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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 82, no. 2120: October 31, 1908

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868 RECORD AND GUIDE October 31, 1908 LUXFER ^®®^ **^® w®*"*^ *^^ daylighting with absolute results. ""^ ' . '* When you specify it, that particular lighting IS settled "for good and all," BUT-be sure you get problem is settled "for good AMERICAN LUXFER PRISM CO., '"'■'''"^flZ^'.^J'If':-!^^'^^''^^ 246—3tlth st. No 23 West, Cosgrove Bros agt Albert Friedlander; Aldhous Construction Co (renewal).......................431.00 247—Tracks, fee, of Columbia st, &c, Sicilian Aspliail Paving Co agt Dry Dock, East Broadway & Battery R R Co and N Y City Ry Co (renewal)..................$235.87 248—6olh st, n s, 79.6 w 2d av. 206.8x200 to fieth st x200.1O.\2OO. B Campbell fi; Co agt Third Av R R Co; James McNiece & Mc¬ Niece Bros.........................764,25 249—Broadway, e s, whole front bet 123d and 124th sis, —xl75. Swirsky Bros agt Riston Realty Co, Jennie Davidson, Augusta Reis and Nicholas Conforti; Ciro Borelll ,.,.475,00 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. Oct, 26, 189tlj St. n s. between Cambreillug aud Beau¬ mont avs. 130.140, Guy J Brine loans Jo¬ seph Shanks to erect two 5-Ely apartments; 6 paymeuts ...........................^5,000 ISOth st, n s, 320,5 e Fort Washiagton av. 50 xllO. City Mortgage Co loans Ferguson Bros Engineering Co to erect a 5-sty apart¬ ment; 10 payments ...................35,000 Clay av, e s, 155,3 n lOStb st, 120.9x80, Same loans A J Schwarzler Co lo erect three 5- sly apartments; 10 payments,..,.......48.000 Bryant av, e s, 275 s 172d st. 125\100, Same loans Elviel Realty Co lo erect six 3-sty dwellings; 8 payments.................36,000 Oet. 27, Cruger av, w s, 225 n 205th st, 25x100, Ben¬ jamin F Gerding, att'y. loans David G O'Hara and John O'Hara lo erect a 2-family dwelling; 3 payments ..................4,000 Christopher sl, Nos 114 and 116. Samson Lachman loans Samuel Rodt and Jacob Lip¬ man lo erect a —sty building; 0 payments. ....................................25.000 144th st, s 3, 373 e Broadway. 275x99,11. Wm S & Hyman D Baker loans Young Realty Sc Constructioa Co to erect a —sty building; — payments ..........................202.500 Oct. 28. Broadway, n e cor 163d st, 99.11x100. Met¬ ropolitan Lite Ins Co loans Medford Realty Co to erect a 6-sty apartment; 1 payment. ................................130.000 Broadway, s e cor 164th st, 99.11x100, Same loans same to erect a 6-sty apartment: 12 payments ........................150,000 llotb St. n E, 225 w Amsterdam av, 75x100.11, Cily Mortgage Co loans Paterno Bros Inc to erect an 8-sty aparlment; 11 payments, ................