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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 84, no. 2169: October 9, 1909

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656 TiECORD aKD guide October 9, 1909 WANTS AND OFFERS ^ rp- INTERESTED IQ rKal esiale aloOE tbe Jersej- CiinfL gel aiy appraisal before purchasing or loanlriB nioiiey, on 11. JACOB A. KING. El Weat lafilli N. V.. or West End. N. J WA.'^TED properties, Bale or rent; Bend partlc¬ ulara; aa.Uaractory results assureii. DUFF « CONGER. MadisoD Ave., cor SCth St,___________ SALESMAN WANXEP.—A first class traiie paper in New York de¬ sires the services of a good salesman to solicit advertising from the build¬ ing trade iu Greater New York; Salary, with permanent petition to a reall.v good man; to fill this vacancy it is not necessary that applicant has been in the advertising business but it is indispensable that he should be a thoroughly equipped salesman, a man of good address and keenly alert; no attention will be given lo applications that do uot state full particulars and references ol! un¬ doubted character. Address Box 60 clo Record & Guide. wt. IV11-1^ I'Ai IV^ eai-li tor copies of the following issues of the Record and Guide, de¬ livered at our otnce iu good condition New York edition. No. 202S; Brooklyn edition, 26, ES. 31 M 57 61. 66. 79. SO, Sl, SZ. 85. 8S. S9, 9S. loi) 101 104 105. 116, ns. 119, 120. 121. RECORD AND GUIDE CO.. 11 East a4th St.. New Yorli. Siuiis from $5,000 to $15,000 to loan on second mortgages on ini- proxed M;mhattan property. Mail applications to Slalcobn Sundheimer, Attorney, 34 Nassau st.___________ ~NEW~hish~clasE office, prominent location, upper 'Broadway: has splendid opportunity for Broker wilh experience in west side properties. Favorable contract. Communi¬ cations confidential, BOX 25. Record aod Guide.________-__________________________._______ W1NTED—MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UNDRR- STANDS MORTG.AGE LOANS; TO TAKE CH.A.RGE OP LO\N DEPARTMENT OF ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE OFFICE. "CENTRAL." BOX S5. RECOHD AND GUIDE. LawyersTitle Insurance&Trust Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $9,500,000 $5,000,000 added to surplus in last 17 years 160 Broadway, New York ISS Montasne Street, Brooklyn. RECEIVES DEPOSITS subject to check or ou certiflcate, allowing interest thereon. LENDS ON APPROVED STOCKS and Corporation Bonds as Collateral. ACTS AS TKUSTEE, Guardian, Executor, Administrator, Assig-nee or Receiver, Transfer Agent or Registrar of Stocks of Corporations. Takes Charge of Personal Securities. OFFICERS: EDWIN W. COCGESHALL, President anti General Manager. LOUIS V. BRIGHT. ( „ l-KKUERT K. J.iCbiSO.N. Comptroller. THORWALD STALLKNECHT I *^'«-"esldent3. -WALTER N. VAIL, Secretary. ARCHIBALD FORBES. Treasurer. h^''X}S.,^;..^?-^,l^'^,.^^^l- <^^°-'-- "'""'Eet. DAVID B. OGDEN. Conoael. 'reasnrPr. FREDERICK d''''re'ed.M^^'^-^^'■'■^"'■'*^^- GEORGE A. FLEURY. > 3.J GEO. F. BDTTERWOETB. DUMONT CLARKE, EDWIN W. COGGESHALL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. WILLIAM A. Das, WILLIAM P. DIXON. JDLIAN D. FAIRCHILD. JOU.N T. LOCKMAN. HEXRY MORGEXTHAD. JAilES N. -WALLACE. WANTED—Agent to handle a metal screen, manufactured in Massachusetts; must be respon¬ sible part.v; acquainted with builders and archi¬ tects: good ehanoe for right party; Euarantee re-juircfl. BOX 30, Record and Guide.___________ W.'VNTi:!)—On first-class unencumbered factory property situated on Pennsylvania Railroad Tun¬ nel in Jersey City, only Eve minutes trom Broad¬ way, 530.000 on first mortgage lor three years, .address "J. C.." Box 50. Record and Guide. A WELL-KNOWN real estate concern wishes a competent loan broker to manage loan department on commission basis; state i|ualifications. Ad¬ dress "A. A.." Bo.-c 40. Record and Guide. YOL'NG MAN (a4). with 4 years experience, de¬ sires position with a progressive real estate offlce. .A-ddress ■'COMPETENT." BOX 10. Record and Guide.__________________________________________ M.\PS for sale—Vols, 1, S, 3. Bromleys. 190K. Manhattan maps, on paper; used very little, at a big discount. DONALD W. BROWN. 141 Broad- way.