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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2289]: January 27, 1912

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ig2 RECORD AND GUIDE January 27, 1912, CURRENT BUILDING OPERATIONS Including Contemplated Constructions, Bids Wanted, Contracts Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work. Big Development in the Bronx, The Cross Avenue Company, of which Lawrence Davies, fj2 West S2d street, is president, is formulating plans for the improvement of two block Ironts in the Bronx. It became known on Tliursday that the ground in iiuestion includes the soulh side of ISOth street, between Hughes and Belmont avenues, frontinjj lyi.oti feet, with a depth of 122.'J4 feet on Mughes avenue and 70 feet on Bel¬ mont avenue. On the two corners five- Story apartment houses will be erected with a taxpayer between fronting tlO feet. An additional block in the south side of ISUth street, fronting aUG,:: feet, between Honeywell and Daly avenues, ST.7 feet on Honeywell avenue and 3.1.2'J feet on Daly avenue, is also lo be improved with five- storv apartments. The total estimated cost' is about $:i7o,OUi'. Benjamin W, Levitan, ^iSl oth avenue, will prepare the plans. Soon To Figure Armory Plans. Plans will be sent out for bids in about a month for the construction of the new Eighth Regiment Armory, N. G. N. T., which is to occupy the plol SOOxUdt) and 75x4U0 feel at the northwest corner of Kingsbridge road and Jerome avenue, in The Bronx. The project is rated as the world's biggest armory, and wiil cost more than };l,tHK>,UO>.l. The equipment will include horizontal engines, blowers, fans, motors, pumps, ash hoists and a large amount of structural steel. The excavat¬ ing contract wiil be a factor. Pilcher & Tachau, lUU Lexington avenue, are tbe architects and Gunvald Aus, 11 East 24th street, consulting engineer. Would be World's Highest Apartment. Bing & Bing, oOo Fifth avenue, state that nothing definite has yet been decided with reference to tbe improvement of_the northeast corner of Park avenue and i!>th street with a seventeen-story apartment house, as elsewhere announced this week. It was said that the project was only tentative and that no plan of any kind have been drawn. If a seventeen-story apartment house is erected on the site it will be tbe tallest of tbis type in the world. Schwartz & Gross, o-47 Fifth ave¬ nue, and Robert T. Lyons, have prepared plans in previous operations. May Build at Lafayette & White Streets. The Wynkoop - Hallenbeck - Crawford Company, 4S}7 Pearl street printers, now occupying the ten-story build)ng at the southeast corner of Pearl and Park streets, it is said, contemplate tho erec¬ tion of a sixteen-story business building at the soutbwest_corner of Lafayette and White streets. 111 feet in Lafayette street and lUO feet in White street, abutting in Franklin, willi a frontage of 50 feet. So far as could be learned no plans have yet been drawn or architect selected. Plans for a 42d Street Building. A. S. Candler, of Atlanta, Ga., has pre¬ liminary plans in progress for the erec¬ tion of a new office and loft building, probably twenty-four stories in height, to cover the plot 78xiJ8 and 25xOS feet at 220 to 22U West 42d street and 221 West 41st street. No architect has yet been selected and it is indefinite when opera¬ tions will be started. Scheme to Enlarge Sing Sing Prison. Franklin B. Ware, State Architect, Capitol Building, Albany, has completed plans for enlarging and improving the Sing Sing Prison at Ossining. At tbe next meeting of the new Prison Commis¬ sion the matter will be discussed. It is reported that the changes will cost over $1,200,000. Police Station Pians Approved. The Municipal Art Commission has ap¬ proved the Plans of Hazzard, Erskine & Bladgen, 437 oth avenue, for the new Sixty-second precinct police station to_be erected in Simpson street, near Itiith street. The Bronx. The building will be four stories and cost about $170,000. Haven Avenue Improvement. Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House, are preparing plans for a high-class apart¬ ment house to be erected at Haven ave¬ nue and lOGth street. The owner's name is for tbe present withheld. ------------*------------ CONTEMPLATED CONSTRUCTION. Manhattan, APARTME.XTS, TLATS AXD TENEMENTS. 