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558 RECORD AND GUIDE October 14, igii. Contracts Awarded. ,_APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 35TH ST.-The Jump House Wrecking Co., ot 45 West 34th st, has received the contract tor tearing down the old buildings at 14S and ISO East 35lh st, which is to be improved by the J. J. Hearn Construction Co. with a high-class apartment house, from plans by Denby & Nute, 333 4 th av. CENTRAL PARK WEST.—The Edendale Con¬ struction Co.. 154 East 79th st, has received the contract lo erect the 12-sty aparlment house. 120x100.8 ft., at the northwest corner of Olst st and Central Park West, for the Midas Really Co. Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av, architects. Cost, $600,000. SSTH ST.—Erskine Yeu Houten, 1181 Third av, has received the general contract lor altera¬ tions to the apartment house at 256 Easl OSth st, for Ellen 3. Auchmuty. owner. 101 University pl. trom plans by C. H. Dietrich, architeet. CHURCHES. MARION, N. J.—The Charles Schreiber Con¬ struction Co., of West Hoboken, has secured the general contract to erect the 1-sly brick church. .55x100 ft., on Tonnele av, near St. Paul's av. this place, tor the St. Ann's Polish Catholic congregation. The front will be faced with pressed brick and limestone, and cosl approxi¬ mately .$11,000. DWELLINGS, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.—John V. Schaeter, Jr., Sc Co., N. Y, C., has received the contract to erect the residence for Clarence Kenyon, owner, from plans by Percival M. Lloyd, archi¬ tect, al Cllfldale, this place. The outside walls will be of interlocking hollow tiie, with red Spanish tiie roots. All the Improved vacuum, heating and ventilating systems will be in¬ stalled. MONTCLAIR, N. J,—B, G, Simms, Mountain- view pl, Montclair, has received the general contract tor alterations to the residence of Elliott Marshall, o'tvner. Geo. W. Boxall. has the masonry, and William Chestnut, Upper Montclair, the heating and plumbing work. D. S, Van Antwerp, 4S3 Bloomfield av, Montclair, is the architect. HACKENSACK, N. J.—Foreman & Light, architects. 40 Cedar st, N. Y. C-. have awarded to James G. Nunnermacker. Hackensack, the masonry for the residence for Mrs. C. C. Rainey. at this place, to cost $12.(M)0. EVERGREEN, L. I.—Adam Wlscherth, 179 Boeriim st, Erooklyn, has secured the contract lo erect the 2'/2-sty brick residence, 27x50 ft., ou the north side of Highland Boulevard, 220 ft. east of Earbey st. Evergreen, L, I., for Charles Lutz, owner, of 1S5 Harrison av. Ever¬ green, L. I., from plans by B. Finkenseiper, 134 EToadway, Erooklyn. Cost is $15,000. ROCKAWAY' BEACH. L. I.—George H. Closs, of Hollands, L. 1., has received the general contract to erect the 2'/i-sty frame residence, 30x40 ft., on Holland av, for M. P. Holland, owner, from plans by E. Berrian, Roekaway Beach, L. I. Estimated cost. $7,000. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. NEWARK. N. J.—Max Hertz has had plans prepared by James S. Pigott for a large brick addition to his plant at 6S Oliver st. 1 and 3- slys. 49x191 ft. and 16x62 ft. The mason con¬ tract has been let to Oschwald Brothers, and the carpenter work to Trainer & Ellis. Esti¬ mated cost, $15,000. BROWN PL,—Duffy & Collin, 131 West 3Jst st, have received the general contract lor alter¬ ations to Lhe 2-sty brick faclory on Brown pi, northwest corner of Southern Boulevard, for the Doll Realty Co,, owner, on premises. F. Mathesius. Jr., 103 Park av. ia the architect. Approximate cost, $6,000. HALLS AND CLUBS. LEXINGTON AV.—Marc Eidlitz Sc Son, 4S9 5th av, have the contract to build the 10-sty fireproof Y. W. C. A. building, at the north¬ west corner of Lexington av and 52d st, tor the Young Women's Christian Association, 7 East 15th st, from plans by Donn Barber, 25 East 26th st HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS, PORTCHESTER, N. Y.