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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 89, no. 2286: January 6, 1912

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fnllv I Ki^ iiv I vvv/ ^bv^ I ivrii^ dti^iiuN one: Vol. LXXXIX. Ko. 338C. NEW YORK, JANUARY 6, 1912. (26) PRICE 20 CENTS. Geo. R. Read & Co. REAL ESTATE 20 NASSAU STREET 3 EAST 35th STREET CAMMANN, VOQRHEES & FLOYD . Management of Estates 84 WILLIAM STEEET NEW YORK BROEERS, APPRAISERS, AGENTS pirm of Leonard J. Carpenter Agents, Brokers, Appraisers 25 LIBERTY STREET Branch, 1181 Third Ave., Entire Charge of PropertJ D. y, SwaiDson A. H. Carpenter C. L, Carpenter JACOB APPELL Real Estate Broker and Appraiser 271 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET Telephone Call, 373 Chelsea Cruikshank Company SUCCESSOR TO Est. 1794. E. A. CRUIKSHANK & CO. Inc. 1903 Managers of Estates 141 BROADWAY NEW YORK Huston & Spraker Co. REAL ESTATE 25 LIBERTY STREET 27 EAST 45th STREET P DE R. WISSMANN Real Estate AGENT, BKOEEE, APPEAISEB Telephone, 1634 Cortl.indt 14!) BROADWAY WM. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS Real Estate Management—Brokers—Appraisers 31 LIBERTY STREET JAMES KYLE & SONS...... ""...........Real Estate, Insurance 721 LEXINGTON AVE.,-Cor. 58th ST. T6LBphoEe,.1277.-8.J'Jaza , . . JIEW lOEK A LBERT B. ASHFORTH, Inb. .......RealEstate _______- ' n n r., om „Bi-ok6r and Mnnager of Estates 10 EAST 33d STEEET . Telephone 8300 Madison ___. . . Member of Board of Urokers J, CLARENCE DAViES"' Bronx Borough Real Estate Hath STREET AND THIRD AVENUE 'oL Con. Branch Office, 156 Broadway Member of Board of Brokera W'LCOX & SHELTON —---- ------ ■ -Msnagers-afJ^rGperty 245 West IL'^tr St. Tel.. 97 MominsBlde Horace S. Ely& Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty Street ana Agents 27 West 30th Street Brokers, Appr^Isdrs . , ,^New York Established J852 William J. Roome & Co. Real Estate Agents, Brokers, and Appraisers WM. J, ROOMR = - 177 Madison Ave. H. LcC. ROOME - ° lAt34tli Street) HALL J. HOW & CO. Real Estate 141 BROADWAY, cor. Liberty Strset TelephoDfl. 149G Cortlandt A. W. McLaughlin & Co. ' Construction Loans Permanent Loans or Both Combined Only office in New York City engnged esclusively in ------morlgage negntiatiou on iiu ex Leu si vb scale. " Strongest and Best Equipped Am. Exch- Nat'lBank Bldg., 128 Broadivay, cor. \A/ILLIAM R. WARE • • West Side Real Estate Agent and Bhokfk Personal attention glTen to tii" economical manaeement o( proijorty 451 COLUMBUS AVE., nearSlmst, NEW YORK JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS *^ Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Apprnisari 45 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK CITY Management of Estates a Specialty Member of Board of Broken John F. Dojle John P. Doyle. Jr. Alfrad 1^. Doyle E;_ DE FOREST SIMMONS Real Estate Tel-. 837-838 Plaia 2 EAST 58th STREET RULAND & WHITING CO. Real Estate BUSINESS PROPERTY Member of Board ot Brokers &'S'dfRb2__________5BEEKMAN STREET A V. AMY & CO. ■ Real Estate AGENTS. BROKERS. APPRAISERS Member of Board of Brokers TEL.. 947 MORX. SEVENTH AVE., Cor, 115th St. " eOWO.COBMNS CH*3, r BEROEHCt ^^_ »nE3 V. put! 1^ [DWARD [ORNING \h. BuiLDEB3 too W'w. St. NEW YORK \^EBSTER B. MABIE & CO. Real Estate, Mortgages, Insurance BROKERS AND APPRAISERS M.\NAGEMENT OF ESTATES 1178 BROADWAY Corner 2Sth Streat PEASE & ELLIMAN Real Estate and Insurance 340 MADISON AVENUE -156 BROADWAY 165 WEST 72d STREET Lawrence B. Elliman W. Albprt Pease, Jr. O. DsLaucey Co£t?r Robert A. Grauuiss, Jr. ----------■-----— EranciaS. iSauenilt - -_______---- Edqar a. Manning , ; Real Estate _ Tel.. 6835 Bryant 480 FIFTH AYE. Harold W Buchanan MORTGAGE LOANS & REAL ESTATE 49 WALL STREET J ROMAINE BROWN & CO. ' Managers of Estates Brokers, Appraisers 105-109 W. 40ll! STREET, TILDEN BUILDING J. RomaiiiB Broivn A, P. W. Kincan THOMAS & ECKERSON MANAGERS OF ESTATES BROKERS, A PPRAISERS 35 W. 30ih St., New York, Wallack's Thealre Bldg. pORTER & CO. Real Estate Geokqe W. Short Cearlks F. Poktek 159 W. 125th street Telephone Connectiona J EDGAR LEAYCRAFT & CO. Agents, Brokers, Appraisers 17 WEST 43d STREET, NEAR FIFTH AVE. Renlins and Collecting a Specialty QYRILLE CARREAU Agent and Manager of Estates Apphaisee and Beokee 796 SIXIH AVE. (above 45th St.) • Tel. Con. JOHN P. KIRWAN Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Tel,, 341-342 Bryant JC;s WEST 42il STREET Member of Board of Brokers p C. ECKHARDT ■ Real Estate 393 NINTH AVENUE, Bet. 47lh and 48ttt Street! Renting and Collecting a Specialty EatabllBhad 1S5S Telephone, G94 Bryant E. S. WILLARD & CO. REAL ESTATE 45 PINE STREET AND 9 EAST 22d STREET CHAS. F. NOYES CO. Downtown Business Property Tel. 2000 Jolm 92 WILLIAM ST. JOHN KENSETT KELLOGG -* Real Estate 170 BROADWAY. Room 309, Telephone 540 Cort. Brooklyn Branch 54'J NOSTRAXD AVENUE c HAS. S. KOHLER ^''^f''^ Real Estate 901 COLUMBUS AVE., N. E. cor, of 104th ,St. Member of Board of Brokers Higliest References Telephone, 5504 Riverside Fred'k Fox & Co. Business Building Brokers "793 Broadway and 14 West 40th St. L TANENBAUM, STRAUSS & CO. Rear Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers 640 BROADWAY, Cor. BLSECEER STREET FRED'K PFLOMM GEORGE PELOMM F. & G. PFLOMM . . _. Real Estate Member of Board of Brokers Tel. 4604 Jlatlisnn .?q. 9 WEST 'J9Ui STREET A. B.SEE ELECTRiO ELEVATOR COMPANY 220 BROADWAY, N. Y. Tel. S086 Cortland