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January 27, 1912. RECORD AND GUIDE 195 HOTELS. BROADWAY.-John Hurley, 114 West 39tb st, has received the carpenter work in con¬ nection with the mezzanine floor to be installed in the 17-sty hotel and stores on the east side of Broadway, belween 31st and 3ad sta, fcr Robert Goeiet, 9 West 17th st. MISCELLANEOUS. HOBOKEN. N. J.—J. S. Rogers Co., Morris¬ town, X. .1., has received the contract for the new station to be erected on Sip av for the Pennaylvania Railroad Co. Eatimated cost is $76,269. MUNICIPAL WORK. BRG.N'X-The Phoenix Contracting Co., 41 Park Row, has received the contract to con¬ struct the outlet sewer Into the Hudson River to cost .$63,S97.- The sewer will be 704 fl long. It is indefinite how soon work will commence. FULTON ST.—Tbe East New Y'ork Wrecking Co, haa received the coalract lor demoliahing the old 3-sty huilding in Fulton at, to be re¬ placed with a new engine house by the city. W. D. Moore & Sons bave the general contract (o erect tbe new building. PORT CHESTER, N. Y".—Alexander McLen- non of Rye N. Y., has received the contract for'the new'police station to be built here for F. E. & W. D, Murray. Work has already been started. SCHOOLS AXD COLLEGES. UNION HILL. N. J.~Georgc W. Cronwell £ Sons, West Hoboken. N. J., have received the contract for tbe new high school at this place tor the Union Hill Board of Education. The eatimated cost is $253,100. STABLES AND GARAGES. ' 39TH ST.—The Buckley Construction Co., 103 Park av, has the contract for alterations to the 2-sty stable 638-40 West 39th st, for John J. Shea, 646 West 39th st. James W. Cole, 40c West 51st st, is the architect. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS, NEWARK X. J.—Contracts will soon be awarded for the 2-aty brick oftice building to be erected at 52 Clinton st, for the Lenox Realty Co. from plans by Romolo Bottelli, 191 Market st to measure 29x70 ft. The cost is es¬ timated at about $15,000. 131ST ST.—Mortensen & Co., 114 East 28th st have received the general contract Eor in¬ terior changes to the 3-aty loft building, 626 Weat 131st st, Eor the Crystal Hygiene Ice Co., 1170 Bway, PARK ROW.—George E. Loeble, 4>3 Grand st. has the contract for demolishing the 3-sty build¬ ing at 75-Sl Park Row and 23-27 Nortb Will¬ iam st, for the City oE New Tork. IITH AV,—The Turner Construction Co., 11 Broadway, has received the contract to erect the 6-sty press building at lltb av and 47th st, for Ernest Flagg, 109 Broad st, arcbitect and owner. This building will be 125x105 ft., in dimensions, of reinforced concrete throughout. THEATRES. LENOX AV,—The Hedden Iron Construction Co., 200 5th av, has received the ornamental iron work for the new theatre, 70x100 ft., at the southeast corner of Lenox av and llllh st, for the Kramer Construction Co., 35 Nasaau St. Seating capacity, 1,000. Excavating is now going on. Morris Punch, 97 Prince st. is the leasee. The owner handles all contracts. 48TH ST.—No contract has yet been awarded for the 4-sty theatre, 80.2x94.5 ft., which the Frazee Realty Co., 1482 Broadway, Is to erect. in the southside of 4.Sth st, 275 ft. east of Sth av, to cost $150,000. Henry B. Herts, 35 West 31st st, is architect. 43D ST.—The National Bridge Works, 1123 Broadway, has received the contract for ex¬ cavating, wrecking and steel work for the 3- sty theatre, 100x186 ft, to be erected by the Shubert Realty Co., 1416 Broadway, at 223-249 West 43d and 218-226 Weat 44th at, from plans by W. A. Swaaey, 47 West 34th st. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON¬ STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TEXEMEXTS. LUDLOW ST, Nos. 96-08. C-sty brick tene¬ ment, 37.1x87.6 ; cost. $35,000 ; owner, Chas. Karg, 58 St. Andrew's pl, Yonkera, N. Y. : arch¬ itect, A. F. Leicht, 9 East 42d st. Plan No, 43. 82d st, a s. 230 e Park av, S-sty brick apart-- ment house. 75x87.2. slag roof; cost, $125,000; owner, Froiiteuae Realty Co, 2255 Broadway ; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 3tb av. Plan No. 48, S2D ST. Nos. 35-39 W, 8-sty apartment bouse, 53.3x87 2 slag roof; cost, $175,000; own¬ er, Hennessy Realty Co, 220 Broadway ; archi¬ tects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 oth av. Plan No. 49. 176TH ST, n s, 100 e Wadsworth av, two 5- sty brick tenements, 42.6x87.8. tin roof ; cost, $80,000; owner. Louise E. Bates Co, 833 E. 165th st; architect, Harry T, Howell, 3d av and 149th st. Plan No. 47. MISCELLANEOUS. 216TH ST, s s, between Broadway and Ams¬ terdam av; sign fence, 42x9; cost, -$223; owner, T. Goodwin, 629 West 23d st. Plan No. 44. CENTRAL PARK WEST, 8Ist st, Columbus av and 77tb st. Manhattan sq, two 5-sty stone exhibition buildings, 157.9x6.1.10. extension loSx 127, tile root; cost, -$700,000; owner. City of New York: archite--ts, Trowbridge & Livings¬ ton, 527 5th av. Plan No. 45. Not let. BROADWAY, a e cor 146tb st. fence, 65x11 ; cost, $.325, owners. Mary L. Cunningham 46 Hamilton pl, and Anna L. Daly, 140 W. 69th St. Plan No. 51. ANDREW! ROBINSON. President DREW K. ROBINSON, Tr«a«ur« AndrcAv J. Robinson Co. BUILDERS A company whose organization, reputation and business experience justifies Architects and Owners in placing Building Construction in its charge, Telephones-J697l|Gran.ercy 123 EAST 23D ST., NEW YORK HECLA IRON WORKS Architectural Bronze and Iron Work North 10th, llth, 12th and 13th Streets BROOKLYN NEW YORK WILLIAM SCHWENN ORNAMENTAL AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK 822 to 832 LEXINGTON AVENUE, near Broadway, BROOKLYN TELEPHONE, 1700 BUSH. THE GEORGE A. JUST CO. IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS 239 Vernon Avenue Long Island City, New York BRIDLE IRONS AND ANCHORS By tbe piece or wholesale BRONX IRON AND STEEL CO., 134th STREET AND UNCOLN AVENUE Tel. Melroae 5960 (Near 3rd Atcdu*) Autogenous Welding and Cutting Apparatus CUTTING AND WELDING FOR THE TRADE JOSEPH! bvjei-i.e:sbacm 144th St. and So. Boulevard telephone. 67 HELROSE BRONX, N. Y. O. GRAND CENTRAL IRON WORKS L. B. GESCHEIDT, Proprietor 15 Years In Repair Department of Cornell Iron Work3 IRON WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION My Specialty AH Kinds of Repairs. Fire Escapes Manufactured and Repaired According to Law PHONE, PLAZA 3S83 212 EAST52D STREET. N. Y. CITY WELLS ARCHITECTURAL IRON CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ORNAMENTAL IRON AHD BRONZE WORK Phone 4212 Melrose River Ave. and East 15 Ist St., NEW YORK STANDARD IRON WORKS HIGH CLASS IRON WORK! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR BUILDINGS TeL 5462 Madison Sq. GENERAL REPAIRING DONE 1S7-161 W, 29tfa STREET