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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2297]: March 23, 1912

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608 RECORD AND GTHDE March 23, 1912 Geo. A. Fuller Company Fireproof Building Construction We have built more than Tvyo Hundred Fireproof Buildings in the principal cities of the United States, and are prepared to give owners of property con¬ templating improvements the benefit of our expe¬ rience and advice. OFFICES: Ne-w York Baltimore Boston Washington Philadelphia Pittsburg Chicago WHITNEY-STEEN CO. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1 LIBERTY STREET. N. Y. WBKiYQRK. HARTFORD. SALT LAKE T DENVER Cork & Zicha Marble Co. Interior Marble Material and work the standard tor 14 years. Our reputation the best posi¬ tive evidence as to our superiority. 325-327 East 94th St., New York Telephone, 2575 Madison Sq. Grant Contracting Co. BUiLDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1123 BROADWAY NEW YORK Harris, 150 Nassau st; architects, Albert Ull¬ rich, 311 FuUon st, Brooklyn. Plan No. 14X Not let. HOTELS. SSTH ST, Xos. IG-IS East, 12-sty hotel, Mx SS.i), tar and gravel roof; cost $35U,000; owner. The Twenty-Eighth Street Co., 1-1 East 2Sih st;, archUects, Howard Greenley & Kenneth M. Mur- eliison, 2ilS 5ili av. Plan No. ir^. MISCELLAN'EOUS. LEXINGTON AV, 20 ft west o( building line and 12.4 u East JTlh st, 1-sty oulliouse, S.Ux 1.J.8; cost, Slj^tW ; owner, N, Y. C. Se II. R. il. Co., Grand Central ; architects, Warren Sc Wet- move, Grand Central Station. Plan No. 137. F-\iRVIEW AV, s s, JyO e Broadway, fence, 50x10; cost, .$225; owner. Estate E. I^awrence Jacobs, 43 East JDtb st; architect. W. F. Wentz, 035 Broadway. Plan Xo. HA. 53D ST, at tbe intersection aud Park av, be¬ low slreet, 1-sty electrical transformer station, .S,2\-17.10; cost, ?2,0W; owner, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co. Plau No. 14T. MONTGOMERY ST, Nos. 35-37. 3-sty stone and brick kindergarten, 40,2x75.0, tin roof; cost, ¥25,000; owner, The Hebrew Kindergarten and Day Nursery, 20 Montgomery st; architects, Sommerfeld £ Steckler, 31 Union Square. Plan No. 151. STABLES -AXD GARAGES. GiTH'ET, Xo. 211 West, 3 sty stone and brick, garage, 25x05, slag roof; cost, $15,000; owner, Alfred M. Rau, 133 Broadway ; architects, Nast Sc Springsteen, 21 West Joih st. Plan Xo. 13S. LAWRE.\XE ST, Xos. 2S-30, 1-sty stone gar¬ age, GOxlOO, corrugated iron root; cost, SIS, WO; owner. The Cushman Bread Co., 32 Law¬ rence st; architecl, H. Pingel, 3S1 4th av. Plan No, 140. Xot awarded. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 40TH ST, No. 319 East, 4-sty loft and oSice, 25x45.5; cost, $0,500; owner, architect and builder, Robert E. Kelly, 210 Bast 39th st. Plau Xo. 142. SIST ST, No. 350 East, 3-sty brick loft, 24.4x 04, plastic slate roof; cost, $12,000; owner, JIalvme Schwartz, lOOO T2d st, Brooklyn; arch¬ ilect, Hugo P. Von Wildenteld, 1511 3d ay. Plan -No. 141. .17TH ST, Xo. 110 west, J-sty loft, 25xS0, tin or slate roof; cost, .$35,000; owner, Royal Im¬ provement Co., 34G Broadway ; architect, Geo. Fred Pelham, 507 5th av. Plan No. 140. Xot let. 4TH AV, Xos. 343-3G1. 25th st. No. 101 East, ■JOih st, Nos. 102-4 East, 12-sty store and lofl, l;i7xOUxl2ii. asiJliall and" gravel roof; cost, :^1,- 15O.ti0L»; owuer. Armory Holding Co., 320 5th av ; aruliiieL-t, Wm. H. Whittal, 320 Sth av. Plan Xo. 14S. Seaboard Realty Co., has con¬ tracl. .lohu R. Todd, secretary; Henry Irons, treasurer; H. S. Robertson, president. 11 buildings will be demolished. HOUSTON ST, Xos. 223-225 East, Esses st, Xos. 183-185. 1-sty brick office, 50x100x50. ex; tension, 25x50, tar and tile roof; cost, .¥50,000; owner. Provident Loan Society of N. Y., 344 4th av; architects, Renwick, Aspinwall Sc Tucker, 320 Sth av. Plan No. 140. C. T. Wilis, Inc, 286 5th av, has general contract. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 107TH ST, s s, 60.15 e Stebbins av, 5-sty brick tenement, tin roof, 50x117; cost, $40,000; owuers. Carmine Const. Co., Carmine CioSi, 1110 Intervale av, Pres. ; architect, Harris T. Howell, 3d av and 140th st. Plan No. lai. UXION AV, w s, 2G.60 H leSth st, 5-sty brick teuement, plastic slate roof, 40xS3.ll; cost, $40,- OOO; owner, Chas. F. Streeter Const. Co., Cbas. F. Streeter, 400 East 204th st, pres. ; architect, Chas. Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tremont av. Plan Xo, 153. 162D ST, n s, 160 e Morris av, two 5-sty brick tenements, slag roof, 43.6x100.3; total cost, $S0,O0O; owners. Overland Building Co., .lohn Yule, 043 Grant av, Pres. ; architect, J. C, Cocker, 2017 5th av. Plan No. 156. FULTON AV, w s, 100.3 s 171st st, two 5-sty brick tejiemenis. slag roof, 37.6x00; total cost, .^60,000; owners, Bittul Const. Co., Morris Frankel, 302 Broadway, pres. ; architect, Edw. ,1. Byrne, 3029 3d av. Plan Xo. IGS. HOFFMAX ST, w s, 45.46 s lS7th st,'5-sty brick tenement, slag root, 25x82.10^; cost, ,$35,- ni.iO; owuers, Arthur Av. Realty Co., Jos. A. Faiella. 530 East lS7th st, pres.; architects, M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan Xo. 162. EAGLE AV, w s, 127,4 s Westchester av, 5- siy brick tenement, slag root, 40.4xSS; cost, S40,0i^0; owners, Sinnott Co., Peter Sinnott. 067 East I65th st; architect, H. T. Howell, 3d av and 140[h St. Plan No. 163. FOREST AV. w s, 100 n ISGth st, 5-sty brick tenement, plastic slate roof, 50xi5.6; cost, .$40,- ("JO ; owner, Benj, Burenson, 407. East 133d st ; architect, Chas. Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tremont av. Plau No. 1G4. 141ST ST. ns, 175.6 w Beekman av, 5-sty brk tenement, slag root, 50.1!^x04.3 3-5; cost, $40,- iJiKI ; owners, Beekman Consiruciion Co., Isa¬ dore A. Harrison. 320 Broadway, Pres. ; archi¬ tects, S. Millman £ Sou, ISO Montague st, Brooklyn. Plau No, 160. WHITE PLAINS AV. w s, 256.6 n 241st sit, 4-stv brk tenement, tar aud gravel roof, 30.3V'X 104.6; cost. $25,000; owner, Justina Moore, 600 Kast 224th sl ; architect, Henry Nordheim, 10S7 Tremont av. Flan No. 170. DWELLINGS. SPUYTEN DUYVIL RO.\D, s w cor 236th st, 1-sty frame dwelling, ISxlS; cost, $300; owner, Jas. Douglas, on premises; architects, Ahne¬ man Sc Younkheere, 3320 Bailey av. Plan No- l.i2. 250TPI ST, s s, 30 w Fieldstone av, 2-sty and attic frame dweiling, shingle roof, 23.8x54 ; cost, S0,y00; owner, Daniel Sullivan, 407 East 164th =t; architect, Wra. A. Kenny, 420 West 2.50lh SL Plan No. 157. HERKIMER PL, e 5, 175 n 233d st, 2sty brick dwelling, tin roof, 20x43; cost. $3,000; owner, John J. Haggerty, 4509 Park av ; archi¬ tect, S. A. Dennis, 154 Nassau st. Plan No. 158. BARTHOLDI ST, u s, 30.8 e Rosewood av. two 2-sty frame dwellings, tin roof, 20x50; total cost, $16,000; owner, Demetrio Pisano, 766 ■ Decatur st, Brooklyn; ~ architect, Frank B. Sabetti. 766 Decatur st, Brooklyn. Plan Xo. 159, UNDERHILL AV, w s, 100 n Story av, 1-sty brick shop, tin roof, 158x50; eost, $2,000; own¬ ers, Herman and Carl Gluck, 882 Longwood av ■ architect, B. Ebeling, 1136 Walker av. Plan Xo. 161. . - 22.JTH ST, n s', ^pO.ll e Paulding av. 2-sty bnck dwelling, lin roof, 21x52; cost, SG,000, owner, Benedetta Modica, 167 East lOGth st ■ architect, M. W. Del Gaudio, -101 Tremont av. Plan No. 167. FACTORIES AND WARE'HOUSES'. CROMWELL AV. e s, 61.3.10 n 150th st 1-sty bnck factory, slag roof. 125x200; cost. .$30,000; owuers, E^t, of John Jacob Astor, 23 West 26th st; architects, Tracy, Swartwout & Litchfield, 244 Sth av. Plan, No. 165. HALLS AND CLUBS. CLASON POINT RD, s s, 500 w East River, 1-sly frame club house, 25x50; cost, .$2,500; owner, Michael Peiffer, 431 E'ast 153d st; arch¬ itect, B, Ebeling. 1136 Walker av. Plan Xo. 160. MISCELLAXEOUS. 