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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2293]: February 24, 1912

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February 24, 1912 RECORD AND GUIDE 397 CHURCHES. BAYSIDE, L. L—John Dayton ot Bayside haa received the contract for rebuilding the Bayside Methodist Episcopal Church, which was recently burned. It is hoped that the building will be ready for occupancy hy June 1. DWELLINGS. FORT EDWARD, N. Y.—Clark W. Hay, Fort Edward, N. Y., has received the contract for rebuilding the residence of John L. Sullivan in Mechanic st. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. BAYONNE, N. J.-The Bayonne Construction Co., 14 Easl Slst st, has received the general contract to erect the new factory for the Jer¬ sey Cap Co., 1170 Boulevard. The building will be 40xS5 tt aud cost about $7,000. Samuel Horowitz, 579 Av C, prepared these plans. HALLS AND CLUBS. ALBANY. N. Y.—The Feeney Se Sheehan Building Co., Albany, has received the general contract at $80,582 to erect the new clubhouse for the Albany Lodge, No. 40, B. P. O. B., to be erected at 138 State st. Work will begin about March 1. M. J. Hawkins, at $5,089. has the contract for installing heating; J. D. Walsh's Sons, $4,C63, plumbing, and the United Vacuum Cleaning Co., .$975, vacuum cleaning systems. HOSi'lTALS AND ASYLUMS'. WOODI-IAVEN, L. L—A, B. Barr & Co.. River st, 'Yonkers, N. Y., has received the contract for installing heating, ventilating and steam power systems tor the laundry, cooking and ice machines for the St. Anthonys Hospital. I. E. Ditmars, 111 Sth av, N. Y. C, is the architect. HOTELS. 47TH ST.—Springsted & Adamson, 434 East 107th st, have received the general contract for alterations to the 12-sty hotel at 150 W. 47th st for the Somerset Investing Co. premises. C. P. Huntington, IS West 31st st, architect. Esti¬ mated cost, $10,000. MISCELLANEOUS. SOTH ST.—Bunn Se Nase, 1123 Broadway, have received the contract to erect a fence wall, 111,2 xl01,3 ft, at 346 West 89th st and 164 to 167 Riverside Drive, tor Solomon Schinasi, owner, C. P. H. Gilbert, 1123 Broadway, architect. Es¬ timated cost, $12,000. MUNICIPAL WORK. FLUSHING. N. Y.—Peace Brothers. 20 Main st, Flushing, have received the contract for fur¬ nishing and laying water mains in various sec¬ tions of Queens, including Beechhurst, White¬ stone, Bayside, Bowne Park and Ingleside. Es¬ timated cost, .i;,S0,814, JERSEY CITY, N. J.-The Trexler Lumber Co., 30 Church st, N. Y. C, has received the contract for replanking the Plank rd in this city. The bids called for the work in two sec¬ tions. The Trexler Company's bid on the first section was $11,459 and $6,950 on section two. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON¬ STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMEXTS. WASHINGTON PL, Nos. 11.5-119. two' O-sty tenements, 37.6x84 ; cost, $50,000; owner, Sam¬ uel Lippmann, OSO Prospect av ; architect, V. B. Meyers, 1 Union Square. Plan Xo. 98. MISCELLAXEOUS, SOTH ST, No. 346 W, Riverside Drive, Xos. 164-167, fence wall. 111.2x101,3; cost, .$12,000; owner, Solomon Schinasi, premises ; architect, C. P. H. Gilbert, 1123 Broadway. Plan No. !