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July I, 1911. RECORD AND GUIDE 1255 SGTH ST, No. 173 East. 1-sly brick rear extension, 10.2x13.4, to 2-sty brick dwell¬ ing and slore; cost, $200; owner, Schmidt & Donahue. 29l Lenox av; architect. John H. Friend, 14S Alexander av. Plan No. 1716. i 103D ST, No, 324 West, 1-sty rear court extension. 27x40, laundry tubs, to 12-sty brick apartment house; cost, $500; owner, Brookfleld Const. Co.. 50 Church st; archi¬ tect and builder, J. C. McGuire & Co., 50 Church St. Plan No. 1747. 125TH ST, No. 166 West, elevator shaft to 3-sly brick store; cost, $2,000; owner. Regal Shoe Co., 109 Sumner st, Boston, Mass.; architect, J. Odell Whitenack, 231 West ISth st. Plan No. 1715. 142D ST, No. 537 West. 3i,^-sty brick side extension, 10x59, toilets partitions, to 3-sty brick dwelling; cost, $1.5U0; own¬ er, Wm. Gamble, 537 West 142d st; ai-- chitect, L. F. J. Weiher, 271 West 125th St. Plan No. 1705. 143D ST, No. 2411 West, partitions, iron columns, to 3-sty brick tenement; cost, $S00; owner, Margaret Johnston, 253 East Cist st; architect. L. F. J. Weiher. 271 West 125th St. Plan No. 1743. 151ST ST, No. 59S West, 1-sty brick rear extension, 25x25. partitions, toilets, windows, to 4-sty brick store and tene¬ ment; cost, $5..10tl; owner, Geo, Ehret, 235 East 92d st; architect, Chas. Stegmayer, 108 East Olst St. Plan No. 1705. 1.56TH ST, No. 001 West, fire escapes, walls to G-sty apartment; cost, $450; own¬ er and architect, Fleischmann Bros. Co., 507 5th av. Plan No. 1741. AMSTERDAM AV, No. 7S1, partitions, windows, toilets, to 5-sty brick tenement and store; cost. $1,000; owner, S. Wein- handler. 173 West 9Sth st; architect, Paul W. Gussaw, 23 Duane st. Plan No. 1731. AMSTERDAM AV, Nos. 133-1.35, alter elevator shaft, to 5-aly brick stable; cost, $4,500; owner. Hudson River Garage Co., 84 West End av; architects, Tandy & Foster, 1931 Broadway. Plan No. 1757. BROADWAY, s e cor 23d st, walls, side¬ walk, stoop to 7-sty brick hotel and store; cost, $4,000; owner, Susan W. Grand d'Hauteville. Newport, R. 1.; architect, J. F, Burrowes. 410 West 34th st. Plan No. 17GG. John Downey, 410 West 34th st, has contract. BROADWAY, No. 2532, ii'on stairs, store fronts, partitions, steel g-irders, to 5-sty hi'ick apartment bouse; cost, $3,000; owner, Henry J. Lauge, 243 West 9Sth st; architect, Henry Andersen, 1181 Broad¬ way. Plan No. 17GS. BROADWAY, No. 1841, erect s]gn to 3- sty store and dwelling: cost. $2o0: own¬ er, Peter Vogel, 1841 Broadway. Plan No. 1738. BROADWAY, Nos. 78-82, partitions, iron, staircase, walls, to 9-sty brick office: cost, $7,500; owner. Union Trust . Co., premises; architects, Mayniclie & Franke, 2a Madison Sq. north. Plan No. 1739. Not let. BROADWAY, Nos. 1955-n959. parti¬ tions, iron columns, piers to 5-sly brick store and tenement; cost. $.500; owner, Empire Square Really Co., 1947 Broad¬ way; architect, Eli Benedict, 1947 Broad¬ way. Plan No. ]742. BROADWAY, No. 362. change store front, to 5-sty brick store and loft; cost, $32o; owner, Estate David W. Bishop, 21 Liberty st; architect, J. Odell Whitenack, 231 West ISth st. Plan No. 1714. BROADWAY, s w cor. lG3d st, parti¬ tions, to G-sty brick tenement; cost, $35; owner. H. T, Eullinan Co.. 558 West IbSth st; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 1709. LENOX AV, No. 67, partitions, win¬ dows, to 5-3ty brick store and tenement; cost, $350; owner. Anna M. Giesin, 49 Lenox av; architect, Frank Hausle. 