-The eontract for the Uniled Hospital for Portchester, Rye and Har¬ rison has been awarded to Hynd Eros, of 30 Church st, N. Y. C. Percy Griffin, of 30 Church st, N. Y. C, is architect. Estimated cost ia $60,000. FRONT ST.—John R. Sheehan fi Co., 1170 Broadway, have received the contract to erect the 5-sty hospital, 70.3x69.6 ft, tor the Servants' Relief tor Incurable Cancer, of Hawlhorne, N. Y., at the northwest corner -of Jaclison and Front sts. from plans by James W. O'Connor. 1123 JBroadsvayi The: estimate.d.cost is. $100,000. ' PUBLIC.. BUILDINGS. LINDEN. N. J.-The Toon Council bas award¬ ed contracts for the new $15,000 Borough Hatl to be erected :.here, from plans by Lewis A. Quien, Jr.. 251' Elizabeth av, Elizabetb : Prank Schneider Sc Son, Elizabeth, masonry ; H. A. Roth Co., 11S4 East Grand av, heating and plumbing. Daniel Dippel, of Elizabeth, general contractor. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MORRISTOWN, N. J. — Contracts have been let tor the construction of the new school in South St. this place, tor the Morris Township Board of Educaiion, as follows i Mitchell Bro¬ thers, carpentry; George Taylor, painting; Mes- ler Plumbing Co., plumbing; and John D. Col¬ lins, masonry. Estimated cost, $18,000, RAHWAY. N. J.—L. L. Loveland. Cranford, N. J., has received the general contract to erect the new $10,0(10 school at this place from plans by E. H. Coilins. of Westfield. N. J. Work will go ahead by the first of the year. 31ST ST.-S. Niewenhous, Inc., builders, 1 Mad¬ ison av, have received the contract to erect the school imildinfe for the Franciscan Fathers for the Church of St Francis of Assist, hi West 3!st sl, from plans by Thomas J. Duft. architect, 407 West 14th st STABLES AND GARAGES. AV A, — The William Y'oung Co., 550 West 41st st, has received the contract to erect the 1 and 2-sly brick garage, slable aud shelter, 98.51x81,5 It, at the soumwest corner of 24th st and' Ave A, for the American Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals, Madison av and liOth st, owners. Renwick, Aspinwall fi Tucker, 320 5th av, are lhe architects. Esti¬ mated cosl, $40,000. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. LEONARD ST.-The William Dauphin Bronze & Irou Works, 141 Wesl 33d st. has re.-eived tbe contract lor extensive inlerior alterations lo the 12-sty lott building, southeast corner of Lafay¬ ette and Leonard sts, for the New York Llie Insurance Co., from plans by Frederick E. Hill, 34:6 L'roadway. 42D ST.-The M. Levenson Wrecking Co, has lhe coutract for demolishing the ola building, 124 West 42d sl, which is lo be improved by tbe New Y'ork Euison Co, wiih a lu-sty fireproof sub-station and office bunding. 2ox75 £i,, lo cosl $1,111,0110. The general contract is about to be awarded. THEATRES. 42D ST.-The George A. Just Co., 2.39 Vernon av. Long Island City, has received the struc¬ tural steel work for tne Eltinge Theatre, in West 42
; owner. Pau¬ line Gross. 256 2d st; architeci Jacob Fisher, 206 E 3d St. Plan No. 640. 45TH ST. n s. 288.9 e 6th av, 7-sty brick and stone loft and store, 18,9x90.5: cost. $20.- 000; owuer, I. Julius Mayer, 15 ■West 45th st ; architects, Schwartz fi Gross, 347 olh av. Plan No. 641. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS A"ND TENEMENTS. WASHINGTON AV, s w cor I76lh st. 6-sly brick tenement, tin roof, 67.3x109.6; cost, -$48,- 000; owners, Weil & Mayer. 5 Beekman st: architect, Chas. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq. Plan No. 746. PARK AV, Vf E, 437.714 S lS7th st, two 5-sty brick tenements, slag roof, 50.1xS6; total cost, $120,000; owner, Hope Construction Co., Abra¬ ham Frankel, 1037 Teller av, president; archi¬ tect, Edw, J. Byrne, 3029 3d av. Plan No. 749, DWELLINGS. BLACKROCK" AV. s s. 125 w Olmstead av. three 2-sty frame dwellings, tin root, 21x50; total cost, $10,-500; owner, Gustav Killenberg, 1379 Taylor av; architect, E, Ebeling, 1136 Walker av. Plan No. 756. RYER AV, e s, 333.8 s ISOth st, 2-3ty brick dwelling, slag roof, 22x55; cost, .