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52 RECORD AND GUIDE January 4, 1908 PRIVATE SALES MARKET SOUTH OP 59TH STREET. Grand Street Coiner Sold, GRAND ST.—Phillips & Avery, in conjunction with S, H. Stone, sold for the Ronalds estate, the s w cor of Grand and Thompson sts, old buildings, 24x79. iVIr, Chas. E. Hess is the buyer and paid .^25,000 for it. Twenty thousand dollars was allowed io remain upon mortgage. The sellers "were Edgar J. Phillips and Abram I. ■ Ell;us, trustees, on deed executed hy Elizabeth N. Blake, Dec. 2i. 1905. The new owner is going to erect a modern business building on the site. HENRT ST.—D. & W. Mullius sold for Patrick O'Keefe to Mary E. Mullins, No. 137 Henry st, a 5-sly school building, 26x100, which is leased to the Board of Education. On the other side of the street is Public School No. 2 aud on the northwest coi^ of Rutgers st is St. Theresa's Chuiich. The price obtained was ^27,000, MERGER ST.—Isabel J. Roberts, of Philadelphia, sold to Ameuda A. Tiger, of Madison, N. J., 23a Mercer st, a 6-sty loft building, west side, 125 ft south of 3d st, 25x100. The buyer gives io part payment 201 acres of land at Bedminster, Somerset County, N, J. On the other side of Mercer st is the old Broadway Central Hotel. PEARL ST.—Charles F. Noyes Co. sold for the Haynes Co. to a Mr. Durtos, 22S Pearl st, a 6-sty building, covering a plot of about 2,400 ft. The purchaser takes the property free and clear. It rents for a little less than $5,000 per annum. There is an elevator in the building. 14th ST.—Mrs. Bridget Kelly and Maximilian J. Jahelkn sold 133 West 14th st, a 4'Sty dwelling, 25x303,3, to Charles R, Smith. This property was bought hy the_sellers on July 17, 19u7, at $35,000. There is a mortgage of $2d,000 on the properly and it is assessed at $31,000. 27TH ST.—Pocher & Co, sold for Michael Conlon to Henry Nechols and Samuel Blumenstock, 507 West 27th st, a 6-sty teaemeut house, 25x100, 100 ft west to 10th av. The block between Oth and 10th avs is to be used for parit purposes. Public School 33 is to be the only building to be left standing. 37th ST.—Finney & Mathews sold for a client to Joseph L But- tenwieser 221 and 223 West 3ith st, two 3-sty dwellings, 35.9x98,0. SlST ST.—Taylor Bros, sold for W, H. Burgess to S. B, French, 103 West 51st st, a 2-siy private stable, 25.oxl00. Mr. Burgess purchased this property from Com. E, C. Benedict. Irving Place Building Sold to Investor. IRVING PL.—The Bell-Wiley Co, sold to Charles B. Halsey tbe 4-sty aud basement building, on the s w cor of Irving pl aud 19th st, known as 122 Bast 19th st. This building occupies a lot 25x92 on Irving pi and is just south of Gramercy Park, where the Colum¬ bia University, the Princeton, Players' and Art clubs have obtained sites. The new owner is going to make several important altera¬ tions at the expiration of the present short-term lease. The owner of the n w cor of 18th st and Irving pl recently completed plans to alter that structure into office and loft building. There have been a number of intiuiries for property in this section since the Public Service Commission reported favorably upon the avail¬ ability of Lexington av and Irving pl as a portion of the route of the future subway. ftlillion Dollar Sale on Fifth Avenue. STH AV.—Frederick Fox & Co. announce the sale of 2S4 Fifth av at the n w cor of Fifth av and 30th st. Mrs. Emily H. Moir, the seller, purchased the land, with her husband, in 3SSS. At that_time the plot was occupied by a dwelling and Mrs. Moir paid $23l>,000 to John Watson for it, Herbert A. Sherman acted as broker. Mr. Moir soon after acquiring title erected the present structure, which is an 8-sty bachelor apartment bouse, 40x125, with stores on tbe ground rtoov. John J. Gibbous, the present purchaser, is the head of Gilman, Collamore & Co., dealers in china and glassware. They are the present tenants of tbe store, basement and first loft. The consideration ia tbe deal is $1,000,000. This sale shows the growing necessity of tenants on the avenue owning their own property in every case where it is possible. The supply is getting very limited, and as soon as the present inactivity is over investors ^vill be climbing over each other to get choice avenue property. NORTH OP 59TH STREET. 