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GEORGE DOAN RUSSELL __________fRIBUKE BPtLDIKG, IM NASSAU ST., N. T. LAWYER 8PKCIAI.TT: Bmlding Bnsmess. Mecliaiilcs' Lions, Etc, 7 Tesrs' PractlCBl Bmlding Experience.__________13 "years Lawyet-. 82-Beck st, s e cor Intervale av, 137x115s irreg. Hirshhorn, Schomberger Se Krieger 'agt Winnie Realty Se Construction Co and A Rosenbaum Iron Works .............600.00 Feb. 15. S3—Bassett av, w s, 246 s McDonald st, 24x 100, Henry Kohlmannagt Bendikle S Gun¬ derson ...............................80,00 84—Same property. Christ oplier Fabel agt Bendikte S Gunderson Sc Peter J Gunderson. ..................................51.84 S5—29th st, n s, 200 e 2d av. 40x100, J P Duffy Co agl East 29th St Co..........183,70 86—Bassett av, w s, — s McDonald st, 25x 100, Alexander Obright agt Benedikte S Gunderson .........................70,00 87—Sth av. No 2455, Oscar Lustig agt Jacob Hack, Jr............................62,50 88—Bassett av, w s. 246,2 s MacDonald st, 25 xlOO, S Bonanno & Sons agt Bendikte S Gunderson ..........................105.00 89—Gleason av, n w cor 173d st, 25x100. Wm C Bath agt Capodilujso Construclion Co,75.00 90—Suffolk st. No 21. Isaac Ballin agt Jacob Cohen Sc tieo H Tavlor.................28.25 91^7tb st. No 250 West. Gordon Se Stein Contracting Co agt Abraham Korn... .1.030,00 92—Webb av, e s. whole front tietween Devoe Terrace and ISStb st. 2S5x irreg. Gustavus M Rodeo agl Richard M Monlgomery & Co, E L Sbea Construction Co and L C Rose. ...................................168.20 93—Oth av. No 467. Salkin Sc Slipian agt Mandelbaum Se Lewine and Universal Hotel Co...............................2,500.00 Feb. 16. 94—Westcbester Square, s s, wboie front be¬ tween Walker & Westcbester avs, 150xl06x 106. Chas H Ryan agt L E Fields and James Lista -.,-_........................78.50 95—35th sl. No 20^ East, Dominick Guarino agl A Goldenblum ....................450.00 96—Honevwell av, □ w cor 178tb sl. 150s 132. Hirschhorn. Schoenberger Se Krieger agt A A Brandt and A Rosenbaum Iron Works ...............................475,00 97—Boston road, n w cor 168th st. 137,tl39,3, Hyman Rosen agt C M Silverman & Son, Inc and A Rosenbaum Iron Works.......72.00 98—36tli st. No 444 West. Madison Building Co agt Arcade Stable Co...............725.91 99—2d av, 1st av, 96tb Se 97th sts. entire block. Rock Plaster Mfg Co agt Second Av R R Co. Geo W Lynch, rec'r, Cbas H Peck¬ worth and Dunseath Sc Weller..........198,60 Feb. 17. I00-^2d st. No 2 East. Madison Building Co agt Trustees of Emalie M A, Agusle R W & Marie B Pottier, O'KeSee Sc Cunnineham, lessees and Jordan Construction Co... .1,058,71 101-Satisfied, 102—185tb st, No 561 West. James H Stoothoff agt Mary A Fawcett ..................68.75 103—Houston st. No 121 W. Minerva Arono¬ witz agt Raffaelle Tasse ..............85.00 104—113tb st, s s, 325 e Broadway, 75x100. Voska Foelsch & Sidlo aglr-Keystooe Invest¬ ing Co...........................1.000.00 10.5-Broadway, s e cor 160tb st, lOOslOO. Same agt Pine Investing Co...........405.45 lOG—Hester st. No 72, Jacob Kuslanschik et al agt Frank Peterman Se Louis Kovner.736.00 107—110th st, n s, 200 e Amsterdam av, lOOx 70. Charles Dempsey agt Cal^iedral ol St Jobn tbe Devine, Paladino & McCahill and F T Nesbit Co.......................1.172,00 108—5th av. No 509, German Grob & Son agt Christian H Lang & Gottlieb Siebold, ,285,00 Feb. 18. 309-Greenwich st, Nos 537 to 54.5. N Y Cornice & Skyligbt Works agt F T Nesbit Sc Co................................610,00 110—J64tli st, s s. 36 w Cauldwell av, 58x100, F N Du Bois Se Co agt Dr Carl Wurm, Thomas J Reilly Co and Frank A Ten Brook ..................................1.588,06 111—Union av. No S27. Abendroth Bros agt Gold Hill Realty Co....................366,50 112—Barnes av, e s. 165 n Briggs av. 60x95x irreg. Andrew S Wright agt Germansky Construction Co......................145.00 ILS—Ryer av. No 2040, Gabriel Del Gaudio agt Michael Nolaa and Fox Sc Loren?., ,342.39 114^7th st. No 250 West, John F Cronin agt'Abraham Korn and Gordon & Stein.143.13 n5_28th St. No 112 West, Steckler & Feder agt Bernard Kiesland Sc