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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2292]: February 17, 1912

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February 17, 1912 RECORD AND GUIDE 327 REAL ESTATE NEWS Tiie Week's Brokerage, Sales, Leases and Public Auctions. Big Deals Made Thi; an Exceplional Week in Manhattan—Several Important Siles Sold or Leased—Trading in All the Olher Boroughs Ex¬ tremely Limited. The total ntimlDsr of sales i-eported in t'his isue for Manhatan .and the Bronx is 51, of which 21 were below 59th street and 16 above, and 14 in the Bronx. The sales reported for tho corresponding week last year were 40, of ivhich 17 were be¬ low 5flth street, 19 ahove'and 10 in the Bronx, The total number of mortgages re¬ corded in Manhattan this week was 101"! and in the Bronx SO. The total amount was $e,0SS,S45. The'amount involved in auction sales t'his week was .'iil,047,25'2 and since Janu¬ ary iP6,617,66S." Biggest Sale of the New Year. Herbert DuPuy, of Pittsburgh, haa bought from the S!)Lh and 90th Street Company through L. J, Pihillips Sc Co., the Admaston aipartment house at the north¬ west corner of Broadway and SOth street, and the Evanston, at the southeast cor¬ ner oC West End avenue and 90th street. Both are 12-stGry structures, the former occupying- a plot 10n,SxI50 and the latter covering a plot 100,8x102.0. The land on which the buildings stand is part of the block formerly owned by the estate of Thomas W. Evans, of Philadelphia. The buyer gave in part payment property on Pennsylvania avenue and Oth street, Pitts- hurg. opposite a plot, which Robert E. Dowling took in part payment for the Hotel Empire at Broadway and OGth street when he sold it to Mr. DuPuy. It is said that about .$-t,000,000 was in¬ volved in the transaction, making this the largest deal to be closed so far this year. Stern Bros., Lease Finally Ciosed. The long pending lease hy Stern Broth¬ ers, of 23d stree'i, of a big plot on 42d street, mention of which has heretofore been made in these columns, was finally Consummated this week. Mrs, Louise M. Gerry, represented by the Cruikshank Company, has leased the old Harmonie Club property and the abutting plot on 4.3d street to and including the corner of Sixth avenue and containing something over 40,000 square feet. The Pentalpha Realty Company, represented by Henry D. Winans & May, has also leased the ad¬ joining property at 37 to 41 West 42d street and 40 and 48 West 43d street. The parcel at 29 to S3 West 42d street, occu¬ pied by the Spalding huilding, is also in¬ cluded ill the transaction. The entire plot has frontages of 2.34 fee't on 42d street, 442 feet on 43d street and 110 feet on Sixth avenue. An eight- story fireproof department store with all modern improvements will be erected from plans by John B. Snook's Sons, to be ready lor occupany by Pebuary 1, 1913. Omi of the features of the bnildin.g will, be a large carriage entrance and driveway on 43d street. The lease on the Spalding building had about 17 years to vun and it is understood that a large price was paid for the cancellation of it. In connection with the transaction it is also reported that James A. Hearn & Son, now located on 14th street, are planning to take over the present Stern's build¬ ing on 23d street, but this was denied by Hearns. PRIVATE REALTY SALES. Manhattan—South of 59th Street. 4TH ST.