81 East 125th st. Plan No. 1732. 1ST AV, No. 361, toilets, partitions, windows, to 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $.500; owner, Catherine Padian, 323 East 19th st; architect, James J. Delaney, 327 East 30th St. Plan No. 17.35. 1ST AV, No. 1G70, dumb-waiter, doors, hake oven, piers, to 4^sty brick tenement and store; cost, $1,500; owner. John Gla- ser, 1670 1st av; architects. Brook & Ro¬ senberg, ISG Remsen st, Brooklyn. Plan No. 1720. 1ST AV. No. 980. dumb waiter shaft, store fronts, piers, to 5-sty brick store and loft; cost, $15,000; owner. Elias Brew¬ ing Co.. 403 East 54th st; architect. R. Rohl. 128 Bible House. Plan No. 17G9. 2D AV, No. 895, toilets, partitions, to 4-sty brick store and tenement; cost, $2.W: owner, I. Rosenthal, SS7 2d av; architect, L. A, Sheinart, 194 Bowery. Plan No. 1746. 3D AV, 11 e cor 38th st, partitions, win¬ dows, stairs, to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $3,500; owner, Owen McCooey, 579 3d av; architect, J. H. Knubel, 318 West 42d St. Plan No. 1707. 3D AV, No. 1128, partitions, roof, piers, windows, to 4-sty brick store and hall; cost, $1,000; owner, Louise M, Gerry. Newport, R. L; architects. J. B. Snooks Sons, 73 Nassau st. Plan No. 1758. 3D AV, Nos. 5G1-5C3, partitions, fronts, toilets, to two 2-sty brick stores; cost, $3,500; owner, Wendel Estate, 175 Broad¬ way; architect, C, G. Flygare, 144 West 39th St. Plan No. 1706. STH AV, No. GSl, remove fence to 5- sty brick dwelling; cost, $800; owner, Levi P. Morton, 681 Sth av; architects, McKim, Mead & White. 100 5th av. Plan No. 1771. 5th av, No. 040, change curb line, to 4- sty brick dwelling; cost, $1,500; owner. Geo. W. Vanderbilt, Biltmore, N. C; ar¬ chitects, Hunt & Hunt, 28 East 21st st. Plan No. 1751, Sth av, n e cor Slst st, widen drive¬ way lo 3-sty stone club; cost, $2,000; owner. Union Club, premises; architect, Cass Gilbert, 31 East 24th st. plan No.' 1734. STH AV, No. 645, alter vault, steps, partitions, to 5-sty brick dwelling; cost, $12,000; owner, Lila V, Field. 645 5th av; architects, Hunt & Hunt, 28 East 23st st. Plan No, 1776. 5TH AV. No. G47, change steps, vault, to 5-sty brick dwelling; cost. $12,000; owner, Wm. D. Sloane, 2 West 52d st; architect, Hunt & Hunt, 28 East 21st st. Plan No. 1777. 6th av. No. 473. partitions, windows, new plumbing ,tn 5-sty brick store and tenement: cost, $500; owner, James Sla¬ ter. 1123 Broadwav; architect, J. W. Cole 403 West 51st st. Plan No. 17.50. Sth av. No, G7G, partitions, stairs, piers to 4-sty brick dwelling and store; cost, $1,000; owner. Oliver Young. 2828 Ben venue av, Berkeley. Cal.; architect, A. Balschun. 402 East 1.37th st. Plan No. 170S. Bronx. MORRIS PL, Nn. 455, 2-sty frame ex¬ tension, 5.8x8.1. to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $350; owner, Vito GuEirino. on prem¬ ises; architect. David W. King. 427 East J ^Sth St. Plan No. 300. OVERING ST, n w cor Frisbie av, new front and part foundation to 2-stv frame dwelling; cost, $400; owner, Julia M. Cahill, on premises; architect. B, Bbel- ing. 1136 Walker fiv. P'an No. 296. TRAFALGAR PL, w s. Ill n 17.5lh st, 1-sty frame extension 16.4x10, to 3-sty frame dwelling: cost, $2.50; owner, John Riddpll, on nrem'ses; firchitcct. H. G Rteinmetz, 10O7 East ISOth st. Plan No. 298. 138TH ST, No. 422, new partitions to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, .$500; owner, Knlian Menninger, 1384 Prospect av; architect, John P, Boyland, Webster av and Fordham rd. Plan No, 293, ISOTH ST, s s. 150 e Devon av, move 2',^-sty frame dwelling; cost, $1,000; own¬ er, City & County Contract Co., Grand Central Terminal Building; architect, Wm. F. Garvey. 1911 White Plains av. Plan No. 285. 180th st, s s, 75 e Devoe av, move 2y2-stv frame dwelling; cost, $1,000: own¬ er, City & Country Contract Co., Grand Central Terminal Building; architect, Wm. F. Garvey, 1911 White Plains av. Plan No. 2.SG. 180TH ST. s s, 125 e Devoe av, move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost. -$1,000; own¬ er, City & Country Contract Co.. Grand Centra! Terminal Building; architect. Wm. F. Gfirvey, 1911 White Plains av. Plan No. 287. 180TH ST, g s, 50 e Devoe av. move 2'^-sty frame dwelling; cost, $1,000; own¬ er, City & Country Contract Co., Grand Central Terminal Building; architect, Win. F. Grirvcy, 1911 White Plains av. Plan No. 288. BROOK AV, No. 550. new show win¬ dow, new partitions, etc.. to 5-sty brick store and tenement; cost, $1,200; owner. Geo. N. Reinhardt, 1341 Franklin av; architect, Morris Schwartz, 194 Bowery. Plan No. 295. BOSTON RD, s w corner _TiGman av, 1-sty frame extension, 10x46.o, and move 2-sty and attic frame store and dwelling: cost, not given; owner, Anna Dannies, on premises; arcliitect, John Fitzpatriclt, 3755 Barnes av. Plan No. 291. JEROME AV, n e corner Southern Bou¬ levard, raise to grade 3-sty frame hotel; cost, not given; architect. Henry Nord¬ heim, 10S7 Tremont av. Plan No. 292. MORRIS AV. w s, 75 s 184th st, 1-sty frame extension, 22x9, to 2-sty frame dwelling: cost, $200; owner. Thos. Filz- patrick, 2.3.50 Morris av; architect, G. H. CroKier, 2415 Jerome av. Plan No. 294. NORTH CHESTNUT DRIVE, n s, 3,11 w Bronxwood av, move 2^-sty frame dwelling; cost, $1,400; owner. Anna F. Kehoe, on premises; architect, Geo, P. Crosier 223d st and White Plains av. Plan No. 289. WASHINGTON AV, n w cor 159th st, 2- sty brick extension, 4S.lx2o to 2-sty and attic frame store and dwelling; cost, $4,- OOO; owner, Augusta J. L. Titus, 838 Elton av; architect, Herman Horenburger. 422^ East 159th St. Plan No, 299. 3D AV, No. 45S2, new front lo 1-sty frame store; cost, $100; lessee, M. Ler- man, on premises; architect, A. L, Kehoe & Co., 1 Beekman st. Plan No. 297. Personal and Trade Notes. THERE is a special notice of interest to architects and contractors in an ad¬ vertisement on 'our Wants and OfEers page. GEORGE T. MORTIMER has been elct- ed a director of the U. S. Realty and Im¬ provement Co'mpany and a member of the executive committee. BUILDERS A oompany whose organ¬ ization, reputation and business experience jus¬ tifies '^ Architects and Owners in placing building construction in its charge. 123 EAST 23D STREET, N. Y. COMPANY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION S. illLBANK CAULDWELU Pi;est. WALTER S. PADDIS. Vick-Peest. KOf W. WINfl..iTE, SKC-Y& Tkeab. FRANK C. FODCHER, Csaigman BoAKD OP Dire cross 381 Fourth Ave. Tel. 5035 Madison Square Houghtaling & Wittpenn Impervious Face Bricks ALL COLORS 44 EAST 33(1 STREET, NEW TOKK Telephone, 1154 Gramercy WHITNnr-STEENCO. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1 LIBERTY STREET, N. Y. NEWYORK. HARTrORD. SALTUKErOEHVER PUTNAM A. BATES-E. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER 2 RECTOR STREET. NEW YORK DESIGNER of Powar Phinls, Heiitini; iiti'l Vontil- atiiiK lustallatioiis njul Equipments for ihu Proper Illumiuotion tit Buildines: Plans, Specificitioiis, SiitiervisioD. Ropoi-ts, Eti^.____________________