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48 71^ RECORD AND GUIDE January 4, igo8 PROJECTED BUILDINGS J The first name is that of the ow'r; ar't stands for architect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builders. When character of rOof is not mentioned, it is to be understood that the roof is to he of tin. BOROUGH OP MAXHATTAN. SOUTH OP 14TH STREET. Chariton st, Nos lOS-llO, 7-sty brk and stone storage building, 45,7x95, slag roof; cost, $42,U00; Charlton Contract Co, 110 W 34th st; ar't, H F Hartwell, IIU W 34th St.—796, Hivington st. No 15S, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, lS.2xG.9; cost, $500; Felix Keinstler. loS Rivington st; ar't, G M McCabe, 90 Sth av.—799, Washington st. No 73, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 10,11x0.4; cost, $500; Feris Azoon, 75 Washington st; ar't, C H Dietrich, 42 Union sq,—79S, BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. 17th st, Nos 203-205 W; 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 8.6x12.8; cost, ;iil,0U0; B Courtney, 219 Sth av; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st St.—3. 57th St, No 136 W, 7 and 12-sty brk and stone studio building, SOx SO, tar and gravel roof; cost, $500,000; 136 West 57th St, a New York Corporation, P Mcli iVIerrill, Secy, 259 5th av; ar'ts. Pol¬ lard & Steinam, 234 Slh av.—797. 1st av. No 547; 1-sty hrk and stone outhouse, 6.8x10.11; cost, $S00; L Massucci, 246 7th av; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.—2. 59TH TO 125TH STREET, WEST OF STH AVENUE. 98th st, Nos 207-211 W; 3-sty brk and stone garage, 03x100.11, tar and gravel roof; cost, $2o,000; P C Long, 2465 W 9Sth st; ar't, C B Brun, 1 Madison av.^1. NORTH OP 125TH STREET. 2d av, s e cor 127lh st, —sty brk and stone amusement hall, 121.2x 217,2; cost, $2(10,000; Harlem River Park Amusement Co, prem¬ ises; ar'ts, Morgan & Barkhausen, 111 Broadway.—SOO, BOROUGH OP THE BRONX. 135th st, n s, 300 e Willow av, 1-sty frame station, 12x25; cost, $100; N T, N H & H R R Co, New Rochelle; ar't, I D Waterman, New Rochelle.—1153. 170th st, n s, 13 w Bristow st, 3-sty brk storage, 23.10x90; cost, $10,000; Chas H Sprossig on prem; ar't, Daube & Kreymborg, 830 Westchester av.—1161. 240th st, n s, 467.6 e Martha av, two 3-sty frame dwellings, 18x63; total cost, .flO,000; Jas T Doyle, Grand av and Evelyn pl; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.^1163. 240th st, n s, 503.G e Martha av, two 3-sty frame dwellings, 18x53; total cost; $9,000; Jas T Doyle, Grand av and Evelyn pl; ar't, J J Vreclaod, 20l9 Jerome av.^1164. 240th st, n s, 539.6 e Martha av, 3-sty frame store and dwelling, 29.10x33.4; cost, $5,000; Jas T Doyle, Grand av and Evelyn pl; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—1165. 241st st, □ s, 150 e Katonah av, 2-sty frame dwelling, IO.kSI; cost, $4,500; W H Danby, 135 W 132d st; ar't, A Murray Jenks, 42 So 4th av, Mt Vernon.—1156. 241st st, n s, 200 E Katonah av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 19x34; cost, $4,500; W H Danby, 135 W 132d st; ar't, A Murray Jenks, 42 So 4th av, Mt Vernon.—1157. 241st st, n s, 250 e Katonah av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 19x34; cost, $4,500; W H Danby, 135 *V 132d st; ar't, A Murray Jenks, 42 So 4th av, Mt Vernon.—1158. 241st st, n s, 300 e Katonah av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 19.k34; cost, $4,500; W H Danby, 135 W 132d st; ar't, A Murray Jenks 42 So 4th av, JMt Vernon.—1159, 241at st, n s. 325 e Katonah av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 19x34; cost, $4,500; W H Danby, 135 W 132d st; ar't, A Murray Jenks, 42 So 4th av, Mt Vernon.—1160, Barnes av, w s, 100 s 237th st, 3-sty brk dwelling, 21x50; cost, $5,000: Michael Gleason, 141 E 9Gth st; ar't, James Hanson, 2S57 Briggs av.—1152. College av, e s, 92.6 n 165th st, 3-sty brk tenement, 24x55; cost, $7,500; St Marks Const Co, Bernhard Lederer, 99 Nassau st Pres; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and 3d av.—5, Findlay av, w s, 92.G n 165th st, 3-sty brk tenement, 24x55; cost, $7,500; St Marks Const Co, Bernhard Lederer, 99 Nassau st, Pres; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av.