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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 84, no. 2178: December 11, 1909

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1056 RECORD AND GUIDE December ri, 1909 at 54 East 34th st, formerly owned by Tarrant Putnam, and which has been sold to the Madison Reaity Co., represented by the Douglas Kobinson, Chas. S. Brown Co, The price paid was $150,000, which is believed to be a record for that street east ot Madison av. It shows that the selling price was $91 a sq. It,, or $9,370 a foot front, the lot having a depth of 100 ft. The addition of this piot increases the holdings of the realty company on 31tb st to T2 ft. The company was formed a tew years ago by tbe late Dr. Wm, T. Bull for the pur¬ pose of securing a. good sized plol for the erection of a private sani¬ tarium. The dweliings, 48 to 52 East 34th st, running through to 33d st, taking in the numbers 33 lo 43, giving a frontage of 113 it. on that street, were acquired some time ago, the highest price for¬ merly paid being $122,500 for the 18-ft. lot at 52 East 34th st. 3TTH ST.—Pease & Elliman have sold for Clara Howe lhe 4-sly and basemenl brownstone dwelling on lot 20x98,9 at 139 East 37th st, 120 feet east of Lexington av. 38TH ST.—Maier Brothers and Edward Levinson have sold the two 5-Ety apartment houses, 40x100, at 320 and 328 East 38th st, to James Hughes, 38TH ST,^J, Arthur Fischer has sold for tbe estates of Caroline A. Brigham and Alexander Lyle to Reckling & Vailender the two 4-sty brownstone dwellings, 223 and :i25 West 3Sth st, each on lot 20.Tx98.9, making a plot 41.3x98.9, 39th ST.^Wm, R. Masou has sold to Reckling & Vailender the two 3-sty and basement private dwellings 244 and 240 West 39th st, on a plot 37,Tx98.9. 41ST ST.—L. J. Phillips & Co. have sold for tbe Van Valkenbergh estale lo Aaron Coleman 221 West 41st sl, a 2-sty stable, on lot 25x100. This has been in the bauds of the sellers for 40 years. The buyer intends to alter the building as a garage. 50TH ST.—The estate of Philip Harding sold to Charles A. Coe the 4-sty and basement brownstone dwelling 58 East 56th st, on lot 22x100.5. 2D AV.—The Hope esate has sold 055 2d av, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 24.SxlOU, between 35th aud 30th sts. TTH AV.—James C, Thomas sold 491 and 493 Tth av, two 4-sty teuements, on a plot 40.2.\To, adjoiuing Mills Hotel No. 3, at the northeast corner of 30th st, and 00.2 ft. south of 3Tth st. The property has been purchased hy Aaron Coleman. NORTH OP SyTH STREET. G9TH ST—Fred Schmitt sold for the McGuire estate 407 East 69th st, a 5-sty double flat, on lot 25xlOU, to John N. Hovhougen. TOTH ST.—William Wolff's Son sold for Charles Hammel & Go. to Hannah Steiner 415 East 79lh st, a 5-sty and basement 14-room tenemeni, 25x102.2, This is the second house sold by them o£ a row purchased by the company some lime ago. 80th ST.—Pease & Elliman have sold for George H. De Wilt 319 West 80th st, lTxl22, a ti-sty American basement dwelling, to a client for occupancy. SlST ST.—I. Kahn sold to Millard Veil 231 East Slst st, a 5-sty double flat, on a lot 27x100, 84TH ST.—Lowenfeld & Prager have sold to Adolph Miller 327 and 329 East S4th st, old buildings, on a plot 40x102.2. Mr. Miller will erect on the site a 5-sty garage. SGTH ST.—W. W. Sl T. M. Hall have sold the two 5-sly Ameri¬ can basement dweliings 26 and 28 West 80th st, each 22x04.-il02.2. The houses are of recent conslruction and are fitted with elevators. Louis B. Tim and B. H. Homan are the buyers of tbe respective houses. SSTH ST.—Tbe Neerg Realty Co. has sold 183 West SSth st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling ou lot 10.8x100.8, adjoining the north¬ east corner ot Amsterdam av. 93d ST.—Millard Veit has sold to a client of J. Levy & Co. 04 Easl 93d st. near Madison av, a 5-sty flat, on a lot 2Oxl00.S. 97th ST.—The Duross Company has sold to Douglas Taylor lor Henry C. Beadleston 130 West 9Tth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot IT.OxlOO. lOSTH ST.—L, Sc A, Pincus bave resold to A. Breslauer the plot 75x100, on the north side ot lOSth st, 125 feet east of Broadway. This is the property recently purchased from Charles J. McManus. The purchaser will erect an 8-sty elevator house, 112TH ST.