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1033 Ortega, Estelan. 135 W 14th-.Brooklyn F Co- 600 Owen, Annie M. 265 W 23d- -Pideiity L As¬ soc. 1^1 Patterson, H M. 212 W 107th.,L Baumann. 217 Pick, Jennie, 56 W 125th.-L Baumann. 137 Pay, R J. 635 Boulevard- .Fidelity L Assoc. 100 Perry, G A. Storage. -H Berg- 151 Poinhoff, S A, 488 Sth av, ,L Baumann, 128 Potter, DC- 19 B 21st,,G Freeman, 1,184 Patterson, HA- 77 E 82d, -Fidelity L Assoc. 110 Past, B A..T Kelly. 120 Ruasell, A L- Storage. -Mutual L Assoc- 200 Reynolds, H B. 123 B 108th. .L Bauniann- 103 Roberts. Jesse- 48 B 26th..D O'FarreU. 137 Robin, Eugene. 226 W 37th. ,D O'Farrell- 133 Ryan, E K- Wakefleld--Garvey Bros- 109 Russo, R L. 25 Roosevelt. .Jordan & M. 163 Rushton, J C- 145 Lenox, -Fidelity L Assoc, 150 Randle, Hannah. 429 Pleasant av.,Jordan, M & Co, 204 Robertson, Emma. .Hobson Bros. 144 Seblff, Mrs P. 121 E IOlst. -W Bowman. 196 Saloschln, P J. 344 E 78th-.Nat L A- 100 Sand, Adolph. 11 lst..S Branermann. 150 Sarro, Diana. 205 W 49th-.E Darling- 112 Sauter, Karoline, 311 W 144th- ,D O'FarreU- 159 Schafer, B J. 501 Manhattan av,-B Darling, 261 Schmidt, ChrisUna, 30 Stantou..H Alberts, 350 Shakespeare, Nellie, 205 W 34tb .. L Bau¬ mann- 449 Slmms, Margt- 1-^1 E 32d, ,Jordan Sc M- 100 Spencer, EUa- 101 McDougal. ,D O'Parrell- 128 Stephens, Barbara, 204 W 13yth..J Baumann, 129 Strober, F E. 312 W 112th, .L Baumann. 165 Snsabaugh, J H. 744 9lh av and 43S W 42d st,. A Weses- 250 Sandler, B- 9"'i 7th. .Fidelity L Assoc, 120 Smith, Jessie A, 69 W 93d,-H Berg. 300 Stedman, C R, 300 W 29th--D O'Parrell- 235 Stone, Jessie. 930 2d av-,L Baumann. 106 Smith, Maggie- 151 B 32d. .Jordan fi; M, 123 Sowdon, Marietta. 266 W 129th, .L Baumann, 240 Spencer, Mary D- 304 Columbus av- .Mutual L Assoc. 206 Summons, L- 5 W 103d.-Cowperthwait Co. 103 Tailor, J R. 213 W 34tb--S Green- 360 Thompson, Sadie. 36S Willis av. .L Baumann, 126 Thou, Wm- 94 Varick- .Fidelity L Assoc. 1.50 Taylor, Abbie M. 47 W OOth.-L Baumann- 130 Tugwell, Mary E- 72 W 35th. .Fidelity L A. 200 Turk, Hattie- 437 Central Park West. ..Mutual L A. 100 Torpey, C M, 2177 3d av.-S Baumann- 3'23 Uchmann, A- Fort Wadsworth, S I--Cowper¬ thwait Co- 193 Van Rosseau, Margt. Perry av.-P T Higgins. 132 Vanderbeek, W P. 69 W IOSth. ,L Baumann, 103 Von Breman, Tilley. 321 2d av, ,G F Abram¬ son. 525 Van Roosebeke, Louise. 236 E 86th..L Bau¬ mann. 170 Von Miltenberg, Madge- 604 Park av,-L Bau¬ mann- 242 Waegele, Maggie- Claremont av..L Baumann, 127 Weisse, Ludwig- Morris av, near 183d st..L Baumann- 119 Wells, Annie- 68 W 65th. -L Bauniann- 158 Wendelken, John, 991 Columbus av, .L Bau¬ mann, 103 Wilson, J J. 123 E IOSth,-L Baumann, ■ 173 Wallace, Henry, 56 B lOltb. ,S Baumann- 21S Walsh, J P- 111 E 117th. .Fidelity L Assoc- 110 Wolfertz, F H. 248 Isl av. -Nat L Assoc- 150 Weiss, W S. 453 Lenox av,. Cowperthwait Co. 168 Weinberg, Julius, 442 E 77lb..J R Keane & Co- 196 BILLS OF SALE. AzzoUoo, Mi£hl. 187 Elizabeth--Spinelli & Azzolino- Barber Fixtures. 