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494 Mortffases. RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan. September 5, 190S KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT Elastic in its nature, can be applied with 25 per cent, less labor and has \2yz per cent, more cov- , lir 11 1 rf^ -f ^'^'"^ capacity than any other similar material. For Plastering Walls and Ceilings J. B. king &C0.. No. l Broadway. New York MORTGAGES NOTE-—-The arrangement of this list is as follows: The flrst name is that of the mortgagor, the ne:;t that of the mortgagee. The de¬ scription of the property then follows, then the date of the mort¬ gage, the time for which it was given and the amount. The general dates used as headlines are the dates when the mortgage was handed into the Register's office to be recorded- Whenever the letters "P. M." occur, preceded by the name of a street, in these iists of mortgages, they mean that it is a Purchase Money Mortgage, and for fuller particulars see the list of transfers under the corresponding date. The first date ia the dale the mortgage was drawn, the second the date of tiling; when both dates are the same, only one is given. Subscribers will find mortgages in this list wilh the wrong block number attached. The block number we give is taken from the in- litrument as filed. Mortgages against Bronx property will be found altogether at the foot of this list- August 28. 29, 31, Seplembcr 1, 2 and 3. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Ade, Martin to Lion Brewery. 53d st. No 332 East. Saloon lease. Aug 20, demand, 6%. Sept 3, 1908. 5:1.345. 1,800 Anderson. _Clarence E to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 65th St. No lo4, s s, 283 e Amsterdam av, 10x100.5. Aug 27, due. &c. as per bond. Aug 29, 1908. 4:1136. 14,000 Berkman, Davis and Louis H Silver with Wolf Brand- Monlgom- ery st, Nos 40 and 42- Extension of mort tor -$3,000. Aug 24. Sept 2, 1908. 1:260. nom Bachrach, Irving and Isaac Schmeidler to THE STATE BANK. Mangin st. No 13, s w cor Broome st, Nos 19 and 21. 7ox5U- Prior mort $36,000. Aug 27, 1 year, 6%. Aug 28, 19U8. 2:321. 24,251.20 Biermann, Adolph to Jacob Alexander. 115th st. No 17, n s, 160 w Madison av, 25x100.31, Prior mort $10,000- Aug 24, due &c, as per bond. Aug 29, 1908. (i:1021. 5,500 Burke, Luke A to Mary G Talbot and ano, of Greenwich, Conn. 168th st. No 510, s s, 100.8 w Amsterdam av, 16.8x95.5. Aug 28, 1O08, 3 years, 5Yz7c. 8:2123. 6,500 Bruneman. Sara to Samuel Elkan. 39th st, No 533, n s, 325 e Ilth av, 25x98.9. Aug 25. 1 year, 6%. Aug 28, 1908. 3:711. 1,000 Birnbaum, Samuel to Frank Sternberg- Madison st. No 352, s s. 240-2 e Scammel st. 23-3x94.10x23-3x95.1. Aug 27, 2 years, 6%. Aug 28, 1908. 1:266. 2,000 Blaine, Alice and August Nebeling to Josiah Jones. 148th st, No 215, on map No 213, n s, 287.3 w 7th av, 37.5x99.11. P M. Prior mort $34.0nO. Aug 31, 1908, 3 years, 0%. 7:2034. 7 500 Beveridge. Jobn to Daniel M Dunliam and ano. 52d st. No 310. s s. 160 e 2d av, 20^:100.5. P M. Prior mort $7,500. Aug 29. 