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April i6, 1910 RECORD AND GUIDE S27 as the "Villard houses." The other owners of the group are Hon. Whitelaw Reid, of the iarge house at the SUth st corner, aud Arte- mas H. Holmes, Edward D. Adams, owners of the other two houses occupying the Madison av front. o2D ST,—Pease & Elliman resold G3 East 52d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on a iot 13,1(Jx10LI.o, to Percy Jackson, Bauks Buy and Sell Broadway Corner. BROADWAY.—Wm. C, Walker's Sons sold for the Emigi'ant In¬ dustrial Savings Bank to the East River Savings Institution tbe northwest corner of Broadway and Keade st, consisting of old 5 and 7-sty buildings, on a plot 66,3x124.1. The price is said to have been close to $l,U09,U0l>. No. 291 was sold in IS'JG for .'^402,UUU, The plot just sold was purchased by the Emigraut Bank in 1903 for $700,000. It contains U,218 sq. ft. The square foot price in 1!)03 was $112,57; if sold for $1,000,000, it would be $1110.82, which is, as far as ia known, a high flgure for that section of Broadway, The East River Savings Bank was formerly in its own building ou Chambers st, near Park row, which was purchased last year by the city, as it was needed for the new municipal huilding, foundations of which are now being prepared. Definite plans for the improve¬ ment of the purchase bave not been formulated by the hauk, but it was stated by one of its officers that it was the intention to erect a tall building, probably IS stories high, similar to the Barclay Buiidiug, which taiies up the remainder of the Broadway block front to Reade st. The street floor and basement will be de¬ signed for the occupancy of tbe bank. MADISON AV,—The Associate Owners, who control a large plot surrounding the northeast corner of Madison av and 31st st, added to their holdings at that point by the purchase of two parcels through Pease & Elliman, From AJbert Tuttle, trustee of the Lang¬ don estate, the company bought 131 Madisou av, a 4-sly dwelling, on lot 24,SxT8, and from Mrs, Frances Schroeder 27 East 31st st. a 4-sty dwelliug, on lot 15x98.9. _With these purchases the company now controls a plot fronting 7o ft, on Madison av and 52 ft. on 3Ist st, W'hich will immediately be improved with a 12-sty store aud loft building from plans by J, B. Snook & Sons. MADISON AV.—Wm. J, Roome & Co. sold for Mrs. Augusta Buh- ring 72 Madison av, and for Sophie Brandt and Sophie Hatkin 74 Madison av, on a lot 50,x9S. This property adjoins the southwest corner of 2Sth st and Madison av, on which is now being erected a 12-sty store and loft building, which has beeu leased for 21_ years to a large wholesale millinery concern. The purchaser of i2 and 74 Madisou av, Seymour Schampain, proposes to have plans pre¬ pared immediately for a 12-sty loft building, PARK AV,—Frederick Winant sold for the Strauss Building Sc Reaity Co. the 4-sty flat at 580 Park av, on the northwest corner of Park av and U3d st, on a plot 20,5x7o, PARK AV.—Pease & Elliman sold for Mrs, Mariou H. Story 25 Park av, a 6-sty Americau basement dwelling, on lot 24.8x80. The house was formerly the residence of Colgate Hoyt, Edward P, Whit¬ ney, of J. P, Morgan Sc Co,, owns the property adjoining ou the north, as well as 103 East 35th st, abutting the property just sold. J. Hampton Robb's residence is on the corner. 1ST AV.—Patrick Kiernan sold the northwest cor of 24th st and 1st av, two S-sty brick tenements, on a lot 24.9x100. 4TH AV,—Jacob Neadle, who recently acquired the property 420 and 422 4lh av, aud 49 and 51 Bast 2yth st, forming an "h" around the northwest corner of these thoroughfares, is reported to have bought the corner parcel, a 4-sty building, on lot 23x40, This would give him control of a plot fronting 107.6 ft. on 4th av and 80 ft. on 29th St. GTH AV.—E. W. Chapman is reported to have sold 43G Oth av, a 4-sty buiidiug, on lot 24,8x100, adjoining the northeast corner of 26th st, IOTH AV.—Lowenfeld & Prager are repojted to have resold the northwest corner of lUth av aud 44th st, a o-sty loft building, aud a 2-sty stable, on lot 75.3x100. The property was secured at auction recently by the sellers for $00,100. NORTH OP SOTH STREET. 64th ST.—The Douglas Robinson, Chas, S. Brown Co, sold for the estate of David Einhorn 17ii East 04th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 20.10x100.5, OOTH ST.—Morris Klinkowstein sold 356 East 69th st, a 2-sty dweiiing, on lot lG,Sx77.4, to a Mrs. Fries. 7STH ST,—Pease & Elliman sold for Henry F._Deane to Louis Watjen 62 East 7Sth st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot lixl02,2, 79th st,—Edgar A^ Levy bought through A. & C. Levis from .\unie L, Fitzgibbon loO West 79th st, a 3-sty and basement dwell¬ ing, ou lot 16,8x102,2. Some time ago Mr. Levy bought through the same brokers 152 to 158, adjoining, and now controls a piot S4x 102.2, The site wiil be improved with a 12-sty apartment house. The plot at 147 to 153, on the opposite side of the st, was recently sold to a builder for a similar improvement. SOTH ST,—The Schwartz estate has sold 171 East SOth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 16.8x100. . S2D ST.