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April 13, 1889 Record and Guide. 529 i,srii 76 -lOI) 5.1 511 33 50 on a-Vi T.) 5a(i 74 a,75ll 04 mo M inn 00 100 00 114 75 138 58 320 5S l.OPS 71 327 00 893 07 S7( II 53(i 74 15,158 Hi 3TI1 lil) aoo 00 300 00 400 5-1 030 07 330 58 S33 67 3Iil Sd 138 61 Boblmau, Heury—Napoleou Dube. (188^1)-■■ HJ^* ■'"'*' BieelOw, OharSes—AuKUst Ahleiiieyer, aSSH) 703 34 Same-----siime. (188^1).................... 3,18/ ifi Butler, Charlea H-J H Seaman. (1885).... 3i7 50 Cohen, Michael—Julius Gottlieb, (1688)..... 3,750 04 Casad.>, Felipe N—F H Plott. (1865)........ 860 21 Cous(!HitJiif, .Vnilrow J, as surviving partuei- ol L'oiisUiiitme & Co—Elizabeth A Jen¬ ness, as admrs. r;ihom—Julius Gottlieb. ('88). GalwLiy, John anil Charles—F H Flatt. caji. Gebuoy, Thomas—Feo|)le of t^tute N Y. ('60) Greacen, Robert A—People of State N Y. (~80) Hodges, N D C, admr of Horace D Carlisle— PAGi-apel. (1830)....................... Sarae-----same. (1888)..................... Same-----same. (1887)...................... 1,066 54 Healy, John E—August Ahlemeyer. (1880).. 703 34 yame-----same. (1889)...................... 3,187 71) Hi'oderson. Frederick D—North River Bank. (ISS9)-,'.................................... ■fHu tell iu sou, David J—E F Gleasou Mfg Co. (1830)..................................... Hernherg, Aaron—Mas Mosea. (18S0)...... Horan, Deuis \V—Nathaniel Cheney. (1888). MIosford. Hour)' ami J Spencer—J W Weeks (16681................................... Hilson, Edward and Mas—Beruard Dreyfuss. (1888) .................................. gHouston, Westst,* PavoniaFerry R R Co- Manuel Silhersteiu. a« infant. (ISSS) ... Ives, Howard-H 1. .lohusou. (laSD)......... Jzeu. George—People of Stale N Y. (1689).. Jacob, Charles and Jolm F—Henry Behr, {1881)...................................... 249 35 Jooes, George W—India Whari: Storage Cii. (1880)..................................... Knubel, Herman—A E J Tovey. (1885)...... Kitchen, George II, & Co—-Mexauder McSor¬ ley. (1660).............................. LonglslandJockey Clnb—North River Bank. (leSO) .................................. Law, Andrew—Nathaniel Cheney. (1888) — Lustig, Arnold—Elias Spiuger. (1666)....... Same—-same (I88T1...................... Met Elevated Kailway Co I W Y Mortimer, as Manhattan Railway Co 1 esr. (ISSG).... 7,441 55 aame-----A R Eno. (1888).................. 8,TO!! 40 Meyer, AKred—Peopleof State NY. (138i)). 100 00 McGainiH, Edward W aud Johu, Jr—J B Thompson. (1686)........................ 511 32 Maier, Gh]-ist^People State of N V. (I860).. 300 OU Mayer, David—Charles Lubbers. (1889)..... 039 83 iMum-o, Genrge~E F Beadle. (1868)........ 55 70 Moore, Patrick—Solomon Hotlheimer. ('30} 103 44 tMetElevatedRaihvayCo) wGMm-timpr as Jfanhattau Elevated RaU- \- exif (1887^'.^ 73 81 Same-----same (1839)...................... 110 33 *Mamiasset Hat Mfg uo-Oscar Willigei'od. (1389)................................... 38530 NY Elevated R Ii Co—Michael Halpin. (89) 1,088 99 Nat Sheet Metal Roofing Uo—Eugene Cul- 1™, hy guard. (1887)................... 1,134 00 Same-----same. (1868)..................... 70 68 Quintern, Oscar-Peot>le ol: Ktate N Y. (1889) 100 00 Root, James H—D 4S Duncan. U668) ....... 1,047 35 Same-----same. (1889) ................... 73 30 Same-----same. (1838),..,:................. 89 50 Same-----same. (I6681.................... 7150 Same-----^ame. (1868)..................... 7150 Rosenberg. Williiim—E W Haaazer. (1880).. 