1 year. 5'A7c. Aug 31. 1008. 5:1.344, :i.,iO0 Block, Betsy widow, and Rosa A and Leah wife of Jacob Block and Jacob L. Peter, Bernhard and Louis M Bloik and Uora i-'nilipoi- sky (by atty), and Sarah wife of a.nd Saml Biumberg tn Persis L Killam, Delancey st. No 104, .n s, 38.7 e Ludlow st, 25x75. Prior mort $-----. Sept 1. due Sept 1, 1916, 0%. Sept 3, 1908. 2:410. gold. 7.500 Ball. John of Borough of Richmond, N Y, to William Bruckner. 54th St. No 432, s s, 383.4 e 10th av, 10.8x53-6x10.8x:"i2.3. P M. Sept 3, 1008, 2 years. 5%. 4:1063. 2,000 Belnord Realty Co to METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO- Broadway, n e cor SOth st, 201.11 to S7th st x328.10 to Amsterdam av x2Ul-5 to SOth st x343 to beginning. Sept 3, due Nov 1. 1913, 6^^. until Nov 1, 1911, aud 5% thereafter. Sept 3, 1908- 4:1234. 3,000,000 Same to same. Sarae property. Certiflcate as to above mort. Aug 28- Sept 3. 1908. 4:1234. ------ Belnord Realty Co, a corpn, to Broadway and 8Glh St Co, a corpn. Broadway, e s, 87th st, s s, Amsterdam av, w s, and SOth st, n s, the bik. P M. Prior mort $3,000,000. July 17, due &c as per bond. Sept 3. 1908. 4:1234. 1,500.000 Brady, Ellen to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST- 37th st, Nos 322 and 324, s s, 224 w 1st av, 2 lots, each 24x98.9- 2PM morts each $10,000- Sept 1. 1908, 5 years, 5%. 3:942. 20.000 Byrnes, Patk J to Chas P Henderson, 25th st, No 325, n e s, abt 275 w 1st av, 25x98.9. Aug 27, due Jan 1, 1910, 6%. Sept 1. 1908. 3:031. 2,000 Carroll. Royal Phelps of Newport, R I, to Chelsea Realty Co. 49th st. No 41, n s. 145 e Madison av, 22x100.5- Prior mort $50,000. Sept 2, 1008, 1 year, 6%. 5:1285. 10,000 Calthrop, May R to Jacob Freeman, 55th st. No 534, s s, .300 e Ilth av, 25x100.5, P M- Prior mort $16,000- Aug 27, due Peb 1, 1911. 0%. Sept 2, 1908. 4:1083. 1,750 Callman, Lawrence J to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 10th St. No 142. s s, 125 e Waverly pi, 25x95. Sept 2, 1908. 3 years, 5%. 2:610. 15,000 Cimmett, Maurice I to Isidor Levin and Emerich Kohn. 07th st. No 327, n s. 225 w 1st av, 25x100.11. Prior mort .'{lll.OOO. Aug 27, due Peb 27, 1909, 0%. Aug 29. 1908. 6:1669. 3,250 Cosgrove, Michael to Henrietta Barth. 3d av, No 1488. s w cor 84th Et, 24.2x93.6. Leasehold. Aug 28, installs, 0%. Aug 29, 1908. 5:1512, notes. 6.000 Crystal Realty & Construction Co to City Mortgage Co. Broad¬ way, s e cor IGlst st. 99,11x100. June 17. demand, 6%. Aug 28. 1908. 8:2119. 140,000 Same to same. Same property. Certiflcate as to above mort. June 17- Aug 28, 190S- S:21I9- ■-----■ Cohn, Maurice to Wm F Decker- 118th st. No 229, n s, 260 w 2d av, 25x100.11. Aug 31, 3 years, 5^4%- Sept 1, 1908. 6:178.3. Cunningham, Mary B to Jennie H Morrison. 96th st. No 204, s s, 117.3 w Amsterdam av. 27x100.8. Prior mort $25,500. Aug 3. 2 years, 0%. Sept 3, 1908- 4:1243- .-,- 5.500 Cunningham. Mary B to Baruch Wolff- 96th st. No 204, s s, 117.3 w Amsterdam av, 27x100.8. Aug 3, 5 years, 5%%. Sept 3, 1908. 