Jacob Paletz. .33,00 116 Mount Hope pl, s s. 110,11 e Jerome av, 25x50; Edward EBuhler Co agt Rebbock Construclion Co; Otto Von Schoen &. Jacob Zens .........................140.25 117—42d St. No 2 East. Milchell Bros agt Emalie M. Auguste R W & Marie B Pottier. trustee, O'Keeffe & Cunningham, lessees and Jordan Construction Co................107,00 lis—58th st. No 101 West, Wm S Horton agt Robert Connor & J B English.......24,53 110—28th st, Nos 146 Sc 148 West, Herman Slate Co agt Robert Smith. Whitney R Ly¬ man Se Joseph Reuth. trustees..........180,00 120-Broadway, 240tb st, Spuyten Duyvil rd, and 242d st, entire plot, Harry H Tiliey agt Interborough Rapid Transit Co Sc Wm T Bernhart .........................3,157.50 121-:st av, 2d av. OSth st and 97th st, entire block, Atlantic Iron & Steel Co agt Second Avenue R R Co, Geo W Lyocb, recvr, Cbas H Peckworth and Dunseaib & Weller„. .223,85 BUILDING! LOAN OONTRAOTS. Feb, 11. 130th st, s s, 250 w Amsterdam av, 100x99.11, Title Ins Co of N Y loans William M Moore Co to erect a — sly building: — payments. ..................................$100,000 Feb 14, ITOth St. s s. So Boulevard to Trafalgar pl, 126.2x53.10x irreg. Cily Mortgage Co loans Lavelle Real Estate Co to erect a 6-sty apartment; 11 payments ..............42.-500 St Nicholas av. s w cor 17itb st, 00.11x100. City Real Estate Co loans Fluri Construclion Co to erect a 6-sty apartment; 13 payments ...................................160.000 32d st, n s, 120 w Madison av, oOxOS.O. Grace W Coughlin loans Alliance Construction Co to erect a 12-sty loft building; — payments. ....................................30,000 Home st, n s, 66.7 w Prospect av, 40,11x85.11 X irreg. City Morlgage Co loans Thomas H Tully Construction Co lo erect a 4-sty apart¬ ment; 11 payments ..................22,000 Feb. 15, Xo Building Loans filed this day. Feb. 16. Hull av, e s, 125 n 209t? st, 25x100. Egbert Winkler Jr loans Josepli C Luke to erect a 2-family dwelling; 3 payments..........5,000 Hull av, e s. 150 n 209th st, 25x100. East German Conference of tlie Methodist Epis¬ copal Church loans Josepb C Luke to erect a 2-family dwelling; 3 payments........5,000 St Nicholas pl, e s, 174,1 s 153d st, 75x100. Chelsea Really Co loans Mica Conslruction Co to erect a —sty building; 11 payments. .................................80.33.3..33 179tb st, s s, 125 e Fort Washington av, 92.6 xl.50. City Mortgage Co loans Hargood Realty & Construction Co to erect three 5- sty apartments; 13 payments.........129.000 Feb: 17, Norfolk St. e s. 225.11 s Rivington st. 75.3x 100.4. Delia G Levy loans Max J Kramer Co to erect a ^ sly building; — payments, ................................10,000 2.39th st, s s, 175 e Katonah av, 150x100. Manhattan Mortgage Co loans Fairmount Really Co to erect six 2-sty dwellings; 7 payments .........................18,000 l.SOtb st, n s, 70,2 e Mobegan av, 75x118.3. Enoch C Bell loans HoSman-Deyerberg Con¬ struction Co to erect a — sty building; 11 payments ...........................33,-500 Claremont av, w s, 225 s llOth st, 113,4x—. Slate Realty & Mortgage Co loans B Crystal Se Son to erect two 11-sty apartments: 14 payments............................174,000 SATISPIEn MECHAKICS' LIENS- Feb. 11. '16th st. No 608 East. American Protective Roofing Co agt Rafel Hermle et al. (May 12. 1909) ...........................?.37.50 '178th st. No 605 West. Cammak & Seitz aet Alcazar Really Co et al. (Dec 14. 19091,1.5.00 Sth sf, No 418 East. Eichenbaum Bros agf Jobn Saalfrark et al. (Jan 8, 1910).. ,179.25 ADVANCE REPORTS. (Continued from Page 388.) Banks. NAUGATUCK, CONN. — Architects Crow, Lewis & Wicjcendorfer, IGO 5th av, N. T. C, are preparing plans for tht- new bank to he erected by the Nauga¬ tuck Savings Institution. It is planned to erect a building, 35x60 ft., to he used entirely for banking quarters. - NEW HAVEN, CONN.—W. F. Domi¬ nick, 3 West 29th st, N. T. C, has been selected to prepare plans for the new bank for the New Haven and Union Tru.st Companies. The building will probably be of marhle. Hoggson Eros, of New York are the contracting designers and will erect the building. Chnrches. HOLYOKE, MASS.