■..................140,009 114th St. s s, 175 w Amsterdam av, 75x100.11. Same loans Paterno Bros lo erect an 8-sty apartment; 11 payments ............140,000 114th st, s s, 230 w Amsterdam av, 75x100,11. Same loans same to erect an 8-sty apart¬ ment; 11 payments ................140,000 113lh st, n s. 150 w Amsterdam av. 73x100,11, Same loans Paterno Bros Inc to erect an S- sty apartmeut; 11 payments..........140,000 114th st, s s, 100 w Amsterdam av. 75x100.11, Same loans Paterno Bros luc to erect an 8- sly apartment; 11 payments..........140.000 Oct. 29, 236th St. s s, 25 e Oneida av. 25x100, In¬ vestors Mortgage Co loans Crushing Realty Co to erect a ^ sty building; — payments, .................................4,000 Jackson av, n e cor IfiOth st, ruus e 17o to Forest av, x n 24,2 x w 173 x s 24,2 to beg. Max Cohen fi; Emanuel Glauber loan Emma M S Mestaniz to erect two 5 and 6-sty tene¬ ments; 13 payments ................35,000 Jackson av, s s, 125 e Garfield st, 50x80. Her¬ bert S Ogden att'y loans Jolin and Katie Friedel to erect a 2-family dwelling; — pay¬ ments ...........................,.,4,500 Oct. 30. 28th st, Nos 131 and 133 Wesl. Surety Realty Co loans Tarrytown Building Co to erect a — sty building; 3 payments..........^510,500 19Sth st, n e s, 51.S s e Valentine av, runs n e ■ 92,5 xse 50 xne 25 xnw 99,4 to Valen¬ tine av X s w 25 X s e 24,6 xsw 00.1 xse 23.10 to beginning. Centra! Mortgage Co loans Valentine Construclion Co to erect two — sty buildings; 6 payments ......11,500 Grace av, e s, 325 s Lyon av. 23x130, Pough¬ keepsie Trust Co loans Amelia Sleiumetz lo erect a — sly dweiling; 3 payments. .4,200 Morris Park av, 50 w Victor sl. 25x70. T Emory Clocke loans Harriet Landgrebe to erect a 2-sty dwelling; — payments ,.,2.433,60 SATISFIED >IBCHANICS' LIENS. Oct, 24, Lexington av, n w cor 107th st, Schupak & Son agt Peter A H Jackson et al. (Sept 14. 1908) ..............................$184,00 -Riverside drive, n e cor 94th st. Federico La Mura agt Joseph Freedman et al, {Dec 6. 1907) ................................193.47 Warren st, No 57. Frederick J Pleck agt Pauline Weiss et al. {June 4. IOOS) ...125,00 Oct. 26. Cth St. No 337 East. Schwartz Se Pomerantz agt A Feldman Construction Co. (Dec 1. 1906) .................................85.00 Tyudaii av, w s, lots 231, 265 and 264____ Tyndall av, e s, lots 129, 171 and 172____ 261st sl, s s, e li of lot 232. 24th Ward... Gustavus M Roden agt F P Forster et ali (Sept 23, 1908)........................119,25 Moll st. No 185. Moritz Klein agt Henry Kensing et al, {Oct 8, 1908).........4.150.10 Oct. 27. =Park av, No 1984. Philip Olkin et al agt Julius Levy et al. (Apr 7, 1908).......101.00 Av A, No 18. Alberene Stone Co agt Geo W Folsom et al, {Oct 5. 1908).............96,00 Oct. 28. 3d av, s w cor 143d sl, John Glennon et al agt Anthony Howard et al, (Sept 7. 1907) ................................247.00 Same property. American Marble & Slate Works agt same. (Oct 11, 1907).....150,00 Same property, Joseph Hoffman agt John Doe et al, (Aug 8, 1907) .................87,25 12Ist st. No 4 West, John B Owens agt S Niewenhous el al. (Sept 22, 1908).....330.40 135th st, Nos 40 to 44 West, H Rehrberger agt Aaron Coleman et al. (Oct 3, 190S),140.00 Roosevelt st, Nos 119 lo 125.................1 ^Water sl. No 319 .........................| Mosea Seskin agt Isaac Nacht et al, (Oct 13, 1908) .........................275,00 =58th st. No 53 West. Frederick .W Heinzer agt N Y Athletic Club et al, (Oct 15, 1908) ..................................189.00 Oct. 29. 