—Mrs, Thos. F. Gaynor sold 159 Bast 82d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 39.2x82, to a Mr. Abraham. S2D ST,—Israel J. Brown soid 1G3 Bast 82d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 19,2.x82. S2D ST.—The Frank L, Fisher Co. sold for O. M. Russell the 4-sty and hasement dwelling 33 West 82d st, on lot 20x102.2, The house is under lease, and was bought for investment. S2D ST.—Pease & Elliman sold 313 West 82d st, a 4-sty dwelliug, on a lot 20.'«:G0x 102.2, for the Stronghold Realty Company, 91ST ST.-McKee, Hayward & Co, sold for Emiline J. Darrow 308 West Olst st, a 3-sty dwelling, ou lot 17x100,8, to a client for oc¬ cupancy. 97th st,—Margaretta A. Bernard has sold 300 West 97th st. a 4-sty dwelling, ou lot 33x25.2. J03D ST,—S, Osgood Pell & Co, sold for Mrs, John V. Goodwin 315 West 103d st, near Riverside Drive, a 3-sty and basement dwell¬ ing, on lot 20x100,11, to Mrs. E, Raub, 104TH ST,—The Union Theological Seminary added to its hold¬ ings on East lOIth st. by acquiring 231 and 233, adjoining its present quarters. The property, which was bought by Edmund Coffin, acting for the seminary, from Mandelbaum Sc Lewine. con¬ sists of two 3-sty dwellings, on plot 37.G2xl00.ll, between 2d and 3d avs, 122D ST,—Porter Se Co. have sold for the Geo. W. Ruddell Co, to a client for occupancy the 3-sty dwelling 112 West 122d st, on lot 18x100.11. BRYAN L KENNELLY, Auct'r will sell at AUCTION Wednesday, May 4J910 At the Exchange Salesroom, 14-16 Vesey Sl. Absolute Trustees' Sale 389 Bronx Subway Lots By Order of the Trustees THE NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY SITUATED ON THE LINE OF BROADWAY-LEXINGTON AVE. SUBWAY Adjoining Van Nest Station of N. Y., N. H. & H. R.R. Near New Westchester and Boston Railroad 70^ May Remain on Mortgage, 1,2 or 3 Years, at 5^^ TITLES INSURED FREE JOSEPH T. RYAN, Attorney, 149 Broadway SAME DAY By order of the Trustees of THE NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY I li^ Acres of Land on WESTCHESTER and SEEBERRY CREEKS Adjoining Gebrie Park, Town of Unionport (Bronx) SEND FOE EOOKMAP TO ATTORNEY'S OR TO AUCTIONEER'S OFFICES, 156 BROADWAV 110th ST.-N. a. Berwin Sc Co. sold for the West Side Construc¬ tion Co., J. Axelrod, president, to au investor, the O-sty elevator apartment house, on piot lOSxlOO, situated at the southeast corner ol 140th st and Hamilton pl, known as the Talledega. This prop¬ erty is opposile the present site of Montefiore Home, which is to be improved with a 12-sty flreproof building, _1413T ST,—Moore Sc Rowe Co. sold for Jane and Hannah Purcell Goti West 141st st, a frame building, ou plot 'o0xt:i9,ll, to a client for occupancy. lti2D ST.—Du Bois & Taylor sold for Geo. D, Bangs to a Mr, Tay¬ lor the 3-sty and basement dwelling 431 West ll.)2d st, on lot 18,0 xll2.ti, being opposite the Jumel Mansion Pari;. Mr. Taylor will oci;upy the house. 1IJ3D ST.—Frank L, Fisher Co, sold for Julius Seymour the 5-sty triple fiat house 4Go West 163d st, on a lot 2Sxll2, 181ST ST,—William Hobson purchased "through M. Webb, Jr,, from David L. Phillips, the vacant plot on the south side of 181st st, 22.5 It. west of St, IS'icholas av, and .is having plans drawn for a 12-sty flreproof storage warehouse to be erected thereon, 211TH ST,—Meyer Hellman bought from the Bradley estate and J, E. & L. A, Henry the plot 50x8li on the south side of 211th sc, 275 ft, east of Columbus av, BRO.'VDWAY,-W, S. Baker and John H. Davidson sold for the Really Transfer Co. to Dr, Arthur Bookman Washinglon court, a O-sty elevator apartment house on plot 100x100, at the southeast corner of Broadway and 144th st. The Bookman estate now owns all the property on the east side of Broadway, between l-l:2d and 144th sts. COLUMBUS AV,—Franic L, Fisher Company sold for Addison Browu the o-sty bachelor apartment house known as the Brandon. -130 Columbus av. EDGECOMBE AV.—Charles I. Fleclt & Co. sold for John Volz to a construction conipany for improvement the triangle iyO.4 ft. on Edgecombe av hy 188,0 ft, on Bradhurst av, by 72,3 ft, rear line and 20,2 ft, on I42d st. FORT WASHINGTON AV,—The Sykes Realty Corpu. (Chas, S, Sykes, president) has sold the plot of 10 lots comprising the block front on the west side oE Fort Washington av, bet 177th and 178th sts. The property has frontages of 2.>5.2 ft. ou Fort Washington av and 100 ft, on each. st. and was bought by the selling company at the auction sale of the Fort Washington Syndicate's holdinRs last June for .$128,000. Tbe Hargood Realty Se Construction Co, are the buyers. They will erect apartment houses. LE.MOX AV,—George Ranger sold for Mrs. Estelle Scholle 244 Leuox av, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 22x100, to Dr. Herbert D, Burn¬ ham, who owns 242 adjoining. Activity ou Park Av. PARK AV.—Pease Se Elliman sold for Mrs. Tew Nichols GOl-COG Park av, two 4-sty high-stoop bouses, each 13.0x70, to a client for investment. These properties are midway in the block between G4th and G5th sts, and will be beneflted very much in tbe near future by the erection of a handsome private house on the adjoining corner of 04th st for Jonathan Bulkley, where an old flat and stores now stand.