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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 85, no. 2206: June 25, 1910

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1378 Oonvejanc« RECORD AND GUIDE M«»h»tt«i June 25,1910 Varick st No 101. w s, 63.6 u Watts st, runs w SO x n 28 x w along alley 2 x n 14 x e 15 x s 21 x e 67 to st x s 21 to begin¬ ning, with rights to alley, 3-sty brk tenement and 2-sty brk Varfck^st" N^o^''i03, w s, 84.6 n Watts st, 21x67, 3-sty brk tene- Robe'rt A Beatty to Jacob Kottek, Mort $15,000 June 18. June 21, 1910. 2:578-24 and 25. A $17,500-$ 18,500. other consid and 100 Varick st. No 101. Release easements as to alley. Saml Bryant_^ to Robert A Beatty. June IS. June 22, 1910, 2:0(8, 2oO Washington st. Ncs 501 and 503, e s, 80.2 n Spring st. 41xibx40.9x 78 6. two 4-sty brk loft and store buildings. Release dower. Emma K wife Clarence E' Smith to Emma K Smith, May 26, June 17, 1910, 2:596-52 and 53. A $18.000-.$22.000. nom Water st. No 140. n s. 82.30 e Pine st, runs n w 59,( x n w 22 x s 60 lo st X s w 22 to beginning. 4-sty brk loft and store building. Eugene Boucher husband and HEIR of Bertha N Boucher, deed, to Gerlrude, Henry N and Jobn N Boucher, of Brooklyn, children of Bertha N Boucher. Q C. Apr 12. June 17, 1910. 1:39—32, A $14 200__$18,000, nom Washington Square West, No 3Slw s, 27.6 n 4th st, 27.6x91.10, 4- Macdougal st 1 sty and basement stone front dwellinK Caterina Gonfarone to Anacleto Sermolino. y part, Mort $35,000. June 23, 1910. 2:552-27. A $29,000-$37,000. nom Wooster st. Nos 175 and 177, n w s, 178 u Houstoii st, 50x100, with all title to strip on Wooster st, w s, adj above on north, 0 4x100. 7-stv brk loft and store building, Wm A Butler, Jr. EXR and TRUSTEE Frederic K Agate to Frederic J Agate, June 17. June 23. 1910. 2:524—21. A $47,000—$90,000. nom 1st st E No IS, n s, 119.6 w 2d av. 16,3x75, 3-sty brk tenement and store, Heinrich Genta by Title Guarantee Sc Trust Co, GUAR- DIA.N to Geo F Johnson. Jr. All title. B&S. All liens. June 14," June 17, 1910 2:457-^1, A $8,000—$11,000 1.S49.8S Same propertv. Richard Spreemann by Mary Spreemann, GUAR¬ DIAN to same. AU title. B ft S. All liens. June 14, June 17. 1910. 2:457. 5,841,75 Sth st E, No 628, s w s, abt 370 e Av B, 24.9x96, 6-sty brk tene¬ ment and stores. Jacob Goldberg to Jennie Bollt. Morts $3o,- 000, June 16. June 17, 1910. 2:387-24. A $17,000-$37,000 other censid and luO 6th st E, No 415. Agreement as to erection of synagogue to cost not less than $7,000, etc. Congregation Adas Le Israel Anshei Meseritch with Oscar Dobroczynski, June 21, June 22. 1910. 2:434. no=Q 6th st E. No 415. n s, 178.7 e 1st av. 21.10x90.10, 2-sty brk dwell¬ ing Oscar Dobrcczvnski to Congregation Adas Le Israel .\nshei Meseritch. Mort SlO.OOO June 7. June 22, 1910. 2:434—50. A $15.000—$17,000. other consid and 100 Sth st E, No 326. s s. 412.3 e Av B, 21.9x97.6, 5-sty brk tene¬ ment and stores. Gisella Hochman to Morris Kronovet and Lena Stoloff. All liens. June 20. 1910. 2:390-21. A $14,- 500—$21,000. other consid and 100 Sth st W. No 43, n s, 600.5 w Sth av. 23x93.11. 