___________________________________________ WAN1"ED—Record and Guides, 1S6S to ISSo. in- clusives; state lowest price. BOX 93. oare of Record and Guide. Water Front to Lease. Foot East 37th St, Apply WM. A. KANE. 417 East 46th Street. SALESMAN and renting clerk desires position with high-class house; salar;- and commission. BOX 20, Record and Guide. DR.A.VGIITSMTN student Hi)', wishes position in architect's office. "V. .1.," 23S 12th St. Bk'lvn. THE RECORD AND GUIDE is the oldest paper representing the in¬ terests of Real Estate and Building In New York City, and a standard author- i'v on matters relating to these branches of industry. Ackerman the store at loG West 34tli st; for the estate of Maria I. Schermerhorn lO.OUO sq. ft. at 43-5 Walker st; for Wm. H. Flattau to Kaplan, Frank Sc Dunn 5,000 sq. ft. at the southeast cor of Uni¬ versity pl and 13th st; for the Marmac Construction Co, (!,OO0 sq. ft at 104-S West 27th st; for Jacob Einsheinier 5,000 sq. ft. at 2S-30 West Houston st, and for Abner T. Bowen to Cohen & Benjamin ij.tiOO sq. ft. at 155-7 W'ooster st. REAL ESTATE NOTES Lawrence & Wolff have removed their office from 579 Madison av to 95 Liberty st. Louis Kempner has removed from 255 West 42d st to Broad¬ way, corner of S9th st. C. F. Bedell Company have removed their ofiices from Sher- nian square to the northwest corner of Broadway and 87th st. W. H. Dolson & Co. have removed their office from 527 Colum¬ bus av to 2364 Broadway in the Belnord apartment house, for which they are agents. The Columbia Mortgage Company has opened new offlces at No. 115 Broadway. Harold A. Graff, formerly of Harold A. Graff Co., is its president. They wil! make a specialty of hand¬ ling flrst mortgages. Gibbs & Kirby removed their "Washington Heights offlce to Heatherdell Court Building, 4223 Eroadway, northwest corner of I79th St. This building has just been completed by the Mc¬ Dowell Construction Company. Mr. W. H. Britigan has joined the ofRce force of Joseph P. Day. He resigned from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com¬ pany, where he was associated with Mr. Walter Stabler, the comptroller. Mr. Britigan has made his mark in the real estate fleld, not alone through his association with the Metropolitan Life, but his methods of organization have succeeded in making the real estate course at the West Side branch of the Toung Men's Christian Association the best real estate course in the United States. He was educational director of this branch of the T, M. C. A. for -four years before he associated himself with the Metropolitan Life. Mr. Britigan is one of two editors of the book, "Practical Real Estate Methods for Broker, Oper¬ ator and Owner," recently published with the co-operation of thirty of New York's leading experts in real estate, building and insurance. The West Side T. M C. A.'s book, "Practical Real Estate Methods for Broker, Operator and Owner," which was pre¬ viously endorsed by the New York Real Estate Board of Brokers, has just received tlie following endorsement from the New Jer¬ sey real estate men: "Of all the -books published on the subject of real estate, I consider 'Practical Real Estate Methods' by far the best. The articles are by the experts in their line, and both the beginner and the old timer can proflt by their experi¬ ence." (Continued on page 676.) UNCLASSIFIED SALES The total number of sales reported is 56, of which 9 were be¬ low 59th st, 2S above and 19 in the Bronx. The sales reported for the corresponding week of last year were GO. of which 9 were below 59th st, 21 above and 30 in the Bronx. The total number of mortgages recorded for Manhattan this week was 149, as against IIS last week, and in the Bronx 141, as against 110 last week. The total amount involved is $5,911,- 513, as against .f3,347,lGl last week. The amount involved in the auction sales this week was $940,- 033. and since January 1, .i;49.287,338. Last year the total for the week was .?41S,657, and from January 1, .$43,544,355. iLTtTH ST.—Hugh Colwol! has sold 17 East 120th st. a 3-sty and ba.=oment dwelliug on lot ll!..SxOn.ll. ISOth ST.—Ferguson Bros. St Forshay have sold to E. H. Kruse. 720 and 722 West ISOth st. a new ."i-sty apartment house ou plot 58.4 xlOO. It was held at .$88,000. This is one of a row of three similar houses recently completed by tbe sellers at this point . 206th ST.—Charles Griffith Moses & Bro. have sold for Albert C. Poirev. the 4 lots on the south side of 20eth st, 100 ft. west of 9th av. 100x09.11. ST, NICHOLAS AV.—J. J. Plummer has sold for William Reynolds Browu the northeast cor of St. Nicholas av and ISGth st, a plot 100 xlOO, to a builder for improvement with apartment houses.