4:1243-. 25,-500 Dubrowsky, Elias to James N Webb. Av B, No 9, s e s 50.7 s w 2d st, 19.10x80. Assign rents to secure notes. Aug 28- Aug 31, 1908- 2:384- nom Deutsch, Louis to N Y TRUST CO. 7th av. No 424, w s. 41.2 n 33d st, runs n 19.3 x w 09.10 x s 5-9 x e S.S x s 13.6 x e 01,2 to beginning. Sept 3, 1908, 3 years, 5%. 3:783. 47,500 Daum, Louis with Wm F Decker, llSth st. No 220 East. Subor¬ dination agreement. Aug 31. Sept 1. 1908. 6:1783. nom Dinkel, Fred to Elizabetha Nagel. Amslerdam av. No 926, w s, 75-11 n 105th st, 2.:>xl00- P M- Prior mort $18,000, Aug 31, due. See, as per bond. Sept 1, 1008. 7:1877. 14,750 Dowd Construction Co to TITLE GUARANTEE Se TRUST CO. Wadsworth av, s e cor 184th st. 90,11x100. Aug 24, due Apr 27. 1909, G7c. Aug 29, 1908. 8:2165. 85,000 Same to same. Same property, Certiflcate as to above mort. Aug 6. Aug 20, 1908. 8:2165. ------ Dollard, Patrick A to John L Bowles. Plot bounded s w by State St. 30 ft s e X 9 and 0% State st, 64.4 n e by land Joseph Rose and Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U S, 26.0, and n w by No 11 State st, 49; Plot bounded n by Pearl st 19-6, e b» lands of Clark Sc Ludlow 91, s bv land Jos Carre 19,5. and w by Jos Carre 85.6; State st, Nos 9, 11 and 12 and Nos 10 and 12^^?;, sometimes known as No 14 Pearl st, begins at point in State st at line bet lands of Joseph Carre and land herewith, runs s along State st, 55.3 x n e 60 and 24.5 x n 52.7 x w 1.8 x n "49.11 X w along Pearl st, 12.1 x s 50.3 and 29.11 x w 17,11 and 2-10 X s 8 X s e 7.1 X s w 04 to beg; Laight st, n s, 82.6 w Washing¬ ton st, —x50-3x60x50.4; Whitehall st, Nos 57 and .58, e s, 82.2 s Front st, 40.4x40.7x39x37-6; also land in Queens Co. 1-6 part. AH title. Aug 31. 1 year, 6. Sept 1, 1908. 1:40 and 218, 12,000 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U S with Joshua L Barton. Olst st. No 117 East. Extension mortgage. June 1. Sept 2. 1008. 5:1396. nom Evarts. Herman C to Lewis W Boynton. 69th st. No 231, n s, .345 w Amsterdam av, 40-\100.5. P M. Sept 1, 1908, 5 years, G7c- 4:1161. 11,000 Elfers, Pauline to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST- OOth st, Nos 101 and 171, n s. 100 e Amsterdam av, 2 lots, each 25x100.11. Two morts, each $18,500. Sept 1, 1908. 5 years, 5%. 7:1854. 37,000 Same and August Roffman with same. Same property. Two sub¬ ordination agreements. Aug 31. Sept 1. 190S. 7:1854. nom Pleischmann (Maximilian) Co wilh Geo V Fluri and ano. 140th st. No 400, s s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 75x99.11. Extension mort. Aug 27. Sept 2, 1908. 7:2063. nom Friedlander, Marcus to Maurice Herrmann. 2d av. No 947, w s, 40.5 n SOth st, 20x70. P M. Prior mort $8,50-LI. Aug 31, 1908, 5 years, 0%. 5:1324. 3,000 Faruolo, Michele to Matilda A Stier. tith st. No 430, s s, 169 w Av A. 25x94-8- Prior mort $11,000- Aug 29, 3 years, 5^%- Sept 1. 1908. 2:438. 6,000 Fiske, John A, of Cocoa, Fla, and Abraham Crittenden Fiske, of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y. SSth st. No 261, n s, 172 w Broadway, 18x100.8- Aug 21, 3 years, 4%7,. Sept 1, 1908. 