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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 81, no. 2096 [i.e. 2097]: May 23, 1908

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May 23, 1908 RECORD AND GUIDE 96s JERSEY CITT.—At a meeting of the Board of Governors of the North Hudson Hospital the building committee presented a report on plans submitted for tbe pro¬ posed new hospital to be erected in Clif¬ ton Park. The committee reported as its choice of plans those of Hermann Horen¬ burger, Dehli & Howard and L. E. Girard as flrst, second and third choices. It was decided to ask the first named architect to prepare detailed speciflcations and if the bids are within the $50,000 limit flxed by the board, then the work will be pro¬ ceeded with. Libraries, SPRINGFIELD, MASS.—Bids are asked until June 1, to construct a library, 220.x 86 ft,, of granite, marble and terra cotta, two stories and basement, to cost $300,- 000. It will have a flreproof interior and a marble exterior. Edward L, Tilton, 32 Broadway, Manhattan, is architect; H. C. Wellman is librai'ian. Springfield. Bids on equipment will be taken later. Office and Loft Buildings. MANHATTAN.—Operations will soon be under way for the 7-sly loft building which Mrs. E. A. Vail Is to erect at No. 55 Ludlow st from plans by Messrs, Jack¬ son & Rosencranz, 31 Union sq. MANHATTAN.—The Marmac Con¬ struction. Co.. 316 W. SOth st, will soon begin the construction of an 11-sty ele¬ vator loft building, 46x98 ft., at Nos. 109- 111 West 27th sl, frora plans by Frederick C. Browne, 143 West 125th sl. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Messrs. Tork ' &. Sawyer, 156 5th av, Manhattan, haye completed plans and will soon take bids for a 10-sty addition to the Rochester German Insurance Co. offlce building at Rochester to cost about $150,000. MANHATTAN.—Neville & Bagge, 217 West 125th st, have completed plans for a 1-sty store building, 100x100 ft,, for Heilner Sc Wolf, 1.S5 Broadway, to be erected at the northeast corner of Audu¬ bon av and ISlst st, to cost $10,000. No contracts let. MANHATTAN.—R, Edwin Archibald Co., 147 East 125th st, have prepared plans for alterations to 461 and 463 4th av to a modern saloon and restaurant and work rooms above. New tiie work, plumbing, bar fixtures, furnishings will be required. MANHATTAN,—Archt, Wm. H. Gom¬ pert, 2102 Broadway, is taking estimates on the construction of the new office building to be erected at Broadvi'ay and Eighth St. Owner. Sinclair Realty Co.. 31 Nassau st. Building to be 16 stories, 50x 116, with .39 ft, L on Astor pl. SOUTH WILLIAM ST.-C. P. H, Gil¬ bert, No. 1123 Broadway, has completed plans for alterations to No. 15 South Wil¬ liam st and No. 55 Stone st into stores and offices for Amos F. Eno, Esq, The exterior of the building is to harmonize with No, 13 South William st, whic'h is also the property of Mr. Eno, Contracts bave been awarded. Power Houses. HORNELL, N, Y,—The Public Service Commission of Albany have granted per¬ mission to the Hornell Elec, Co. to make extensive improvements to the amount of about $25,000. Schools and Colleges. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—The city of New Haven will soon ask for bids on an issue of $325,000 4% bonds, the proceeds of which %vill be used for street improve¬ ments and new schools, BRISTOL, CONN.—Bids are asked un¬ til 8 p. m.. May 25, by C. L, Wooding, secretary, for constructing a 2-sty brick addition to the high school. T, B. Peck, of Waterbury. is the architect. TORRINGTON, CONN.—It has been ■voted to buy land in the eastern part of town and erect a 3-sty brick schoolhouse. The town school committee and the Se¬ lectmen are authorized to erect the build¬ ing. LE ROT, N. T.—A special meeting will be held by the Board of Education on June 12 to vote on appropriation of $80.