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3^4 RECORD AND GUIDE September 7, 1907 PROJECTED BUILDINGS The flrst namo Is that of the ow'r; ar't standa for archltect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builders. When character of roof is not mentioned, it is to be understooí that the roof 1b to be of tin. BOBOUGH OF MAĨÎHATTAlí. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET. Hudson st, e s, 61 n Grove st, 1-sty brk and stone school, 53x111, tile and gravel roof; cost, $25,000; City of New Tork, City HaU; ar't, C B J Snyder, 500 Park av.—648. BETWEEN Ĩ4TH AND 59TH STREBTS. 57th st, No 130 W, 7 and 12-sty brk and stone studios, 80x80, tar and gravel roof; cost, $500,000, 130 West 57th st (a New York Corporation); Walter S Merritt, 27 WiHiara st, president; ar'ts, Polĩard & Steinam, 234 5th av.—649. BGKOTJGH OF THE BRONX. Dawson st, s s, 100 w TJnion av, 1-sty frame store and dwelling, 38.4x70; cost, $2,500; A M K Loh, 313 B 123d st; ar't, Herman Horenburger, 122 Bowery.—859. Parkside pl, w s, 94 n 207th st, lĩé-sty frame barn, 16x20; cost, $250; Mrs Alfred Williams, 3261 Decatur av; ar't, Alfred Will- iams, 3261 Decatur av.—866. Simpson st, n e cor Westchester av, 1-sty brk stores, 88.9x101; cost $20,000; Jas F Meehan, 1044 Westcbester av, ow'r and ar't.—861. Aqueduct av, e s, 150 s lS3d st, four 2ĩi-sty frame dwellings, peak slate roof, 27.6x46.6 each; total cost, $311,000; Wm C Bergen, ISOth st and Andrews av; ar't, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av. —864. Clasons Foint road, e s, 186 n Harrĩson av, two 1-sty frame ofEice and shed, 16x31 and 16x12; totaĩ cost, $300; Peter Pinto, 235 E ISlst st; ar't, L Howard, 1861 Carter av.—862. Cypress av, w s, 100 s St Marys st, ten 2-sty brk dwellings, 20x 54.1iy^ each; total cost, $70.000; Kramer & Rockmore, 35 Nas- sau st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, 503 5th av.—S57. Hughes av, e s, 45.10 s 183d st, 1-sty frame stores, 29x24; cost, $1,500; WolE Burland, 801 Cauldwell av; ar't, Cbas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—865. Morris Park av, s s, 65 e Barnes av, 1-sfy brk church, 35x80; cost, $18,000; Presbytery of N Y, Rev Wetton Metle Smith, 29 W 54th st, Pres; ar'ts, James E Ware & Sons, 1170 Broadway. -860. Pilgrim av, e s, 300 s Tremont av, 2-sty and attic brk dwelling, flat and mansard mineral coraposition; fireproof, 20x55; cost, $5.500; Benedetto Ragusa, 155 W 28th st; ar-t, G A Scbellinger. 27 E 21st st.—858. Mt St Vincent, yard foot of 261st st, 1-sty frame station, 16x24; cost, $2,500; NTC&HRRRCo. Grand Central Station; ar't, J F Davis, 335 Madison av.—863. ALTERATIONS. BOROUGH OF MAĨíHATTAĨí. Bleecker st, No 186, partitiona, to 5-sty brk and stone tenemeut; cost, $1,500; estate of N Low, 208 Bleecker st; ar't, R A Van Houten. 25 W 42d st.—2396. Chrystíe sĩ, No 222, partitions, windows, stairs, to 6-sty brk and stone tenement; cost. $S,000; Chas McManus, 99 Nassau st; ar't, Henry Regeimann, 133 7th st.—2.S97. Cbrystie st, No 161, shaft, windows, tank, toilets, to two 4 and 5-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, $3,000; Chaa Vonhof, 248A Vernon av, Brooklyn; ar't, Henry Regelmann, 133 7th st. —2401. Dĩvĩsĩon st, No 211, toilets, windows, tank. skylight, to 5-sty brk titions, tank, windows to 5-sty brk and stone stores and tene- ment; cost, $5,000; Isadore Sinkowitz, S9 E Ist st; ar'ts, Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House .—2389. Divosin st, No 211, toilets, windows, tank, skylight to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $3,000; Louis Friedenberg. 197 6th av; ar't, Thom & Wilson, 1123 Broadway.—2365. Delancey st, n e cor Chrystie st, toilets, alter stalrs to 5-sty brk aud stone store and tenement; cost, $500; Julius Brown. 107 East 67tb st; ar'ts, Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House.—2378. Essex st, No 41, vent shaft. store fronts, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $3,000; Kittenplan & Rubinger, 5 Beekman st; ar't, L A Goldstone, 110 W 34th st.—2375. Hester st, No 144, partitions, windows, toilets to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; oost, $3,(K)0; John G Wendell, 175 Eroadway; ar't, Herman Horenburger, 122 Bowery.