—Rev. John C, Ivers of the Holy Cross parish has stated that a new church will be erected in the near future by the Holy Cross parish in Dwight st, in the Highlands. MONTCLAIR, N, J.—Members of Chris¬ tian Union Congregational Church of Up¬ per Montclair have decided to add a new building and make alterations to the pres¬ ent church, at a cost estimated at $30,000. The construction will be of gray sand¬ stone in conformity with the church and parsonage. Address Board of Trustees. BRIDGTPORT, CONN.—Arch. William Schmidt of Bridgeport is preparing plans for a church to be erected al Walnut Beach for the Catholic parish of which Rev. P. H, McLean is pastor. The build¬ ing will be 4oxS2 ft., frame, seating ca¬ pacity 500, with a tower 12x10 ft. The exterior will be shingled. The plans will be ready to figure in two weeks, BURLINGTON, N. J.—The First Bap¬ tist Congregation is discussing plans pre¬ paratory to the erection of a new edi¬ fice. It is proposed that an entire new edifice, with all modern conveniences, will be erected on the present site. The fol¬ lowing offlcers were elected: John Oliver, treasurer; Charles H. Duncan, clerk; George Whomsley, assistant clerk; E. D. Robinson, financial secretarj-. DwelUngfl. WEEHAWKEN, N, J.—Erom plans by Architect Fred'k Hensel of West Hoboken two two-family houses will shortly be erected on the easterly side of Gregor,\ av near Highpoint av, Weehawken. by Pasquale Leport ol 520 Central av, West Hoboken. TYRINGHAM, R. I.—Albro & Lindc- berg. 4S1 5th av, N. Y. C, have com¬ pleted plans for a 2-sty frame and stucco residenc-3 130x30 ft, to be erected by Mrs, Eayner Clarkson, of 2G West 50th st, N. Y. C, at a cost of about if30,O0O. Figures have been received. lOoTH ST, N. T. C—Architect Chas. Lupprian, ISO Main st, New Rochelle, N, Y,, have taken bids on separate con¬ tracts for a frame and stucco residence 2iA-stys, 45x38 ft. including a garage, for Francis Keil, of 41 East 103d st. to be erected at 195th st, and the Concourse, costing about $25,000. BROOKLYN.—"Wm Debus, 916. Broad¬ way, Brooklyn is preparing plans for a brick and limestone residence, 3-sty, SOx 62_ ft, with an extension, 30x22 ft. for Louis Beers (builder), 916 Broadw-ay, Brooklyn, to ze erected at 4he southeast corner of Bainbridge st and Stuyvesant av, to cost about .?35,000. The owner will take all bids at once. BERGEN COUNTY, N. J.—The belief that a bridge is soon to be built over the Hudson River at ISlst st is creating interest in real estate circles in Bergen County. The latest deal was consum¬ mated in Lodi this week by the Bergen Realty Co, of Hackensack, thirty-one acres being sold to the Palssaic and Ber¬ gen County Homes Co. for $30,000. The purchasers plan to erect a large number of residences on this tract at once. Factories and Warehouses. BROOKLYN,—Maximilian Zipkes, 103 Park av, N, Y, C, is taking figures on the S-sty brick, concrete and steel shoe, fac¬ tory, 90x200 ft. for Julius Grossman, of 1S05 1st av, N. Y. C. to be erected on DeKalb av. from Grand av to Steuben st. NEW BRITAIN, CONN.—Architect W. H. Cadwell is preparing plans for a fac¬ tory which he contemplates building in the rear of 171 Main st. It will be 3-sty, 98x47 ft., and estimates will be received for botli brick mill construction and con¬ crete monolith, NEWARK, N. J,—The Progressive In¬ vesting Co,, of Newark, will start imme¬ diately the erection of a $-50,000 plant nn a two-acre plot on Hamburg Road below the Central Railroad tracks, for the American Patent Leather Co. Main building will be 100x200 ft., 3-slys, fire¬ proof. BUFFALO. N. Y.—Preparations are be¬ ing made for the huilding of seven large factories by William F. McGlashen, presi¬ dent of the Beaver Manufacturing Co. Everything is in readiness for the laying of the foundations and work is about to be started. Of the seven structures the main factory will be of brick con¬ struction. 100x280 ft. A large amount of machinery will be necessary. MiuUcipal Work. BROOKLYN.—Bids will be received by the Park Board, Thursday, March 3, for furnishing, delivering and setting up 18 flag poles in the parks of the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution