000-$21,500. uom 74th st W. No ol, n s, 180 e Columbus av, 20x102.2, 4-sty and basement stoue front dweiiing. Arnoid Sturmdorf to Mars Realty Co. Mort $25,000. May 31. Aug 2, 1907. 4:1127—8. A $19,- 000—$40,000. nom 74tb st E, s s, 77 e Av A. 21x102.2, 2-sty brk loft antĩ store building. Frank Steyskal and Josef Pokstefl to Karoiina SLeys- kai and Mary PoksLeíl. MorL $7,000. Juiy 27. Aug 3. 1907. 5:1485^8, A $4.000—$8.000, 100 74th sL W. No 102, s s, 25 w Columbus av, 19x102,2. 4-sty and basement stonc front dwoUĩng, Ruth Mackey to Frances R Scott. Mort $3S.O0O, Apr 12, 1905, Aug 7, 1907. 4:1145— 34. A $15.000—$35,000, nom 75th st W, No 40, s s, 280 e Columbus av, 20x102.2, 4-sty and basement stone front dwelling. Clåra Bryce to Wm R Siden- berg. Aug 1. Aug 5, 1907. 4:1127—53. A $19.000—$32,000, other consid and 100 7Sth st E, n s, 100 w lat av, runs n64xse7xn 39.10 x w 17 X n 22.2 x w 34 x s 22.2 x w 17 x n 2,2 x w 21 x s 2.2 x e 5 X s 24.7 X s e 51 X s 68.6 to st x e 25 to beginning, two 3 and ■4-sty brĩĩ factories. Consent to releasc of judgraent for $3,- 163.09. Caivin G Doig and Mary C McOafferty ADMRS RobL McCafferty plaintiffs agaiust Cbas J aÍcGafferty defendant, July 31, Aug 2, 1907. 5:1453, ------ MAPLEDORAM & CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Bay Ridge Property Our Specialty FJfth Ave. and 79th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Telophone, 724 Bay Rtdge firanchŨfQcs: Ba7BtdgeATe.,cor,^Foit9amllto«A,TCk