337 113 Root, James H—D B Duncan. (183S)........ 71 50 Reiman, WOliam—Marie Laserowilsdi. i.'85) 768 36 IReilly, Bei-uard-G W Wild. (isnj(........ 83 35 Schierenbee:;, Kichard — William Eggert. (1834).................................... 13537 Silverman, Levi L, Jr—Sigmund Lederer. (1860).................................... 54354 Steinbauer, Alfred—People oE State N Y. (1869)................................. IOO 00 Sheridan, John—J H Seaman, (1865)........ 377 56 Taylor, Thomas—People of State N Y, (1889) 100 00 Twenty-third Street Railway Co—William Berke. (1885)........................ 9408i Thoeseu, Henry—Catharine Johnes. (1680), 1,440 49 Twenty-tim-d Street Railway Co—Jolm Kellv, as admr. (1888)................. 00 17 Same-----same. (1887)................... 1.393 63 Same------James MehafCy. (1389)......... .H7 47 Same—John Kelly, as admr. il889) .... 104 80 Tillotson, WiUiam W—D B Harrison, (lee-*) 733 12 Tillinghast, Mary E-George Usher. (1889).. 506 30 Uhl, Christian J—Catharine Johnes. (1889)., 1,440 49 Usher, George-Mary E Tillinghast. (1389). 106 03 WaU, E Barry—DBiugersoli. (1885)........ 166 89 Winters, Louis F—W H Giesler. (1888)...... 363 36 WolfCe, Fred—S W Cooper. (1888)......... 145 03 Weiier, Peter R—Gertrude J Nemboch. (.'38) 109 70 Same—-same. (1889)................... Ill 64 *Vacated by order of Court. -tSecured on Appeal. tReleased. ^Reversed, l Satisfied by Esecutioa. "Discharged hy going through bankruptcy. KINGS COUNTY. April 5 to 11—inclusive. Alexander, George D — Archibald Keith. (I66O1................................... S304 34 Allin, George A—Geo W French, guard, (1685)..................................... 100 73 Same------Edward H Strickland. (leS-l).... 193 75 Blatchford, ,Iames W—Rowland B Malloy (Edivin C Low, byassign.) (1884)....... 3,773 57 Bergen, Johu H I Goo W French, guard. Clark, Jose))h E ( (1885)...............,,.. 106 72 Same—Edward H. Strickland. (1884), , 198 75 Downey, Margarets Abraham Rutan. (1883) 359 33 Doody, Daniel—J Taafc, (1889.) (Vacated by order of Court)...................... 57 04 Evans, Thomas E-Thos J Phillips. (1887),. 1,086 81 Hobby, Benjamin F—J TaaEe. (1889.) (Va¬ cated).................................... .57 94 Hickey, John—Mary A McCormick. (1339).. £6!) 50 Remsen, George A—Silas D UnderhiU. (1873) 19 09 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK tlTY. April 6 Ninety-third st, n s, 168 e lOtb av, 133x iOO.ll. Kichard VV. O'Meam agt William S. Mercer, debtor and owner.............84,'JOO 00 0 Eighth av, e s. extdg fr-om 136th to l3Tthsts, aUO.tlUO. William Ititterbuschagt George Blathias and Equitable Life Assur. Soc, U. S,, owners, aud George Mathias, con¬ tractor...................................1,-360 00 0 Ninety-third st, u s, 103 e IOth av, 133x100,3. Frank Nicki'i-son & Co. agt William S. Mercer, owner anil contractor..........3,358 30 0 Oue Huudreil and Eleventh st, Nos, 339-3-S7, ns, 150w3dav, 135x100,11. AugustusB. Mount agt Abraham Siegel, oivner aud conti'actor............................. 45 00 6 Seveutv-niuthst, No.314,ss. mie-ldav, SOx 105,3. Augustus IJ. Mouiii a;-t John Doe, owner, anil John MackijuKie, contractor.,. 55 00 6 Sixty-eighth st, No-s, (il-78, s s. 150 e Oth av, 150x100.5, Radley ut Greeuoiigh agt Charles 0. Arbogast, owner and eoutractor....... 935 00 8 Seventy-seventh st, n w cor IOth av, 37x99. Perth Auiboy Ten-a Gotta Co. agt Mary Anu Stewart, owuer anil contractor....... 