4-sty brk tenement and store. Anacleto Sermolino to Caterina Gonfarone. y part. June 23. 1910. 2:572—65, A $19,500--$21,500, nom 9th st W, Nos 19 and 21. n s. 308.10 w 5th av. 35-8x92.3, 4-sty stone front hotel. Caterina GoTifarone to .Anacleto Sermolino. y part. Mort S2S.00O. June 23. 1910. 2;573—54 and 55. A .$30.000--$35,500. nom Oth st B, No 218, s s. 329 w 2d av. 21x75, 4-sty brk tenement and store. Jepnie M Beattie to Tbe Sun Construction Co. Morts $19,000. June 20. June 21, 1910. 2:464—19. A $11,000— $17 0(X) other consid and 100 Oth st E, Nos 217 to 223 I n s. 2-50 w^ 2d av. runs n 39,9 and 40.1 Stuyvesant st, Nos 28 to 321 to s s Stuyvesant st x s w 9S x s 24 on map Nos 26 to 32 j to Oth st x e 90.5 to beginning. 3 and 5-stv brk loft and store building, James L Plimpton by Wm P Fowler, of Boston. Mass. his COMMITTEE to Millie Segal. All title. Mort $75,000. June 20. June 21, 1910. 2:465—37 and 38. A $55,000—?79.000, 107.250 Same propertv. Millie Segal to Hebrew Technical Institute, a corpn. Mort $75,000. June 21. 1910. 2:465. other consid and 100 gth st E, Nos 217 to 223 Ibegins Oth st. n s, 250 w 2d av, runs Stuyvesant st. Nos 26 to 32| w 90.5 x h 24 to s s Stuyvesant st, X e 98 X s 40 s s w .39-9, 2 and 5-sty brk Ioft and store build¬ ing. Release mort. Thomas Snell to James L Plimpton, of Boston, Mass. June 21. June 22, 1910. 2:465—37 and 38- A $55,O0O-$79,00O. 22,755.42 Same propertv. Release dower. Harriet A wife James L Plimp¬ ton to Millie Segal. May 2. June 22, 1910. 2:465. nom 9th Et E, Nos 812 to 816, on map Nos 814 and 816. s s, 161.6 e Av D. 81.6x93.11, two 6-stv hrk tenements. Saml Cohen to Hamil¬ ton Holding Co, Mort $------, Apr 19. June 17, 1910. 2:36,5— 14. A $32.000—$96,000. cthpr consid and 100 12th st W. No 155, n s. 283.4 e Tth av. 20.10x103.3. 3-sty and base¬ ment brk dweiline. Geo J Kenny to Marearet Kf>nnv. Mort $19,- 000. Oct 14, 1909. June 15, 1910, 2:608—67. A $14,000— $17,000. nom 13th st E. No 607. n s. 113 e At B. 2iixl03.3. 6-sty brk tenement and stores. Max Heyman to Sigmund Sladkus. Y- part- Morts .$31.,^0fl. June 16. June IT, 1910. 2:396—.56, A $13,000— $33,000. other consid and IOC ISth st E. No 537. n s. 175 w Av B. 25x103.3, 5-sty brk tenement and stores. Gisella Hochman to Morris Krouovet aid Lena Stol¬ off, June 20, 1910. 2:407—42. A $16.000-.?.34.000. other consid and 100 13th st W. No 120. s s, 262.6 w Oth av, 20,10x103.3, 3-sty and basement brk dwelling. Helen W Seamans to Ladies Christian Union of the Citv of N Y. June 23. 1910. 2:608-29. A $14.- 000—$17,500. 24,000 13th st W. No 118. s s, 241,8 w 6th av, 20.10x103.3, 3-sty and basement brk dwelling, Bernard F Martin to Lidipi Christian Union of the City of N Y. June 23. 1910. 2:608—.30. A $14,- OOO-$17,500. 25,000 18th st W, No 233. n s. 425 w 7th av. 25x92. S-sty brk tenement and 4-sty brk tenement in rear. Florence Joel to Francis O'Suliivan, of Bergen Co. N J. All title. B Sc S and C a G. All liens. June 3. June 20, 1910. 3:768—18. A $11.-500—$14,000. nom 18th st W. No 335. n s. abt 420 w Sth av. 25x92. 3-sty aud base¬ ment brk dwelling. Elizabeth S- Rosekrans, HEIR Margt Miller by GUARDIAN to Mary F Cahill. 