73d st,—Mrs. Selicite Clark sold through Pease & Elliman to John K, Turton, 134 East 73d st, a S-sty high stoop dwelling, 9o ft west of Lexington av, 12x102.2. The buyer is a builder, who will remodel the structure into an American basement dwelling aud put it on the market. 7STH ST.—George P. Picken sold for the estate of Charlotte Hubbschmitt, 164 East 7Sth st, a 5-sty double flat, 25x80x100, to a client for iuvestment. This structure has 12 rooms and 2 baths on a floor and rents for about $3,300 a year. SIi'5. Hillenbi'aiid Buys Apartment House. , 99TH ST.—Hillenbrand & Nassoit sold for Samuel Friedelson 151 and 1.53 W. 99tb.st, a 6-sty apartment house, 40x87x100, which ad¬ joins the Barnes Carriage Co.'s building. The buyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Hillenbrand, widow of the late Col. Joseph F. Hillenbrand, gives in part payment 433 East SOth st, a 4-sty dwelling, free and clear, 18x 50x100.8, one of a row of six similar dwellings. This latter house adjoins on the east a 2S-ft, 5-sty apartment and has been the resi¬ dence of Mrs. Hillenbrand for 37 years. IIOTH ST.—E. Califano soldjor T. Bailey to E. Saggese, 326 and 328 East 110th st, a vacant plot oOxlOO, at present used as a coal yard. On tbe opposite side of the street are tanks of the Consolidated Gas Co. Jefferson Park is one block to the east. 114TH ST.—Samuel Fischer sold to Mrs, Pauline Ascher of 2 East nSth st, the two 0-sty flats, with stores. 26 and 2S East 114th st. 20x50,11 and 19x100.11, respectively. Resale of 119th Street Dwelling, 119TH ST.—George F, Picken has resold for Israel Lebowitz 153 West lJ9th st, a 3-sty dwelling. 20x100.11, to Julius Miller, for oc¬ cupancy. This house, together with 147 and 149, were sold last week through the same broker, by Reuben W. Ross, of West Rut- laud, Vt., to Mr. Lebowitz. Mrs. De Savage owns 151. a similar dwelling. This house is one o£ a row of 20 dwellings that are built alike. 133D ST.—Harry Held sold to Samuel Krouse three 4-sty flats 17.0x100 each, 534, 530 and 538 West 133d st. The price brought by each house was $14,000. THE IMPROVED ANNUAL NUMBER OF THE Record & Guide uarterly For 1907 As a guide to present values and future possibilities in real estate it is as necessary as the stock ticker to a broker. It contains all the records relat¬ ing to real estate and building in the borough of Manhattan for the year. READ CAREFULLY This number will contain the improved order of arranging records. By combining all records relating to any given property (conveyances, mortgages, leases, alterations, projected buildings or wills filed), a much clearer idea may be obtained of their relation to each other. The order followed is first GEOGRAPHICAL, and then CHRONO¬ LOGICAL. Thus a recorded lease may pre¬ cede a conveyance which may be followed by a mortgage, and that in turn by a subsequent conveyance, a building loan and plans filed. The various records may readily be deter¬ mined at a glance by their typographical dif¬ ferences, thus: 95ih st, No 307 East, east store, &c, Ludius & Romm Realty Co to David Weiss; 4 years and 22 days, from .A.pril S, 1907. Aug 29, 1907, 5:1558 ............354 95th St. E, Nos 307 to 319, n s. 137,6 e 2d av, 187.0x100.8, five 6-sty brk tenements and stores. Simon J. Cahan to Jennie Kind. All liens. April 19, July 11, 1907. 5:1558-7 to 13. A $45,000—$—................. ...............................other consid and 100 Care Louis Robn, 319 B 95th, 9,"iTH ST E, No 307, Kind, Jennie to Simon J. Cahan. 95th st. No 307, n s. 131.6 e 2d av, 37,6x100,8, P M. April 19, 5 years, 0%- July n. 1907, 5:1558...............11,000 .Menken Bros., 87 Nassau. 95TH ST E, Nos 309-313. Kind, Jennie to Simon J Cahan. 9.5th st, Nos 309 to 313, n s. 175 e 2a av. 2 lots, each 37.6x100.8. 2PM morts. each $10,500. April 19, 5 years, 6%, July 11, 1907. 5:1558..............................21,000 Menken Bros., 87 Nassau. The address under the convey¬ ance is that of the grantee, under the mortgage the channel through which the funds camei The Realty Records Co. 11 East 24th Street