- 000 for the erection of a new school. Architect has not been select-ed. (Re¬ ported May 9, idOS.) INDUSTRT, N. T,—Sealed proposals will be received by Miss Laura E. Ald- ridge, president board of manufacturers of the New Tork State Agricultural and Industrial School, until May 26, for the construction of an assembly hall. F. W. Ware is State architect, Albany, NEW CASTLE, PA.—Architect W. G. Eckles, Newcastle, Pa., has prepared plans for a school building to cost about $300,000. Brick and stone, fine interior finish, concrete work, iron and steel work, steam heat, electric lights, etc. Mrs. Helen Moskey, Secretary School Board, can give information. ORANGE, N. J.—Bonds to the amount of $110,000 have been sold for the erec¬ tion of a new scbool to contain sixteen rooms, to take the place of the Lincoln av school building. No plans have yet been accepted. Aiso for the erection of a six-room addition to the Cleveland st school building. Mr, W. G. McCurdy, Sec. Estimates Receivable. Bird S. Coler, president Borough of Brooklyn, is taking flgures until May 27 for alterations, improvements and addi¬ tions to the Kings County Court House building, situated at the junction of Jo¬ ralemon and Fulton sts. Contracts Awarded. Turner Construction Co., 11 Broadway, Manhattan, advise that they have re¬ cently obtained the contract for consider¬ able reconstruction work in reinforced concrete for the Murpby Varnish Co. in tbeir factory at Chicago, yi, MANHATTAN.—Chas. T. Wills, Inc., I5G 5th av, Manhattan, has received the general contract for enlarging and remod¬ eling the 5-sty dwelling No. 35 East 68th st for Mrs. Mary Dows Dunham on prem¬ ises from plans by Carrere & Hastings, 225 5th av. MANHATTAN.—Rees & Rees, 232 East 40tb st, have awarded to Richard Deeves & Son, 309 Broadway, the general con¬ tract for the erection of a 6-sty rear addi¬ tion, 63.2x37 ft., and other interior im¬ provements to t'he 6-sty factory. No. 232 East 40th st, to cost about $15,000. F. A. Rooke, 489 5th av, is the architect. J. B. & J. M. Cornell Co., llth av and 26th st, has received the contract for 500 tons of steel necessary for the 11-sty oflice and loft building to be erected by the One Hundred and One Fifth Avenue Building Co., at Nos. 99 to 101 Sth av. from plans by Mulliken & Moeller, 103 Park av. Cost is placed at $300,000. MANHATTAN.—C. P. H. Gilbert, No, 1123 Broadway, has awarded the contract for the complete interior flnish and deco¬ rations of the new residence for F, M. Warburg being erected at the northeast corner of 92d st and 5th av, 50x100, and 6^/i-stys in height, to Messrs. L. Alavoine Se Co. and Messrs. Wm, Baumgarten Se Co. Lawrence Tivy, 13 Piatt st, Manhattan, has obtained the heating contract on the 16-sty loft building wbich Phillip Bra¬ ender, 143 West 125th st. will erect at tbe southwest corner of Broadway and 4th st, to cost about $1,000,000. T. F. Scan¬ nell, 729 Oth av, has the plumbing work. Wm. C. Frohne, 38 East 21st st, archi¬ tect. MANHATTAN,—Reis & O'Donovan. 1123 Broadway, have received the con¬ tract for steam heating for the new Sec¬ ond Battery National Guard Armory, to be erected at Franklin av and 166th st, Turner Construction Co. 11 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Reinforced Concrete * WHITNEY-STEEN CO. engine:ers CONTRACTORS & BUILDER3 laSBROADWOr, N.Y HCW-YORK HARTFORD BUTTC DENVER See our apecial advert! le ment in May 2, on p«g« 6 Oswin W. Shelly 156 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY General Building Construction Reinforced Concrete ConstnictioD Look up our ipecial announcement in April 4, on page 11 The Bryson-Gamble Co. 60 Wall Street New York PNEUMATIC FOUNDATIONS HOUGHTALING & WITTPENN Front Bricks White, Gray, Bed, Buff Tan, Orange, Old Gold Brown and Mottled NEW ENGLAND HARVARDS ENAMELED AND PAVING BRICKS 44 East 23d St., New York Telephone, 1154 Gramercy ENAMELED IRON SIGNS FOR USE IN ERECTION OF BUILDINQS Also EIVAHK^FRS (»F Sl'ECI.^I.TY WOHK, KEFI.ECTOKS, ETC. INGRAM-RICHARDSON MFG. CO. 100 WILLIAM ST., N. Y. Tal., 2394 Jolin WILLIAM DAVIES. Mgr.