345 00 8 Niuetv-eighthst, n wcor 10th av, 136.9x145 xll4sl40,3. Bell Bros, agt William H, Nie¬ buhr and Gilbert R. aud WiUiam P. Hawes, owners, andWm. H. Niebuhr, contractor. ' (Continued hy order of Court).......a,103 63 8 Ninety-third st, n s, 1(16 e 10th av, l.S3xl00, Peck, Mai-tiii & Co, agt William S. Mercer, owner ami tuntractor...................... 310 75 8 Eightv-L-ighi 11 st, u s. 100 e 10th av, 100x100. Hoai' & Stapleton agt same................1,200 00 Seventieth st, Nos. 70-74, s s, 100 e Oth' n av, r.Oxiro........................... ■' Sixty-iiintii st, Nos, 60-73, u s, 100 e Oth av, 50x100........................... Albci-t Lanteu agt John C. Shaw and Mr. Simonson, owners, and Feidiuaud Jansen and George Beck, conti-actors............ 9 Samo |ii-opei-ty. Jnhu Liell agtsame....... 9 Samo propei-ty. Walter McKay agt same. 9 Oue Hundvcd and Twentieth st, u s, 100 e i^Iadison av, uO.\100.Il. Thomas Osbome agtHenry J, McGnckiu, -iwaer, and James O'Grady, contractor...................... 10 Ninety-uintli st, ss, 375e 10th av,50x100.11. Cauda & Kane agt James F, Kelly and Jolm B. Roberts, owners aud con tractors, 1,933 00 10 Same ijropeity. Same agt same owners, and Thomas ■\Iacidcu, contractor......... 4.18 35 10 Delmonico pl, c s, third house south of IGlSt St. Charles M, Vandervoort agt Mi-s. Green, owner aud contractor............ 37 67 JO Ninety-sevonlh st, Nos. 4K53, s s. 300 e Oth av, 99.0x100. WiUiam Hilgers agt Mary C, McKenua, owuer aud contractor.,..... 393 00 10 Eighty-seventh st, No. 137, u s. 303,0 w Oth av, 1-1x100.8. MitcheU Vance Co. agt Mary B, Kidder, owner and contractor... 171 GS 10 Ninety-ninth st, Nos. 130 and 136, s s, 375 e irtli av, 50x35. James D. McEntee and James T. Liiwlor agt James S. Kelly and John B. Roberts, owners and contractors. . 450 00 10 Saniy jiroperty, Perth Amboy Terj'a Cotta Co, agt same.......................... ir^Eighty-thirdst, No. 243, s s, 101.8 w 3(1 av, 26x103.2. Jaraes Fay agt Alfi-ed M. Hearn, owuer and contractor........l.T-SS 60 11 Seventh av, No. 3353, s e cor 133d st. lOOx 135. George Ott et al. agt William E. Diller, owner; Henry Danuhoner, con¬ tractor.................................. 13 Ninety-ninth st, s s, 375 e 10th av, 35x100. JoseiJh Walker agt James F, KeUy and John E. Koberts, debtors and owners — 36 00 36 00 36 00 325 00 320 00 113 18 400 00 field, Mt. Vernou, N. Y., owner and con¬ tractor..................................3,347 03 9 New Uti-echt av, e s, 30 s OSd st, 40x5.3,0x40x 73,11, New Utrecht. Arick Audersou agt Juan G. Perez, owner and contractor ___ 98 40 9 Adelphi st, w s, 180 s WiUoughby av, 100 x U. block. James Eeilley agt The St, Marks Episcopal Church, owner, and Johu E, O'Brieu. contractor..............17,535 00 10 East New York av and Bergen st, 2Gth Ward. Francesco Jnnolte et al. agt A. H. Loiverre, owuer, and Carlo or Chas. Fusco, contractor ...................... 115 38 10 Meh-ose st, n s, 375 e Centi-al av, 25x100. John A. Rice agt John and Mary Bauer, owners, and H. Miller, contractor....... 33 50 10 Niaety-sixth st, n s, 300 w 3d av, 35x100. Frederick W, Starr agt Nancy Loosee, owner, and Fi-ederiok Hastmgs and Paul Albers, contractor..................... ■JIT 61 10 Eighth st, s s, 00 w 4th av, 35x100. Francis j. Futh agtWm. H. Higgius, owner, and Will. A. Thompson, contractor........ 75 1)0 ^ 10 Tiveuty-lirst av, n e coi- Cropsey av, VMx 06.8 X irreg. sSO, Bath Beach. M. J. Bon¬ gard agt Catharine Jassada, oivner aud contractor................................. 