—Thos. J. O'Reilly has resold to D*-, John P. Nolan for Investment the Phaeton, 537-45 West 112th st. 125 ft, east oE Broadway, on a piot 100x100. This is the third time tbat this broker has figured in the sale of this property within one year. Last Jan¬ uary he sold the plot for improvement to the Advance Building Co,; on Nov. IS he sold the property improved lo a client, and this week Mr. O'Reilly sold the property to Dr. Nolan. The Phaeton is a 4-sty apartment house, with four apartments on a floor. It was built by tbe Advance Building Co., the president of which is Walter B. Isaac, wbo was formerly connected with the Johuson, Kahn Co. The new purchaser has appointed Mr. O'Reilly as agent in charge ol the property. 113th ST.—Louis Lese sold to Levy & Starr 10 East liSth st, a 5-sty flat on lot 19x100.11. 133d ST,—Oharles Wynee has sold to Jennie Brisk 514 West 133d st, a 5-sty apartment house, and took in part payment the private dwelling 28 East 130th st, on lot 18.2x100. 140TH ST.—Tbomas Brennan sold the 5-sty double flat 219 West 140th st, 28x90x99-11. 145TH ST.—Herman Heidelberg has sold his half interest in the four G-sty houses 532 to 544 West 145lh st to Joseph A. Goldfield. 163d ST.—E, Sharum sold to the Armor Realty Co. and resold 449 and 453 West 103d st, two G-sty apartment houses, 3T,Gxll2.6 each. The Hotel Kenmore, a 3-sty hrick hotel, fully furnished, cor¬ ner Broadway and Van Dorn st, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., was taken as part payment, ISIST ST.—The Hudson Realty Co. has sold the plot 300x150 on the south side of ISlst st, 218.5 feet west of Broadway, to a builder for improvement with three elevator apartment houses. Ar¬ nold, Byrne Sc Baumann were the brokers in the transaction, Anisterdiam Avenue Active. AMSTERDAM AV.—Miss M. Monahan sold for the Haight estale to a client of Morita G. Morgenthau five 5-sty single flat houses, on a plot T5.11xl00, at the southwest corner ot Amsterdam av and 105th st, AMSTERDAM AV.-A. V. Amy Sc Co. have sold to an Investor for Ahe Weinstein, President St. Luke's Realty Co., the "Cathedral View," 1084-1086 Amsterdam av. a G-sty new-law apartment house, with stores, on plot 50x100. This, together with the adjoining parcel, sold last week, and the southwest corner 114tb sl, previous¬ ly reported sold by the same brokers in conjunction with N. Wilson, completes the sale of the tbree houses built by the,St. Luke's Realty Company. AMSTERDAM AV.—Duff Sc Brown Co. bave sold for Louis Levy of Mt. Vernon 1802 Amsterdam av, a 5-Ety triple flat with stores, size 25x100. AMSTERDAM AV.—Elizabeth Becker sold to Israel Lebowitz 20S3 Amsterdam av, northeast corner of 103d st, a D-sty apartment house, plot 3-4x100. The buyer has resold. AMSTERDA.M AV.—William B, Kaufman sold 1G32 Amsterdam av, a 5-sty double flat with stores on lot 25x100, opposite tbe City College. AUDUBON AV.—The Miami Realty Company sold the two new elevator apartment houses occupying the block front on the ea%t side of Auduhon av, between lT2d and lT3d sts, on plot 195x95. The buyer, the Winoma Realty Co., gives in part payment the block frout on the north side of ISlst st, between Northern av and River¬ side Drive, with the exception of tbe Riverside Drive and 181st st corner, 100x100. This plol contains about 30 lots witb frontages of 459 feet on ISlst st, 150 feet on Northern av and TS.3 feet on the drive, and commands a fine view o£ tbe Hudson River. Tbe dweli¬ ing thereon was formerly tbe residence of Albert, of the firm of Bucbman &, Fox. This is the largest single plot recently sold in the Fort Washington section. YVashiugton Heights Corner Exchanged. BROADWAY.—S. Osgood Pell & Co. sold for B. Crystal & Son the new G-sty elevator apartment house at the northwest corner of Broadway and 151st st, on a plot 100x150, to C. W. Wells, who gives in part payment 24 East olst st, a 4-sty dwelling on a lot 48xTl. Tbe apartment house is one of the best constructed build¬ ings on Washington Heights and was held by the owners at $450,- 000. The 51st st house is located T5 feet east of Madison av. The building bas a frontage of 25 feet, the balance of the plot beiug used for light and ventilation. It was valued at $225,000. The building is one o£ a group built in 1883 by Henry Villard, which also included the block frout in tbe east