2D AV.—The Minsker Realty Co., 22S 2d av, has plans for a new apartment house to be erected at 2d av and 12tli st. It is understood that work will not be started nntil spring. TTH AV.—George & Edward Blum. 505 5th av, are preparing plans for a 14-sty apartment house, lOOxlOO ft, to be erected at the south¬ west corner of 7th av and 54b st. for the Adlan Construction Co., Joseph L. Graf, L. & A. Pin¬ cus aud M. L. Goldstein, associates. I13TH ST.—William Huenerberg, 025 Jack¬ son av. has prepared plans tor alterations lo the o-sty tenement. 20.4x70 ft, at 75 East llotb st, for J. J. Bremel, 75 East 113th st, owner, AUDUI30N AV.—Schwartz & Gross. ;i47 5th av, have filed plans with the Tenement House Department for the 6-sty lenemeni, 70.3^4 xtJ3 ft. at the southeast corner ot Audution av and lS4th St. The estimated cost is §,")o,000, CHURCHES. 40TH ST.—P. J. Schwarz, 113 Ellison st, Pat¬ erson. N. J., has received estimates for the new church and parochial school, 3-stys, 55x mo ft., to be erected bv the St. Clements Po¬ lish Catholic Church, at 405-412 West 40th st, Rev. Father Letanche. 552 West oOth st, is pas¬ tor. Estimated cost :f50,000. DWELLINGS. .j2D ST.-Bannister & Schell, Gl) Wall st, are taking figures for alterations lo the 4-sty resi¬ dence. 138-40 West 32d st. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. OARnOW ST.—Robert E. Moss, 120 Liberty st, engineer, has prepared plans and will be ready for bids about February 15 for the C-sty warehouse to be erected at 75 Barrow st, for the Cruikshank Company. CONTRACTS AWARDED. HOTELS. 47TH ST.—Charles P. Huntington, IS West olst St. has completed plans for .i;i(i,0tiO worth ot alterations to tbe 12-sty hotel, 150 West 47th St. for the Somerset Investing Co. No contract has been awarded. MUNICIPAL WORK. BUILDLNG.—Estimates will be received by tbe President of the Board of Trustees, Believue Hospital. Friday, February 2, for the erection and completion of pavilions I. and K.. laundry extension and storeroom buildings of Ihe new Believue Hospital, 26th st and East River : also for the erection and completion of additional balconies on pavilions A and B. M.ATERIALS.—Bids will be received by the Coraniissiouer of Correction. Tuesday, January .';i), for furnishing and delivering hardware, paints, iron, steam fittings, lumber and mis¬ cellaneous articles. STABLES AND GARAGES. AMSTERDAM AV.—Plans arc figuring for the .5-Btv garage, 40x78x100 ft., to be erected by J. J. i\Iooney, o£ 820 10th av. at 133-i:!5 Amster¬ dam av, James W. Cole, 40:i West 51st st, has prepared the plans. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 37TH ST.—Mulliken & Moeller, 103 Park av. are preparing plans for a new loft building, probably 12-Htys, to be erected at O-ll East 37th Bt. for a new company of which C. W. Cooley, 134 East 24th st, is president. The plot measures 74:;0S ft. BOWERY.—William H. Gompert. 2102 Broad¬ way, is preparing plans Cor improving the plot, 100x20!) ft., formerly occupied by the Atlantic Garden. A 12-sty fireproof loft building will be erected on the plot facing the Bowery, and a 6-stv tenement with stores on the lot facing on the rear in Elizabeth st The estimated cost will be §500,000. BROADWAY.-The Hudson Structural Steel Co.. l:J6th st and Southern Boulevard, has the contract for alterations to the 16-sty loft buildine. 093-697 Boadway, tor Philip Braen- der. 143 West 125th st. The work chiefly con¬ sists of a new roof tank. 46TH ST.—Henry C. Pelton, 8 Wesl 3Sth sl, is preparing plans for changing the building at 22 West 46th st, tor store aad loft purposes. The Wainwright Estate is the owner. Estimated cost. §15,000. LEXINGTON AV.—Preparations are being made for the erection of a 12-sty loft building covering the plot, 64x100 and 20x98 ft, at 1S4- 188 Lexington av, and 128 East 32d st. Charles Hibson &. Co., 23i Lexington av. is said to rep¬ resent the owuer. No architect has yet been se¬ lected. MADISON AV.