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April 13, 1912 RECORD AND GUIDE 763 CURRENT BUILDING OPERATIONS Including Contemplated Constructions, Bids Wanted, Contract* Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work. New Downtown Business Structure. , James N. Jarvie, owner of the "Tefft- ■Weller" property at 326 to 330 Broadway, 04 to OS Worth street, and 552 Pearl street, is having plans prepared by Gold- vvin-Starrett Sc Van Vleck, 45 .East 17th street, for a high business building con¬ taining about 125,000 feet of space, for the Tower Manufacturing Se Novelty Company (stationery), who have leased the same for a long terra of years, through the Charles P. Noyes Conipany. The plot covers a total area of 17.500 square feet. The Tower Company was organized in 1S45, but recently was reorganized and James H. Einstein elected president and general manager; Ralph Jonas, vice- president; Simon Pink, treasurer; George V. D. Reeve?, secretary, and Daniel H. Jonas, superintendent. The building will be known as the "Tower Building." _--------------♦ — To Figure for 24th Street Lofts. Schwartz & Gross, 347 Fifth avenue, will have plans ready for bids about April 16 for the sixteen-story loft building, 75x 100 feet, to cover the plot at 21 to 25 East 24th street, opposite the Metropolitan Life Buiiding. The four-story and base¬ ment brown stone dwellings now covering the site are being rapidly demolished. The Carlisle Construction Company. 6-S West - ISth slreet. of which Edward Preedman is president, is the owner. Laurence A. Ball. 6 West ISth street, is consulting engineer. -------------—*--------------- Huge Pier at Atlantic City. The Hennebiciue Construction Company, 1170 Broadway, Manhattan, has signed the contract to erect a concrete pier at Atlantic City, 2,200 feet long, 162 feet wide, of reinforced concrete, using rein¬ forced concrete piles of the "Hennebique" patent. The piles at the shore end will be about 40 feet long and on the extreme ocean end 60 feet long. The deck will be of reinforced concrete 'beams and girders with granolithic cement floor fin¬ ish. Thts contract will amount to about Jf400,000 and is to replace the old Youngs' pier. A group of New York and Phila¬ delphia capitalists is backing the project, _--------------^---------------. Big Operation in 23d Street. A newly organized conipany known as the "One Hundred and Fourteen East Twenty-third Street Company," Henry Corn, president, is having plans prepared by Schwartz. Gross & Marcus, 347 Fifth avenue, for a twelve-story loft structure to be erected at 114 to 120 East 23d street, running tlirough the block and fronting at 115 to 119 East 22d street. Plans will be ready for figures in about ten days. F. A. Burdett &, Company, 16 East SSd street, will be the consulting engineers. Architects for Children's Museum. Ludlow & Peabody, 12 West Slst street, have been commissioned to pre¬ pare plans for a children's museum to be built in Bedford Park, Brooklyn, at an approximate cost of $175,000. This building is part of the Brooklyn Insti¬ tute of Arts and Sciences and is under the direction of the Park Department of the City of New York. ---------------•--------------- Nameloc Company to Build Again. iSchwartz, Gross & Marcus, 347 Fifth avenue, are preparing plans for a twelve- story loft building to be erected by the Nameloc Company, at 116 to IIS W^est 29tli street. Bids will be received in the neighborhood of ten days. CONTEMPLATED CONSTRUCTION Manhattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS- AV B.—Crow, Lewis & Wickenhoefer, 200 oth av, have completed plans and are ready for bids for two extensions to itbe settllement house, 145-7 Av B for Christora House, on premises. Estimated cost, ¥3o,000. ST. NICHOLAS AV.—Charles B. Meyers, 1 Union Sq, has completed plans for two o-sty tenements, to be erected on the southwest cor¬ ner of St. Nicholas av and ISTtU st. Total cost, .$70,000. The Bogan Realty Co., 99 Nas¬ sau st, owner. HAVEN AV.-Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House, have completed plans for the <3-sty tene¬ ment, 73.llx irregular, to he erected at the norlheast corner of Haven av and Kiillh st, for the Strathcoma Construction Co., 4017 Droad¬ way, owner. Cost, .-Sllil.OOO. 3D ST.—0. Reissmann, 30 1st st,- has com¬ pleted plans for alteration,s to the tenement 135 East Sd st for Benedict Bockar, 126 Broome st, owner. Cost, .$7,000. AMSTERDAM AV.-C- M. Straub, IIT 4th av. has completed plans for alterations to tbe tene¬ ment 1714 Amsterdam av for Thos. Shells, 4IG West UOth st, owner. Cost, .