—4. Fort Schuyler road, e s, 30.57 s Harrington av, 2-sty frame dwell¬ ing, 22.6xG0.4; cost, $7,000; Chas Haese, Theriot av; ar't, B Ebeiing, West Farms road.—2, Grand Boulevard and Concourse, n e cor 175th st, 2-sty brit church, 58x75; cost, $37,000; Christ Congregational Church, Rev Henry M. Brown, D D, 1864 Morris av. Pastor; ar'ts, Hoppia & Koeu, 344 Sth av.—1154. Grand Boulevard and Concourse, n e cor 175th st, 2-sty brk rectory, 40x40; cost, $13,000; Christ Congregational Church, Rev Henry M. Brown, D D, 1864 Morris av, Pastor; ar'ts, Hoppin & Koeu, 344 Sth av.—1155. Houghton av,^ n s, 225 w Olmstead av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 20x 38; cost, ,$3,000; Katherine Janson, on premises; ar't, Henry Laue, Zerega aud Lyon av.—1, Independence av, s s, opposite Kappock st, 1-sty frame garage 25x40; cost, $1,200; Est of 1 G Johnson Co, Spuyteu Duyvii' ar't, Ahneraan & Tounkheere, 3320 Bailey av.—1162. Webster av, w s, 17o s Woodlawn road, two 3-sty brk stores aud dwellings, 20x55 each; total cost, $15,000; Amalia Pirk 589 E 198th st; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av,—3, ALTERATIONS. BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN. Bleecker st. No 303, partitions, toilets, windows, stairs, to 3-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $500; Henry Powell 203 ■Broadway; ar't, Alfred L Kehoe, 206 Broadway,—3178. Beaver st, No 1, 1-sty hrk and stone rear extension, ]3xl4.3. add 1-sty to extension, partitions to 5-sty brk and stone store aud tenement; cost, .$500; John G Wendel, premises; ar't. Wm Bereer 36 E 23d St.—3190. ' Cherry st, No 372, air shaft, toilets, windows, piers, to 5-sty brk and stone tcuemeut; cost, $2,560; I 0 Schiff; 475 Broadway; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st st,—3J84. Cherry st, No 37U, toilets, partitions, windows, chimneys, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,5U0; I O SchifE, 475 Broadway; ar't, 0 Reissmann. 30 1st st.—31T2, Grand st, No i\)2, toilets, partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; cost. $5,UU0; Laura A Clark, Chappaqua, N T; ar't, D J Comyns, 147 4th av.—3170, Grand st. No 331, skylight, alter root, to 4-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, if2{j0; Louis Greenberg, 331 Grand st; ar't, H Horenburger, 122 Bowery,—3191. Hester st, Nos 145 and 147, toilets, sash, tank, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,090; estate of Phoebe Garland, 152 B 62d st; ar't, J H Frieud, 148 Alexander av.—4. Manhattan st, No 91. erect concrete platllorm to 3-sty brk and stone milk dairy; cost, $40U; McDermoli Dairy Co, premises; ar't, Fraulilin Engineering Co, 346 Broadway.^3174. New Chambers st, n iv cor Rose st, walls, stairs, columns, to 3-sty brk aud stone store and loft building; cost, $i,200; Louis Weill, New Haven, Conn;_ar't. J Hoffmann, 31S W i21st st,—8187. University pl, No 4a. stairs, skylights, walls, to 4-sty brk and stone loft building; cost, $5,0U0; Sutherland & McNeil, 265 Greene st; ar'is. Sommerfeld & Sleekier, 19 Union sij.-3185. Walker st. No b'J, toilets, stairs, store windows, partitions, to 4-sty brk and stone store and loft building; cost, $4,5U0; T Kaughran, 62 Hamilton Terrace, N Y; ar'ts, ilruest A Lynde, 120 W 42d st, —3179. Washington st, e s, 22o s Rector st, windows, skylights, to 4-sty hrk and stone tenement; cost, $500; Feris Azoon, 75 Washington st; ar't, C H Dietrich, 42 Union sq.—3192, Water st, Nos 3oTi^ aud 339, toilets, partitions, fire-escapes, to three 4-sty brk aud stone tenements; cost, $1,000; Thomas Hayeck, 81 West st; ar't, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand St.—3171. Oth st. No 800 E, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 5x16, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $500; Michael Kramer, 746 E Oth st; ar't, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand st.—3177. 10th St. No 79 E, partitions, toilets, new front, to 4-sty brk and stone store and loft; cost, $5,300; Nathan Schwarb, 6 E 14th st; ar'ts, Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House,^9. 18th st. No 500 E. partitions, windows, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stoae tenement; cost, $900; George Kiesel, 500 E 18th st; ar't, Marshall R Grimes, 39 B 42d St.—2. 