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May 20, 1905 Mortgages RECORD AND GUIDE "53 The Private Branch Exchange Systeni of supplying telephone servic£ Is particularly adapted to the requirements of LARGE HOTELS and APARTNIENT HOUSES By means of a Private Branch Exchange the general telephone service, local, suburban and long distance, is available in every room and apartment. A complete interldr service Is also supplied, adding largely to the efficiency, and decreasing the cost of the hotel service proper. No modern Hotel or Apartment House should lack a PRIVATE BRANCH TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Pull Information : eny of ths Oontrf rs Oey Street, Kl West SSth Street. 2Z0 West 124th Street. NEW YORK TELEPHOIME OO. Chambers, Fannie to TITLE GUARA.NTEE &, TRUST CO. Kings- bridge road, .No 563, e s, 234.2 n Eriggs av, runs e 139.G lo w s Eriggs av x n 24.4 x w 153.7 to road x s 2(,9. May 13, due, &c, as per boud. May 15, 1905. 12:3293. 3,000 Same lo same. Kingsbridge road. No SGI, e s, 26111 n Briggs av, 2/.9xl67.9 to w s Briggs av x24.4xl53.7. May 13. due. Sec. as per bond. May 15, 1905. 12:3293. 3,000 Cohen. Charles lo Henry U Singhi, Grand av. s e cor 184tb st, 168.11x103.3x143.1x166. P M. May 15, 1905, 1 year. 5%. 11:3108, 3.000 *Oahill. Edwd J to Jennie C Merz. Jefferson st, w a, 225 s Colum¬ bus av, 25x100, May 13, 3 years, 5%. May 15. 1005, gold, 2,S00 Curran. John W lo UNITED RE.\L ESTATE & TRUST CO. Mor¬ ria av, n e ror 170lh sl, 100x134.8x106.5x171.1. P M. May 18, 1905. 3 years, 5%, 11:2807 and 2S0.8. 13,500 Conneally, Hubert A to George Lockyer and ano. 239lh sl, s s. 105 w Kalonah av, 40x100, P M. May 18, 1905, installs, 5%. 12:3370, l,.3O0 Carroll, Anne B to Theresia Binzen. Lots 50 and 51 map Univer¬ sity Heighls Norlh. P M. May 18, 1905. 3 years, 5%, 11:3224. 2.GO0 Connell, Andrew J lo TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Mor¬ ris av, e s. 4G9,9 n ]9Glh st. 50x05.3. Building loan. May 17, due Dec 1. 1905, 6% and 5%. May 18. 1905- 12:3318. 5.000 *Curlis, Sarah L, Ml Vernon. N Y, and Martha E and Isabella M Pattus. N Y, to Edw H Van Ingen. High Island, near City and Hart Islands. L I Sound, also land under waler, prior raort ^5,- CCO; alao lota 550 and 560 map Eliz R B King at City Island; also land at Mt Vernon, N Y. April 25, due May 1, 1910, 5%. May 18. 1905. 25,000 Cobn-Baer-Myera Se Aronson Co to Isaac .Abramson, Robbins av, s w ccr 139th sl, 100.10x02.1 P M, May 17. 1 year, 6%. May IS, l!;0-5- 10:2567. 2.000 Dannhauser, Paul lo Katherine Wohlhagen. Washington av, w a, 103.5 _s 1 iolh sl, runs w 100 x s 1 x w 50 x a 24 x e ISO to av X n 2o lo beginning, except part for av. May 10, 3 years. o%- May 12. 1005. 11:2907. 3,500 Dannhauser, Paul to Katherine Wohlhagen. 176th at, n s. bet Prospect av and Marmion av, and 25 w line bet lota 65 and 66, 25x14111, being part lot 66 map Fairmount. May 10. due July 1.1908.5%. May 12, 1905. 11:2954. 1 50O Dillenberg, Caroline to George Gruenewald. lOSlh st No 1015 n s, ICO e Union av. 20x126.5. P M, May 11, 3 yeara, 5%. May 12, 1905. 30:2682. 66O0 *Dorsett, Timolhy J to Tbos P Gallagher. Theriot av, w s, 125'n McGraw av, 25x100, except part for Tremont av, P M Prior m-rt $2,000, May 10. due Jan 30. 1909. 5%. '.Ma,y 32, 19C5. 050 Dalgli.^h. John to Northweslern Construction Co. 383d st. n s 3.-0 w Jerome av. 25x300. P M. Prior mort $4,000. May I7' 3905. due, £c, aa per bond. 31:3197. 