$3,000. ELDRIDGE ST.—Gross & Kleinberger, Bihie House, have eompleted pians for alteratious to the tenement 71-70 Eldridge st for Leopold Hellinger. 309 Broadway, owuer. Cost, ?:0,(lOO. AjVISTERDAM AV.-J. K. Knubel, 305 West 43d st, has completed plans for alterations to the tenement norlheast corner of Amsterdam av. and li^yth st for August "StelUern, 17';S .'Vmsterdam av. Cost, ,?3,000. CHRISTOPHER ST.-The Ridge Holding Co.. luo Christopher st, will soon award all sub¬ contracts for the store and tenement, 0 stys, 69.6x06.4 ft., to be erected at 100-104 Chris¬ topher St. Estimated cost, $4o,000. C. B. Mey¬ ers, 1 Union Sq, architect. 02D ST.—Edgar A. Levy, 505 3th av, contem¬ plates the erection of a 12 or 16 sty apart¬ ment house at the southeast corner ol Park av and 62d st. No architect has been selected. AMSTERDAM AV.—Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 271 West 125th st, has completed plans lor altera¬ tions to the 5-sty tenement. West S6th st and Amsterdam av, for A. Goldberg, 1345 Broad¬ way. Estimated cost, 5^,0110. 40TH ST.—William Emerson, 281 5th av, has completed plans for the 4-sty tenement house, :i5 fc. X irregular, at 312 East 40th st, for Anna and Ellen J. Stone, 34 East SOth st. Esti¬ mated cost, .$23,000. 25TH ST.—B. W- Levitan, 20 West 31st st, has eompleted plans for the 5-sty tenement, 40 tt, X irregular, at 234-0 East 25th st, for Samuel Michaelson, 20 East 112th st. Estimated cost, $30,000. 44TH ST.-Chas. B, Meyers. 1 Union sq. has completed plans for the 6-sty tenement, 50 tt. X irregular, in the south side of 44Ih st. 150 ft. west of Oth av, for Schanhouse Sc Root, 40S-10 West 44th St. Estimated cost, $35,000. AMSTERDAM AV.-Sommerfeld Sc Steckler, 31 Union sq, have completed plans for the 6-sty tenement, 40.11 ft. x irregular, to be erected on the east side ot Amsterdam av, 49.11 ft. south of lliOth st, for the Placid Realty Co., 559-61 West 171st St. Estimated cost, $45,000. WEST END AV.—Gaetan Ajello, 1 West 34th st, has completed plans for the 12-sty apartment house. 130.9 s irregular, to be erected at the southwest corner of West End av and D2d st, for A. C. Se H. M. Hall. Estimated cost. S800,- 000. AMSTERDAM AV,—Robert W. Gibson. 103 Park av, has completed plans for the 5-sty tenement, 2.1.1 ft. x irregular, to be erected at S14 Amsterdam av, tor St. Michaels P. E. Church, 201 West 99th st. Estimated cost. $28,000. DWELLINGS. 54TH ST.—Duncan Candler, 10 East SSd st, has completed plans for .$30,000 worLh of alter¬ ations to the 5-sty residence for John D. Rocke¬ feller, Jr., at 19 West 54th st. Work includes a new elevator, interior stairs, partitions and doors. No contract has yet been awarded. HALLS AND CLUBS. . AMSTERDAM AV.-The R. H, Howes Con¬ struction Co,, 105 W. 40th st, is figuring the general contract and desires bids on all sub¬ contracts for the 2 and 3-sty marble and granite hall, 171x69 ft. to be erected at Ams¬ terdam av and Cathedral Parkway, for the Ca¬ thedral of St. John the Divine; Bishop. D. H. Greer, 7 Gramercy Park. Cram, Goodhue Se Ferguson, 15 Beacon st, Boston, Mass., archi¬ tects ; cost, .$300,000. STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. MADISON AV.-V. J- Hedden Sc Sons Co., 1 Madison av, is figuring the general contract for the 10-sly loft and store building to be erected at 19 Madison av for Mrs. John R. Hegeman. D. E. Waid, 1 JMadison av, archilect; J. P. Musselman, Jr., 11S2 Broadway, electric en¬ gineer; .W. C. Tucker. 156 5th av, sanitary engineer. 5TH AV.—Ernest Flagg, 100 Broad st, has plans ready for the. 10-sty store and office building. 53.5x86 ft., to he erected at 597-599 5th av, for Charles Scribner's Sons, 153 5th av. Esiimated cost, $22.5,000. 29TH ST.-The Twentieth Street Realty Co.. John La Spina, president, 45 East 20th st will erect a 12-sty loft building at 11-5-123 West 29th St. Plot contains about 7,300 sq. ft. Neville & Bagge, 215 West 125th st, architects. 21ST ST.-The Gibson Construction Co., George E. Gibson, president, US East 2Sth st. will erect a 12-sty loft buildine at 19-53 East 21st st 75 ft. west of 4th av. Plot 74x!tS,9 ft. Cost. .$650 OOO Neville & Bagge, 217 West 125Ih st. are pre¬ paring plans, SSD ST.—Plans for the 12-sty business build¬ ing to be erected by the 24 West SSd Street Co., 11S2 Broadway, Daniel W. Richman, Joseph Ravitch and Gustavus A. Dey ers, are nearing completion by Samuel Sass, 32 Union sq, and it is expected that operations will be started May 1. The building will contain approximately 200,000 sq. ft. of space. A firepr^if dust and rubbish shute opening into each fioor, fireproof vault, sprinkler equipment, smoke and fireproof towers, etc- Estimated cost about 5500,000. Bawo & Dolter, 34 Barclay sl, wholesale china dealers, have leased the entire building for a period of 21 years at an aEareeate fieure of about .