—-2394. Jay st, No 40, toilets, partitions, chimney to 2 and 3-sty brk and stone store and dwelĩing; cost, $1,500; Estate of Jobn Castree, 73 W lĩth st; ar't, Richard Rohl, 128 Bible House,-2369. Mott st, No 219, partitions to 5-sty brk and stone store and tene- meut; cost, $950; estate of John Gardner, 21 Liberty st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson, 1123 Broadway.—2374, Pike slip, Nos 81 and 83, partitions, windows. skylights to two 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,500; Joho McSweeney, 107 East Broadway; ar't, Henry J Feiser, 1.50 Nassau st.—226S. Park st, No S5 | rehuild chimney, partitions, walls to 2-sty bik Worth st, No 171| and stone stores and dwellings; cost. $6,000; D Abbate and P Alvino, 226 Lafayette st; ar't, Richard Rohl, 128 Bible House,-2393. Rivington st, No 184, shaft, piers to 5-sty !)rk and stone tenement; cost, $5,000; Max Weiner. 189 Rivington st; ar'ts, Sommerfeld 6 Steckler, 19 Union sq.—2370. Rivington st, No 2.")8, toilets, partitions, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,500; Mary Kranichfeldt, 258 Riving- ton st; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 Ist st,—2403. Vandam st, Nos 85 and 87, windows, toilets, partitions, skylighls to two 4-sty brk and stone íenement; cost. $1,000: Chas G MoIIer, 290 Madison av; ar't, Louis F Fick, 524 W ItiOth st — 2391. Ist st, Nos 104-106 E, partitions, plumbing, windows, toilets to two 5-sty brk and stone tenement and stores; cost, $2,000; St Niehoias R C Church, 121 E 2d sĩ; ar't, Anthony F A Schmitt 604 Cûurtlandt av.—23S4. 6th st, No 310 E', 5-sty brk and stone rear extenslon. 13x27, par- titions. store Eronts to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, .fiO.OOO; ĩsadore Mechanic, 3219 3d av; ar't, Erwin Ross- bach, 1947 Broadway —2383. 12th st, No 17 East. show windows, to 4-sty brk and stone loft building: cost, $350; Mrs Julia A Grant, 5 Grrat Jones st, Tarry- town, N Y; ar't. Henry H HoUy, 41 W 27th st.—2395. 14th st, No 416 W, cut openings to two 4-sty brk and stone stor- age buildings; cost. $300; August Silz, 416 W 14th st; ar't, E 5 Child, 17 State st.—23S6. 15th st, No 432 E, 5-sty brk and stone rear extension, 13x30, par- titions, walls to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $8,000; Nathan Kohn, 309 E lOth st; ar't, Erwin Rossbaoh, 1947 Broadway.—2376. ISth st, No 455 W, toilets, partitions, stairs, skylights to two 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,500; Charles Endler, clo architect; ar't, Tbũmas H Styles, 449 W 28th st,-2388. 23d st, Nos 114-120 E, stairs, partitions to 4-sty brk and stone stores and oEĩices; cost, $5,000; F C Beach, care of Munn & Co. 301 Broadway and Mrs J B Gasper, 30 W 53d st; ar't, Peter M Coco, 114 E 23d st-—2385. 25th st, No 327 W, toilets, windows, skyligiits to two 3 and 5-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, $1,000; Agnes J Rodgers, 327 W 25th st; ar'ts. Thom & Wilsôn, 1123 Broadway.—2373. 37th st, No 240 E, 1-sty and basement brk and stone rear ex- tension, 20x20, to 4-sty tirk and stone shop and offices; cost, $1,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Robert E Kelly, 220 B 41st st.—2387. 37tb st, Nos 542-544 West, light shaft, toilets, alter stairs, to two 5-sty brk and stone teneraents; cost, $10,000; Max Schlesinger, 520 West 40th st; ar't, Louis A Scheinart, 520 West 40tli st. —2400. .S8th st, No 41 E'ast. 4-sty and basement brk and stone rear ex- tension, 17,2x32.10. toilets, electric elevator, to 4-sty brk and stone dwelling; cost, $25,000; Mrs Chas T Cook, 2 W 4Stb st; ar't, Henry Otis Chapman, 334 5th av.—2398. 44th st, No 228 W, alter staircase, windows to 7-sty'brk and stone apartment house; cost,. $500; Mrs B A L Buch, 524 5th av; ar't, Thomas W Lamb, 224 5th av.—2392. 45th st, No 16 W, add three stories, partitions, shaft, stairs to 4-sty brk and stone dwelling and loft; cost, $22,000; Mrs Leah P Nortou, 16 W 45th st; ar't, Erwin Rossbach, 1947 Broadway.— 2377. 53d st, No 346 W, erect sign to 2-sty brk and stone store; cost, $75; C K Reiss, 346 W 53d st; ar't, James J Kennedy, 128 4th av.—2382. 