124th st. No 64 West, Louis Wolf agt Joseph Breakstone et al, (Jan 10, 190S).......140.00 75lh st. No 168 East, Samuel Hodkinson et al agt Emma G Halsey. (Aug 18. 1908),260.00 -Broadway, No 2845. Harris Rosen vach agt Broadway & Cathedral Parkway Co et al. (Sept 1. 1908) .......................175,00 -Broadway, No 2276, Edwin Durable agt Mor¬ ris Steinheimer et ai. {Sept 26, 190S).. .275.00 239th st, iot 13. block 3379. Woodiawn Heights Albert Swanson agt Chas F Swallow et al. (Aug IS, IOOS) .......................100.00 Oct. 30, Downing st. No 31. Wm A Tbomas Co agt Isidore Krevitsky et al, (Ocl 20, lElO.S). .2S.12 99th sl, Kos 136 fi; 13S West, Kopele War- Showsky agt Nellie White et al. (Sept 4 98) .....................................37.00 Tremont av, No 2266. Thos B Bowne & Son Co agt Caroline Keller et al, (Oct 24, 1R08). ..........................................578.28 Cliatlerlon av. No 2267, Same agt same. (Oct 2i. I'JOS).................................578,28 Mott st, Nos 184 & 186. Albert Oliver agt Rose Susswein et al, (Apr 14, 1908) ,,120-00 13olh sl. No 64 West. Louis Rosenbaum agt Max J Klein. (Oct 7, 1908) ..............275,00 ^Discharged by deposit, ^Discharged by bond, ^D is charged by order of Court. ORDERS. 131st Bt, Nos 523 to 532 West. Weinstein Plumbing Co on Aqueduct Construction to Jordan & Fox.......................$-100.00 ATTACHMENTS. Oct, 24," Parmly, Eleazar; Arthur L Livermore. trustee; $8,601,48; M B Clarke. Oct. 26. Maclernon, Victor G; Johnson Service Co- £5- 282,56; Richards & Heald. Oct. 28. Cape Breton Dredging Co; Clarke & Cortis; $450; Wheeler. Cortis Se Haigbl Kentuelty Refining Co; New Britain National Bank; $5,001,59: Merrill Sc Rogers, Northern Cereal Co; JoUn J McCarthy; S1.02S.32- A R Bunnell. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Oct. 23. 24.' 26, 27, 28 and 29. AFFECTING RE.4.L ESTATE. Alleri, C. 205 E 137lh. .M Dreschler & Co. Gas Fixtures. $•'35 Bellow, E..E J Gillies Sc Co. Refrigerator. 115 Berliner Sc Greenberg. 13eth st near Amsler-' dam av..A Larsen & Son. Refrigerators, 510 Same------A Larsen, Dumbwaiter. 360 Same------Landau H Co. Ranges, 2 300 Berliner fi; Greenberg. 510-534 W 156th. . Hudson M Sc M Co, Mantels, OQO Candido, G, 297 E 149th, .B Kleinschmidt. Drug Fixtures, 7')q Hungarian, C B H Hagndol. 242 E 7th, ,The Albert G F Co. Gas Fixtures. 500 Hurlhert G H Co, Broadway and 31st St.,A B See E E Co. Elevator, 2,400 Pierce, E J. 25 Frankfort,-Albert G F Co. Gas Fixtures. 40 Schneider. P.,B J Giiiies & Co, Refrigerator. 86 Silverson. A, 27-31 W 133d,.Union S Works. Ranges. 346 Same. 434-6 E Soth____same. Same: 588 Smith. L R. 16 W 115lh. .Abendroth Bros. Ranges. 59 Same. 12 E 127th____same. Same. 59 Wittner, S. 26th st and 10th av..Union S Works. Ranges. (R) 973 Dodge Reports follow, step by step from the archi¬ tect's office to the jEnished building, all, building operations throughout the United States. By these reports you learn not merely what goods are needed, but also the moment when they are needed. The F. W. DODGE COMPANY, 11 East 24th St., N. Y., also Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Chicago. The text ol these pages ie copyrighted. All rights are reserved.. Notice is hereby,given that infringement will lead to prosecution.