1-6 part. All title. June 10, June 18. 1910. 3:742—17. A $12,000—$15,000. 2.833,33 Same pn-perty. Essie A Miller et al f- Mary F Cahill. 5-6 parts. All title, June 9, June IS. 1910. 3:742. other consid and 100 18th st W. No 124. s s, 279 w 6th av. 24x92. 7-sty brk loft build¬ ing. Josenb Quinn to Beni G Pa.skus. Oct 19. 1909. June 23 1910. 3:793-53. A $19,000—847,000. other consid and 100 19th st W, Nob 155 and 157, n s. 149.3 e Tth av. 46,2x90, 6-gty brk stable, Geo W McAdam and Maxwell B Nesbitt, EXRS Helen Williams, late ot River Edge, N J, to Ella M Baile and Augusta H Nesbitt, DEVISEES under said will. AH title, June 6. June 17, 1910 3:795—10. A $32.001-$55,000, 60,000 21st st W. No 141, n s, 337 e Tth av. 19x98.9, 3-sty brk dwelling. Franklin Trust Co TRUSTEE Harriet E Sleight to Philip Krauss. All title. June 20, June 21. 1910. S:T97—18. A $17,000— ii;2O,00O. 27.S45 21st st w. No 139. n s, 356 e 7th av, 19x98.9. I 21st st W, No 137. n s, 375 e Tth av. 20x98.9. two 3-sty brk dwellings. | Joseph H Choate to Philip Krauss. All liens. June 16. June 21, 1910. 3:797-19 and 20, A $37,000—$43,000, other consid and 100 21st st W, No 1421 Agreement releasing restrictions as to court 21st st W. No 1181 yard and buildings. &c. Excelsior Savings Bank with Mary C Hencken, Letitia C Darlington and Caroline O'Neill. May 28. June 22. 1910. 3:796, nom 22d st W, No 143, n s, 320.10 s e Tth av. 20.10x98.9, 3-sty brk dwelling. Anna S B wife of and Frank R Chandler et al to Her¬ man and Aaron Younker. B&S, May 2T. June 20, 1910. 3:- 798—20. A $20,000—$22,000. other consid and 100 22d st B No 134, s 3. 105 e Lexington av. runs s 74 x w 45 x s 24-S X e 61.3 x n 98.9 to st, x w 16.3, 4-sty brk stable and 1-sty brk an^ iron greenhouse. Release mort. Margt 0 Sage to Charles Buek, June 15, June 20, 1910. 3;8TT—€4 and part lot 22. A $------ $------. 15.000 Same propertv. Release mort. Same to same. June 15. June 20. 1910. 3: STT. . 15,000 22d st E. No 134, a s, 105 e Lexington av. 16,3x98.9. 4-sty brk stable and part 1-sty brk and iron greenhouse. Charles Buek to Myra R wife of Henry S Harper. June 20, 1910. 3:8TT—64 and part lot 22. A $------ $--------. other consid and 100 22d st W, No 265, n s, 225 e Sth av, 18.9x98,9, vacant, 23d st W, No 252, s s, 225 e Sth av. 25x98,9, vacant. 22d st W, No 261. n s, 262,6 e Sth av, 18,9x98,9, 1-sty brk and frame buiding and vacant. 23d st W, No 250. s s. 2.50 e Sth av, 25x98.9, vaeant. Fanne C Hoadley to Empire State Surety Co. Mort .1:65.000. .Tune 17, June IS, 1910. 3:772—12. 14, 72 and T3. A $95,000— $95,000. nom 26th st W. Nos 209 and 211. n s. 13S.3 w Tth av. 49.3x98-9, two 4-sty brk tenements. Rexton Realty Co to Irving I Kemnner. May 17. June 23, 1910. 3:T76—29 and 30. A $27,000—$31,000. other consid and 100 2Tth st W. No 223, n s, 243.2 w Tth av. 24.6x—x24.6x98.9, 4-styI brk tenement and stores and 2-sty frame building in rear, withi all title to strip or gore as follows: 1 27th st W. n s, 243.2 w Tth av, runs n 98.9 x e 1.10 x s 98.9 to| beginning. 1 John T Lauth et al to Irvel Realty Co. June 14. June 18. 