4:1236. 7,000 Freier, Nathan to John Brummer. 101st st. No 129, n s, 100 w Lexington av, 25x100.11. Prior mort $15,000- Sept 1, 1908. due Mar 1, 1910, 6%. 0:1020. 2,500 Freier, Nathan to American Mortgage Co. 101st st. No 129, n s, 100 w Lexington av, 25x100.11. Sept 1. 1908. 5 years, 5%. 6:1020. 15.000 Freier, Nathan to American Mortgage Co. 101st st. No 131, n s, 75 w Lexington av, 25x100.11. Sept 1, 1908, 5 years, 5%. 0:1629. 16.000 Freehold Construction Co to Emily de Silver Clinlon, 102d st. Nos 123 and 125, n s, 277.6 e Park av, 50x100.11. Aug 28, 1008, 5 years, 5%, 6:1630. 40,000 Same to same. Same property, Certiflcate as to ahove mort. Aug 28, 1908, 0:1630- -—■ Plynn, Honoria J and Patrick J to Phillip H Wallenstein- Olst st. No 80, s s, 75 e Columbus av, 25x100.8. P M. Prior mort -$------. Sept 1, 5 years, 6%. Sept 2. 1908. 4:1204. 11,000 Feist. Henrietta to Lorenz Feist. 134th st. No 107. n s, 1-50 w Lenox av, 25x99.11. April 1, 1907, 5 years, 5%. Sept 2, 1908. 7:1919- - 5.000 Goin. Jeannette P to David H Hyman. 47th st. No 1, n s, 92 w 5th av, runs n w — x n 92-5 x w 20.6 x s 100.5 to st, x e 2S-6 to beg- Leasehold. Sept 1. 3 years, 6%. Sept 2, 1908. 5:- 1263. 10,000 Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, a corpn. to Sabra A Deshon. 113th st. No 616, s s, 214.J3 e-Riverside Drive. 20x100.11. P M. Sept 1, due Sept 1, 1923, 0%- Sept 2. 1908- 7:1805. 9,000 GREENWICH SAYINGS BANK with Benoit Wasserman. Madison av, Nos 1427 and 1420. Extension mortgage. Aug 13. Sept 2, 1908. 6:1604. nom Grossman, Mae A, of Mossmore, N J, to Julia P wife of John Outcalt. 131st st, Nos 620 and 622, s s, 325 w Broadway, 50x 09,11. Aug 28, 5 vears, 5y2%. Aug 29, 1908. 7:1997. 10.000 Grossman, Mae A to THE TWELFTH WARD BANK, 131st St. Nos 620 and 022, s s, 325 e Broadway, 50x90.11. Prior mort $10,000. Aug 28, due &c as per bond. Aug 20, 1908. 7:1997. 1,900 Grossman, Benj and Hyman Cohen to Jules Weil. Delancey st, Nos 224 and 226 n w cor Willett st. No 47, 88x44,8. Aug 26, due Aug 27, 1910, 6%. Aug 28. 1908. 2:338- 2,000 Grosso Andrea to Lion Brewery. Hester st, Nos 197 and 199- Sa¬ loon lease. July 31. demand, 6%. Sept 1. 1908- 1:236. 400 Guglielmo Mattia and Angeio to Bond £ Mortgage Guarantee Co- 115th st, Nos 316 and 318, s s, 200 e 2d av, 50x100.10. Aug 28, due &c as per bond- Sept 1, 100S. 6:1086. 13,000 German Evangelical Lutheran Trinily Church, a corpn, to BOW¬ ERY SWINGS BANK. 100th st, Nos 104 to 168, s s, 90 e Am¬ sterdam av, 60x100.11. Ang 31. 3 years, 5%. Sept 1, 1908- 7:1854. 25,000 Hoff, John J to LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO. 127th st. No 246. s s, 399.0 e Sth av, 13x09.11- Aug 31, 1908, 3 years. 5%. 7:1932. 7.000 Harte, Patrick and Tole to Annie L Klee widow. 20th st, No 214, s w s, abt 204.4 w 7th av, 2,5x83.11x25x84.7. P M. Aug 26, due Aug 24, 1911, 5%. Aug 28, 1908. 3:769. 9,000 The.-text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution-