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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 82, no. 2113: September 12, 1908

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September 12, 1908 RECORD AND GUIDE 503 ESTABLISHED ^ MASPH 21V> 186 8. DDl6TlfiT0RE\LE:STATE.BuiLDi;fc A;R):.rflTECTURE.HoUSEKOlBDEKH^TKaf, Busn/Ess Ati)Themes ofGejJei^I IHter.est. PRICE PER YEAR ^IN ADVANCE EIGHT DOLLARS Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET Published Every Saturday By THE RECORD AND GUIDE CO. President, CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer, F. W. DODGB Vice-Pres- Sc Genl- Mgr-. H. W, DESMOND Secretary, P. T- MILLER Nos. 11 to 15 East 24tli Street, Ncit York Clty (Telepbone, Madison Square, 4430 to 4433.) ■■Entered al the Post Offiee at Ncie Tork, N. Y., as matter." Copyrigbted, 1908, by The Record & Guide Co- Vol- LXXXII- SEPTBMBER 12, 190S- No. 2113 IN its last issue, the Record and Guide published a table prepared by the Sureau of Municipal Research, showing the increases in appropriations demanded by sixteen of the city departments; and in view of the discussion over the increase in the Budget now taking place, this table is of sufficient significance to warrant a second publication. It is, consequently, reproduced herewith: TABLE OF STATISTICS- Totai budget lucrease Per- if increased requested cent- at like Department. for 190!). age- percentage. Borough President. Brooklyn... ..?1,230,375.79 60-9 $210,618,000 Borough President, Richmond.... ;"i4-5,122.50 S5-2 23^,404,000 Fire ............................. 1.0SX190-36 14-5 1&5,290,000 Borough President, Bronx........ 323,929.40 21-4 170,228.000 Borough President. Manhattan.-. 7.')3,451.17 27-7 176,754,000 Correction ...................... 18fi,682.00 15.9 1(54.718,000 Tenement ..................... 184.593.00 28.7 166,774,000 Health ......................... 1,136.660.75 49.9 199,398,000 Bellevue ........................ 271,659.50 29.3 178,386,000 Parks—Man. and Rich........... 351,380.60 25.5 174,510,000 Parks—Brooklyn an