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868 RECORD AND GTJIDE May 9, igo8 Brooklyn, are preparing plans for a 5-sty and basement apartment house, 50x95 ft., for M. B. Evans, S39-SI:1 Broadway, Brooklyn, to be erected on the north side of South 2nd st, 23 ft. west of Hooper st, Brooklyn. Arehiteets will take the figures. Banks. MILBURN, N, J.—Architect W. L. Stoddart, 31 Union sq, Manhattan, has completed plans for a 3-sty bank build¬ ing-, 48x75 ft., at Milburn, N. J., for First National Bank. riTTSFIELD, MASS, — Mowbray & Uffingej, 92 Liberty st, Manhattan, are preparing plans for a 4-sty bank and offlce building to be erected at Pittsfield, Mass. Estimated cost is ?1