401 00 ,n Eighth av, secor 137tbst, 35x100,— i ^"^ Eighth av, n e cor 136th st. S.-ixlOO.......f Berwin Alvei'son agt George Matthias, reputed owner and contractor.......... 370 00 12 Eighth av, e s, 25 n 136th st, 150-^:100, Ber¬ win Alverson agt George Matthias, re¬ puted owner and contractor ............ 57G 00 12 Ninth av, n e cor 60th st, lOOslOO. Maher Bi-os, agt WiUiam Noble, owner, and James Whalen, eoutractor............... 180 CO 13 Ninety-ninth st, s s, 375 e 10th av, 50x100. Abraham Steers agt James F. Kelly and John B. Roberts, owners and contractors, 833 21 13 St. Nicholas av, s e cor 133(1 st, ICOxOO. N. Y. Architectural Terra Cotta Co. agt T. J. O'Kane, owner and contractor........ 503 00 ^Editor Recoed ash Guide : The ahove lien, filed by Jaraes Fay, plumber, agaiust my property on East ^'Sd street is uncalled for, as there is no money due him under the terms of a written contract. He lias had lo remove considerable plumbing materials tiiat did not comply with tlio specifications rurnisheil liiui. The plumbing is under the supervision of G, A. SclielliugeL-, architect, who is ready to give a certificate whea be reaches a pay¬ ment, and I am ready to pay. Respectfully yours, Ali'tibd M. Hearn. New York, AprU 11, 1889. KIIVGS COINTY. April 5 Ridgewood av, n c cor Dresden st, 50x50. William J. Brown agt George B, Adams, owner and contractor...............,, — 3t.O 00 5 Decatm- st, Nos, 31-37, n s, 7,5x100. Erust Friede agt M. O. Crumpley, owner and contractor............................ . - ,■ ■^o PU 5 13tli av, u w cor 65th st, 30x100. Frederick W, Starr agt David Schneider, oivner, and Frank Schultz, contratitor............... 113 08 5 Macoia st, n s, 00 e Reid av, 60x100. Heui-y and Augn,st Dauneuian agt Title Guaran¬ tee and Trust Co., owner, and Jaraes Johnson, contractor.................... 43 Oa 8 Rntledge sl. No. 185, n s, abt 110 e Lee av, 18 Ix —. Eugene Secor agt----- Woods, Geo W Stearnsaud Joseph H. SkiUman, owners, and Joseph H. SlriUman, con¬ tractor.............................. 00 60 8 St. Marks av' s s, 135 e Clason av, 40x136. Wm. A. Sliiidleteu agt George J. Pen- SJTISFIED MEOU,li\ICS' LIENS. NBW YOUK CITV. April 8 Ninety-second st, No. 113, n s, 150 c 4th av. Hiirrigan Bros, (George Damerel by assign.) agt Grace Baptist Church anil U. II,Printlle. (Dec, 17, 1888)......... ..... S Same prope'ty. Samuel A, Phillips (George Damerel hy assign.) agt same. (Jan. 3, itWO)...................................... 8 Same propoitv. Leander Stone agt same. (Dec, 36, 1888)............................. OtLenoxav, es, fil.lOn 131st st,3n-x75.'J. Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co. agt Fi-nnk E. Smith. (Mar.aO, 1S80f.................. OtSOthst, s s, 225 IV 5th av, 75x100. WiUiam McShane agt Ecnjanhu Sire et al. (Mar. 12,1880) ................................ 1 0*l^ft,v-ninlh st, s s, 370 e Oth av, 100x100.6, W'ilUam and Thomas J. Brooks agt same. (Mar. 14, I8:i9)............................. 10 Seventy-llfth st. No, 18'J, s e cor 10th av, 30x08.2. Isaac S. Steindler agt Charles .\. Fnliur and Lonis Hurrelmaii. (Dec, 13, 1668)....................................... 10 Sarae property. Louis Hmi'elmanu agt Charles A FuUer and Nathauiel H. Eagle- ston, Jr. (Jan, IS, 1880).................. lOtEldridge st.No. 315, w S, 25 ft. frout. Will¬ iara Barrett agt Solomon Jacobs and Johu Cutley. (Aug. 35,1666).................... lOtSame property, Thomas Ritch Sc Sou agt same. (Aug. 20, 1836)..................... lOiEUiridge st, No. 73, w s, 35 ft. front. Wm, BOnett agt same. (Aug, 25, 1686)......... lOtSarae property. Thomas Kitch it Son agt same. (Aug, 36, 1336)..................... 