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RECORD AND GUIDE 249 ESTABUSHED^ It^mV^ 1868. "Dnfri* p RpAf. EsrTAJl-BuiLoiĩfc %ciírrEeTUR,E ,HcaisE3Jũii» DEGũl^Tiorl, Btísntess >(to The«es of GeĩIer^I iKitREsi., PRICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE EIGHT DOLLARS Communications stioull be addressed to C. W. SWEET Publisfied ESery Saturãat) By THE KECORD AND GUĨDE CO. President, CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer, F. W. DODGE Vice-Prea. & Geũl. Mgr., H. W. DESMOND Secretary, F, T. MILLBR Nos. 11 to 15 East 24tli Síreeti Neiv YorU Cíty (TelepKoae, Madĩĸon Square, 4430 to 4433.) "Entcred at the Post Office at Ncw York, N. T.,