1,800 "Devlin Alex Jr to Thoa C .Arnow. Lots 6 and 7 hlk A raap portion of M S Arnow estate. May S, 3 yeara, 5%. May 36, 1905, 3 295 Darara, .Albert and Jacob Gottboffer to James H Young. Park View Terrace, e s, 200 n 19Gth at, late Wellesley at. 125x125 except part for Terrace. P M. May li, due May 1, 1908, 5% May 17 1905. 12:3318. 13,000 Danziger. Raphael to Georgiana G Torrena, ISoth st n a '^00 e Willia av, 2oxl00. May 15, S yrs, 41/2%, May 16, l605. 9:2280. D'Auria, Pasquale lo Henrietta C Schroeder. Hughes av late Jeffer¬ son av, s e fi, 96,8 n e ISOth st. 25.1x127x25x127, except part for av. P M. May 8, 1 year, 5%. May 15. 1905. 11:3081 2 300 *Devermanu. Geo A to FISHKILL SAVINGS INSTN. Interior plot begins 490 e White Plains road at point measured along same 400 n frora n s Morris Park av, runs e 100 x n 25 x w 100 x s 25 to be¬ ginning, with right of way over strip lo Morris Park av Mav 13 due Oet 1, 1900, 5%, May 15, 1905. 2,800 Same lo same. Interior lot. begins 490 e White Plains road at point measured along same 42o n from n s Morris Park av. runs e 100 X n 25 X w 100 x s 2o, with right ot way over strip to Morris Park av. May 13, due Oct 1. 1906, 5%. May 15, 1905. 2.800 -Donohue, Thomas to Robert Marshall._ Brown av, e s, 75 s Saga¬ more st, 25x100. P M. May lo, lOOo, due, &c, aa per bond. 2,700 *Diener. August to Rollin H Lynde. Louise st, w s, 150 s Morria Park av, 3 lots, each 25x95. 3 morts, each, $3,250. ' May 15 1905 3 years, 5%. ' gj'go *Dillcn, Dani J to Geo Hauser. Jefferscn st, e s. Ii5 a Columbus av 2.5x100- May 15, S years, 5%, May IS. 1905, 3 000 Elias. Sadie to Thomas Booth. Boone st. e a, 300 a 173d st 50xS5x 51.7x72.4, May 18, 1005. 2 years. 6%. 11:3014. gold 1,500 Everett, Geo H and John V to Charles Walter. 143d sl No 604 s s 25G.G e Alexander av, 25x100. P M, May 13, 3 years 5%. 'Mav 18. 1095. 9:2305. 5,500 EdEon, Kate to Peler V Bussing, Briggs av, ses, 100 n e 201at st runs a e 100 X n e 135-2 x w 103-2 x n 41,11 to av x a w 86,2 to beginning. P M. May 16. 3 yeara, 5%. May 17, 1005. 12:3299. 3,500 Ehrlich, Wra G to Sarab B Buckhout et al exra James Buckhout. Arthur av. w s. abt 376 n ISlat st. 42,6x103.3. except part for av. May 15. 1905, due, &c, as per bond. 11:3063. ll.OOO Ehrmann. Leopold to Walter S Sheafer et al exrs &c. Peter W Sheafer. ISGth at, n a. 220 e Brook av, runs n 200 to a s 137th al X w 30 to w s Mill Brook x — to 136lh st al poinl 154 e Brook av X e GG to beginning. P M. May 10, S yeara, 5%. May 12. 1905. 9:2204. 12.500 Eldridge, Geo D to METROPOLITAN UFB INS 00. Independence av, e a, 154 s 254th at, late River st, 182x347x156x385. May 9. due Mar 1, 19118. 5%, May 12, 1905. 13:3424. 30,600 Eastern Crown Realty Co ti3 Chester Mortgage Co. Hoe av, w a. 247.3 a Home al, 50x166. .May 12. 1 year, 6%. May 13, 190o- 10:2745 22.000 'Freundenmacher. Philipp lo Hudson P Rose Co. Cosier st. w a. 174.6 n Klngabridge road, 125x102.6. P M. May 3. demand, 5%. May 13. 1965. 1.750 Franli, Gretchen to .Mary J Va Kay. 144th sl, n a, 254.5 e 3d av. 2.'ixH,0, P M. Prior mort $25,060. May 12, 2 years, 5%. -May l;!. UHS5. 9:2366. 1,700 Flood Construcliou Co lo DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK of City N Y. Cfuldwell av. e s. 153.10 n 165th sl. 43.2x101.8x43.6x1018. May 11, 1 year, 5%. May 32, 1905. 10:2633. 34,000 Same to same. Sarae property. Consent ot stockholders to above mort. May 12, 190S- 10:2633. ----- Fajen, Wm lo Ellen Andersom Marion av. No 3675, w s, 389 a i94tb st, 2i">xlTi,2'x:i5.3.\173,S. P M. May 1. 1 year, 6%, May 1-6, 10i>5. 12:;i2Si. 1.500 Sarae to Ear.:e- .Marion av. No 3677, w 3, 4114 n 194lh st 25x186,8x 15.3x171.2- P M- May 1, 1 year, G%, May 16, 1905. 