>7. Bunn Sc Nase, 1123 Broadway have contract. ST. NICHOLAS AV, s e cor 109th st. adver¬ tising sign, 05x10; cost, $250; owner, Mary S, Van Beuren Est.. 44 Wali st. Plan Xo, Kill. STABLES AND GARAGES. LE ROY ST, No. 11, 4-sty brick stable, 24.10x 85, tar aud gravel roof; cost, $)S,01>0; owuer, G. B. Perazao, 195 Bieecker st ; architect, E. W Crumby, 15 West 3Sth st. Plan No. 99. STORES, OFFICES AXD LOFTS. CANAL ST, No. 47, O-sty brick store, 24.4x 50.8, tin roof; cost. $20,000; owner, Louis Rubenstein, 215 4th av ; architect, Samuel Sass, 32 Union Sq. Plan No. 96. 7TH AV, Nos. 312-314, 12-sty store and loft, 40.11x85.6. slag root; cost, .$1.50,000; owner, 312-314 Seventh Ave. Co., premises; architects, Schwartz Sc Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 95. ST. NICHOLAS AV, e s, 26 N. ICeth st, 2-sty store and office, 78.7x76.7; cost, $40,090; owner, Anthony F. Koelble. 71 Nassau st; architect, H, A. Koelble, 71 Nassau st. Plan No. 94. CROTONIA PARK EAST, s s, 175 w Subur¬ ban pl. 5-sty hrick tenement, plastic slate roof, 50x105; cost. $55,000; owner. Prank A. Wah- ling Co,, 140tli st and 3d av; architects. Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st aud 3d av. Plan No. 108. WEBSTER AV, w s, 175 s 204th st, 5-sly brick tenement, slag roof, 50x04; cost, .$40,- OOii; owner. Concourse Bldg. Co., Frederick Pirk, 114 East 108th st, president ; architect. Fred Hammond, 301 East 140th st. Plan No. 109. 12.5TH ST, Nos. 202-200, 7th av, Nos. 20.S2- 2096, O-sty store. 201.10x62.4.xO4; cost. $450,0110; owner, Gustave Sidenberg. 25 Broad st; archi¬ tects, Buehman & Pox, 11 East SOth st. Plan No. 101. 7TH AV. s e cor 14th st. 12-sty ioft, lOOx 1U6.11; cost, $250,060; owner. The 7th Av. Se Uth St, Corp.. 23 East 26th st; architect, H. L. Meader. 178 Sth av. Plan No. 102. 142D ST, No. 56 Wesl, 1-sty bricit laundry, 43x30.0; cost, $2.000; owner, Roy Markowitz, 43 West 25ih st: architect, M. W. Del Gaudio, 4111 E Tremont a,v. Plan No, 103. Cauldwell-Wingate Company BUILDING CONSTRUCTION S. MILBANK CAULDWELL, President WALTER S. FADDIS, Vice-President ROY W. WINGATE, Sec'y and Treas. FRANK C. POUCHER, Chairman Board of Directors 381 Fourth Avenue New York Te!. 4380 Madison Square- PHONE 1721 MADISON SQUARE ADDRESS 1123 BROADWAY YOU NEED A BUILDER TO CONSTRUCT YOUR BUILDING YOU NEED A DOCTOR TO PRESCRIBE YOUR MEDICINE YOU NEED A LAWYER TO ANSWER YOUR LEGAL QUESTIONS AND YOU NEED RITCH-HUGHES CO SPECIALISTS TO CONTRACTORS TO HANDLE YOUR BONDS AND INSURANCE Telephone 948 Greenpoint Sash, Doors, Blinds and House Trim LUMBER OF ALL KINDS FOR BUILDERS India, Java and Huron Sts., and East River, Cily of New York, BoroUsh of Brooklyo EMPIRE CITY-GERARD CO. FINE INTERIOR HOUSE TRIM WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, ETC. Office : 40-42 East 22(1 Street, N. Y. Factory: Brooklyn, N. Y. TELEPHONE, 2301-2302 FLATBUSH RETAIL LUMBER CHARLES H. FINCH & CO. "THE ACCOMMODATING HOUSE" Everythingfor Woodeo Construction Coney Island Ave. & .Ave. H, Brooklyn, N. Y. COLLINS, LAVERY & CO. LUMBER AND TIMBER Comb Grain Y. P. Flooring a Speclaltj New York Office Yards 33CortlaE