19ili st, Nos 25t)-232 W, skyliglit, partition, to two 5-sty brk and stoae tenements; cost, $4UU; Kings Farms Realty Co, 45 Pine st; ar'ts, Pittmaa & Braun, 114 E 28th st.—3181. 20th st. No 418 E, partitions, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Wm Kennedy, 418 E 20th st; ar't, Adam Fuller, 447 E SOth st,—3188. 30th st. No 242 E. toilets, partitions, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $2,U0O; H Levy, 112 1st av; ar't, O Reiss¬ mann. 30 1st St.—3, 31sL st, Nos 413-410 E. alter roof to 5-sty brk and stone factory; cost, $500; Cobocton Realty Co, 415 E 31st st; ar't, G B Waite, 415 B 31st St.—3183. 36th st. No 017 W, skylights brick front, steel girders to 1 and 3-sty brk and stone shop; cost, $3,O0U; Chelsea Auto Storage Co, 520 W 37th st; ar't, Geo H Anderson, 156 Sth av.—3173, 42d st. No 3 E, partitions, freight lift, windows, to —sty store aud storage building; cost, $6,000; Caroline 0 Tolfree, 26 E 49th st; ar't, Austin Hodge, 22 W Oth st.—3189. 49th st, No 353 W, tank, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $200; G H Mundorf, premises; ar't, Harry Zlot, 230 Grand St.—5', S5th st. No 314 W, 1 aud 4-sty brk and stone side extension, 19x61,8, baths, to 4-sty hrk and stone dwelling; cost, $30,000; E J De Coppet, 314 W 8oth st; ar'ts, Butler & Rodman, 16 E 23d St.—7. 100th st, s s, bet Lexington and Park avs, columns, platform, tanks, to 2-sty brk and stone car harn; cost, $7,300; New York City R R Co, 621 Broadway; ar't, A V Porter, 621 Broadway.—3175. 125th st. No 67 W, partitions, windows, stairs, to 6-sty brk and stone office and loft and school; cost $1,500; James M Lowe, 447 Produce Exchange, N Y; ar't, L F J Weiher, 103 E 125th st.^ 3169. Av A, Nos 1541-1543, partitions, windows, to two 5-sty brk aud stone tenements and stores; cost, $1,500; Harry Strasbourger, 3d av an(] SOth st; ar't, H Horenburger, 122 Bowery.—3176. Av B. n w cor 13th st, alter drainage system to 4-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, -$200; Mrs Ellen V Dollard, 1020 Park av, Hohoken, N J; ar't, David M Ach, 1 Madison av.—3182, Amsterdam av. No 65, toilets, skylights, partitions, to S-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,000; Martin Keppler, 40 Stuyvesant pl, St George, Stat.en Island; ar'ts, J B Snooks' Sous, 73 Nas¬ sau St.—8. Central Park West, Nos 292-293, stairs, .elevator, to two 5-sty brk and stone office buildings; cost, $3,500; P D Dumout, 292 Cen¬ tral Park West; ar't. Clarence True, 130 Pulton St.—3186. Riverside Drive, No 154, cut door openings, to 6-sty brk and stone dwelling; cost, $6i50; Edwin Norton, 134 Riverside Drive; ar't, Frank I-Iausle, 81 East 125th st.—3180. 1st av. No 38 (, partitions, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $2.0U0; Carl Schoeppy. c|o architect; ar't, Chas E Reid, 105 E llth st.—1>. 2d av. No 809, skylight, partitions, to 5-Bty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $1,000; Predericit Hot, 583 3d av, ar't, Benj Sackheim, 209 Grand st,—1. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 7lh st, n s, 225 w Av D. new partitions, new plumbing, &c, to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $1.20O; Wm Lappe, Slh st and Av D; ar't, Henry Conrad, 2d st and Av D.—2. Anthony av, e s, 82 n Burnside av, 1-sty frame extension. 18.2x4.2 to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $500; David C MacBride, 2048 Anthony av; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av.—640. Courtlandt av, n e cor 149th st, new beams, new store windows, new partitions to 3-sty frame store and dwelling; cost, $1,000; Samuel E Jacobs, 135 Broadway; ar't, Wm Schnaufer, 363 E 149th St.—641. Chatterton av, n s, 100 w Olmstead av, move 2-sLy frame dwelling; cost $350; Wm Mcintosh, on premises; ar't, Henry Laue, Zerega and Lyon avs.—1, Lincoln av. No 184, new partitions to 6-sty brk store and tene¬ ment; cost, $100; G Tuoti, 206 Broadway; ar't, Alfred L. Kehoe, 206 Broadway.—63S. 3d av. No 2908. new store windows, new stairs, new partitions, &o, to -i-sty brk stores and tenement; cost, $700; Jos Lederer, 2914 3d av; ar't, P C Hirleman, 2804 3d av.—037. Wakefield R R yard, w s, and s of Becker av, move 1-sty frame passenger station; cost, ,$25; NYC&HRRRCo, Grand Cen¬ tral Station; ar't, N D Runkle, 81 E 125th st.-639,