12:3287. 1.500 Five Boroughs Real'ty Co to Washington Briifge Realty Co, .-Vque- ducL av, n w cor Suspe.nsion Bridge road or Washington Bridge read, — to Undercliff av, x—; Featherbed lane: Plympton av, c I Old Undercliff av. It extended and Aquedu:cl and Boscobe'l avs, the block; Featherbed lan'C, Nelson av, 172d st and Plyraplon av, the block. —X—; Undercliff av, w -a, 20O s land James Lees, runs w 134.9 X s ISO X w 145-3 x 3 50 x e 283.S to av, x n 266 to begin¬ ning. P M- May 18, 1-965, 3 year3,5%- 11:2&74—2875, 2^77 and 2S«0. 450,000 Pitzgerald, Agnes L to Sarah B Buckhout, Washinglon av. w s, 70 n ISOth st, runs w 03-4 x n 30 x w 31.S x n 40 x e 95 to av. x s 70 to beginning. May 17. 2 years, 5%. May 18, 1905. 11:3033, 3,000 *FeoIa. Rocco lo .Adelaide Burlando. 1st st. 3 s, 100 e Maple av, 50x125, Williamsbridge. P M. April 8, 3 years, 6%. May 15, 1905. 200 *Pink, .Martin D with Thomaa Kerr et al. Butler pl, w a. U6,ll a Waahington av x 50x100. Exteusion mort. April 29, May 18, 1905. ncm Preudenmacher, Philipp to Lcuisa Doll. Elton av. No 711. s w cor 155th st, 25x100; Elton av, No 700. w 3, 25 x ISSth st, 25x100; Elton av. No 707. w s, oO s ISSth st, 25x100; Elton av, No 705; w s, 75 3 155th al, 25x100. l^ part. May 12, 1 year, 5%. May 15. 1905, 0:2376. 3.860 *Furst. Jcseph to Hugh P Clarence. Commonwealth av, e a, 75 n Tacoma at, 50x100. P M. Prior morl $2,500, May 12, due, See. as per bond. .May 15, 1005. 1,200 Fox, Samuel to John Martin. Hoffman al. a e s, 189.11 s lS9ih sl. —xUS-4x50xUS- Prior morl $3,000. May 15, 1905, due Nov 15, 190G, 6%. 11:3066, 1,000 Preund, Alfred and Wm Dub to Anna M Moller. Washington av. No 1425, w s, 127.6 s 171st st. 37-6x140.2. 'P M. Uay 16, 1065, 5 years. 5y3%. 11:2902. 8.000 Pitzgerald. Wm J, Jr, to Philip Acker, 160lh st, s s. No 620, abt ISO e Courtlandt av, 25x106. Prior mort $3,000, May 15, due, &e. as per hond. May 16, 1905. 9:2406. 2,400 Fioravanti. Germano to Henry U Singhi, Grand av, w a, 275.3 n ISlth St. 55-2x118.1 to Old Croton Aqueduct x5S.S.xl22.1 P M. May 17. 1905, due Sept 1, 1905, 5%. 11:3212. 7,000 Porbach, Charles to Roht N Quinn. Perry av. w b. 100 s Wood- I.awn road, 50x100. May IS. S yeara, 5%. May 16, 1965. 12:3334. 2,000 Same to same. Perry av, e s, 175 s Woodlawn road. 25x110. May 15, 3 years, 5%. May 16, 1005, 12:3333. 1.000 Cans. Bernard to M'ax Cohen an'd auo. Bi-ook av. No 915, w s, 50 n Eltcn av. 224 9x07.1x25.2x69.5. P M. Prior mort $16,060. May 15. iniitalls, 6%. May 16, 1-905. 0:2384. 2.87o- 'Gaudin, Leon to Railiro'a'd Co-operative Building and Loan Assoc 3d av. e s. 250 n Isl st, 50xlOO, Olinvil'Ie. .May 17, 1905, inBta'Us. 6%. 2.500 Greenberg, Hym'an tc Hyman Horwitz. La Fontaine av, w s, 347-5 s l'7'9th st, 75x100. P M. May 10, due Nov 15, lOOili, 6 "4- iMay 17, 1005. U:30i61- 2,000 Saice to same. Lafontaine av, s w cor 178Lh st, 75x100. P M. May 10, due Nov 15. 1906. 6%. May 17, 1905. 2,CO0 Gross, M'ax to Herreian N Preedm'an. lOlst st, No 824, s s, 9S e Eagle av, 27x110- P M. May 15. 3 years, 0%. May 17. 1905. 10:2626. 4,000 Greenberg. Hyman to Hyman Horwitz. Lafontaine av. w s, 172.5 3 179Lh st, 75x100. P M. .May 10. d'ue Nov 16. 190G, 6%, May 17, 1005. U:3'0'61. 2.090 *Gilli.i.. Charles Lo Cibrislopber Pe'Senecker. Morris Park av, n s, 47 w Bronxda.le av. 47.11x98-3x47-6x93.8- May 15, 3 years. 5%. May 16. 1965. 8,000 Guerr, Robert to Franz A Kuhn- 139th st. No 867. n s, 460 e SL Ann.? av, 25x100- May 16, 1905, S yoars, 6%. 10:2551 and 2552. 2.500