500 Auspach, Nathan. 2068 3d av.-B Adier- Shoe Store Pixtures, 600 Ballenzweig, Hyman. 7 Forsyth, -R O Sprague. Flour, S:c. 236 Beier, Heinrich- 01 Columbia-.R Steinberger, Grocery Fixtures, 220 Braunstein, M and A, 252 East Houston, ,S Pressburger. Grocery Fixtures. 550 Boschen, Conrad. 521 Amsterdam av.-C Vette. Grocery Fixtures- 1,000 Carretta, Gaetano- 2373 Arthur av. ,A Amabile. Grocery Pixtures- 160 Cavaiiere, G, Jr. 1755 3d av- .D Chille, Barber Fixtures- 300 Cohn, Louis. 149 Ludlow -. Annie K Cohn. Saloon Fixtures. 1,000 Delb, Wm. 2 Goerck,,Barbara Delb, Furniture- 157 de Requeseus, Rlcarde, or Requeseus, R de. 126 Maiden lane- -H S Dederick, Jr. Presses, &,e, Eilers, H G. 593 Amsterdam av..F W Goohs. Grocery Pixtures, 950 Edwards, Nathan, 503 6th av. -J A Washinglon. Saloon Pixtures, 1 Elkan, David- 649 Morrls- -W Understillor. Store Fixtures. 305 Fox, Wm..Wm V Fox! Horses, Truck, 300 Ferria Sc Smith. 1062 3d av. .H Smilh- Saloon Fixtures- j50 Greenberg, Isaac- 179 2d. .Simon Danziger. Shoe Fixtures. 300 Grifflths, J H. 200 and 262 W 43d- -D G & H W Griffiths- Lease- S5 Guttmann, I- 167 Ridge. .Hy Guttmann. Ma¬ chine. 475 Harrigan, Dennis. 590 Highbridge road..C Kai¬ ser- Butcher Pixtures. S.rjO Herbal, Max- 200 Delancey..H Tiger. Saloon Fixtures, 500 KftlBhoven, Jacob- 904 Sth av-.M Levitz Sta¬ tionery Fixtures. j gQQ Karpp, Moses. 1417 Park av..V Ruchstein. Horse, &c. jOq Lattlmore, John- 142 Monroe.-Wm F Lattl- more. Horse Shoeing Fixtures. 1 Mayer, P D, 470 6th av,.Louisa J Tripault- Saloon Fixtures. 1 5qq Macbeth, H A- B03 Oth av- -J A Washingto'n Saloon Fixtures. ' j Mack, John. — 66th.-C McArthur. Furniture 1 Monaco, Raimondo. 11 Stanton, .G M de Raffaile Barber Fixtures. 025 Perrlck, Max. 47 Lewis. .Mall Perrlck. Butcbe"r Reynolds, B C.A D Walle. Express Fixturea. 1,200 Shuman, Sam. 24S Division. .Brandman & Ep¬ stein, Bottler' Fixtures. 625 Schleuter, Fred. 392 3d av,,J Heyne. Cigars, fi;c. 750 Segalfarb. Sophie. 123 Lewis, ,A C Bass., Gro¬ cery Fixtures; 260 Schneider, Ma%. 1 Morris. -Teresa Schneider. Butcher Fixtures. 1 Schmidt Sc Bogel. 1199 3d av..J H Mohlman Co. Grocery Fixtures. 1,267 Tripault, Ludovic- 470 6th av-.F D Mayer. Saloon Fixtures- 1,500 Tobias, Leon. 174 Av B.-L Regenstreif.- Gro¬ cery Pixtures- 150 Vatter, Fredk. 590 Highbridge road,,D Harri¬ gan. Butcber Fixtures, 550 Vaccaro, Gabriel. 161 Hesler .