—Owing to the absence ot John Ringiing. of the Ringling circus, the meeting which was to havp been held with the Directors of the F. &. D. Company to discuss the terms for leasing Madison Square Garden for a term of five years was postponed. THEATRES. 48TH ST.—Thomas W. Lamb. 501 Sth av, is preparing plans for a new theatre for Edward B. Corey to be erected at 138-146 West 4Sth st. It Is probable that worlt will begin in a very short time. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS A.\D TENEMENTS. ARTHUR AV.—M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 East Tremont av, will complete plans Feb. 15, for a 5-sIy Hat. 50x100 ft, for the Defeo & Del Gau¬ dio Construction Co., 1010 Webster av. to be erected on the west side of .'i.rthur av, 28 ft north of 187th st, to cost S50.000, The owners will build. All bids will be received by the architect. HUGHES AV.—F. Resoigno, 2474 Arthur av, owner, will erect a 4-s!y flat, brick and lime¬ stone. 50x75.0 tt, on the side of Hughes av, 45 ft south ot ISOth st, to cost $40,000. M. w. Del Gaudio, 401 East Tremont av, has prepared plans. OAK TREE PL.—Edward J. Byrne, 3020 3d av, has completed plans and is taking bids for the 5-sty fiat to be erected at the northeast corner ot Oak Tree pl and Lafontaine av, on plot, 25.\100 ft., for B, Greenthal. 1185 Wash¬ ington av. SOUTHERN BOULEVARD.—Smith & Phelps sold the plot 100x100 ft aud the adjoining plot 54x149 ft at the southwest corner of Southern Boulevard and 180th st to the Moorehead Realty and Construction Co., of 415 East 140th st, who will erect four 5-sty apartment houses. Ed¬ ward J. Byrne, ,3029 3d av, is preparing the plans. Work will be started as soon as lUe weather permits. MUNICIP.^L WORK. TIMBER AND PAINT.—Bids will be received by the Park Board Thursday, February I, for furnishing and dejivering timber No. 1, 1012; also painters' supplies, 1912, for Parks, Bor¬ ough of the Bronx. , STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. PARK AV.—The Taxpayers Realty Co., 1203 Franklin av, will erect a 4-s!y hriek, slone and sleel loft building, mill construction, 50x50 ft, at the northeast corner ot Park av aud 171st St. to cost J25,O0O. M. W. De! Gaudio, 401 East Tremont av, has prepared plans. FULTON ST.—The Koch Co.. 474 Fulton st. Samuel Bloom, president, contemplate the erec¬ tion of a 6-sty department store in Fulton st, at the corner of Elm pl The cost wil! be ap- pro.ximatelv S150,000. Details are not yet avail¬ able. Brooklyn. APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. OCE.'VN AV.—Shampan & Shampan, 772 Broad¬ way. Brooklyn, are preparing pians for a 4-sty brick and limestone apartment, 50x100 ft., to be erected on the east side of Ocean av. 175 ft. south of Ditmas av. for the G. & M. Im¬ provement Compauy. Work will be started im¬ mediately. MUNICIPAL WORK. MATERIALS.-Estimates will be received by the President of the Borough of Brooklyn. Wednesday, January 31, for furnishing and de¬ livering 700 tons of quicklime at tbe several sewage disposal works in the 26th and 31st Wards; hardware, tools, manhole heads and covers. THEATRES. SARATOGA AV.—The Thomas A, Clark Co.. 26 Court St. Brooklyn, contemplate the erection of a new theatre on the block bounded by Sara¬ toga av, Halsey st, Macon st and Broadway. The eost will be S450,000. t^ueens. DWELLINGS. CENTRE ISLAND. L. I.—Mr. Smith, of the Street & Smith Co.. 90 7th av. N. Y. C, con. templates the erection of a new residence in tbe near future. Nothing definite has yet been decided. PUBLIC BUILDINGS'. LONG ISLAND CITY.—The matter of a build¬ ing site for the new armory contemplated at this place is still before the Sinking Fund Commission for decision. Nassau, DWELLINGS. BABYLON. L. I.—Gillespie &. Carrel, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. C. are taking bids for a new residence. 30x87 ft, to be erected here by F. A, Williams. Richmond. MUNICIPAL WORK. LIGHTING SYSTEM.—Estimates will be re¬ ceived by the President of the Borough of Richmond until Tuesday, January 30, for fur¬ nishing the necessary cable, including all la¬ bor, blocks, tackle and other appliances, to lay, draw into ducts and properly connect up complete an electric street lighting system, in¬ cluding the connecting up complete of the street lamp post lanterns, at St. George im-