3D AV, =No. 3519 to -3529, rear, 1-sty brick toUet, Ox6.S; cost, $-250; owner, Frederick C Fischer, 550 East 160th st; architect Wm. Kurtzer, 192 Bowery. Plan Xo. 154. STORES AND TEXEMEXTS. WEBSTER AV, n' e cor Gun Hill rd, 4-sty brick stores and tenement, slag roof. 57.8^^x57; cost, §12,000; owners, Heiniz Sc Seigel, 1278 Fulton av ; architect,. Wm. KurtzeK'192 Bowery. Plan No. 155. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. FORDHAM RD, n w" cor "Crotona av, 1-sty frame store, slag roof, 18x30; cost, $500; lessee, Spiro Farlikas, 2483 Belmont av; architect M, W. Del -Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 166. -Brooklyn, APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. OTH ST, w s, 247.10 w 7th av, 5-sty hrick tenement, G0x6S, slag roof, 20 families; eost, $40,000; owner, S. Rosenburg Const. Co., 107 East Slst st; architect, Shampan & Shampan T72 Broadway. Plan No. 1069. OCEAN AV, e s, 470.7 n Lincoln rd, two 4- sty brick tenements. 40x98, slag-roof, 16 fami¬ lies each; total cost. $60.000; owner. Crown Heights Realty Co., 360 Montague st; architect. Adelsohn & Feinberg, 1776 Pitkin av. Plan No. EAST N. Y. AV, n s, 57.11 e Pitkin av, 4-sty brick tenement, 45x84, tin roof. 16 families; cost, .'tis.000; owner, Howard LinSoln Co (inc ) 1S3S Park pl; architect, Coha. Bros., 361 Stone av. Plan No. 10S5. STERLING PL, s s, 125 e Ralph av ^sty brick tenement, 3-5x80, tin roof, 16 families: cost, §18,000; owner, Ralph Sterling (Inc ) 361 Stone av; architect, Colin Bros., same ad¬ dress. Plan No. 1144. RALPH AV, e s, 37.1 u Park pl, four 4-sty brick tenements, 42x87.4, slag roof, IG families each ; total cost, .$80,000; owner, Frank Ber- lenbach, 36 Suydam st; archilect, Ernest A Lohse, 27 Himrod st. Plan No. 1130. PARK PL. n e cor Ralph av, 4-sty brick tene¬ ment, 37.1x88. slag roof, 12 families; cost, .^20,- 1)00; owner. Frank Berlenbach,'36 Suydam st ■ architect, Ernest F. Lohse, '27 Himrod st, Plan Xo. 1131. ATLANTIC AV,_s w cor Warwick st 4-sty bnck tenement, 2a..Sx90, tin roof, ■ 14 families; cost $1S.0C0; owners. Wittman Const. Co. (Inc.). 7 Glenmore av; architect, Louis Dananeher^ Se Co., same address. Plan Xo, 1149. EASTERN PARKWAY, n s, 100 w Rochester av, three 4-sty brick teuements, 47.5x91.7, tin roof, IG -families each; total cost, $75,000; owner, Hopkinson Realty Co., 316 Hopkinson av; architects, Cohn Bros. 361 Stone av. Plan No. 1195. EASTERN PARKWAY, extension, nes. in¬ tersection on Sterling pl, 4-sty brick tenement. 48.5x70.4, tin root, 20 families; cost. $25,000; owner. The Constructors (Inc.), 1493 Eastern parkway ; architect, Cohn Bros., 361 Stone av. Plan- No. 1212. STANHOPE ST. n s, 150 e Irving av, 4-sty brick Tenement. .50x88, slag roof. 20 families; cost. $25,01X1; owner. I. Stanhope (Inc.), 451, Stone av ; architects. Brook. Rosenberg '&. Hirsch. 186 Remsen st. Plan No. 1201. BERGEN ST. n s, 05 w Ralph av, two 4-sty brick tenements, 5.^.4x80, tin roof, 20 families each ; total cost. $50,000; owners. Klepper Const. Co., 313 Albanv av ; architects, Cohn Bros., 361 Stone av. Plan No. 1206. EASTERN ,PARKWAY, n s; 154.2 e Rogers av. 4-sty brick tenement, 50x92, gravel roof. 15 families; cost, $40,000; owner, Patrick Mc¬ Tiernan.' 241 Rutland rd ; architect, F. L. Hine, 370 Jefferson av. Plan No. 1186. EASTERN PARKWAY, n s, 100 e Rogers av, 5-stv brick tenement, 54x92, gravel roof, 21 families; cost, .$45,000; owner and architect as above. Plan No. 1187. dwellings". ST. NICHOLAS AV. e s, 7)0 n Stockholm st, two 2-sty frame dwellings. lSx-52, tin roof, 2 families each; total cost, $7,000; owner, Balt- hasar Klee. 14 Kossuth pl; archilect, Louis Allmendinger, 926 Broadway. Plan No. 1072. SNEDIKER AV. w s, 127 s Xew Lots rd, three 2-sty brick dwellings. 20x50, tar and gr§.vel roof, 2 families each; total cost, $15,000; ■ ow'ner, " Sam' Santor, 886 Willianis av ; archi¬ tect S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av. Plan No. 1074.