side of Madison av, between 50th and 51st sts, directly opposite St. Patrick's Cathedral. Mc¬ Kim, Mead & White were the architects. The buiiding at tbe northeast corner of ^th st is tbe residence of Mr. Whitelaw Reid, United States Arabassador_ to the Court ot St. James. The Fahne- slock houses occupy the olst st corner. There is a court in the middle of the block, which is jointly owned by abutting owners. In the easterly side of this court are the residences ot Messrs. Artemus H. Holmes and Edward D. Adams. BROADWAY,-—Barton Chapin has sold for the Sandford estate and Jos. W. Sandford the block front on the easterly side ot Broadway, extending from TSth to T9th st, being 204 ft, on Broadway and 103 ft. on both TSth and T9lb st. This block has been held by the Sand¬ ford family for To years. The buyers, a syndicate of New York business men. wiil erect a 12-sty housekeeping apartment of the highest class covering tbe entire Broadway front. The same broker has arranged a building and permanent loan of $1,200,000, This plot has been held at $T00.000 by the Sandford heirs, and slightly less than this amount was ohtained. This syndicate wiil hold the property as an investment. Building operations will begin in the Spring. BUENA VISTA AV.-A. Moses, Sons Co, have sold to George A. Adams tbe piot 103.5xlTT.ll, on the west side of Buena Vista av, 1T8.2 feet north ot ITTth st. LENOX AV.—The Thomas L. Reynolds Co. has-sold for Christian J. Moeller the southeast corner of Lenox av and 143d st, a lot 24.11x85, to the Corn Exchange Realty Co. It is said tbat a mov¬ ing picture building wiil be erected on the site. MADISON AV.—Frost, Palmer Sc Co, bave sold for the Raymore Realty Co, to an investor 14T5 Madison av, 5-sty tenement, 25x90, between lOlst and 102d sts. RIVERSIDE DRIVE.—Sarauel McMillan sold to Paterno Brothers, builders, the plot of four lots at tbe southeast corner of Riverside Drive and llGth st, ST. NICHOLAS AV.—Porter & Co. have sold for Stephen McDer¬ mott the 5-sty fiat, 416 St, Nicholas av, on plot 32x125. 5TH AV.—William Hall's Sons have sold 1014 5th av. The prop¬ erty sold has been held at $2T5,000, and is a most modern 6-sty fireproof American basement dwelling, with splendid restrictions and easements for light and air, on a lot 25.0x100 feet, between 82d and 83d sts. As arranged, the restrictions and easements give the lots on which both houses arc erected a depth of practically 110 feet. J. F.' A. Clarke is the buyer- 7TH AV.—Porter & Co. bave sold for John M. Wyatt to John J. McGrath 2245 Tth av, northeast corner of 132d st, a 5-sty flat with store, on lot 24.11xT5. BRONX. COSTER ST.—The Mulhail Realty Co. has sold to Mrs- Leona A. Terwilliger, T14 Coster st, a one-family brick dwelliug, on lot 18,6x 100, hetween Lafayette and Spofford avs. in the Hunts Point Estates property. Tbe house is a third of a row of eight sold within he past month. It is in the section where the American Bank Note Company is building its plant. GIFFORD ST.—Edward Polak sold for Jobn Lysland lot 62 of the Waring estate on Clifford st, 1T5 ft. west of Swinton av. 144TH ST.—P, J. Brennarf sold to Joseph Poldow 212 East 144th st, a 2-sty brick dwelling and a 1-sty frame stable, 155th st,—Ernst & Cahn and J. J. Pittman have sold for Philip W^ottenberg _the 4-sty and basement triple flat known as 274 East 155th St. 2TxSG, to Minnie Minogue; who gives in part payment 4467 Park av, a 2-sty and basement dwelling, ISxSO. Trade for Brooldyn Offlce Building. 179TH ST.—Mandelbaum & Lewine have sold to the Lotus ReaUy Go. 39 lots, including the block front in the south side ot lT9th st, between Monterey and 3d av, 215x100x104: 8 lots, 200x100, ad¬ joining in Monterey av, and 16 iots comprising the block front in the east side of Monterey av. between ITSth and ITOth sts; also the block front, consisting of S lots, on the north side of 179th st, between Monterey and Lafontaine av. They take in exchange the Phoenix Insurance Company Building at 12 to 24 Court st, Brooklyn, It is a T-sty office building occupying most of the block front on tbe wast side of the street between Montague and Rem¬ sen sts. 180th st,—j. Doris has purchased the 3-family detached frame dwelling, 538 East ISOth st. 234th ST.—Max Germansky sold to Anna Lavelle 633 East 234th st, a 2-family house.