- P Capparelli. Saloon Fixtures. 350 Ward, C B.-T B Harms Sc Co. Musical Publi¬ cations- ' 1 Zagat, G H. 231 Av B—S L Hershfield. Drug Fixtures. 2,800 ASSIGNMENTS OP CHATTEL MORTGAGES, Ashton, P to A' Krauss. (Mort given by A Schnarendorf, March 4, 1895.) 1 Boves, L P to P Alles. (A P Dohan, Jan 22, 1897.) 400 Disbrow, L M to P Alles, ■ (L F Boves, Aug 17, 1890,) ■ Wi Keller, J J, & Co to C Matler. (J MaUer, Juue 26, 1895.) 460 Krauss, A to M Schnarendorf. (A S Schnaren¬ dorf, March 4, 1895.) 1 MaUer, Cath to G H Bunce, (J Matler, June 26, 1895,) 1 Miller, Peter exr of to W H Dohm, (Dohm Se Rosa, March 10. 1887.) 178 Geo Ringler & Co lo S Kabn. (Swarts & Leo- pole, March, 1897-) 4,812 Samllson, Sigmund to M H Petigor- (R Levin¬ son. June 2, 1807.> 1 Smith, Jaa to J Kress B Co, (J J Haggerty, June 9, 1897.) 1 Summer, A B to P E Cross- (T C Josselyn, March 20, 1897-) ■ 100 Fixtures- 200 Quinn, P T. 744 Columbua av. .Mary A Quinn. Jewelry Fixtures, i Westchester County Conveyances. June 1 to S—Inclusive. EASTCHESTER- Acker, Henry to Margt Acker. Lots 43, 147 and n Yi 172 map West Ml Vernon. $1 Bard, Harriet B lo Wm A Anderson- Lot .13 map N Y Co-operative Buiiding Loan As¬ soc- 1 Carmody, Michael F to John J Carmody. Union av. n w s. part lot 154, West Mt Vernon. 25x100. 1 Comstock, Walter to Hattie G Bridgman. South Pulton av, lots 1, 2, 3 map Comstock properly, Mt Vernon. 1,SOO Flegenhelmer, Henry to James Tichborne- 13th av, e s, lot 961, Mt Vernon, 100x105. 2,000 Gorham, Bmma G to Mary Schetller. South Sth av, w s, part lot 713, Mt Vernon, 3314 xlOo. 500 Huschle, Chas P and ano to Wm Huscble. South Fulton av, w s, iols 1 and 2,, grantors map, 4,000 Lawlor, Norman A to Lottie A Pield. Lot 59 map East Mt Vernon, 1 Mager, Predk lo Eliz I Smith- West 2d st, s s, 53 e 12th av, Mt Vernon, 20x100. 4.S00 Martens, Gerd exr of to Jesse G Edwards, South Sth av, e s, 350 n 2d st, Mt Vernon, 25x105, 3,600 Plumb, Anna P lo Michael J Naughton- Lots 21 to 24 blocit 7 map Mt Vernon Heigbts, 3,000 Naughlon, Michl J to David Franklin, Same property. * 3,000 Russell, John exr of to Carl Muser. Prank¬ Un av, e s, 100 n Monroe st, Mt Vernon, 50x100- (580 Same to Bliza Huber and ano. Franklin av, e s, -50 n Monroe st, 25x100- 355 Schmidt, Franz to Board of Education, Mt Vernon- Howard st, n e cor Union sl, Mt Vernon, 100x150. 4,500 Schreck, Augusta lo Eliz Eschbach. Union st, n w s, part lot 154, West Mt Vernon, 25x100.. 2,525 UnderhiU, Julia H to Joseph S Northrup^ South ^ lot ISO map lots Tuckahoe. 175 MAMARONECK. Branique, Wm J to Vioia S Vanderkloot. Linden av, n w cor Grove av, 100x97-S- 2,800 NEW ROCHELLE. Bedford, Alhert M lo Clarence Corney. Wood¬ land av, n e s, part lot 75a, Residence Park. 1 Castrop, Heni-y J to Mathilde Castrop, Rock¬ dale av, w s, 355 n Post road, 50x150. 