66th st. No 227 W, partitions. show windows. stairs to 5-sty brk and stoue tenement; cost, $1,200; E Kapelsohn Co, 306 W 68th st; ar't, Chas E Reid, 105 E 14th st,-2390. 71st st, No 55 W, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 8x7, stairs, to -í-sty brk and stoue residence; cost. -''^1,000; Mrs E A Schroeder, 55 West 71st st; ar'l, Geo Provot, 104 W "42d sf,—2366. 97th st, No 222 E, toilets, partitions, windows, skylight, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Morris Webber, 88 Colum- bia st; ar'ts, Katz & Goldrich, 218 E 5th st.—2381. 109th st, No 167 E. shaEt, toilets, windows, partitions to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $7,000; Lena Cohen, 167 E 109th st; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d st.—2380. l-Sũth st, No 40 W, stairs. store fronts, to 2-sty brk and stone printing office; cost, .ĩl,500: Christian D Meyers, 151 E 23d st; ar't, Henry Davidson. 255 W 69th st.—2379. Amsterdam av, n w cor 139th st, partitions, store front, toilets, to 6-stv brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,200; Michl C O'Neill, 890 'Pelham av; ar'ts, B W Berger & Son, 121 Bible House. —2404. Broadway, n e cor 136th st. chimney, instail steam boiler to 3-sty brk and stone stords and dwelling; cost, $1,500; Mayer S Auer- bach, 71 Nassau st; ar'ts, Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House,— 2367. ' Madison av, s e cor ISOth st, 5-sty brk and stofle rear extension, 25x73.4, erect pent house. to 4-sty brk school; cost, $40,000; AII Saints Roman Catholic Church, Madison av and 129th st; ar'ts, Neville & Eagge, 217 W 125tb st.—2372. Madison av, No 640, new piumbing, partitions, toUets, to 9-sty brk and stone apartment and stores; cost, $2,500; Hoffman es- tates, 259 Broadway; ar'ts, Thain & Prague, 4 E 42d st.—2399. 3d av, No 75, partitions, columns, windows to 3 and 4-sty brk and stone hotel and storage building; cost, $1,200; Harriet A Pear- son, 53 3d av; ar^ts, B W Berger & Son, 121 Bible House,-2371. 3d av, n e cor 52d st, partitions, marble steps, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,200; estate of A. Dugro, 7fel Madison av; ar'ts, B W Berger & Son. 121 Bible House,-2402. BOROUGH OP THE BRONX. Depot pi, s s, 75 w Sedgwick av. raise to grade and build^new basement to 3-sty brk post office and dwelling; cost, $1,500; M Del Papa, 203 Grand st; ar't, G A Schellinger, 27 B 21st st.^9. Kelly st, No 50, new partitions, to 2-sty brk dwelling; cost, $200; Max Udell, on premises; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and 3d av.—445. ITOth st, s w cor Trafalgar pl, 2-sty and attic Erame extension, 20.xl4, to 2-sty and attic frame dwelling; cost, $1,000; CIiEford 6 Guertin, 907 E 17eth st; ar't. A C McCone, 1070 Daiy av. ^48. 2ĩ4th st, s s, 50 w Maple av, new partitions, to 3-sty brk store and tenement; cost, $300; John Di Mattie, on premises; ar't, L Howard, 1861 Carter av.^53. City ĩsland av, e s, 100 n Pilot st. 2-sty frame extension, 36x18, to 3-sty frame store and dwelling; cost, $1,500; Elizabeth Grad, on premises; ar'ts, S H Booth & Sons, City Island.—i52. Cauldwell av, n e cor Westchester av, 1-sty brk extension, 35.8x 25, and 1 stv built upon 1-sty brk morgue and laboratory; cost, $3,-500; Lebanon Hospital Assoc, Jonas Weil. .36 E 75th st, Pres; ar't, Albert E Davis, 258 E 138th st.—446. Gleason av, s s, 350 w Havemeyer st, 2 new dormers, new chlmney and new partitions, to 2-sty and attic frame dwelling; cost, $500; William Eruger, on premises; ar't, Henry Lane, EIIis av and Castle Hill av,—450. Grand av, w s, 75 n Pordham road, 1-sty frame extension, 7.6x13, and opw partitions. to 2^-sty frame dwelling; cost, $ĩ,OtX); Mary F Gviidone, 2642 Marion av; ar'ts, Briganti & Steenecker, 205 E 17th st.—451, -Morris Park av. s e cor Wallace av, líé-sty frame extension, 9.9 x2. and new foundation, to 1-sty frame shop; cost, $200; Wm H Norman. Morris Park av; ar*t. Timothy J Kelly, Morris Park av.—446. 3d av, No 2702. 1-sty brk extension, 2.5x26, and new beams, to ■S-sty hrk store and dweiling; cost, .^2,000; Abrend H Sprung, on premĩses; ar't, Lculs Falk, 2785 3d av.—454. I The text of these p^eg fs copyrlSÎíM. AU righta are reserved. Notioe is hereby given that infrtngement wUl lead to prosecutlon. I