^Max N. Nathanson sold tor the Sampler estate, !) Bast 4tb st, a G-sty lofl building, oil lot 25xOS, witb an "L" 2ox35. lo Adol f H. Landeker. Tbe properly was held at $80,000. 12TH ST.—Van Vliet & Place resold for Henry Rousby 277 and 270 "X^'esl 12th sl, two 4-stv dwellings, on plot 30.4>:3C, adJoininK tbe north¬ east corner of 'West 4th st. 22D ST.-M, & L. Hess sold for the Flemish ReaUy Co,, Goldberg and Kramer, tbe McCon¬ nell Building, at :3 to 21 East 22d st, a 12-Ety loft structure on plot l-1.7ixOS.O. adjoining the' northeast .corner of Broadway, to Charles and Frederick Hirsebhorn. The buyers gave iu part payment Knowlton Court at the northeast corner of Broadway and IdSth st,. a 6-sty apartment on plot 100xl2.'i, The same brokers have negotiated a loan of $225,000 on the lat-' ter parcel. The transactions involved about -¥1,400,000, the Ioft building being beld at $1,000,000 and the apartment at .^400.000. 3STH ST.—Heil & Stera sold for Alice Moore¬ head and others 60 West SSth sl, a 4-sty build- The Title Insurance Co., of New York EDGAR J, LEVEY, President FRANK L, COOKE, Secretary JOHN D. CRIMMINS,!-,-. „ ., CHAUNCEY H, HUMPHREYS, Ass't Sec'y CLINTON R. JAMES, Vice-Presidents GERHARD KUEHNE, Jr„ Ass't Treas. CYRIL H. BURDETT. - Hon. ABRAHAM R, LA'WRENCE, Counsel Gen'l Mgr. and Counsel Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000 Examines and Insures Titles to Real Estate on Sales and Loans, and Deals in Mortgages 135 Broadway, Manhattan, and 203 Montague Street, Brooklyn THE QUEENSBORO CORPORATION Dealers in and Developers of QUEENS BOROUGH REAL ESTATE ACREAGE. PLOTS, LOTS, HOUSES, FACTORY SITES IMPROVED PROPERTY FOR BUILDING PURPOSES F. G. RANDALL, Sales Manager BRIDGE PLAZA NORTH, L. 1. CITY 366 FIFTH AVENUE ing on lot 2O.I0x9S,0, to Daniel J. Carroll. Tucker. Speyers & Co. represented the seiler, 42D ST.—L, J, Greenberger sold for Stephen H. Jackson 34!) East 42d st, northwest corner of Prospect pl, a 4-aty flat, on lol 17xoS. 44TI-I ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for the es¬ tate of Phebe H, Robinson, R. Remseu Robin¬ son and Edward B. Perkins, of Poughkeepsie, N, Y., as e.\ecutors, the 4-sty dwelling 3 East .14th st, on lot 27x100,5, adjoining Delmonioo's, lo Margaret B. Moran, a dressmaker from Phil¬ adelphia, who will extensiyely alter the prop¬ erty and use -it for her own business. Tbe price was reported at being about $6,000 a front foot. - ' 4STH ST.—George Kraus sold for Henry Koch 4r>l "West 48tb st, a 5-sly flat on lot 24,0x100,0, 40TH ST.—Joseph F. Seitz, sold for F. R, Higgins, 250 East 49th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 19x100. ^ ■ .■ 49TH ST,—Irvins T. Kempner sold to Von Glahn Brothers 3ij|j "Vi'est 49tb st, a ."J-sty tene¬ ment, ou lol 25x100, Maurice Strauss was tbe broker, SOTH ST.—Herbert A. Sherman sold for tbe estate of 'William -C, Bglest'on', through the United Slates Truat Co," as trustee", tbe 4-sty' dwelling, on lot 2.3x100.5, at 19 "West 5Sth sl, between Sth and (ith avs. The property has been held at .'(;105.000.' Tbe price paid was a little under $97,1100, at which figure the prop¬ erty is assessed ■ by Ihe city." r)7TH ST.—Mooyer & Marston and the Cruik¬ shank Co, sold for Ihe estate of John J. Clancey to Fritz Fuchs 337 'West 57th St, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100,5. 5&TI-I ST.