$2,000,000, The building will be completed December 1. THEATRES. TTH AV.—Plans are ready for the 2-sty the¬ atre. 88.11x144 ft., to be erected hy Robert S. Marvin, of 340 Riverside Drive, at the south¬ west corner 7th av and llOth st. Cost, S;i.50,000 Thomas W, Lamb, .501 5th av, architect. 4STH ST.-The Libman Contracting Co,, 107 West 4Gth Et, is figuring the masonry for the theatre building. T38 West 48th st, from plaus made by Thos. W. Lamb, architect, 501 5th av, and desire estimates on all subs. Bronx. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. KINGSBRIDGE RD.—Pilcher & Tachau, 109 Lexington av, have completed specifications for the 1 and 2-sty armory. 300x600 tt. and 75x100 It., to be erected at KinRsbriJee rd and Jerome av, for the Sth Coast Artillery, care Armory Board, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre sts. Gunvald Aus, 11 East 24th st, steel engi¬ neer; R. D. Kimball Co., 15 West 38th st steam and electric engineer. Cost, $1,000,000. Brooklyn, APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 8th ST.—William H. Nicolay electric con¬ tractor), 35i 3d St. Brooklyn, owner, is taking bids on subs for the 4-sty tenement, 20x36 ft., to be erected on the north side of Sth st 298 ft. west of 5th av. J. F. BIy, 422 St. Marks av, architect. Cost, $12,000. DWELLINGS. CHAUNCEY ST,-P. Schmitt, 1497 Bushwick av. contemplates the erection of twelve 2-sty residences, 20x60 ft., in the south side of Chauncey st. dOO ft. east of Hopkinson av No architect has been selected. Cost. S5.00U each. BOERUM ST.-Glucrott & Glucroft, 34 Gra¬ ham av, Brooklyn, architects, have completed plans and are ready for bids for a S-sty and basement residence and iron storage ^5x50 ft at 53 Boerum st, for Bernett Weinstein 57 Boerum st. MISCELLANEOUS. OTH ST.—James Stewart Se Co., 30 Church st New York City, are preparing plans for the reinforced concrete grain elevator, 155 "ft. high -30x40 ft., to be erected at the foot of North -Hh st, for the Brooklyn Elevator £'Milling Co., SOS Livingston st, who will soon call for bids on the genera! contract. Cost $100,000. Queens. ■ DWELLINGS. FLUSHING, L. I.—A. W. Richardson, of Flnshmg, IS 'taking bids on the general con¬ tract for a 21/^-Fty residence, 30x,34 ft,, for >Mrs Neva Ahrene, Grand Opera House, 23d st ami ^th av, N, Y. C. Cost, $7,500. BEECHHURST, L, I.-Norman McGlashan, 1123 Droadway, N. Y. C., architect, is taking bids for the 2',4-sty residence, 29x40 ft., for N. J. Volkman, of this place. GREAT NECK, L. l.-Work has started for enlarging the 21/2-sty residence here for Mor¬ gan H. Grace, in care of Lawrence F. Peck 331 Madison av, N. Y. C. architect. Cruik¬ shank Sc Fraser, 103 Park av, N. Y C gen¬ eral contractors. Cost, .$30,000. FLUSHING. N. Y.—Thomas W. Jones. 153 Maiden Lane, New Vork City, contemplates the erection of a $20,000 residence, 00x131 ft on Jamaica av, uear Franklin pl. FLUSHING, N. Y.—Frederick Wagner con¬ templates the erection of a 2-family briek house in Franklin pl, between Bowne and Union sts. LONG ISLAND CITY. L. I.-The Courtney Development Co., headed by Frederick J Lan¬ caster, 1170 Broadway, New York Citv has . purchased 600 lots here, on the south side of Thomson av, bet Bliss and Fitting sts, extend¬ ing back to Covert and Gould avs, which they intend lo develop. HOTELS. FLUSHING. N. Y.-Thomas L. Farrel,' pro¬ prietor of the cafe at 59 Broadway, will en- targe and improve the pavilion at the Flushing eud of the bridge tor occupation May 1 A cottage will be erected next to the hotel, Richmond. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEiMENTS. TOMPKINS AV,-The Libman Contracting Co., lOi West 46th st, is figuring the general con¬ tract tor the apartment house, to be erected at Tompkins av and Wall st, Staten Island from plans made by James Whitford, Port Richmond, S. I., architect, and desire all estimates on subs. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. The Board of Education opened bids April 8 for fire protection work at Puljlic Schools 20 21 and 30. Richmond : P, S, 20, Joseph Kess¬ ler. $6,164, low bidder ; P. S. 21, A. W King $1,646, low bidder; p. S. 30, Edward Theirault. $357. low bidder. Suffolk. ■ ■ MU.NICIPAL WORK. RIVERSHEAD, N. Y,—The State Superintend¬ ent of Highways desires bids for building the Coram-Patchogue road, which is 6,79 miles in length.