10*-Sixty-second st, u S, 135 w 10th av. IOO ft front. Frank W. Keys agt William C. Lesster. (Feb, 1, 1880)................... 10*Sixty-second st, u s, 135 w 10th av, 100 ft front:. Michael Corbett agt Waguer & Lester. (Nov.8,18^8)................. 11 37th St. Nos. 150-153, s s. 150 w 3d av, 50 ft, front. JTichael Wielandt agt Solomon Jacobs. (Dec. 13,1667).................... 11 Same property, Sameagtsame. (Oct. 10, 1867)....................................... II Ninety-second st, n s, 120.6 e Park av, 35x 100, Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co. (Edward S, Clinch by assign) agt Grace Baptist Church aud James Burney. (Jan. 2, 1680) 11 Same propeit.v. Valeutiue Lorz agt Grace Baptist Church and George H. Prindle. (Jan. IP, lSeO)............................. 11 Same proiieity. Jolm Nesbit's Sous agt same aud James Buruev. (Jan. 4, IS80>. n Same property. Martin J. Gallagher agt Grace Baptist Chiu-cli and George H. Prindle. |Jan. 5, 1689) .............. 11 Eighth av, n w cor 84th st. Michael Shore, agt William Noble and Jolm S. Roddy. (N0V.20, 1338)-....................... II Sixty-eighth st, Nos. 64-78, s s, 150 e Oth av, 138x60. Joseph W, Binney agt C, 0, Ai-- bogast, George Ufheil aud Joseph Muller. (Ffti.Sl, 1880)............................ 13 Eighth av, w s, 17 s I07th st, 30 ft front. James Taylor agt Albert J, Dearing and Jobn H. Tolles. (April 8, 1389)........... 13 Oue Huudred and Seventeenth st. No. 344, s s, 75 w 1st av. Robert F, Minto and Koderick J. McDonald agt Wiiiiam Aus¬ tin, August Bauer and Thomas J. Byrnes. (Aug, 38,1888)............................. S539 05 300 00 717 -13 ■,'4 37 ,833 63 :00 00 ISO 00 375 57 245 00 307 SO Mo 00 300 00 525 00 400 00 1.35 00 590 00 330 00 300 00 OCO 07 163 00 93 05 473 50 040 00 1,000 00 t Discharged by order of Court ou filing of bond. i Cancelled by order of Com-t. * Discharged by depost. KINGS COIISTT. April 3 Atlautic av, s s, 100.10 e Cypress av. 63x100. William Cjuudermann agt Sophia Pfohl- mann. (Lien filed April I, 1889)...........S300 00 6 Bergen st, n s, 375w Rockawayav, 30x107.3. Sweeney Bros, agt John W. Purdy and Emma E. Sonderu. (Dec. 17, I88S1....... 125 00 li Same property. Dannat aud Pell age John W. Pui'd,y. (Dec. 34,1888)........... 334 04 6 Bergen st, u s, 375 w Rockaway av, 13.8x 100. Eclward Mnlleuagt sarae and Jame Kathcart. (Dec. 18,1388)............... 77 00 10 Barbey st, w s, 187.6 s Arlington av, —x—, Wm. P. Pickett ossiguee of Johu Bergeu agt Adam Donaliisori. (Nov. 14, 1886)..... 140 85 10 Hancock st, n s. 100 e Tompkius av, lOOx lUn. Adara Daucuhcira agt Henry Sraith and Euiiolph Reimer. (Aug, 16, 1688)..., 10 Sixth st, s w s, 170 s e 6th av, —x—. Pat¬ rick O'Hara (Charles Arbuckle by assigu) agt Jeremiah J. aud Theresa B. Collins. (May 7 and 16, 1888.) 2 lieus, one for 8500andtheotherf.)r..................... 700 OO 10 Jatcaica av, u s, 173 w Miller av, abt 46x330. Wrigbt & Poole agt Wi-S, J. C. Wliitford. (Feb. 16, 1889).......................... 136 73 Forty-third st, s s, 100 e !2th av, 5 houses. | 11 Forty-fourth st, u s, 150 e 12th av, 5 \ houses................................. Mathew J. Bongard agt James Cropsey ■ and Cropsey and Mitchell, (Jau, 33,1689i 539 58