$7,000; owner, Chas. Emauuel. 204S Ryer av ; areliilecis, Hal¬ ley Sc Vulu, 401 Tremonl av. Plan No. 755. BAISLEY AV, n w cor Kearney av, 2i/-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof, 20x32; cost.'Sl,- (.00; owner, M. F, McGrail, 2161 Ludlow av ■ architect, B. Ebeling, 113G Walker av. Pian No. IOl. EDISO.N AV. e s. 130.0 n Middletown road, two 2-sty frame dwellings, shingle roof. 20x4S ■ total cost, $10,000; owners, Baxter HowfU Bldg. Co.. 22j3 Westchester ave; architect Chas. R. Baxter. loSl Grant ave. Plan No. 751. , -^.^T^ ST, n s. 175 e Oneida av. 2%-3ty frame dwelling, slate roof, 20x35; cost, $2,500; owner ^^^'^y.J^on struct ion Co.. Jas. W. Black, 167 Easl .jOth st, president; architect, Geo. W. Lock¬ wood. iS East 236lh st. Plan No. 747. HOTELS. WALKER AV, s e cor St Peters ave, 3-sty bnck hotel, liu roof, 22x70; cost. $15,000; own¬ er, Mrs. M. Brasse. on premises; architect, M. A. Buckley, 1:j13 Hone av. Plan No, 7.54. MISCELLANEOUS. 151ST ST, s s, 175 e Courtlandt av, brick fence, i6.6 long S high: cost, $150; owners. R. C. Church ot the Immaculate Conception Rev Caspar G. Ritter. pastor, 389 East 15Dth st; an !i:lect. August Niewenhous. 1 Madison av Plan No. 7,50. STABLES A.-^D GARAGES. STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. TURNBULL AV, s e cor Castle Hill av 1-sly frame office. 30x15: cost, $350; owner. Antonio Marcucci. on premises ; architect, Honry Nord¬ heim, 10S7 Tremont av. Plan No. 74S. WESTCHESTER AV, s s, 219.4 w Castle Hill ave 1-sty frame store, tin roof, 13,2x70: cost .>600; owner, David Faith. 21-52 WestJhester ave: architect, Henry Nordheim, 1087 Tremont ave. Plan No. 7.53. THEATRES. BOSTON RD, w s, from ISlst to lS2d st, 3 and 4-sly brick casino, 124.4xl04.1',{. : cost, $165.- OOO; owner. Wm. Lowe. 535 East 70th st; arch¬ itect, Frank Wennemer, 2136 Honeywell av. Pian No. IZ-S. PLANS FILED FOR ALTERA¬ TION WORK. Manhattan. BROOME ST, No 2?g, 1-sty brick side exten- sicn, partitions, steel columns, girders, brick wa'l. to 6-sty brick stores and tenements; cost, $6,,":00 : owner, A. & H, Cohen. 160 Ppj-k row; a'-'hitecl. C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq. Plan No. 2691. f-'^RCI AY ST. s w cor Broadway, windows la 5-sly brick store and hotel ; cost. $500 ; owner, W. W. ..Istor. on urenilses ; architects, Schnpidcr fi Dieffenbach, 220 Broadway. Plan No, 2605. BAXTER ST, No 7, parUtions. toilets, fire passage, to .5-sty bi'ick store and tenement; cosl. Sl;O00; owner. John Molnielli. 3S City Hall pl ; 3'-;-hitecl. Frank Straub, IS E 42d st. Plan No. 2094. CHERRY ST. No. 170, windows, partitions, to 3-sly brick bakery and dwelling; ccst. $400; owner. Isaac Sacks, premises: archite-t, Max Cohn, 280 Bedford av, Brooklyn. Plan No. 2680. HESTER ST, No. 1S9, toilets, windows, to 5-s!y tenement: ccst, $100; owner, J. H. Strodl. 74 Norman st; architects. Horenburger fi Siraub. 122 Bowery. Plan No. 209. LEONARD ST, s e cor Lafayette st, cut win¬ dows, doors, wire glass, cornice, to 12-sty brick loft; cost. $7,000; owner. New York Life In¬ surance Co. 346 Broadway ; architect, Frederick E. Hill, 346 Broadway. Plan No. 26S6. Wm. Dauphin Bronze & Iron Works. 141 W 33d st has contract MACDOUGAL ST, No. 125. partitions, win¬ dows, toilets, to 4-sty brick store and tene¬ ment ; cost, $1,500; owner. Margaret E. Hughes, 206 West Uth st ; architect, Otto L, Spannhake, 2:'.3 East 7Sth st. Plan No. 2687. ELECTRSCAL Engineering and Construction If we install your electrical work, that's the end of your trouble with that— ELECTRIC LIGHTING, POWER, MOTORS, TELEPHONES, PUMPS, FIRE ALARM SIGNAL SYSTEMS. Estimates Funiishcd. No obli¬ gation on your part. 3941 WEST 38th STREET, N. Y, Telephones, 189-190 Murray Hill