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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2295]: March 9, 1912

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March 9, 1912 RECORD A^TD GUIDE r 499 How Much Do You Lose By Operating Your Own Power Plant? It costs less to buy power from Central Station than it does to generate it in a private power plant. Our engineers have proved this fact frequently and convincingly to interested power users, by actual comparison of facts and figures. And Central Station Service is far more efficient in every way than private plant operation. The heavy initial investment, the 15% annual loss due to interest and depreciation, the serious risk of fire and explosion with attendant high premiums for insurance—these are only some of the disadvant¬ ages of power privately generated. Central Station Power Has No Disadvantages It is the perfect power for any purpose where power is needed. Its use redeems the floor space occupied by a private plant and its coal supply, for productive, rental or storage purposes-^an item not usually considered by the private power-user. Without cost to you, or obligation, one of our engineers will investigate your power necessities. The New York Edison Company At Your Service 55 Duane Street Phone Worth 3000 st, for Susan W. Grand d'Hauleville, ot Paris, France, from plans by Kenneth M. Murchison, 298 5th av. Estimated cost, .$30,000. MISCELLANEOUS, 4STH ST,—The John Peirce Co., 90 West st, has the contract to erect a 1-sty interlocking station in the Grand Central Yard, near the 4Sth st building lioe, for the N. Y. C. Sc H. R. R. Cfo. Warren Sc Wetraore. 70 Easl 45th st, archilects. MUNICIPAL WORK. FULTON. N. Y.—L. B. Cleveland. Waterlown, N. Y.. has received the contract for the 1.034-toot section arch bridge which the Board of Public Works of Fulton is lo erect on Broadway, at a cost of $170,000. The Concrete Steel Eng. Co., 23 Park Row, N, Y. C. is engineer. STORES, OFFICES AJ^D LOFTS. RED BANK N. J.—Work will be started at once on the 4-sly brick building. 47x96 ft., at the corner of Monmouth st and Maple av. for Abram L. Davison. There will be about 18,000 sq ft of floor space. Steam heal, toilets, electric elevator, concrete pier columns. The contract has been awarded to Earling, Johnson & Frake Co. and B. H. Sc C. A. Frake will do the mason work. Estimated cost will be about $14,000. BROADWAY.—Walter J. Salomon. 17 West 42d st. has tbe contract for the ereciion ot a steel sign over the 3-sty store building. 1572- 1576 Broadway, and 201 West 47lh st, tor the Really Advertisement Sign Co., of 17 Wesl 42d St. Estimated cost, $5,000. FRANKFORT ST.—C. Edward Reid. 174 Sth av, has the mason work for alterations to the 3-sty loft, 15 Frankfort st, for the Wm. Mc¬ Kellar estale, 43 Cedar st. 28TH ST.-The While Contracting Co., ISl Chrystie st, bas the contract for excavating at Nos. 3 and 5 East 2Sth st, for a 12-sty lott building, trom plans by Schwartz Sc Gross, 347 5th av; also the contract for excavating al 227-231 West 46th st. for Cramp Sc Co., 25 Easl 26th st, general contractors. 42D ST.-Edward J. Appell, 202 Bast 42d st, has the contract for alterations to the 5-sty loft building. 202 East 42d st. from plans by Henry Davidson. 400 Wesl 23d st. 23D ST.-The Cauldwell-Wingate Co.. 381 4th av. has received the general contract for al¬ terations to the 3-sty art exhibition building. 6 East 23d st, for Susan W. Grand d'Hauleville. of Paris, France. Kenneth M. Murchison, 298 5th av, architect. NASSAU ST.-Thomas B. Watson. Jr., 122 William st, has received the carpenter work for alterations to the S-sty store and ofBee, 00 Nassau st, and 124 FuUon st, for G. Arnieny. no Nassau st, from plans hy C. H, Richter, 68 Broad st. 3D AV.—Fountain & Choate, 110 East 23d st, have received the general contract to erect the 3-sty extension, 40x54 tt, to the store of Fran¬ cis Rogers, 2689 3d av, at the northwest corner of 3d av and 143d st, to cost $20,000. NEWARK, N. J.—A. Lewis & Son, 737 South 13th st, have the mason work tor three stores lor Joseph Okin, lo be erected at 102-4 Mul¬ berry St. IKTH ST.-The H. McNally Building Co., 5 East 42d st, has received the general contract lo erect the 12-sty Ioft building at 216-222 West 18th st, for the Monahan Express Co., 61 71 Greenwich av. to cost $400,000. Geo. M. McCabe. 96 5Ih av, prepared these plans. FLUSHING. N. Y.-C. W. Copp has given a contract to John C. W. Cadoo for the erection Of five siores at Wilson and Madison avs. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON¬ STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. ISTH ST. Nos. 216-222 West, 12-sty lott, lOOx 142,6, slate roof; cost, $400,000; owner, Mona¬ han Express Co., 61-71 Greenwich av ; archi¬ tect, Geo. M. McCabe, 9(1 5th av. Plan No. 119. H. McNally Bldg. Co., 5 East 42d st, has gen¬ eral contract. 27TH ST, Nos. 12-10 West, IS-sty store and loft, 50x98.9; cost. .?35O,C00: owifier, Chas. Kaye. Il;i3 Bway ; archilects. Buehman & Fox, 11 Easl OOth St. Plan No. 117. 42D ST, Nos. 220 to 224 West, 41st st. No. 221 West, 24-sty lott and office, 7Sx89.1x irregu¬ lar, with extension 25x98.9. tile and aravel roof; cost, $7-50.000; owner, Asa G. Candler, Arlanta. Ga. ; architects. Willauer Shape & Bready, 15G 5th av. Plan No. 123. 42D ST. Nos. 29-45 West; 43d st, Nos. 38-76 West ; Gth av, Nos. 746-754, 8-sty brick and stone department store, 234x200.10; cost. $1.- .500.000; owners. Louisa M. Gerry. Newporl. R. I., of 43-45 Wesl 42d st, and 50-76 West 43d st. aud 746-754 6th av,- also the Pentalpha Realty Co., 22 William st, owners of 29-41 West 42d st and 38-48 Wesl 43d st; architect, J. B. Snooks & Sons, 73 Nassau st. Plan No. 120. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 27TH ST and 28TH ST WEST, and North River, two 9-sly brick warehouses. 51.6x197.6; total cost, $130,000; owner, Terminal Ware¬ house Co.. 17 South W^illiam sl : architect, Otto M. Beck, 1349 53d st, Bklyn. Corecls error in last issue when location was 27tb st. n s, and 28th st, s s, foot East River. Plan No, 107. MIS'GELLANEOUS. 4STH ST, .50 s and 375 w of building line Lexington av. Grand Central yard, 1-sty sub- interlocking station, 9x19.9. pitch and gravel roof' cost. $900; owner, N. Y. C. Se H. R. R. Co. Grand Central Terminal ; architects, War¬ ren' Se Wetmore, 70 East 45th st. Plan No. 122. GSTH ST. n s, 175 e 1st av, 3-sty brick con¬ vent, 77.6x44.8; cost, $30,000; owaer. Literary Society of Sl. Catherine, 341 East GSth st ; archi¬ tect. J, J. F, Gavigan. 1123 Broadway. Plan No. 124. STABLES .4ND GARAGES. CHERRY ST, No. 420, 3-sty brick slable, 25x 97.9. tar and gravel root; cost. $15,0W; own¬ ers. Kaufman & Lewenthal Realty, 206 Division st; architect. L. A. Sheinart, 194 Bowery. Plan No. 121. Not awarded. STORES AND DWELLINGS. AUDUBON AV, e s, 74.11 n 183d st. 2-sty brick dwelling and store, 27,7.\63 ; cost, $10,- OOO ; owner. lS4th st. Const Co., 71 Nassau st; archilect, Henry A. Koelble, 71 Nassau st. Plan No. lis. Bronx, APARTME.XTS,- FLATS AND .TENEMENTS. WOODYCREST AV, w s. 100 n 166th st, two brick tenements, one 5-sty, one 6-sly. 50x85; total cost, $76,000; owner, Bagol Really Co.. 45 John st ; arcbitect. Richard A. Walker, 3 East 33d St. Plan No. 125. HOE AV, e s, 204.12 s Home st, two 5-sty brick tenements, tin roof, 37.6x88; total cost, $60,000; owners, Charlotte Horn Co.. 1)62 Hoe av; architect, Harry T. Howell, 3d,av & 149th St. Plan No. 123. MORRIS AV, w s, 118,4 s 151sl st, 5-sty brick tenenient, plastic slate roof. 25x88; cost, $25.00!); owner, Gatano Di Fuglio, 251 Bast 150th sl ; architects. Moore Sc Landsiedel. 14Sth Sl & 3d av. Plan No. 131. KELLY ST. w s, 10.5.5 s Westchester av, two 5-sty brick tenements, slag roof, 43.9xS8; total cost, $70,1)00; owners, l,82d St. Realty Co., Prank Gallatto, 2289 1st av; architects, Kreym¬ borg Architectural Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plan No. i:i'2. TREMONT AV, s s, 100 e Monroe av, five 2- sty brick tenemeots. slag and tin roof. 42x70; total cost, $140,000; owners. Aug. Jacobs Constr. Co.. Aug. Jacob. 2030 Morris ave, pres; architects, Frederick Jaeger, 441 Tremont av. Plan No. 135. IPOTH ST, s w cor Southern Boulevard, tour 5-Ety brick tenements, slag roof, sizes irreg; lotal cosi, $105,000; owners. Moorehead ReaUy Sc Constr. Co., Robt. J. Moorehead. 415 East 143d st, pres : archilect, Edw. J. Byrne, 3029 3d av. Plan No. 136. WEBSTER AV, e s. 109.4 n ISlst st. four 5-sty brick tenements, slag root, size irreg ; total cost. $1(10.000; owners. John J, Tully Co.. John J. Tully. 1603 Boston rd, pres; architects. Krevmborg Architectural Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plan No. 137. CHARLOTTE ST, w s, 1S0.4 n Jennings st. 5-aty brick tenement, slag roof, 40.x8S; cost, $35 000- owners. McEvoy Koaster Constr. Co.. J. J McEvoy, 920 East 167ih st, pres; archi¬ tects, Kreymborg Arcbiteclnral Co.. 1330 Wil¬ kins av. Plan No. 138.