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954 RECORD AND GUIDE December 23, igii. and the gross rent roll is estimated slightly in excess of $30,000. The building is on a plot 4Sx9S.9. -with a depth of OS.O ft. It con¬ nection with the sale, leases for the store and basement were signed by George Sachs Sc Co.. who have taken possession for a term of 5 years, at an annual reported rental of 1?4,000. ;52D ST.-William Boyd sold 128 East 32d st, a 2-sty stable, on lot 2D.\0S.O. The property adjoins the southwesl corner of Lexington av and 32d sl. a 4-sty slruclure. on lot 24.SxS0. ■which was sold lasl week by ihe Levy estate. 42D ST.-Harry H. Frazee, of the theatrical firm ot Frazee & Lederer, and P. Chauncey Anderson, resold the old Central Baptist Church property, at 220 lo 226 West 42d st, to a syn¬ dicate, ■which will improve the plot with a new theatre building. The properly is situated about 200 ft, west of Broadway, and lias a frontage of IS ft. and a depth of OS.O ft. 0, R, &. H. V, Dike were the brokers. The seller.s acquired the property in October from the trus¬ tees of the church, and it is understood that the present sale's price is about S^450,000. 46TH ST.— Johu N, Golding sold for Mrs, Sarah J. Allen 46 ■Vi'est 4Gth st, a 4-stv dwell¬ ings, on lot 20x100.5. BROADWAY.—William H. Whiting S: Co. re¬ sold for Chas. Laue to Wm.'H. Browning, ot Browning. King & Co., the 5 and O-sty store and loft buildings at 502 and 504 Broadway, ex¬ tending through to 44 lo ,12 Crosby st, aud cov¬ ering a plot containing 10,600 sq."ft..of ground area. The property bas a frontage on Broad¬ way of 4C.G ft., extending through 200 ft. to Crosby st, with a frontage of 320 ft. in the latter thoroughfare. On November 16. Mooyer & Marston sold the Laue property for Seth Low for .«251.000, whereas the site is assessed at J445,000. The buyer is said to be the Coca- Cola Co., and it is understood that the adjoin¬ ing parcel at No. 21S. has also been acquired. WEST BROADWAY.— H. J. Schenber fi Bro. sold for Alexander McC5arren li4 West Broad¬ way, a 1-sty building, on lot 24x50. ST, NICHOLAS AV. — Fish & Marvin and Chauncey B. Griffin sold the aparlmeni liouse at lhe southeast coruer of St. Nicholas av and I20th st for Frederick C. McLaughlin. WEST BND AV. — Ennis fi Sinnott bought, through Frank J. Riley, from Louis G. Ben¬ ziger, Ihe _5-Ety American basement dwelling, on lot 2oxo0, at the norlhwest corner of West End av and 71st st. In 1005 the lot was pur¬ chased from the late Hugh G. Grant by Edmund Coffin, who built the residence. North of 59th Street. 63D ST.-H. C. Senior & Co. sold for Mrs. Lizzie W. Coulter. Ha,i-riet W. Phelps and Prances M, D. Hughes, heirs of the estate of Thurlow W. Coulter, 112 West 53d st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 25x100. Senior fi Stout represented the buyer. S4TH ST.—Goodale and Perrv sold for the Herman Estate to E. L. Davis 142 West 64th st, a 4-siy dwelling, on lot lSxl00,5. TSD ST.—H. W. Krumwiede. Jr.. sold for Dr George E. Brewer 102 East 73d st, a 4-Ety dwelling, on lot 18x102.2, adjoining the soulb¬ east coruer of Park av, to a buyer for occu¬ pancy. Dr. Levy recently acquired the house from Robert I. Levy. SOTH ST.-George C. Heilner sold the 3-stv dwelling, on lot 20x100.8. at 311 West 89th si The. property is located between Riveneide Drive and West End av. The buyer is Charles Gulden. lOoTH ST.—John R. Davidson sold for the estate of S. P. Carmichael the 3-stv dwelling at ol west 105th st. northwest eorner of Man¬ hattan av. together with the l-sty building in the rear, to Mrs. Frances Hoertel. The plot is L.I x7o. IISTH ST.—Warren Sc Skillin sold for Selina .■bronson the o-sty single flat at 5S East llSlh st, on lot 20x100.11, lo an investor, A cottage m Wayre av. Long Braneb, N. J., was given in part payment, 119TH ST.-De Selding Bros, and M. Cohn & Lo. sold for Bing Sc Bing the 6-sty apartment house, known as Roamond Court at 424 to 4.W West nOth st, on plol 100x127, .50 ft. east of the south eorner of Amsterdam av. The buyer are Henry H. & Harriet W. Holly, who gave on pfo" 2LX9S.9"' '" ''''"' '''"'' ''' " '"'"^'"° 149TH ST.-The Duff & Brown Co. sold for Clara E. Luyster 5SS West 149th st. a 3-stv dwelhng on lot 16x100, 157TH ST.-The McMorrow Engineering and .nlri i?'^7" Co., Patrick McMorrow, prefident fi^v .„«'"?'"/■ ^I'^Sride the Columbus An- fot 7%^im Y fj^l"'°°f, apartment house, on plot roxlOO, in the south side of l.j7th st I''.-, [i ??lh0^n r'"'^"'^T' "^^^ property was "held ;k..*, 'i*°; ,i" "^""^ payment, the buver gave ^^^ kal^\,°^ 10 acres on the west side of Bolton was\"e'.d"al°r6M.*'^^ ^"^ "-■ -^'^ —^^ llats, each on lot 25x100, near Amsle?dam av AwLnrtit^M i^"^--;T'^<^ '^^^^" ^lab Realty Co., Alexander McDowell, pi-esident, bought, through tlie sr.mh^ni'^ * '"■■ ^'"'"^ William E. Whife.