—Martin Sc Schmonsees sold for Jennie Stumpf, 43S '^'est SSth st, a 5-sty double Hal on lot 25x100. AV B,—Jacoh Fish sold the 6 tenements, on plot 00x15, at .04 to 74 Avenue B, southwest corner of 3th st, " The adjoining house at 5^10 East 5lh st, "27x96, bas also been sold by tbe Rudolph Wallach Co. Tbe combiued site meas¬ ures lie ft on Avenne B and 100 tt in 5lh st. It is said Ibat a theatre will be erected on the site. AVB.^-E. Kline sold for Louis Rosenberg 62 Av E.- a fi-sty tenement, on lot 24x100, to H. Freedman. WEST BROADWAY,—Mary B, Bran,degee sold 12-i West, Broadway,, southwest corner of Duane .'^T, two 4-sLy buildings on lot, 1st AV.—Lowenfeld Sc Prager sold to Simon Shapiro the G-sty teuement on plol 44.10x83 at tbe southeast corner of Isf av and 1st st. 4TH AV,—Andrew P, Gilsey sold lor A. & L. Schwab, 433 4th av, a lot 21x100, to Harry C. Hallenbeck, who owns the adjoining Aldine Hotel property. Mr. Hallenbeck now has a plot 52,4x100, Ko, 433 was beld at S^IOO.OOO. STH AV.—Cbarles Scribner's Sons bought r;'om the heirs of Roswell P. Flower 507 and 591) 5tb av, 'just north of 48tb st. Tbe property bas a frontage of 50,5 ft. on the avenue and a depth of IOD ft. The site has been held at SSOO,00.0, hut it is understood that somelbiUK less than this figure was paid. A tall .structure will be erected on the site to be occupied by Ibe retail department and editorial rooms of Scribners. ■ "The wholesale department ' and manufacturing jilant will remain in the build¬ ing recently erected for these branches on 43d st,, near Sth av. fiTH AV.—Harris and Maurice Mandelbaum bought from tbe Cily Rea! Estate Co. S82 Cth av. a 4-sty building on lot 23.0x05, OTH AV.—Mooyer Sc Marston sold for tbe Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. to Ennis Sc Sin¬ nott 852 fith av, a 4-sty building on lot 22x 50,9, adjoining the northeast corner of 4,Sth st. 7TH AV.—Theopbiie Kick bought the 2 4-sty brick dwellings, on plot 29.4x(;l\ al 471 and 473 Ttb av, from Mrs. Kate C, Boyer, of East Orange; N, J. Edwin A, Baylis and Stephen S. Johnson ,were the brolcers. The' buyer now bas a plot fronting 0S.9 ft ,on 7tli av, and 140 ft on ..'iOtb st, being the southeast corner of these Uio.roiighfares. The lower bail of this block on the avenue is occupied hy the New York Slate" Arsenal, numerous reports of the sale of wliich ,by the State have recently been circulated. No improvement oii the site has been announced. Officers and Directors of the Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers )VILLIAM G. 3WRETSBY FR.IYK II. TYLER THOMA.'i HOYENDEN EUGENE J. GRANT President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary/ DIRECTORS DcHart Bergen . Moward G. Pyle Isaac C'oTtelyoit Eugene J. Grant V/illiam P. Rae Isaac H. Gary Thomas Movenden, David Porter Frank H. Tyler A. J. Waldron Win. G. Miirriscy F. B. Snow 0. C. Mollenhauer William B,. Smith FniJoickJJ. Small DIRECTORS EX-OFFICIO ■Tohn Pullman Artliiir I!. Gritman Tel. 9570 Madison Square Hell & Stern REAL ESTATE 1165-7 BROADWAY N. W. Cor, 27lh Street We beg to announce that we have consolidated our offices at the above address. We have taken additional space, our facilities and office staff have been increased, and as heretofore, will make a specialty of BUSINESS PROPERTY from Grand to Forty-second Sts. Prcd'k G. Hobbs, Pros, Fred'k H, Birch. Tro.ia, Geo Lr, Slaw.sou, Viee-Pres, Chas. D. Hobbs, Secj- SLAWS0N & HOBBS Real Estate 162 WEST 72d STREET