1910. .^;TTT—28. A $13.500—$1 T,00O, other consid and 100 28th st W. Nos 3T and 39, n s. 228.7 e 6th av, 46,4x98.9, two 5- sty stone front buildings and stores. Rexton Realty Co to Irvel Renlty Co. May 17. June 23, 1910. 3:8.30—15 and 16. A $101.000-$126,000. othpr consid and 100 28th st E, Nos 313 and 315, n s, 161.8 e 2d av, 40.10x98.9, 6-sty brk tenement and stores. Morris Abraham et al fo Philin Abra¬ ham. Mort .«53,.5S5. June 20. June 23, 1910, 3:9.34-8. A S17.500—S51,000. other consid and 100 33d st W. No 416. s s. 212.6 w Oth av, 18x98.9. 4-sty brk dwell¬ ing. James W Phvfe, EXR, &:c. James Phyfe to Chas F Mvers. O C to all title under tax sale of No-:- 3. 1866. May 16. June 22, 1910. 'R:730—59. A S4,F;00—S6,O00. 50 34th Et W, Nos 311 to 3211 n s, 175 w Sth av. 125x197.6 to s s 35th 35th st W, Nos 322 to 3321 st. 6-sfv brk Manhattan Opera House. Citv Real Estate Co to Oscar Hammerstein. B&S. Mirts ,«;-50.(V)0 nnd ^1] liens. June 18. June 22, 3910- 3:75.8—28. A S180.000—$400,000. nom Same property. Restrictions for conveyance of property and ngreement that above premises shall not for a period of 5 years fr-m date be used or permitted tn be for grand or comic oneras. &c. Oscar Hammerstein with Metropolitan Onera Comnanv and thp City Real Estate Co. April 26. 1910. June 22. 1910. 3:- T5S. " nom Same property. Release of chattel morts on all machinery, fur¬ nishings, scenerv, chattels, etc. Prank W Woolwrn-fh to Oncsr Hammerstein. 0 C. .Tunc 13. June 22. 1910. 3:7;-S. lon.ino ^-ith stw. Nos 311 to 3''1! n s, 1T5 w Sth av. 125x197.6 to s s 35^h Sr.fh stw. Nos 322 to 3321 st. 6-Etv brk Manhattan Ooera TTonse. Oscar Hammerstein io Citv Real Estate Co. M(>rt= SFIWl.OOO. Aor 26. June 21. 3910, 3:758-28. ■\ S1flO,000_!E4nn fOO. nom 35th st W. No 41. n s. 375 e 6th av. 18.9x98.9. 4-stv brk b"iidins and store, Anna C Gruver to Irvin J Mes^iinscr. Emma S Scboch find Roy S Saeeer. of Baneor. Pa, and F.^ri S Sae^er. of PbHa- dolnbia. Pa. U nart. Mnrt nn whole $29,000. June 21, 1910. 3:,8.37—19. A S,^9.000—.b V Bradv. June '>'' -Tune 23. 1910. 4:1069—19. A S9 000—i^O.OOO, ITIOO 40th st W. Nos 305 to 331. n s. 309-33 w 6th av. 901x98 9, 32-sty brk and stnne loff office and store building. Tiiden Tiv^^tiTi^ Co to Citv Real Estate Co. B&S and C a C Mnrt S500.000 .TuUB 23. .Tune 2,3. 1930- 4:993—25. A S200 000—$------. nom 43d Et W. No 325. n s. 300 w 6th av. 20.10x100.4. Power of at¬ tornev. Marst A Tiemann et al to Louis S Tieraann. Mar 10. .Tune 23. 1910. 4:996 and P A. ------ 44th st W, s s. 225 w 6tb av, a strip 0.3x"309,5x0.3xl00.5. Mar- earet W Leggett widow to John C Montgomery. B&S. Mav 31. June 23, 1930. 4:996. nom Same nronertv, Susan B Martin to same, B&S, June 1. June 23, 3910 4:996. nom Same pronertv. Isabel W White to same. B&S. May 31. June 23. 1930 4:996, nom Same nronertv, Lester Leggett to same, B&S, June 33. June 23. 3910. 4:996. nom Same pronerty, Fredk A Leggett to same. B&S, June 3. June 23, 1910, 4:996. nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. Al! rights are reserved. Notice 1b hereby given that Infringement will lead to proaecution.