1 Dusenbury, Bertram L to John D Oxner. Blm Bt, s s, lot 93, Residence Park, 153x—. 4,200 French, Ida L lo Geo B Leonard. Centre av, s w s, 115,6 s e Davis av, 100x150- 1,054 Kohler, Nicholas to Eva Clandening- Web¬ ster av, e s, 148 n Washington av, 27x 102. 1 Safford, Robt P to E Clinton Smith- Castle pl, n a, lot 51, Residence Park, 75x177. 6,500 Selz, August A to Ludwig Ernst. Union av, s w cor Charles st, 100x115, 9,500 Searing, Charlotte E A E lo Clarence M Searing. North st, n b, 100 w Garden st, 50x150, 1 PELHAM. Calligan, Sarah to Clinton T Roe. North Yi lot 231 map PelbamvUle. 1 Cowan, Stuart W lo Norman A Lawlor. Lot 90 map Pelbamville, 1 Girsch, Cbas W lo Emma Huss. 4th av, w a, pari lot 10>2, Pelhamviile, 25x100. 1 Same to same. River av, part lot -"i4S w s, Pelhamviile, 33,4x100. 1 YONKERS- Allen, Geo W to Anna P Allen. Lots 473, - 474 and 475, Mohegan Park. 1 Bannan, Jobn J to Prudence A Randolph. Lot 255 map Bryn Mawr Heights. 250 Same to Chas B Grassby. Lol ]90 same map, 750 Beli, Samuel S to Cath R Redington, River¬ dale av, e s, 2a n Riverdale pl, 2oxl00- olber consid and 150 Bliden, Sarah to Louisa Hopfenstand. Lot 10 block C map property Jones Sc O'Con¬ nor. 600 Flannery, Neil A to Cath Flannery. Swain' st, s s, 75x150. 1 Fleiss, Ange J to C Cecil Hodgman. Lots 31 to 38. Cecil Park. 1 Gardner, Claire B to Bernard F Kelly. Lots S and 9 bloclc B map property Joues & O'Connor, 5tl0 Hoyt, John G to John F Curran et al. South Broadway, n e cor Undercliff st, S7xl54.x 76x130. 7,750 Hotcbkiss, E Hubbell to Sidney E A Dobson. New Main st, e s, 151 n Brook st, 25x114. 6,000 Hodgman, C Cecil to Anna T Fliess. Lot 37 Cecil Park. • 1 Same to Ange J Pliess. Lot 38 same map. 1 Johnstone, Agnes M et al, A J Burns ref, to Adolph A Schaefer. Waverly st, e s, 162.9 s Nepperhan av, 14.9x—. 3,050 Lawrence, Fannie B to John H Magonigle. Lots 25 to 28 map lots Hyatt farm. 1 Pool, Jobn L to Laura S W Lake. Van Cort¬ landt Park av, e s, 75 n Radford st, 50x100. 2,700 Smadbeck, Louis and ano to Mary M Flieg. Lots 301, 392 map Bronx Manor, 1,000 St Andrews Co to St Andrews Golf Club. Tract on Sprain road, abt 153 acres. 1 Sherwood, John F et al to Geo A Sherwood- Carlisle pl. No 5, n s, city map; also Adier st, e s, 470 s Elm st, 25x100- 1 Sherwood, Geo A lo John F Sherwood et al. Palisade av, 11 w cor Carlisle pl, 37.0x70; also same n e cor Garden st, 50x100; also Garden st, s s, 130 e Palisade av, 1 Taylor Jacob W lo David L Gluck, Saw Mill road, w s, near Mt Hope, 41-5x—. 2,7ri0 Westbrook, John B to Frank Hackett- Lots 0 to 11, 14, 15, 16 block 1 map properly Jones & O'Connor- 1,600 NEW JERSEY. NOTE.