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July 10, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 63 Mr. Real Estate Man and Messrs. Architect-Owner-Agent The use of Gas has become so universal that no matter what purpose your building is designed for it will not be complete and meet all requirements of the occupants unless it is PIPED FOR GAS Every day Gas is becoming a greater factor in up to date methods of working and living. 17TH ST. No. 425 East, toilets, win¬ dows, partitions, skylights, to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,500; owner. Geo. Man- del. 109 Spring st; architect, Henry Reg¬ elmann, 133' 7th St. Plan No. 1608. ISTH ST, Nos. 18-22 East, plumhing. elevator, electric light, to 6-sty brick store and loft; cost, $25,000; owner. Duncan Realty Co., 392 Canal st; archi¬ tect, Clarence L. Sefert, 40 West 34th St. Plan No. 1626. John J. Downey. 410 West 34th st, has contract. 30TH ST, No. 231 West, skylight, fire- escapes, to 3-sty brick tenement; cost, $500; owner, Chas. H. Toppin, 106 East 19th st; architect, P. F. Brogan, 119 East 23d St. Plan No, 1638. 31ST ST, No. 127 East, alter windows, beams, to 3-sty hrick and stone dwelling; cost, $450; owner, Mrs. E. Lynch, 127 East 31st st; architects, Herts & Tallant, 113 East 19th st. Plan No. 1615. John Lowry, 160 5th av, has contract. 35111 ST. Nos. 141-143 West, girders, beams to 3-sty brick Warehouse; cost, $500; owner. R. H. Macy & Co.. Broad¬ way and 34th st; architect, D. P. Appell, 5 East 42d st. Plan No. 1588. 36TH ST, No. 343 East, skylights, toil¬ ets, windows, to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,000; owner, Mrs. Anna Jones, 381 East Sth st; architect. Henry Regelmann, 133 7th St. Plan No. 162S, 37TH ST, No, 21 East, add l-sty to ex¬ tension, to 4^sty brick and stone resi¬ dence; cost, $5,500; owner, Mrs. Emily N. Trevor, 21 East 37th st; architect, Julius F. Gayler, 225 5lh av. Plan No. 1606. J. W, Bishop Co., 345 5th av. has con¬ tract. 49TH ST, No, 36 East, l-sty brick rear extension. 12^x17.4, add l-sty to exten¬ sion, partitions, vent shaft, to 4-sty brick dwelling and shop; cost. .$3,000; owner, not given; architects, Pilcher & Tachan, 109 Lexington av. Plan No. 1624. .j7TH ST, No. 130 West, partitions, show windows, stairs, to 7 and 14-sty brick studios; cost, $500; owner, The 130 West 57th St, Co,, on premises; architects, Howells & Stokes, 100 William st. Plan No, 1612. Bunn & Nase, 1123 Broadway, have contract, 61ST ST, No. 3S East, add l-sty sola¬ rium to extension to 4-sty brick dwelling; cost. $1,200; owner, Dr. M. L. Rhein. on premises; architects, Jardine, Kent & Jardine, 3 West 29th st. Plan No. 1614. 03D ST, No. 427 East, partitions, plumbing, to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,000; owner. New York Homeopathic Medical College & Flower Hospital; Av A and 63d st; architect, Chas. Pace, 500 5th av. Plan No. 1595. J. J. Ryan. 53S East lS4th st, has plumbing work. 69TH ST, No. 7 East, skylights, bath¬ room, to 4-sty brick residence; cost, $500; owner, Kalman Haas, on premises; archi¬ tect. John H, Duncan, 208 5th av. Plan No. 1592. 75TH ST, No. 9 West, alter partitions, elevator shaft, to 4-sty brick dwelling: cost, $10,000; owner, A. Beller. 3S West 73d st; architect. H. M. Baer. 542 Sth av. Plan No. 1021. 75TH ST, No. 174 East, alter walls, vault, beams, to 4-sty brick and stone garage; cost, $2,800; owner. Mortimer F. Schiff, 932 5th av; architect. C. P. H, Gilbert, 1123 Broadway: Plan No. ]587. H. C. Beaven, 871 Park av, has gen¬ eral contract. 78TH ST, No. 133 West. 4-sty brick rear extension. 9x19,2, partitions, win¬ dows, to 4-sty brick residence; cost. $4.- 000; owner. Clarence O. Bigelow, ]06 Oth av; architect, Alfred H. Taylor. 13S West Goth St. Plan No. 1598. No contract let. SOTH ST, No. 122 East, 3-sty briek front and rear extension. 11x17, parti¬ tions, lo 3-sty brick dwelling; cost, $10,- (HKl; owner. Miss Helen Driscoll, 122 East SOth st; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 1643. 105TH ST. No. 105 West,- o-sty brick rear extension, 13x10, partitions, toilets, lo 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,000; owner. B. Locker, 24 Attorney st; archi¬ tect, F. C. Hirleman. 2S04 3d av. Plan No, 1613. 105TH ST, Nos. 146-148 West, windows to two 5-sty brick tenements; cost, $400; owner, Edward C. Prescott, 14S West 105th st; architect, David Stone, 127 Bible House. Plan No. 1619. 125TH ST, Nos. 256-258 West. 124th st, Nos, 243-249 West, alter stairway, walls, balcony, howling alleys to 2-sty brick restaurant building; cost, $14,000; owner, Morgenthau Co., 95 Liberty st, and Fow¬ ler Bros., 217 West 125th *st; architect, Oscar Lowinson, 18-20 East 42d st. Plan No. 1622. Pabst Brewing Co., lessee. Av A. No. 49. partitions, skylights, win¬ dows, to two 4-sty brick tenements; cost. .$2,500; owner, Lena Schwartz, 1521 Madi¬ son av; architect, C. H. Dietrich. 25 West 42ci St. Plan No. 1601. AV C, n e cor. 12th st, windows, par¬ titions, toilets, to 4-sty bricli tenement; cost, $1,000; owner, Thomas A. Harris, on premises; architect, Henry Regelmann, 133 7th St. Plan No. 1627. AMSTERDAM AV, No. 90, bake oven, toilets, lo 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $1,- 000; owner, Wm. Stewart, 36 Amsterdam "av; architect. John H. Knubel. 318 West 42d St. Plan No. 1604. BROADWAY, Nos. 1825-1829, alter r§- taiiiing wall, install steel beams, to —Sty brick theatre; cost, $7,500; owner. Sul¬ livan & Kraus, 38 East 4th st; architect. Wm. Kurtzer, Spring st and Bowery. Plan No. 1629.. BROADWAY, ^^os. 2625-2627, erect sign to l-sty brick store; cost, $150; owner,