—The arrangement ot the Conveyances, Mortgages and Judgments in these lists is as fol¬ lows: The first name in i'he Conveyances is the Grantor; in Mortgages, the Mortgagor; in Judg¬ ments, lhe Judgment debtor. ESSEX COUNTY. June 2 to 8—Inclusive, ', CONVEYANCES- Allen, B K—M Auatin, Montclair.....■.......$1 BaU, F M—E L Leonard, Orange.........2,,S0I) Barnett, J G—City of Newark, North Oth st--78ii Clack, E S et al—G Krueger, Dawson st......100 Bornemann, George—G Krueger, South Orange, ....................................350 Breckenridge, J H et al—R Sutter, Montgomery av .................................600 Brantigam, Charles—H Mead, Clinton .....3,100 Caldwell, Christine—W Noyes, North 4th st- -350 Campbell, R C—A D Gore, Caldwell......3,000 Canfield. F W—R B Schmidt et al, Hawthorne av..................................000 Canfield, H V—J W Slaybach et al, Caldwell- ,. .1 Chardavoyne, A N—M B Tichenor, Elliott st____f Cornish, W W M-J De Jianne, Belleville......1 Cross, A L—F B Mandeville, Market st........1 Cunuingham. I C—S H Rollinson, East Orange. ,1 De Jianne, James—C T Shipman, Beileville-, .1 Douglass, G A—B Loewenthal, Broome st.....1- Douglass, P W—J R Gibson, High st......2,500' Barl, Abigail-W H F Fiedler, Stanton st......1 Bllor, J E—W H Schofield, Bloomfield......750 Finn, M L et al—M L Tilden, Milburn.........1 Fisk, F S-C S Stocktou, Chester av...........1' Flenchaus, B J—J Rupprecht, Bergen st..-,2.500 Francisco, L J—G W Campbell, Caldwell.....350 Fritsehe, Joseph—Essex Co Park Commission w s South 14th st, 20 s 17th av 250x157, -5,000 Fieldler W H F—A Earl, Alpine st ..........1 Gordon, W B—A B Lieb, Milford av........;fOO Gould, W B—G Van Ness, Caldwell ........ 1 Gore, A D—R C Campbell, Caldwell......:i,i)0(> Gies, Charles—R Goldinher, Academy sl........1 Gwinnell, J M-J H Klnkle. South 10th st, ,1,100 Hafner, Fredk—M A Wick, Clinton..........1 Harrison, D V—E M Harrison, Montclair --;.,,1 Harrison, E M—D V Harrison, Montclair......1 Hayes, Charles exr—J H Berger, Springfleld av ................................3,00ti Hedden, C M—M J Marks, North Oth st......300 Himelt, Anna—J R Porsch, East Orange.....630 Homestead Building Co—S Clark, 2d st.....70u Hubbell, J J Special Master—W B Gordon Mil¬ ford av................................700 Jacobs, I M—P T Jacobs, High st ...........■ 1 Jatkowsky, Jacob—B Jatkowsky. Joues st , -.. !l Jatkowsky, Besc:he—J Jatkowsky, Rankin st____1 Ketcham, E L—C S Orben, Littleton av..... 1 Kingman, A H—J Dolan, Orango............ 1 Kingman, T S—'H Cooper, Orange....... 75a Krueger, Gottfried—I Mink, South Orange.-1,750 Same------M Hugbes, Academy st..........2,000